InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi watashi ga natsukashi ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kimi watashi ga natsukashi.

Chapter 1

Kagome sat on her bed, just two days away from leaving to see her father. She still couldn't believe her mother had said yes, but she had. Looking around, she realized she had yet to pack. Getting down her suitcase, she opened it up and began pulling things out of her dresser and closet. Just as she was about to close it, her phone rang.

"Hello, Kagome here," she said.

"Hey Kagome," Miroku's voice said to her.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Oh, not much. Inu Yasha and I are chilling and we were wondering if you'd like to come over and hang with us. Sango's on her way over," Miroku informed the teen girl.

"Sure, I'll be over in a little bit," Kagome told her friend. She hung up the phone and made sure her cell phone was fully charged before heading out.

"Kagome, where are you going?" Her mother's sharp voice said from behind her. She turned around.

"Miroku invited me over to his house for a little bit," Kagome told her mother.

"Oh, he did, did he?" Replied her ever suspicious mother.

"Yeah," Kagome replied.

"Then why are you still here?" Her mother asked. Kagome blinked, it taking her a few moments to realize what her mother said. Kagome gave her mother a hug, and walked outside to her car. As she drove her car to her friend's house, she kind of let her mind wander. Soon though, she arrived at the home of the Botan's and Inu Yasha Akemi. She went up to the door and knocked on it, and it opened almost immediately. Inside, several people she knew and considered friends were inside.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Well, since today is the last day all of us will be here, we thought we'd throw a little party," Miroku told her. 'That's right, we're all going away. Me to see my dad, Sango and her family to Florida, Miroku to New York City and Inu Yasha's going to stay with his brother,' she thought to her self. Just then someone clearing their throat made Kagome jump. Turning to see who it was, she found Naraku.

"Naraku what are you doing here?" She asked. He shrugged and she left it at that. All to soon, it was time for them to go home.

"See ya tomorrow you guys!" Sango yelled out as she and Naraku slid into Naraku's car. Kagome did the same, though she stayed and hugged the two guys good bye as well. 'Well, tomorrow we're exchanging presents, so I better wrap them tonight,' she thought to herself. Walking up to her room, she saw her room unorganized, everything left the way it was when she left. With a sigh, she brushed everything off her bed and fell asleep, suddenly to tired to do anything.

When she woke up the next morning, she glanced at her alarm clock adn her eyes shot open. She was supposed to meet her friends at Tony's in an hour, and she still hadn't wrapped their presents. Quickly changing into new clothes, she hurriedly wrapped the presents she got for her three friends.

"Later mom! I'll be back in a few hours!" Kagome yelled as she ran out of the house, presents in hand. Putting them all on the seat next to her, she drove to the pizza place with many minutes to spare. Getting a booth for them to share, she sat down. Soon, Sango arrived and the two girls chatted until the guys arrived a few minutes later. Inu Yasha went up to order them a pizza, him knowing everybody there and all, so he could get the other workers to hurry up a little on their pizza. He was back in a few minutes with their pizza, a pepperoni, mushroom, and extra cheese pizza. Within what seemed minutes, the pizza was gone. After that, the foursome left, and headed out to their cars, grabbing the presents they had for the others. Deciding to meet up at Miroku adn Inu Yasha's house, the teens soon found them inside, accepting hot chocolate from Haru, Miroku's mother, who insisted they call her by her first name.

"Here you go Sango," Miroku said, handing a present to the girl. She opened it, and out fell a small book. Looking at it, she realized it was a diary, something she had always wanted. She gave a squeal and handed Kagome a present. Kagome opened the present from Sango, and found that it was a sweater she'd been wanting for a while. Taking a present, she handed it to Inu Yasha. She smiled and hoped he'd like it. It was a photo album of pictures of them and their friends.

He smiled, then handed a present to Miroku. It was a gift certificate for guitar lessons, something Miroku had been wanting. Miroku then handed Kagome a present. She opened it and found a copy of her favorite book. Kagome then handed Sango her present, which was a shirt that said, "Don't hate me 'cuz I'm the cute one." Sango laughed and handed Inu Yasha his present, a sweatshirt that said, "Heaven forbid if I were to get angry." They laughed again. Handing Kagome her present, she opened it to reveal a small chain necklace with a Yin/ Yang pendant. Sango handed Miroku his present, and Inu Yasha handed Sango her present, and Kagome handed Miroku his present as well.

"Good-bye!" Sango yelled out half an hour later.

"See you tomorrow, right?" Kagome yelled out.

"Yep!" Was Sango's answer as she got into Naraku's car. Kagome left a few moments later.

"I'm back!" She yelled when she got home. "Hello, anyone home?" She asked, hearing an empty house. She shrugged, guessing her family had probably went to the store or something, and headed up to her room to finish packing. They came back a little later, and her guess was right. That night, her family exchanged presents with each other and she went to bed, content.

A/N: Yo, what's up? I know that I said I'd work on Humans before this, but I couldn't help myself. I am also thinking of making this into a, dare I say it, trilogy. But, you ask, this is just the first chapter. Yes, I know that, but, I've got an idea for what happens when Kagome comes home and why her mom was so outta whack at the end of Nagataka. Plus, I have a feeling something's gonna happen in this story to stir things up between Kagome and Inu Yasha.

Hey, does anyone know how many strikes you get before they take away your account? I've just had my second strike and I'm wondering. I've got a petion against this crime if you want to sign just leave your email address in your review. Believe me, the more who sign it, the better.

Also, on a happy note, I read The Giver during my little vacation adn wrote out my report on it, so all my homework's done, which means I can concentrate on my fics again. But, Band Camp is the first two weeks of August for three hours a night, and I start school the third week, so, I'm still waiting for my vacation to start.

Disclaimer: I own nothing in this fic you see in the show. SO there, can't sue me now!