InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo's lonely journey ❯ Shadows of the past ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Most of the characters in this story are the actual work of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own them in any way.
Chapter 16: Shadows of the past
After all the events that had transpired during the past day, Kagome was absolutely certain that she'd be out like a light the moment her head touched the pillow. Almost surprisingly, that's exactly what happened and sleep shrouded her tired mind the minute she was comfortably settled down.
Sitting down against a tree facing Kikyo, Masahiro shot the helpless miko a warning glare before closing his eyes. Not that she was planning on doing anything. She was the beacon that would lead her friends straight to the enemy's hideout so it wouldn't really do to flee now would it? Having nothing really better to do, she simply closed her eyes and she too fell into the blissful oblivion of sleep.
As usual for the undead miko, slumber brought its share of dreams. While it was usually a rather torturous experience for her as her subconscious kept bombarding her with fantasies after fantasies, this time, she found herself in a meadow filled with flowers facing Kagome. The strangest part of this whole experience was that the schoolgirl seemed as surprised as her to be there.
"Kikyo?" asked the girl.
The miko's eyebrows lowered imperceptibly before she broke into an amused smile. "It seems that this bond of ours has found a rather particular way to manifest itself," she commented wryly.
"You mean this isn't a dream?" continued Kagome, more and more surprised.
"Not quite a dream, but not quite reality either. Probably something in between," explained Kikyo.
"I see..." murmured the girl while sitting down comfortably amidst the flower field.
"You sure came up with a beautiful setting for our encounter," complimented Kikyo while sitting down beside Kagome.
"What makes you think I'm the one who came up with it?" questioned the schoolgirl.
"Because I don't have it in me to make something as beautiful as this," replied the miko somewhat sadly.
"You're wrong Kikyo," answered Kagome while plucking a nearby flower and handing it to the undead miko. "You and I share the same soul, you said so yourself. So if I can make something like this, I'm sure you can too."
Grabbing the delicate plant between her index and forefinger lightly, Kikyo stared at it with a sense of longing she couldn't remember ever having felt before. "It is not that simple Kagome... With my body being as it is now, I cannot feel anything. I do not get hungry, I cannot feel cold or warmth. Even the texture of the objects I touch is lost to me. I am... a walking dead," she whispered, tears beginning to shine at the corner of her eyes.
"You also laugh, cry when you're sad, feel emotional pain, compassion, love, anger. Even in a body made of clay, your soul is pulsing with life, you are alive. Isn't this also important?" replied the schoolgirl in an encouraging tone.
Kikyo stared at the schoolgirl, surprise painted plainly on her features. It was obvious to see that what Kagome had just told her had affected her greatly. After a few seconds of this silent treatment, she chuckled once sadly before shifting her gaze to the blue sky above.
"As comforting as your words are Kagome, they do not change the fact. When Susune had a nightmare the other night, I held her in my arms to comfort her... and I couldn't feel her at all. I knew her body was cradled against me, but I could not feel its warmth. Do you know how it is Kagome, not being able to feel the contact of the ones you love? Can you imagine what it would be like to kiss Inuyasha without feeling his lips or his arms around you?" she asked softly.
Kagome stayed silent for a long time, not knowing what to say to comfort the undead miko beside her. Was there even something to answer to this? The girl was both amazed that the woman beside her had managed to keep so much pain bottled up inside her and also extremely sad to see her suffering like this.
"I just wish I had my human body back... even if only for a minute, merely long enough to be able to hold Susune against me... and give her the comfort I couldn't give her when she needed it the most," whispered Kikyo, tears overflowing.
"Kikyo, you..." began Kagome, right before she suddenly felt herself being pulled abruptly out of the dream and back into her own body.
She shot up in bed and immediately sucked in a breath as a sharp pain in her chest made her double over. Blocking it out as best as she could, she laboriously started to lift her night shirt and her eyes widened when she noticed the pink light emanating from the bottom of her stomach.
"The shikon jewel! It's activated," she thought in horror.
In the forest, miles from where Kagome was, Kikyo's eyes snapped open as a strange pulse of energy course through her entire body. It left behind in its wake a painful prickling sensation, as if blood had suddenly started flowing normally again through a numb member. She gasped involuntarily and froze as hundreds of scents assaulted her senses at once, making her dizzy.
"What is going on?" she thought in confusion. "My body is..."
But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the sensation subsided, leaving both Kikyo and Kagome to wonder what on earth had just happened. Frowning in a mix of frustration and confusion, Kikyo concentrated as best as she could and tried to contact her reincarnation.
"Kagome! Answer me Kagome! What just happened, I know you felt it too!" she asked, demanded even.
The answer took a few seconds to come to her, as if, for some reason, the experience had been harder for her counterpart. "The jewel... it activated," replied the schoolgirl.
"The jewel? You mean the shikon jewel? What is the meaning of this?" continued the undead miko, now frankly angry.
"It happened a short time before you came for Inuyasha. We had just defeated Naraku and retrieved the completed jewel. We were trying to find a way to purify it, but nothing worked. No matter how many selfless wishes we made, it remained intact. So in the end, we decided that the best course of action would be to wish it back into my own body. That way, it would remain pure and also it would prevent any youkai from getting his hands on it," explained the girl.
"This doesn't make sense, how come I was unable to sense it?" she questioned back.
"It's a little trick of mine that I've learned. I'm using my own powers to contain the jewel's energy within me, that way, no one knows it's there," replied the schoolgirl and Kikyo thought she heard a touch of pride in her voice.
"Still, it doesn't explain why it activated," continued Kikyo confused.
Before the two could continue their little conversation any further however, Masahiro started to stir in front of the undead miko and she decided it was time to cut things short.
"I'm afraid we will have to continue this at a later time, my captor is awakening," she said before closing off their link.
Back in the hut, Kagome felt the white noise return to its normal state and couldn't help but shiver in distress. "Yesterday I could hardly hear her and now it was as if she was right next to me. What's going to happen to us when this link reaches its peak? Will one of us simply... disappear?" she thought fearfully.
"You all take care... and come back with my sister as fast as you can," said Kaede to the departing group.
"Don't worry, they won't even know what hit them," replied Inuyasha confidently.
The old miko nodded before turning to the youngest member of the party. "Are you sure you still want to go Susune? If something were to happen to you, sister would never forgive herself," she continued.
"I know, but if I backed out now... then I'd never forgive myself. Kikyo-sama risked her life for me, I think it's only fair that I return the favor," answered the girl.
"You are still young Susune and have many years ahead of you. So make sure you come back and enjoy them. That's what Kikyo would want the most," added the miko before straightening up and taking a step back.
"I realize this... but I'm not planning to enjoy them without Kikyo-sama by my side," replied Susune.
With that said, she joined Miroku and Sango on Kirara's back. Every eyes then turned to Kagome expectantly, waiting for the girl to give them the direction they should follow. Closing her eyes, the schoolgirl concentrated for a second before pointing straight to her left.
"That way," she said simply, and just like that, they took off. The chase had begun.
"How much longer do I have to put up with being carried like a bag of rice?" inquired Kikyo as she dangled from Masahiro's left shoulder.
"Why should you care? You're not the one doing all the work," snapped back the youkai irritably.
"That may be so, but I find that looking at the ground all day is an activity less than interesting," replied the miko with just a shadow of wryness in her voice.
"For your information, carrying you around all day also happens to be an activity less than interesting. But I don't waste my breath complaining now do I?" retorted Masahiro in a frustrated tone.
"Ah but complaining happens to be the only thing I can do right now, so you're going to have to endure it I'm afraid," shot back the miko, growing frankly amused by the whole conversation.
That finally did it for Masahiro. With an angry grunt of effort, he threw Kikyo unceremoniously to the ground where she landed with a thud. Kneeling in front of her, he grabbed her hair roughly and stared straight into her eyes.
"Now look here Kikyo," he said, practically spitting out the name. "I've tried to be patient with you. I did not mistreat you nor did I badmouth you and yet you've used every possible opportunity you could find to ridicule me. I demand to know why!"
"You are both proud and honorful, but you do not see what is right in front of you. Tell me Masahiro-sama, when exactly have I ever ridiculed you?" inquired the miko seriously.
The youkai opened his mouth to answer in kind, but the words died in his throat. The miko had been one hell of an annoying hostage, that was obvious. She used every opportunity she could find to get under his skin, whether with a smart retort or simply by looking at him in a particular way. Still, she had never showed any form of disrespect for him. She even used the title "sama" when she addressed him and acted as if she actually meant it.
"Fine!" he grudgingly admitted at last. "You did not ridicule me, you merely got under my skin. Now would you care to explain this?"
"Because I am your prisoner and it would not be logical for me to make your life easier," answered Kikyo with a lopsided grin.
Growling in frustration, the youkai yanked her hair sideway and threw her once again on the ground. "You won't be so smart when you come face to face with Kuro-sama!" he snapped.
"Somehow, everything seems to come back to him does it not?" questioned Kikyo knowingly.
"I told you never to bring this subject up again!" hissed Masahiro menacingly.
"That is absolutely right Masahiro-sama and I held true to my word," replied the miko calmly.
Again the youkai marked a pause as he realized that Kikyo had once more played him like a book. "What on earth are you trying to achieve by behaving this way?" he demanded in a strained voice.
"Strength, honor, courage. All of these are admirable qualities to have, but unless you can conquer your own demons, they are completely useless," explained Kikyo cryptically.
"I am walking back to my base to face my own death and you dare insinuate that I am afraid of something?" sneered Masahiro.
"That is exactly what I am implying," answered Kikyo levelly.
"And if you're so smart then what is it that I'm so afraid of?" inquired the youkai sarcastically.
"Telling you would serve no purpose. You have to find it for yourself," she shot back.
"Pfeh! That's quite an easy answer to give. I'm saying that you're inventing this as you go along. You're trying to confuse me, but I will tell you right now that it won't work!" he spat.
"Believe what you will then, but for your own sake, you should at least try to figure out what could be so fearful that it would justify you rushing recklessly to your death," she replied calmly.
Instead of answering, the youkai merely snorted in derision before ripping a piece of his kimono and tying it around Kikyo's mouth, effectively silencing her for good. "That way, I won't have to put up with your annoying retorts anymore," he said with a satisfied smirk before slinging her back on his shoulder.
"How is it Kagome? Are we getting any closer?" asked Inuyasha as he bolted through the underbrush.
"I can't really say. The bond allows me to tell the direction Kikyo is in, but there's no feel of distance," replied the schoolgirl.
"Great! For all we know, they could be waiting for us behind the next ridge and we wouldn't be able to know! Fat load of good this bond does us!" grumbled the hanyou without slowing down.
"Would you knock it off Inuyasha! Without Kagome-chan we wouldn't even know in which direction to go!" countered Sango.
"Kagome-sama may not be able to tell the distance, but I can," suddenly cut in Susune before the argument had a chance to escalate.
"You can tell that Masahiro passed through here?" questioned the schoolgirl disbelievingly.
"I can sense the disturbance created by the fuyouheki stone if it gets within my sensing range," explained the young girl.
"That's very impressive Susune. And how wide is your sensing range exactly?" inquired Miroku.
"Three miles... and so far, I'm not picking up on their trail so they must be further ahead," answered the child.
"That far already? During our last lesson, you could hardly sense anything outside the hut. That is a rather unusual progress," replied the monk, visibly impressed.
"I don't know why, but my vision has been improving on its own. Still, considering the circumstances, I think it's a good thing," replied the girl levelly.
"Yeah, with her at least, we can tell if we're getting too close to Masahiro," replied Inuyasha sardonically.
Due to their current position, the hanyou was unable to see the dangerous gleam in Kagome's eyes when he said this. "Inuyasha?" she asked innocently, too innocently.
"What is....OWWWWWWWW!!!!!" he screamed when Kagome suddenly twisted his ear painfully backward. "WHAT WAS THAT FOOWWWWWW!!!!!!" he screamed, almost losing his balance as Kagome repeated her torturous treatment.
Finally unable to stand it anymore, the hanyou stopped his mad dash through the woods and dropped the schoolgirl unceremoniously to the ground. As soon as she was off his back, he rounded up on her, his eyes burning with fury.
"WOULD YOU KNOCK IT OFF YOU STU..." but he trailed off when he saw Kagome's sadistically satisfied expression.
"OSUWARI!!!" she yelled and Inuyasha crashed to the ground. "OSUWARIOSUWARIOSUWARIOSUWARI!!!!!!!!!"
Behind the pair, Sango, Miroku, Susune and Shippo all sighed and shook their head in discouragement. "The more things change, the more they stay the same," finally said the demon slayer, a small amused smile playing on her lips despite the seriousness of their situation.
Kikyo didn't know exactly how long it took Masahiro to finally reach his destination, but one thing was for sure, by the time they arrived, she was bored out of her mind. Being gagged as she was prevented any form of conversation with her captor and as she had claimed, the ground was always a less than interesting thing to look at. Still, every thing, good or bad does have its end and the grass of the forest was eventually replaced with rock and torches took the place of the sun in the matter of lighting.
"A cave heh?" she reflected silently.
They walked down a complex array of corridors and stairways, occasionally meeting another youkai along the way, but the only thing really worth mentioning was when they stopped outside an enormous wooden door. Masahiro knocked three times and the noise reverberated hollowly through the empty hallway around them.
After a few seconds of stillness, the doors slowly opened with a loud creaking sound. Her captor entered without hesitation and advanced for a short distance before he deposited her on the ground, facing a sickly-decorated wooden throne. On it a person dressed all in black robes masking all of his features was sitting, looking at them.
"You have failed me Masahiro. Not only did you not to kill the sensor, but your army has been completely wiped out by mere peasants," commented the person.
"Indeed Kuro-sama and I will not ask for your mercy. I have failed utterly and am ready to accept any punishment you decide to inflict upon me," replied the youkai in a steady voice.
"Failure is not tolerated in our organization. So you know perfectly well the punishment that awaits you," said Kuro in dismissal.
He then raised his hand and pointed toward the kneeling Masahiro with his index. A small burst of energy then burst forth from his finger and passed right through the youkai's chest. From her position, Kikyo was able to see Masahiro collapse on the ground and begin to twitch painfully.
"This technique... purification powers?" she thought in surprise.
Before any could say anything, two servants appeared out of nowhere and gathered the crumpled form of Masahiro before heading out through a side door. Now completely alone, Kuro turned to her and a sadistic laughter almost immediately replaced his calm behavior of a few minutes ago.
"Finally, the great Kikyo is brought to her knees before me," he said gleefully, his voice rising in pitch at every word.
He then stood up and slowly advanced toward her, taking his sweet time to enjoy a moment he seemed to have waited an eternity for. "You can't believe how long I've waited for this Kikyo... For a time, I actually thought it would never happen," he whispered.
By this time, his voice had morphed so much that it bore absolutely no resemblance to the one she had previously heard. The pitch, the accent, the intonation, all of it pointed to one single conclusion, which Kikyo voiced out loud.
"You are a girl," she remarked in surprise.
"Good of you to figure this out when I allowed you to hear my true voice," taunted Kuro cruelly.
"You seem to bear a grudge against me, however I hold no memory of ever having met a girl named Kuro in the past," argued Kikyo, not at all impressed by her opponent.
"If you can't remember Kuro..." she began while throwing off her hood. "... then maybe you can remember me!" whispered the girl ferally.
The face Kikyo was confronted with was warped and twisted. Youkai features composed half of the face while the other was made up of human ones. One eye was yellow, the other was a deep purple. One one side of the mouth, a fang would poke out and on the other, a human teeth. This was the strangest thing she had ever seen. It was as if a human and a youkai had somehow fused together in a very sloppy way. Still, as morphed as the features were, Kikyo had to admit that there was something distinctly familiar about the human part of the face, something she hadn't seen in a very long time, something that filled her with dread.
"So you really can't recognize me can you?" asked Kuro after a long silence. "Not surprising considering how much I've changed since that fateful day."
"I would have remembered meeting someone like you," replied Kikyo with a small humorous grin.
"I see you've developed quite a sense of humor. Then let's try this one. 'Dear Kikyo, we all miss you very much here at the farm'," said the creature and she watched with sick satisfaction the miko's calm composure crumble away.
"This... cannot be!" whispered Kikyo, horror filling her entire being.
Unable to contain her mirth, Kuro simply burst out laughing, a terrible laugher, filled with cruelty and sadistic pleasure. A laughter that echoed through the rocks and made the blood of those who heard it stop in their veins. Amidst all this, the one name Kikyo uttered in a weak and dead voice was completely lost, drowned by the other woman's pleasure.