InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi watashi ga natsukashi ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kimi watashi ga natsukashi.

(I yearn for you.)

Sango sat on the couch, alone. It was late that night and she couldn’t sleep. Since everyone was asleep, she was alone in the quiet living room. Getting up, she looked out the window to see the night sky. Closing her eyes, she basked in the moon glow as it filtered through the closed window.

“You know, people are normally asleep at this hour,” a male voice said. Sango turned around and saw her cousin, Kage.

“What do you want?” Sango asked, crossly.

“Nothing at all,” he replied. He came and stood next to her. They stood in an uncomfortable silence for a long while. Finally, he spoke, saying, “They’re right though, you are pretty.”

“Huh?” Sango asked, a small blush creeping onto her face.

“The guy cousins,” Kage responded.

“Oh,” Sango replied. She should have guessed that it was the guy cousins.

“Ruri’s engaged to get married to Shiro,” Kage said.

“Really, who set that pair up?” Asked Sango.

“Shoga,” Kage answered. “She sets all the pairs up, Sango,” he added. Sango didn’t reply. “They’re talking about us again.”

“Oh,” a small voice, Sango's, said.

“Dammit, I wish they’d forget traditions like the inter family marriages,” he said, hitting the wall lightly with his clenched fist.

“What, am I not good enough for you or something?” Sango asked, offended by his remark even if she agreed with it.

“No, Sango, your a perfectly nice person, it’s just,” he broke off, not wanting to hurt his cousin.

“You’ve got someone else,” Sango said aloud. Kage nodded. “Who?” She asked, curious.

“A person back at home,” Kage replied.

“Girlfriend?” Sango asked. He didn’t reply. “ Boyfriend?” She asked, and she knew that it was. Kage didn’t reply again, but she could tell. “What's his name?” She asked.

“Riley,” was the answer.

“What are you gonna do if they decide that we should marry?” Asked Sango. He sighed and said he didn’t know.

“We should be heading back to bed,” Kage said after a while.

“Yeah, I guess so. See you in the morning,” Sango replied, leaving her cousin alone. He stayed in the living room for a few minutes but followed her and the two split ways to go to their separate rooms.


Inu Yasha sat at his computer for a good two hours waiting for her reply, but it never came. “Kagome, come on, answer me,” he said to himself like a mantra those two hours. Finally, sleep overcame home and he logged off for some shuteye. He felt that something was wrong with Kagome but her didn’t know what.


How right Inu Yasha was about Kagome. Something bad was happening to her, something horrible.

Kagome sat up groggily and wondered where she was. Looking around, she found that she was on the couch in the living room. Then she realized her clothes were gone. And she realized what had happened. She’d been raped, most likely by Cathy, her stepmother to be.

Kagome sat up and sat still. Finally, after what seemed forever, she got up and took a shower. And another, and another. She didn’t feel like she could become clean. She felt dirty and that all the soap in the world wouldn’t help. She went up to her room and laid on her bed, locking the door. She sobbed into her pillow for over an hour, scared out of her mind. Finally, she wiped her eyes and knew she wasn’t helping herself by sobbing. If anything, she felt worse.

“I have to get away,” she whispered to herself, voice hoarse and cracking. “I have to,” she said, barely able to talk. Locking herself in her closet, hoping that Cathy wouldn’t find her there, Kagome fell asleep.


Inu Yasha was awakened by someone shaking him. It was Yuka.

“What?” He asked crossly.

“My parents should be home by now, so I’m going home,” she said, giving him a weak smile.

“‘Kay,” was what Inu Yasha replied with. Yuka walked out the front door and Inu Yasha was left alone, again. He got on his computer, and checked his email, but no one had sent him anything. He sighed and went to work, hoping that something would take the feeling that something was wrong off of his mind.

------------------------------------------------------------------ --------

Sango turned and twisted, people shouting in her dreams. A tear slipped down her face and she wondered why she was crying. Shapes twisted and reformed. She felt confused and distorted when she woke and wondered why it seemed so real.

Her cousins were waking and doing so very loudly. She wanted so badly to go back to sleep.

----------------------------------------------------------------- --------

Kagome shivered and looked out the window longingly. She wanted to leave. She wanted to go back home and run around with Sota, talk with Sango, hang out with Inu Yasha, joke with Miroku.

Putting on her coat, she grabbed the envelope and suitcase next to her, and walked outside. Sparing a glance back, she shivered and went on her way.

She was resorting to what many teens did when things got hard and they feared for their safety. She was running away. Or, more precisely, she was running home.


Yasuo yawned and looked over to his new wife, Cathy. They had gotten married the day before and were now about to embark on their honeymoon, bringing his daughter with them.

Checking out the window, he opened the door and grabbed the paper, and walked into the dining room and sat down. He looked at the paper and something white caught his eye. It was a note.

To Yasuo,

I am leaving, don’t follow me. If you value my safety and life, leave me alone. If you had really been concerned about me, than maybe you should have protected me. Leave Sota alone.

Good bye,


A/N: Would you believe that’s the end. It’s taken me forever to finish, but I did. And yes, there will be at least one more story after this, but I don’t know when it will come out.

It will have the journeys’ home and Sesshoumaru appears. He is the voice of wisdom for the character's you could say.

Oh, and you should really thank the people that created the awesomely sad episode they have of Wolf’s Rain. I can’t believe that it’s almost over. I’m talking about Cher’s death.

And, the last few episodes are supposed to be even sadder.

I own nothing and I don’t really care at this moment.