InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo, Kagome's Sister ❯ Kikyo's day! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

One day Kikyo came home, and say to Kagome!
“What are you doing now?” asked Kikyo.
“eh-hem..” Kagome Say nothing to Kikyo.
“Tell me Kagome, are you sick?” Kikyo asked
“of course not, I’m fine” say Kagome
“are you sure”
“yeah, sure!”

‘Okey, I lie to Kikyo, but I will not tell her that ting I have now. Why, why me? I’m.. I’m… what can I say.’ Kagome Thinking

5 hours later.

“K-ka-kagome, pleas help me.” Kikyo say.
Kagome come out in garden. And she look at Kikyo, the was a red spot in Kikyo’s sweater.
“What’s going on Kikyo?” asked Kagome
“Pleas don’t let me die” Kikyo say.
“Take this jewel and burn my body.”
“Why, why Kikyo. You are my sister. I can’t burn you.”
“You most, if you don’t burn me, most you die whit me” Kikyo say.

Kikyo you die, but the latest word she heard was word to kagome

‘Sister KIKYOOO….!! Don’t die.’ Kagome say, while she crying.

End of this story
Pleas R&R!

I have more story to you:

InuYasha and new school girl.
Friends friends.
Kagome’s Diary.