InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi watashi ga natsukashi ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kimi watashi go natsukashi.

Chapter 3

Kagome sighed and sat down on the bed in "her room" at her father's. And Cathy's. 'I so do not like that woman,' Kagome thought as she got up and looked around the room. It was about the size of her room at home and was probably the largest room in the duplex her father lived in. Cathy and her father had a room downstairs, next to the living room. Opening her suitcase, she started putting things away, trying to make the room seem more like home. With a sigh, the teen girl walked out of the room, passing a tiny room that had a computer desk and other items making a small study, then going downstairs. She landed at the bottom of the slightly uneven stairs adn was in the living room. Her father's room had the door closed and she found her father and Cathy snuggled up on the couch in the living room. She took one look at them and felt a pang of anger hit her. She had not liked Cathy one bit, not since she'd introduced herself earlier that day.

"Hey Kagome, want to watch a movie with us?" Her father asked. She sighed and thought, 'No, not really. Oh adn I hate the bimbo clinging on the you.' But he told her father was, "Sure, I'd love to." Sitting down on the other side of her father, she watched the movie Cathy picked out, Titanic.

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Inu Yasha sighed. Miroku had left earlier that day and Sango the day before. Kagome had left two days ago and it was hard for him to deal with not having his friends about and near him. He wasn't going to Sesshoumaru's, something having caused his brother to go to Los Angeles for something. So, he was all alone. Turning on the television, a plasma, the Botan's being quite well off and able to afford such things, and started flipping through the channels. Finally settling on an old movie, he tuned in to watch it.

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Sango sat in teh backseat of her father's car. Kohaku was next to her while Naraku drove, letting their father take a rest. They were visiting Nana, Sango's grandmother who lived three days drive away. It was their tradition to visit her every year. This year and the last though they'd been able to make it in half the time, Naraku and Sango helping with the driving.

Her father and Kohaku were snoring; Naraku was driving; Sango couldn't sleep. She'd been having problems sleeping as of late and had no idea why. Sighing, she put in her Evanescence cd and looked out the window. She began mouthing the words to Everybody's Fool, which she put on repeat. She loved all the songs, but that one fit her mood at the moment.

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Kagome sighed in relief, the movie over. Her father and Cathy were snuggled on the couch still adn Kagome went up to her room. She soon fell asleep. She woke the next morning, slightly bewildered as to where she was. With a sigh she went downstairs, going to take a shower.

Twenty minutes later, Kagome was dressed for the day, hair slightly damp form her shower. They were still asleep, she went into the kitchen adn made herself a bowl of cereal. Sitting down in the dining room, she looked out the window and saw the neighbors trees. When she was done, she put her bowl in the sink and watched some TV until they came out of their room. Rolling her eyes, she continued to watch the anime she'd found. She didn't really get the show, but it was more interesting to watch than the news.

"Hello sweetie, sleep well?" Her father asked her.

"Yeah," she answered, already wanting to go back home.

"Well, today Cathy and I both have to work, so why don't you take the time to get acquainted with the town. Visit some of the places," her father told her. She sighed and nodded her head. Soon they left, leaving Kagome in the house alone. She put on her coat, hat and gloves and walked outside, hoping to go home. Across the street and a little to the right, was a building. Walking towards it, she saw that it was the post office. But, as she walked along the sidewalk, she noticed some people her age walking into a building nearby. With a shrug, she headed inside and found that it was a bowling alley. Not having anything better to do, she sat down at one of the tables after buying a drink and putting in a quarter, picking out two songs she liked form the selection of the two hundred or so songs.

"Hey, can we sit with you?" A girl asked. Kagome looked at her, and found that with teh girl were two more girls.

"Sure," she shrugged, and the three sat down with her.

"What's your name?" Asked the girl, who had red hair.

"Kagome, what about you?" Our girl asked.

"Melissa, and she's Kaytee, and that's Alysia," Melissa, the red haired one told her. Alysia had glasses and Kaytee didn't, so it was easy to remember who was who.

"Are you new to town or something?" Kaytee blurted out. Kagome could see the one called Alysia roll her eyes and could almost hear the girl thinking, 'Duh, of course she's new. This is a small town, don't you think you would have remembered seeing her around before?' But she didn't, and Kagome replied, "I'm visiting my dad."

"Really, that's cool," Melissa commented. Just then, some guys walked in and Melissa called them over. Soon, Kagome found herself at a crowded table. Luckily, the guys went over to the same counter where Kagome had gotten her drink and were soon bowling in the empty lane in front of the girls.

"Your boyfriends?" Kagome asked, pointing to them.

"No, friends of ours," Alysia spoke up for the first time. She looked at her watch and said she had to go, something about going to visit her cousins. Soon, Kagome's new friends were bowling with the guys and she was sitting alone again, still drinking her pop and listening to the jukebox which had yet to play either of her songs. After half an hour, her songs came on and she left.

A/N: Well, I dunno if anyone guessed or not, but this town Kagome's in is based after my own that I live in. I will not add anything or take away anything from it. I'll leave it the way it is. It'll be fun "showing" you guys around my town, I can see that already. The house Kagome's dad has is based on my friend Melissa's, which I know very well. Yes, my friends adn I made a cameo in the story, something I was debating whether or not to do, but it just didn't seem right if I didn't add the real people.

I'm sorry that Cece took over the last A/N, but what could I do? She lives in Niles by the way and her real name's Crystal. I was also thinking of using my house for Kagome's, but as you can see, I clearly didn't. Oh, and the jukebox has a poor music selection, but I still go there to listen to it.

Next chapter: Kagome meets a guy,(fictional) adn becomes fast friends with him, Sango arrives at her Nana's, Inu Yasha does something (not sure of it yet, adn the group get's an email from Miroku, who will not show up until the end of the story, or the next. I am getting a feeling that this will turn into a saga. There will be sequel to this, I can tell you that much.

I do not own any person/ place/ or thing from the Inu Yasha anime, nor the people and places of New Carlisle, Indiana.