InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi watashi ga natsukashi ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kimi watashi ga natsukashi.

Chapter 6

Kagome woke up in her own bed, though she felt as though something had changed within her, but she didn’t know what. She was also confused as to how she ended up in her bed, but she decided not to press that subject. Something told her she didn’t want to know what had happened.

Getting dressed in new clothes, she headed downstairs, not wanting to see Cathy, who Kagome had a sneaky feeling took the thing from Kagome that she was missing. But, nonetheless, the teen went downstairs, only to see her father adn Cathy making out on the couch. Feeling sick to her stomach, Kagome went back upstairs, hoping that everything would just go away. She wanted to go home.

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Sango sat down, sitting between Naraku and Ruri, and looked at the food on the table. It was an assortment, that was for sure. Every year, Nana, Grandmother Shoga and at least a few of the aunts pitched in to make the “Welcome home feast.” Looking at it all, Sango found that it was the same assortment of food. Sushi next to the turkey, onigiri and corn bread together, tortillas, and chicken, some miso soup mixed in, so that the table was covered in food and colors. With having family members of many races adn ethnic backgrounds, it was easy to tell who made what.

After saying prayers of thanks, the cha was passed around so that everyone could have a drink, then commence eating when it reached the person who started it. Taking some of the onigiri and a tortilla, putting an odd assortment of different foods on her plate, Sango soon began to eat, nobody feeling out of place in teh big, happy family.

“So, Sango, what grade are you in?” Asked an aunt.

“My junior year,” she replied.

“Imoto,” Sango heard her Nana scold her younger sister, Grandmother Shoga.

“Mijo, por favor,” Aunt Juanita asked her son.

“No, mamí,” her son answered. Sango sighed and got ready for the week and a half she had left in the house. This really wasn’t her favorite time of the year. Sure, she loved her family; it was so big, and she had forgotten, as always, how annoying they could be. She was already yearning to go home.

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The next morning, Christmas Eve, Kagome woke up and left her room, getting ready for a quick shower, then the dress rehearsal for the wedding that afternoon. She couldn’t believe she’d slept until 11:30, but she had, though Kagome had a feeling it was her wanting to finish the book she’d started before she left home and finished the night before that did it.

Going upstairs an hour later, after a shower and a quick lunch, she logged online and checked her inbox, already thinking of a message to send to Sota. Seeing some messages from her friends, she clicked on them first. Clicking on Sango’s, which was the oldest, she began reading.

Hey girl, how are things out there? It’s so boring, loud, adn absolutely crazy with my family. I forgot how nuts the make me. I want to go home, what about you? Guess your probably having the time of your life out at you father’s, so don’t answer that. Something odd happened. To me that is. You know how I was telling you how my family does a Secret Santa for Christmas, well, I pulled Kage, a cousin of mine. And here’s the weird part, he pulled my name. Oh, adn did you know our family was talking for years (and mat still be) about arranging a marriage between Kage and me? Well, someone’s yelling for me to get off the computer, so I guess I gotta go. Later, Sango

Kagome sighed, glad to hear from her friend. Quickly typing back, she wrote:

Hey Sango, sorry to hear that your not having fun, but neither am I. I hate Cathy, my stepmother to be. She’s a witch. And, no, I didn’t know about your family arranging a marriage between you and your cousin. But isn’t that a little odd? Bye, Kagome

Kagome leaned back, clicking on the mail from Miroku. He wrote:

Kagome, nice to hear from you. You’re the only one emailing me. Glad to hear that things are going okay with you, and those two I told you about before, the snobs, they left and now there’s a guy named Terrence who is older adn just a year older than me. He’s cool, adn his sister, Nadia, is a real cutie. She’s five and she likes to follow us around. Well, I must be off to go and pester the others into writing to me, Miroku.

Kagome giggled a little at Miroku’s last comment, writing back with a message of her own.

Miroku, so sorry to hear that the snobs left, adn that a nice person like Terrence and his cute sister have graced you with their presence. Sarcastic, in case you didn’t get it. Things are actually pretty bad right now and I hate Cathy, the stepmother to be to death. She’s wicked and evil. Please, will you deliver me from this place. Sango wrote to me and we both agree, we miss home and want to go back. Oh, adn guess what, you know how her family does a SS, right? Well, she picked her cousin Kage and he picked her, and did you know her family talked about arranging a marriage between teh two in the past? Well, that’s about all that’s happened with her. She sounds like she really misses us, adn I know I miss home. Well, I’ve got a message from Inu Yasha I want to check out, but mail me back soon, okay? You’re my only link to home. Kagome

She sent it and opened Inu Yasha's message.

Ka, She read, instantly on alert. You remember your old friend, Yuka? She scowled, Yuka was the one who turned Eri adn Ayumi against her, then went out with Kagome’s ex, Hojo, though the two split up almost immediately. Now she was going out with Hiten, a cute guy, though his younger brother, Manten, creeped her out. She read on. Well, he gave her some drugs a few months ago, and now she’s like Kikyo. But he’s stalking her and threatening to kill her. She doesn’t know why, and neither do I. Can you help? Well, of course you can’t, you being halfway across the country. Can you tell me how to help Yuka though? I miss you, Inu.

Kagome was shocked by the way the email had ended, adn the message. He’d clearly encrypted part of it, but she didn’t mind. Quickly, she typed back:

Inu, how do you know all this? And why don’t you go and tell the police for Yuka? And why email me? Why not tell Sango and Miroku, who btw, wants people the email him. I can only suggest things, but I hope they help. Please, mail me back if your on, Ka. I miss you, too.

She sent the email, hoping to hear the familiar ding that alerted her to when she had new mail. Soon enough, she heard it adn opened the new message.

I emailed you because you know Yuka better than anyone of us. You were her friend. Yes, we thought of going to the police, but they don’t believe anything someone under twenty says. Inu.

She quickly typed back.

Unfortunately, you’re right about the police, but why not get your father involved. He could help. Really, he could. I know you hate him because he doesn’t remember you, but maybe you coming for his help will at least open the doors between you two. Ka

She sent it, adn waiting for her friend to mail her back. He did.

Yeah, maybe. I’ll think about it. But that’s the best we can do to help Yuka at the moment. Inu.

She typed back, unaware someone having slipped into the room.

Hai, please, try it. And Inu Yasha, I miss you, and I

Her head slumped against the desk. The person smirked and accidentally, sent teh message. It was Cathy.

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Inu Yasha sat on the couch of the Botans’ house, laptop out, waiting for Kagome’s reply. Yuka was sleeping on the other couch. She hadn’t dared go home, her parents gone for the night at a party. She was scared to death of Hiten. He heard the soft bells that signaled a new message and quickly opened it.

Hai, please try it. And Inu Yasha, I miss you, and I

He felt his heart drop, knowing something bad was happening to Kagome. With lightning speed, he soon sent a message back.

Ka, ka, what’s wrong, why’d you just cut off? Please, mail me back quickly. Inu.

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A/N: And that’s where this chapter ends. Would you believe I have yet to post the first chapter? Well, I haven’t though I plan to do it tonight, right after I post the next chapter of Humans, out of schedule, but who cares. Well, since most the people that read Humans read this, they do. Don’t worry, I’ll try to finish Humans this year. Which is steadily disappearing. I start Band Camp tomorrow, which is two weeks long and three hours a day in the evening. School starts when Band Camp ends, so my days of writing all day are getting to be at their end.

Well, Nagataka has almost 100 reviews, more than I’d hope any of my stories would get. I’ll inform you guys of when it gets to 100.

I don’t own anything in this story, okay. Bye until next time.

Wait, there’s one more thing I need to tell you guys. CLRGL, a fic that I have co written with Kioko was deleted adn my account on hiatus right after I finished Nagataka, as I think I told you before. Well, last night when I was checking out Dark Jishishku’s bio, adn I probably spelt her name wrong, I found out about a group called The Alliance. It’s a group of 8 people here on and they report fics. Apparently they’ve also got a hacker on their side. I have their names, and I’m going to ask them why their doing this, but I’m not going to do anything to get them riled up. I won’t give you their names, because you can find them on Rootie Tootie’s page, and my own where I posted part of her bio that mentions them. I won’t leave, so don’t worry about that. But, I do have parts of my fics on other sites, three in fact. Just don’t look for them to be updated a lot. I prefer over mediaminer, anime spiral and

I just think you guys should know this. In fact, I think that they might have been teh ones to get CLRGL deleted, but I’m not sure. And, I’m also going to take a vacation on this fic for a while. No updates until after August 16. I want to take this time and work on a DBZ fic, try to work on Humans and CLRGL. In the meantime, try and check out some of other fics and some of the ones in my favs. I like good fics, not junk. The fics I like must have quality and quantity. If you notice very few fics in there have less than 1000 words. Until later, Alysia.