InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo's Hell ❯ Bleeding in Hell ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kikyo's Hell

Written by: Shikon Jewel

Warning: this chapter contains violent rape scenes. If you do not like that sort of thing, please do not read. This content will not be in any other chapter.

Prologue: Bleeding in Hell

Kikyo sighed; the mental strain from the lack of sleep was taking its toll on her mind and body. She tugged uselessly against the chain that bound her. How she missed the sight of the sky and trees. But what she missed most of all was the hanyou she had grown to love through the course of her life. Kikyo had never shed tears while she dwelled in the village she had lived her life. But all her self control and miko's training failed her and salty tears began to trail down her dirty face. Her long ebony hair, which was course and soiled from her treatment, hung in her face and prevented her from seeing the heavy wooden door open in front of her; but she heard the creak. She managed to recoil away from the being who had stepped inside her hell.

"Now human, will you aid our cause?" the thick voice stabbed at her sanity.

Kikyo had nowhere to run, her arms were chained on both sides of her and a third iron chain wrapped itself around her body, holding her a foot off the ground. The iron had bruised her body and cut into her flesh. Had she any blood left she would have bled to death. But that thought never even touched her mind; she could not die as she wanted. That eternal peace would never be hers to have. Her filthy robes had been torn and they only managed to cling to her from the moisture of her sweat. Kikyo's uncomfortable position was held in place by the chains that bound her to the realm of the hanyou she loved.

"Speak whore!" the gruff voice battered her weary mind once more.

A hand reached upwards and grasped her chin, bringing her face to his sight. A sound, much like disgust and contempt reached her ears. Had she anymore strength she would have fought him as she did in the beginning of this torture. She would have spit at his face and cursed him with everything she could think of. She had been furious when she had been placed in this room weeks ago. She stood by her morals and cursed this creature now standing in front of her. She left her lover behind bound to the ancient god tree. She hated the way she had been tricked, but she had been powerless to stop once the events had been put into effect. Kikyo knew she had no place left with the hanyou, it was her time to say goodbye. Never mind the terms in which she had said them. It was her time. And now, this creature was trying to use her against her will, and against her love. She would not have it.

A renewed flame of rage surged through her body, "Go to hell."

A calloused hand struck her left cheek. The pain that erupted sent an exploding sensation to her eyes and her head.

She cried out at the raw pain.

The hand returned to tilt her head to his line of sight again. "I was not aware a true miko could shed tears." He was mocking her now. Mocking her weakness. It angered her further. And it delighted the being holding her captive.

Kikyo closed her eyes tightly. She would not show him the agony reflected in them. She relaxed her body slightly when she heard his footsteps back away from her. His voice reached her sore ears, "It won't be long now, wench." She opened her eyes again when she heard the heavy door slam shut. Darkness now caged her. She was afraid.

Afraid of the dark, what might lurk there, and of what that creature might want her to do.

She finally succumbed to the deep recesses of her unconsciousness. The badly needed rest relaxed her body and she went slack against the iron chains. The door reopened and another creature entered Kikyo's little hell. The figure unlocked the shackles around the woman's hands and feet and then untangled her from the rest of the chains. She was carried out of the room. Kikyo was vaguely aware of what had just happened, but she did not wake. She had never seen the outside of the chamber she had been held. And now it seemed she would be unable to see what had truly awaited her outside that wooden door, her eyes could not open. That small movement took too much energy and she didn't have any. Kikyo stayed inside her mind, unwilling to stray into the unknown.

When she was able to open her eyes, Kikyo turned her head to see where she had been taken. She was lying on her back and she felt a burning cold consume her body. She felt dirty and polluted. She felt her hair against her flesh, the filth collected on her locks caked them into an unmanageable mass. Kikyo grimaced as a light from a nearby window shown onto her face. The light felt as if it would burn her as it would a vampire.

She tried to sit up, but her strength had not returned from the night's rest. She could no longer move. Not even when the door across the room creaked open. She didn't flinch; it would likely suck the rest of her energy away. She heard footsteps padding across the stone floor; the feet were not heavy as were the creature that held her in the hell she had been living inside for weeks.

A soft, pale hand reached over and pushed a sullied lock of hair out of Kikyo's eyes. The woman looked up and into the face of another woman. Kikyo was relieved it was not the creature she had begun to uncharacteristically loathe. Kikyo knew the face of this woman. She had seen her before in the village she had left behind. The village where her beloved younger sister lived as miko in her place.

"Ahh, 'em glad yer wake," came the ragged old voice.

"Who, who are you?"

"Me name is Kijo Urasue," answered the woman.

Kikyo frowned, "I remember you now. You are a witch that was banished away from my village. You tried to control the minds of men to do your evil biding."

"Evil? By whose terms might ye mean?"

Kikyo's index finger on her right hand began to trembled with new rage. The anger heated her skin and Kikyo, who had never felt the sting of anger inside her before, gave into this new emotion. She bolted upright and her right hand found the witch's throat. She squeezed, sending jolts of electrical energy through her skin to the witch.

Kijo Urasue was not fazed, however, and Kikyo's body grew heavy again. Her anger wavered and she fell backwards against the hard bed she was lying on. "Ye should watch yerself, ye cannot harm me, but 'em can harm you."

Tears collected in Kikyo's eyes, "What do you want of me?"

"I s' posed ye know you're not alive? That ye've been dead fer twenty years?"

Twenty years? Had it been that long? It seemed less, merely weeks. In fact, Kikyo could not remember what had happened to her until she had been chained in that room. Kikyo looked up at the delighted face of Kijo Urasue. "I don't remember twenty years."

"Curse not, ye've only been ware of the world here fer four weeks. Yer memeries of yer afterlife can't survive the passage to this plain of life." Her words were spoken with a snide feeling to them, but they strangely made Kikyo feel somewhat better.

"What do you want of me?" she repeated her question.

"Me plans cannot be known yet, but ye be a major part. I need ye to come to the realm of the living with me."

"Aren't I already there?"

Kijo Urasue cackled, "No miko, this is a middle realm. Limbo if ye want to call it that." Kikyo's cheeks flushed red with slight anger. "The creature that chained ye body in that room was devil of me making. He did as me ordered him. This place is of me creations. Ye are in the mists of me power. I can bring ye back to life to have ye revenge of ye death. And then ye shall serve me."

"Revenge? I am the great miko Kikyo. I am not aching for the need of revenge. I do not want it."

Kijo Urasue gazed at Kikyo with interest, "Not even revenge against ye lover?"

Kikyo shot her gaze to the witch's eyes, "What does Inuyasha have to do with my revenge?"

A wicked grin spread across Kijo Urasue's face, the taming had begun. It would be a matter of time before Kikyo saw things her way. She had already unknowingly reached the first step. Her revenge indeed. She had just stated that she was above that aspect. This would be quite interesting taming the miko. "He was the one who struck ye down. He gave ye the death blow."

Kikyo's eyes went wide, "No, I would remember that."

Kijo Urasue shook her head, "Ye should not live in denial." She nearly laughed, this miko was not alive. She would never be fully alive. "Ye wants to live? Or would Ye rather go back to the room with chains?"

Fear gripped her form; she shuddered, but did not dare speak. Her voice would tremble and then she would show this witch a weakness. She could not allow her to know her fear.

"Very well then."

The door opened and the creature that chained her before stepped inside, his footsteps sent tremors through the floor and Kikyo felt them on the bed. She shrieked as he wrapped his massive hands around her arms and dragged her from the chamber. Unable to move, the miko screamed as loud as she could. No one moved to help her. She was dragged past many deformed and frightening creatures. All looked at her as if she were a whore, and they all wanted to try her.

She shrieked as she came nearer to the wooden door she knew so well, but only from the inside. Here eyes glossed over the metal objects that were strewn about outside her hell. They were obviously made for torture. Kikyo was afraid of these metal instruments. Some looked like they were used to skin large animals, other appeared to be used for sewing. They all were stained in blood. Tears fell down her face as she tossed to the stone floor. She yelped in pain, still unable to move. The large creature she feared laced his fingers in her matted hair and pulled her inside the room. He gave no sign of hearing her screams and protests.

Kikyo opened her eyes. Hell filled her sight. She was able to move her limbs now. But only so far, the iron chains kept he from too much movement. She looked up at Kijo Urasue's face. It was filled with excitement. Today she would watch and oversee Kikyo's torture. The creature she feared, whose name was Kreature, blocked her view of the witch. He held in his left hand a large metal hook. In his right was a handful of rusty iron nails. Kikyo struggled against the chains, trying to get away from the pain she would receive.

Kreature held Kikyo high in air and brought her down on to the blood encrusted metal hook. A scream pierced the walls of the stone hell she was in and reached the deformed ears of the other creatures in the place she was kept. Blood poured down her back and soaked the already grimy priestess kimono with her blood. The blood ran down her back, down the back of her legs, and dropped two feet down and pooled on the floor.

Kreature placed one of the foot long nails to Kikyo's left side. With a sickening sound, the spike was drove inside her body. Kikyo screeched again. Her painful wails fell on deaf ears. Kijo Urasue merely looked on with amusement as six more spike were pounded in Kikyo's body. After the nails were removed, Kikyo was taken off the long, metal hook and thrown to the stone floor. Blood pooled around her body. She cried for help. She was dead, yet she bled. She was afraid of this fact. How could a dead miko bleed? The door opened and a deformed brute stepped inside. It stalked over to Kikyo and kicked her hard in the side. She gasped for air that refused to fill her lungs.

The brute pulled her by the hair to a cold, metal table and slammed her down on top of it. She could not move, the pain from countless days of torture and the recent events with the nails left her unable to fight against anything this brute was to do. He began ripping her tattered clothes off her body. She pleaded with him to stop, but he did not register her voice. Once she lay in front of him completely naked, he paused. The brute turned to look at Kreature and Kijo Urasue. Kijo Urasue nodded her head in the affirmative.

Kikyo watched in horror as the brute removed his clothes. She screamed as Kreature stared at her nudeness and Kijo Urasue smiled cruelly as she watched the brute undress. Then Kikyo tried to move away from the now naked brute, but he only pulled her back against him. Her strength was not enough to save her. She could not shock him, no matter how angry she became. She had no strength.

The brute robbed himself against her, she cried out in pain at his roughness. He then shoved his engorged appendage inside her virgin entrance. She let out a blood curdling scream. He never slackened for her to adjust to his size. He just started pounded into her violently, making blood began to pool on the table. The thrusting never slowed, they quickened, became more violent, more savage. The brute quickened the pace, Kikyo's shrieks died as she lost consciousness.

Kikyo awoke, still lying on the table. She was alone in hell. She raised herself, letting out a small cry of pain. The area between her legs still bled. The blood on the table had already dried, letting Kikyo know it had happened a long time ago. The bruises on her body were a mixture of purple and green. Her body ached and bled everywhere. The holes from the nails had long ago closed, but she still bled from her entrance between her legs.

She hoisted her legs over the side of the table and tried to stand, but only succeeding in falling to the floor. She laid on the floor and cried. She cried for her pain, for her weaknesses, and for what she knew would become of Inuyasha when Kijo Urasue had tamed her. She knew it would happen. She had no doubts. She could not fight this battle anymore. She no longer dreamed of the sky and trees. She could not even remember Inuyasha's face. All she knew was this was hell. She knew that she had died and come to hell. She didn't know how she died. She didn't know how she had lived before. All she knew was what Kijo Urasue told her. And she was starting to believe her.

Every bone in her body told her not to believe. But it was all she knew now, other than the pain. Anger swept through her body. She would have revenge on her killers. Killers. Inuyasha didn't kill her all by himself. There were more. More than one. An image flashed before her eyes. A burned spider. She felt her control and resolve falter. She had lost. The great miko, Kikyo had died long ago.

"Ye shall do me werk now?"

Kikyo stood naked in front of Kijo Urasue. Her body marred with scars and fresh blood trailing down her legs. Her hair was only partly there, half of it had been ripped from her scalp. The locks that were left were clumped together with grime. Her body was covered with layers of filth and blood. She had dried blood caked to her flesh. She looked as if she had been tortured for a century. But it had only been about fifty years since she had died. She remembered nothing but which Kijo Urasue want her to remember. And that was the thirty years she was tortured.

"Ye have one more trail to test yer loyalty. Kreature has desired yer body since the first brute had ye. Ye will pleasure him."

Kikyo bowed, making even more blood fall from between her legs. Then she turned to Kreature she ran her hands across his ugly face. Kijo Urasue watched as the miko undressed the monstrous creature. She could smell Kreature's excitement as well as her own. She knew Kikyo would not be aroused, her ability to become moist with arousal had been destroyed the first time a brute was given her body. Now she could only bleed. Not that she would be aroused at this act anyway.

Kikyo climbed on top of Kreature's hard body, she kissed and nipped his flesh, making him groan with anticipation. She hated this. She hated and feared this creature. But she did as she was told; she had to leave hell. Kikyo slid her entrance down his engorged member. Kreature moaned. Kikyo tried to set a fast pace, but she quickly became too tired. Kreature pulled her off of him, making large amounts of blood splatter on the floor. He quickly turned her around and forced himself into her anal opening without any form of lubrication other than her blood. He tore into her body with a lightening speed. Kikyo cried out at the force he was exerting. Kreature violently spilled his seed inside her and then shoved her to the floor.

Kijo Urasue's excitement grew as she watched Kikyo struggle to stand. The miko's body was far too damaged, the blood hitting the stone floor made her want to watch another brute rape her violently. Kreature stood in front of Kijo Urasue, still naked. Kijo Urasue undressed and she preceded to have violent sex with the creature. Kikyo tried to drown out their sounds, but they suffocated her very core.

When they two had managed to dress again, Kikyo had enough strength to merely sit up. Kreature pulled her upwards again and threw her on to a table. She cried out from the treatment. Tears fell from her eyes as Kreature was once again inside her, thrusting deep inside, making her bleed more. Kikyo cried out painfully. Kijo Urasue watched, a smile on her face. Kikyo looked at her, the expression present make her anger flare. But it didn't help, She didn't have enough power to make what was happening stop. Kreature shuddered violently as he spilled his seed once again.

Fresh blood pooled around the miko. Kikyo had nothing left of the body she inhabited. She watched as Kreature and Kijo Urasue had sex again. The stench in the air made Kikyo retch her stomach contents on the stone floor. Kikyo's arms shook and all she managed to do was fall into her own vomit, face first. This was hell.


AN: I know, this is an awful chapter. The acts done in the prologue will be mentioned, but not repeated. There should not be anymore sex scenes of any kind in the rest of the story. However, they may be mentioned. I'm sorry if any of you do not like this sort of thing. Please, if you see any misspellings or any thing wrong with the chapter please tell me. I'd to know what you think.