InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi watashi ga natsukashi ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kimi watashi ga natsukashi.

Chapter 5

Sango sighed adn sat down on the couch next to her uncle Toya. Almost immediately, Sakura was sitting in Sango's lap, informing her of what had happened since the last Christmas. Just then, Aunt Shoga walked in carrying her daughter's newborn, also named Shoga in honor of her grandmother. Soon, all the adults, well, mostly women, and the teen girls flocked around the newborn while the guys wondered why. Sango, with Sakura still sitting on her lap, stayed on teh couch and heard her twin tell the guys he was hanging with, Koji, Shiro, Damien, and Yasuo who was a few months younger than Koji that he didn't get why al the girls liked babies. Sango had to smirk and she turned around and said, "It's a girl thing." She could hear her cousins snickering, and Sakura laughed, and teh two went over to Grandmother Shoga.

"Sango, you've grown so much," the elderly woman said. Just then Nana, Grandmother Shoga's sister adn Sango's real grandmother came in, bringing with her a hat. Everyone knew what this meant. Slips of paper adn pens were passed around the room adn put in the hat. Only the little children, ages 7 and under were not included in this. Then Uncle Toya shook the hat and everybody who put a paper slip in lined up. It took several minutes for Sango to be at the front and take her slip. She reached in and pulled out: Kage.

Kage was a third cousin of Sango's, just a year older, adn there was some talk of arranging a marriage for the two, when she was twenty, and he twenty one. So far she hadn't heard of talk for a few years. She truly didn't want to marry him. She sighed and went upstairs, trying to think of things she could give him.

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Inu Yasha sighed, he was done with work that night and headed to the empty house he was staying in. When he got there, he looked at the clocked and went online, checking his inbox. Clicking on the one from Miroku, he read it and responded:

Hey man, not much is happening back home. Well, other than some arguments, but that's the norm. Call sometime, relieve me of my boredom. -Inu Yasha Akemi, houseguest.

He sent the message and logged off, opting to take a shower and go to bed early.

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Kagome sighed, having had fun that day. Getting up when she heard the door open downstairs, she found Cathy was home.

"Oh, Kagome!" Called the woman. She went downstairs and found Cathy sitting on the couch, smoking a cigarette.

"What?" Asked Kagome.

"Come here and sit down," the woman invited, patting the place next to her. Kagome shrugged and sat down. "Here try a puff," the woman handed Kagome her cigarette.

"No thanks ma'am," Kagome politely refused.

"I didn't say you had a choice little girl," the woman snarled, forced it into Kagome's mouth. Kagome tried to struggle against the older woman, but she wasn't strong enough, and then she blacked out.

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Sango sighed, and laid staring at the bottom of Usagi's bunk. She had no idea what she'd give Kage.

"Hey girl, why are you so down?" Usagi asked, leaning over the top bunk to look at Sango. "Not real happy with the person you got?" Sango nodded, she'd hoped to get someone else like a girl cousin or one of her brothers. That would have been so much easier. "Well, I guess I can't help you out with that."

Just then Ruri and Hana, another cousin, about Ruri's age walked in, talking about something. They sat on Ruri's bed adn both turned toward Sango and Usagi.

"Guess what we heard the guys say," Ruri started.

"What?" Usagi, Sango and Moriyo, who just walked in said at once.

"They were telling each other who got who," Hana finished.

"And, guess who Kage got!" Ruri went on.

"Who?" The three asked.

"Sango!" The two squealed at once.

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Inu Yasha sat on the couch and someone knocked on the door. Getting up, he saw that it was Yuka. He opened the door and said, " Hello."

"Hi Inu Yasha," she said shyly.

"Come in, it's cold out," he told her adn she gladly walked in, though not without sparing some glances out the windows and up and down the street. Walking into the kitchen with Yuka following him, Inu Yasha sat down at the island in the middle of the room adn watched as Yuka closed the curtains. "Why are you acting so paranoid?" He asked after a few minutes.

"It's my boyfriend, he's stalking me and he says he's gonna kill me," she confided in Inu Yasha, who was thinking, 'This girl has some bad luck with the guy.'

"Why's he doing that?" He asked.

"I don't know," she sobbed.

A/N: And that's where I'll end the short chapter. Lot's of things going on, right? Oh, and a Miroku email will show up soon. I don't own anything.