InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo's Hell ❯ Scroll One ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kikyo's Hell

Written by: Shikon Jewel

Scroll One: The Return to the Realm of the Living

Kagome receded deep inside her mind. The spell was working, her soul was being taken away from her. Then she felt it, an overwhelming pain and sorrow. A voice came to her, although it was not directed at her, but to Inuyasha. "Don't say my name Inuyasha."

Inuyasha heard the voice and saw the figure that was Kikyo remade. He could not keep himself from uttering the name, "Kikyo."

Kagome's souls burst from her body, leaving her a shell of a person, and entered the body of clay and bones. Kikyo opened her eyes. The sight if the hanyou before her made her feel something, but she was not sure what. She looked to Kijo Urasue. She knew that she was to kill Inuyasha. But her soul begged her not to. She instead, she uses her miko powers to end Kijo Urasue's life. A weight is lifted from her shoulders.

She now sees Inuyasha. She searches her memories, all she finds of the hanyou are flashes of him wounding her. She opened her mouth to ask who he was to her, but all that comes out is, "Why did you betray me, Inuyasha?" A red light then recreated the death wound 'he' had given her. The pain made her lip tremble, memories of the torture Kreature and the witch had done to her surfaced. Rage overcame her and she launched herself at Inuyasha.

The old Kaede prevented her from harming the hanyou. Kaede asked her if she remembered her. Kikyo narrowed her eyes; Kaede told her that she was her younger sister. Kikyo gasped, "You are too old!" Kaede told her that it had been fifty years since she had died. Not wanting to believe her words, Kikyo jumped backward, her hands finding a bow and arrows. She fired an arrow at Inuyasha, but to her surprise, he dodged it. She fired a second arrow, this time Inuyasha unsheathed his sword and it transformed to protect him. The arrow struck the fang, and it turned back into the ancient sword and lets the arrow began to enter his flesh. Inuyasha's painful howl reaches the dormant Kagome. She calls back her soul. She wills it to return.

Kikyo yelled in surprise as she felt the soul within her leave her body. She attempted to hang one to the soul, but it slipped through her grasp, leaving only a fraction within her. Kikyo became unsteady on her feet. She had to get away, the rest of her soul would be taken of she stayed. She stumbled away from the reincarnation of herself. Her feet unsure of themselves began to lose their strength and she began to fall down the side of a cliff.

A hand grabbed hers and she is spared from the long fall. She looked up at her rescuer, Inuyasha. Distrust shivered down her spine. She had to get away. His voice reached inside her and warmed her insides. But the words made her cold, "You must return the rest of Kagome's soul to her."

All Kikyo could think of was hell. She could not return. She could not feel the blades and nails beneath her flesh. She could not feel the blood drip from between her legs as some brute took her body without her consent. She could not feel the gaze of that fucking witch anymore. Never.

She gazed upwards at the hanyou, concern and other emotions were reflected in his eyes. She used his feelings against him, "You would have me give back the rest of this soul and die? You would send me back to hell?"

As Inuyasha widened his eyes with surprise at her words, she reached up and used some of the last amount to energy to shock him. He released her, but tried to catch her again. He missed, and Kikyo fell into the mists below her. The wind rushing by her ears blocked all other sound, with exception of Inuyasha's voice calling her name. Kikyo blocked him out as much as she was able, she hated him now. It was all she had left. He wanted her to go back to hell. Well, she would have her revenge on him. Revenge, just as Kijo Urasue had said in hell. She pushed the thoughts of hell as she continued to fall.

She landed in the water below. The cold water soaked her robes. She struggled in the water until she reached the bank. There, she was able to actually look at herself. She wore the same clothes she used to when she was live. The miko kimonos. The red and white fabrics clung to her body from the water. She remembered in hell how when she had actually warn her clothes, they had be stuck to her as they were now; but that was because of her blood and sweat. Now it was merely water. But the fell of the robes against her skin made her frightened her, just the thought of hell and her clothes.

"Ahhhh! Get off of me, get away!" Kikyo screamed at her sopping clothes. She pulled and tugged at them until she was nearly naked. Kikyo curled into a fetal position and she began to cry. She cried this time because she could not remember why a part of her wanted to spare Inuyasha. All she could remember was what Kijo Urasue told her. She always told her that it was Inuyasha, that he killed her. She shook her head. A sound of snapping twigs reached her ears and she looked up at the intruder. It was a small girl.

"Umm, hullo. I am sorry to disturb you, I heard you scream."

Kikyo looked closely at the girl, not caring at her exposed chest. The tiny girl reminded her of her younger sister. Yes, how she looked like Kaede. "Will you help me? I fell down the side of the cliff."

The girl ran to her. She attempted to cover her with the wet kimono, but Kikyo shoved them away. "Dry, please."

The girl bowed low and then ran to retrieve dry coverings. When she had returned, Kikyo allowed her to wrap her in the rough, dry blanket. The girl then showed her the way of the village nearby. The miko allowed her clothes to dry and then she put them back on her body. She then walked to the headman's home. There, she asked if she could stay within the village and use her powers to aid the people. The headman quickly agreed, the village never had a miko and he didn't know the miko was already dead.

Kikyo walked out of the headman's home and she met the eyes of the small girl who had helped her. The girl bowed low, "My name is Sayo, Lady Miko."

Kikyo smiled, "And I am Lady Kikyo."

Kikyo took Sayo's hand as she had done with Kaede many times. They walked around the village, Sayo showing Kikyo everything there was to see.

Weeks pasted and Kikyo found herself surrounded by children. She gathered herbs that were components to various healing remedies. "What about this one, Lady Kikyo?" She shook her head yes, "That's very helpful.

"What does this do, Lady Kikyo?"

Kikyo smiled. She loved the children. She loved the village. She knew that she could stay here in the village and live the rest of whatever life she had. She wanted to in fact. Kikyo then sensed the presence of another. He had been watching her for quite awhile, and it was almost frightening the miko. "You can come out monk."

The presence stepped up behind her, he was an old monk. His partner stayed away, still in the shadows. "Please forgive me Lady, your so beautiful I could not help myself for staring." Kikyo smiled, falsely. The monk then walks closer to her and he then drops a scroll. It was on purpose, but he tries to make it appear by accident. "That is a sutra, Lady miko. If a youkai were to touch it, it would reveal their true form. Could you kindly hand it to me Lady?" The sneer on his face was plainly visible.

Kikyo reached out and grasped the sutra. To the monk's dismay, nothing happened. She handed the scroll to him with a smile. The monk reached towards the sutra unsteadily. When he fingers touched the parchment, he felt small shocks travel quickly through his body. The miko then stood and turned away from the monk and walked away with the children gathered around her. The monk opened the sutra and gasped. It was empty.

Sayo couldn't sleep later that night. Something about the look on the monk's face as he told Lady Kikyo of the sutra was keeping sleep away. And after the incident with the monk, Kikyo hadn't been as cheerful as she had been. She was worried about the miko. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Lady Kikyo walking towards the forest. Concerned, Sayo followed her.

Kikyo stopped by the riverside. She watched as eerie lights in the distance draw closer. They were Shinidamachuu and they all were holding souls of dead girls. The Shinidamachuu flew about the miko and release the souls. Kikyo took some of the souls inside her. She felt her strength return to her. The souls of the dead sustained her body since she has no soul of her own. The monk then stepped out of the shadows near her.

"Why do you stay in the world of the living?" The monk asked Kikyo.

Kikyo appeared as though she were weary. "Why can you not let me be? I have done no harm."

"You do not belong here!"

The monk called forth his powers to let Kikyo's soul to past onto the afterlife. But Kikyo can only think of hell. And she grew angry. Magic in the form of a dragon wrapped itself around her. But it cannot hold her, her anger allowed her to shred to the dragon to pieces. The pieces then turned to hard shards. One shard embedded itself in the monk's neck.

Kikyo glared at the monk's assistant, who then ran away from her. The monk has not died yet. He asked her what it is she wants in this world when she does not belong. She is unable to answer. She then noticed Sayo huddled by a tree. Kikyo walked to Sayo who can only scream. Kikyo knew she had to leave the village. She had wanted to leave there peacefully, but now she had to leave.

She walked deep into the forest. When she became weak, she erected a barrier to keep out any humans or demons. She climbed into a tree and fell into a slumber. She dreamed of hell.

A sound woke Kikyo. She looked around and she found her reincarnation. How she had slipped through the barrier, Kikyo did not know. It had to have something to do with her soul. Kikyo then is seized by another bought of hate directed toward Kagome. Hate that stemmed from the fact she had Inuyasha's scent on her. In anger, the miko froze Kagome. Kagome protested against her, but Kikyo can only think of Inuyasha and hell. She commanded the Shinidamachuu to place Kagome against the tree Kikyo had been napping in moments earlier. Kagome struggled, but she was unable to free herself.

Kikyo sensed the presence of the hanyou outside her barrier. She smiled and let him pass. The miko turned toward the reincarnation. "You know I would think that Inuyasha would feel pleased to know that I'm alive. The dead only can wish to live. I am alive. But I hate it here now. I only wish for Inuyasha to come back with me to hell." Kikyo thought that if he were to come with her, she could be protected from the terrors.

"Why do you want that? Isn't it enough that he thinks of you every day?" Kagome screamed at her.

"The hatred that has developed between us is too great an emotion to overcome."

Kagome gasped as she saw Inuyasha run to Kikyo. "Yes, Inuyasha, I have took the girls' souls. They are needed to keep this clay body going."

Inuyasha could only stare at the miko. He could not hear or see Kagome, who was yelling at him to look at her. Kikyo put her hands on his arms and sent energy shocks into the hanyou's body. "Stop it Kikyo!" She did as he told her. "Please, I cannot bear you to hate me, I think of your face everyday. Please stop this."

Kikyo is warmed by his words. She looked to Kagome, she was staring at the ground, clearly she hated knowing Inuyasha's feelings. Kikyo is overwhelmed by a feeling she had not had in what seemed forever. Love. She loved Inuyasha. She remembered now. They had been lovers and he had promised to protect her. In life. He would protect her in hell. Kikyo leaned forward and captured Inuyasha's lips in a kiss. A kiss long needed. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her as he kissed her back.

Inuyasha knew that Kikyo was dead, she could not live in this world. But he could be with her in the afterlife. He felt an overwhelming need to be with Kikyo forever, like he had wanted when she was alive. "You can stop time for us. I want to be with you."

Kikyo put Inuyasha into a trance. He merely stood there holding the miko. She needed him as much as he said he needed her. Kikyo opened a gate to hell in the ground. They began to sink down into the gate. Kagome began to yell to Kikyo to let Inuyasha go. "You should be getting revenge on Naraku, not Inuyasha!"

Kikyo released Kagome from the binding spell. Kagome let her rage consume her and she called back the rest of her soul that Kikyo kept inside her. This released many of the souls inside the miko. She desperately tries to take the hanyou to hell with her before the souls of the girls leave her body completely. But Kagome screamed Inuyasha's name and wakened him.

He looked at the source of his name and saw Kagome on the ground. He ran to her to see if she was safe, leaving Kikyo in the gate to hell. She closed the gate to keep from entering hell alone. "Is my reincarnation more precious to you that me?" The Shinidamachuu wrapped themselves around Kikyo, carrying her to safety.

Kikyo landed on the ground unsteadily. She walked into the familiar old hut and stared down at her 'old' sister. Kaede woke to see Kikyo and she was frightened at first, but she started a fire for her sister. "Tell me Kaede, who is Naraku?"

Kaede tells her the it was Naraku that killed her, not Inuyasha. He turned them against each other so that the shikon jewel would become tainted. Kikyo listened to the story and then interrupted, "Inuyasha seems gentler."

"Yes, I think it may be Kagome's presence."

"I remember wanting to be the one to heal his heart. It would have been me." Anger went through her veins, not wanting to hurt her sister, Kikyo left. She went with her Shinidamachuu to the god tree. The tree that she had sealed Inuyasha to when she thought he had betrayed her. She wrapped her arms as far as she could around the trunk of the tree. She began to cry, "Oh, Inuyasha. I remember now. I loved you. I still do."


AN: Here is a short list of translations for the Japanese words that I used in the Prologue and in chapter one:



Shinidamachuu-soul gatherers

Hanyou-half demon

As before, please point out any mistakes. And if anyone wants to email me for any reason, my address is