InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi watashi ga natsukashi ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kimi watashi ga natsukashi.

Chapter 4

Kagome went back to her father's and having nothing better to do, she looked at the games on the computer. Finding none she liked, Kagome logged online, hoping that maybe Inu Yasha or Miroku would be on. Going to her inbox, she found she had received several messages, mostly junk, but a few from people she knew. Going in her room, she grabbed a cd, popping it into the computer so she could listen to it while she read and replied to her emails. She fixed it so that track three would play over and over, then went back to her email.

"Take me away, take me far away from here, I will run, with you. Don't be afraid, navigate and I will steer into the sun, we will run," Kagome sang along with the chorus of the song. Seeing one form Miroku, she clicked on it, only to see:

Hey guys, you having fun? I am, kinda. Really, it's boring. The only people my age are two years younger than me, and they seem to hate me for some reason. Plus, they're snobs, both of them. One's a chick, the other's her twin bro. Inu Yasha, you should've come with us. It would have been so much better if you had. Well, gotta go, my mom's calling for me, so see ya in two weeks! -Love, Miroku (for the girls) and later Inu Yasha (for Inu Yasha)

Kagome had to give a little laugh at how Miroku had ended the email and typed back, writing:

Hey Miroku, sorry to hear that. Well, my dad and his fiance, Cathy took off for the day, leaving me alone in their part of the duplex they live in. It is so boring here, plus he lives in this tiny town. I did meet some girls though. Well, hope things get better for you. -Love Kagome (for Miroku)

Sitting back in the chair, she went back to her inbox. There was a message form Sota and she checked it out.

Hey sis, how's thing with dad? Is he nice? Is the lady he's getting married to evil? Is she gonna be like a wicked stepmother to us? I wish I could have gone. Sota

Kagome sighed and typed back:

Hey kiddo, things are fine with dad, who's nice, and his fiance's name is Cathy. She's nice, but in the sugary sweet, makes your teeth rotten nice, and I don't like her. They took off for work today, so I'm alone, and I am missing you guys so much. -Hugs and kisses, Kagome

She sent it and seeing no more messages in her inbox from important people, logged out. having nothing better to do, she started to surf the net.

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Sango was driving, her family asleep. They were supposed to arrive at Nana's in a few hours and she pulled into a rest stop, needing to stretch her legs. She came back to the car a few minutes later, her family still asleep. Turning on the radio so that it played softly, just enough that she could hear, but not enough that it woke the others, she put the van in reverse, pulling out of the lot, and then shifting to drive, leaving the rest stop, getting ready to drive until the next rest stop.

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It was four hours later, adn Kagome had long ago logged off, now choosing to watch TV, waiting for something exciting to happen. Her father and Cathy both came hour within the next hour, adn soon, the two were in an animate discussion, of which made Kagome feel like an outcast.

"Kagome, what do you want for dinner?" Cathy asked.

"I don't care," she shrugged.

"How about we go to this great little restaurant I know of?" Yasuo Hiragashi asked.

"Sure," both women said at the same time.

"Great, come on," he told them, taking them outside and out to his car. Cathy slid in with a smirk next to her father, adn Kagome sat in the back. Looking out the window, she watched as they went from country to city.

"Where are we at?" Kagome asked, confused.

"Mishawaka," Cathy told her. Soon, they pulled up in front of a place called Ryan's and headed inside to eat.

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Inu Yasha was bored and headed out to Tony's planning on hanging out there until it was time to work. When he got there, he was soon taking over someone else's shift, the girl was having a family emergency. her father had had a heart attack, and just as he was getting there, she found out. Taking a break, he headed out to the back alley, outside of the stuffy kitchen.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked the girl sitting on the ground. She looked up and he found that it was Kagome's old friend, Yuka.

"No, everything's wrong," she sniffled.

"Like what?" He asked.

"Promise not to tell anyone?" She asked.

"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye," he told her, not really thinking as he said the old children's pledge. She gave a weak smile and sighed.

"My boyfriend, he gave me some, some drugs, a few months ago, and now," she didn't go on to say, but Inu Yasha already guessed the answer.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?" He asked. Yuka nodded, and he didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry," she told him.

"Why?" He wondered.

"For being so mean to you in the past," she told him.

"Listen, why don't you come in, out of the cold," he suggested. She nodded, adn he lead her in through the kitchen, towards where the booths were. A little later, he came over, sitting down a slice of pizza and a pop, sitting down across from her, letting her confide in him.

"Thank you," she told him later, when she left to go home and tell her parents.

"It was no problem," he assured her. "You can talk to me anytime, always an ear open to anyone." She smiled and left.

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Kagome plopped down on the bed, glad to be back. Dinner had not been fun, adn Kagome was sure it was colder here than it was back home. She felt like the cold was sapping away all her energy. Awaking the next morning to voices, she stumbled downstairs, the voices gone. On the table was a note from her father, telling her that he would be away that day adn Cathy was gone for a few hours that morning. Heaving a sigh, she dressed, heading outside, seeing if there was something for her to do. Finding a park, she sat down, watching kids throw snowballs at each other.

Plop. One had hit the back of her head. Whipping around, she looked to see who had thrown it.

"Sorry!" A guy about her age called as he walked over to her. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she told him. She then threw the snowball she'd made at him. It hit the poor guy right smack dab in the face.

"What's your name?" He asked, wiping snow from his face.

"Kagome, what's yours?" She asked, feeling about ready to giggle.

"Jason," he replied. he then threw one at her, adn soon, the two were in a snow ball war.

"That was fun," she sighed an hour later.

"Yeah it was," Jason told her. He then noticed her shivering. With a laugh he asked her if she like to come with him.

"Why not, I've got nothing better to do," she told him. He grinned, then grabbed her arm, drawing her towards a blue two story building. He walked in, adn Kagome followed, realizing that the place was a bakery. Jason walked up to the counter, and asked her if she wanted anything. Kagome told him that she didn't have any money to pay him back, but he told her it was his treat. Soon, the two were sitting at a small table, each holding a hot drink and a donut, swapping stories.

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Her father pulled into Nana's driveway. The three Tama children and their father grabbed their suitcases and headed up to the house. Sango knocked, adn a cousin of theirs let them in. Sango's Nana lived in a large, three story house with her aunt Amelia and uncle Toya, along with their three kids, Sakura, Keisuke, adn Keitaro. Sakura was their four year old daughter, adn Keisuke and Keitaro were their twin two year old sons. During the winter holiday though, almost the entire Tama family migrated to Nana's house.

"Hey Koji," Naraku greeted the cousin that let them in. Koji was a year older than Naraku and Sango. Koji showed them where they would sleep. Naraku would share a room with Koji, Shiro who was two years older than Koji, adn Damien, Shiro's younger half brother by a year.

Sango ended up with Koji's sisters Ruri (two years older than her) and Moriyo (a month younger than Sango), along with their cousin Usagi, who was four months older than Sango. Kohaku was across the hall from Sango, between the stairs and Naraku's room, sharing it with two cousin, George and Carlos. George was a year younger than Kohaku, while Carlos, mother Juanita and father Toshiro, and the same age as Kohaku, only two days older.

Sango sighed as she put her things away in her drawer of the dresser the four girls had to share, half of the stuff still in her suitcase, under her bunk, Usagi having already taken the top. Her family wasn't the last to arrive, but they definitely weren't the first either. Moriyo and Sango headed downstairs, having very similar interests being the same age, and were joined by Naraku and Damien in a few moments. The group headed downstairs, to the living room, finding relatives galore.

A/N: Well, I've definitely got back in my groove. Don't expect chapters this long all the time, and Sango's family is bigger than what you've seen so far. I am keeping everything the same in my town and the area Kagome's in. All the cousins that Sango has are made up, yes I took a few names from some animes and mangas, but not many.

I don't own anything but the cousins and Jason, so there. No suing me now!