InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyou's Revelation ❯ All I Saw Was White ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I am finally putting this fanfic on Mediaminor, so some authors notes maybe out of date.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, nor does my dog. Do you hear THAT Inuyasha!

Kikyou's Revelation

I slept in a tree. I am dead, so it wasn't really sleeping. More like closing my eyes, until Naraku finds me. I sneered in my fake sleep. Men are so stupid and easy to fool, whether they are a demon or not. Naraku would never kill me again. No matter how hard he can try to get rid of him, Omigumo will be there to prevent him. The heart of a mortal man pumps in Naraku's body and I intend to use that weakness. I shifted slightly in my tree; I could feel Naraku getting closer. My plan was perfect. I had found the exact spot to murder him. My tree was in a dense forest with a small clearing in front of it. If I opened my eyes I would see the weeds and flowers that hid my precious weapon. In the end, Naraku would know he had been seduced by a miko, a DEAD miko at that. I could feel the evil laughter at my lips but I would not let it out. I did not want him to hear me. I listened to the sounds of the night sky instead. The frogs and crickets were playing a symphony for me, with the slight sound of wind through leaves. A branch snapped; I popped my eyes wide open looking for the sound; my senses on full alert. All I could see were my soul-catchers floating around. Then she appeared out of the woods in front of me, Kagome.

I jumped down from my tree, not letting my eyes off her. Inuyasha and her could spoil my plan. A shiver went down my back; Damn, Naraku was very close too. I needed to get her out of here.

"What are you doing here?" I said with pure venom in my voice. I could feel that Inuyasha was not close by, which meant they probably had a fight. I scowled; Inuyasha never quarreled with me. She gave a weak smile that looked like an 'I am sorry'.

"I came here because I felt some jewel shards." She finally answered. It was Naraku she sensed; he had to be close. Kagome walked toward me until we were almost face to face. "You don't have any." She stated, looking a little relieved. I rolled my eyes, and then something came to me, why was she hunting shards alone? Or was she even alone? I did not need Inuyasha or anybody else right now.

"Where is Inuyasha?" I asked. I had better get an answer too, or I would kill her. Kagome was not a threat on her own. She would be easy to kill. Her cheeks turned red and she looked down. As I suspected, they had had a fight.

"I ran off, nobody followed me. They knew I needed to be alone for a while. Then I felt the shards and decided to go after them myself." She said, still looking down at her feet. 'How could my reincarnation be so stupid?' I asked myself. She couldn't beat a gopher demon, more or less one with jewel shards. The stupid girl.

Then I heard Kagome gasp in fright. Naraku was here. I was about to turn to the left and look at him right in the face, when Kagome pushed me hard into the trunk tree. I swore; Naraku was using her. Then I saw a fireball fly past where we were just standing. Maybe she isn't so stupid after all, but the fireball wouldn't have killed me. Having a clay body had some advantages and Naraku knew it. I grinned; my plan was working, other then the minor problem of Kagome. If she knew what was good for her, she would get out of my way and run away from here. "Are you all right?" She asked. I was still pinned up against the tree with her holding me. She shaking like a leaf. "I am fine, now LEAVE or suffer the consequences." I shouted. I could see Naraku setting up his next attack. She wouldn't move. She was paralyzed with fear. I pushed her back, before I could get her off me something happened. I felt my hand sink into her body, my soul was being ripped out of the clay casing. I screamed in pain. All I saw was white. I was falling, faster and faster but the ground never came. Then something grabbed me. I could see again. I looked at what I was holding. I screamed; it was my clay body with the cloths and hair still on it. I backed away. I sensed Naraku had not moved either. He was as confused as I was. I felt something; it was the breeze on my face. I could feel my lungs expanding, full of fresh air. I...I am alive. All of it felt so good. I did not know how much I missed being alive. I giggled; my dream came true. I was in Kagome's body.

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A/N: I got the idea of the storyline of this fic in a dream I had. I pretty much have the storyline in my head, so if all goes well I should be able to up-date once a month. Post and tell me if Kikyou should die or not. I am still debating about it.