InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko, the new edition ❯ messy house, SHOWDOWN!!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*Present day
“Shoumaru, I'm bored and it's hot” Kimiko whined. I had to watch her and Inuyasha while Father went out with Inuyahsa and, supposedly, Kimiko's mom. “Well, find something to do then” I said turning on my other side making my back face her, “But, you're suppose to be babysitting right?” I ignored her and started snoring to say I wasn't paying attention, “DO YOUR JOB RIGHT! Make me happy!” she yelled. I turned again and this time I smacked her with my hand making it look like I accidently hit her when I turned around to my other side.
“UUUUUGGGGHHH!!! FINE! Me and Inuasha will go break something then” she said leaving the room slamming the door, “Hn, as if she'd actually break something” I said to myself. Then I heard Inuyasha laughing and Kimiko's right after then all fell silent…SHATTER!!, CLASH!!!, SLASH!!! My eyes shot open and I darted throught the door down the stairs. I gawked at all the shattered glass and plastic on the ground, “I told ya we would” she said in a teasing voice. My eyes grew blood shot red, “YOU HEATHENS!” I shouted and jumped down the stairs to them. “WHA!!!” they yelled running in different directions.
My first Target was Kimiko for breaking stuff. I ran straight into the kitchen and looked in every pantry and cubboard. “Where are you little half breed?” I called. Then I saw Inuyasha run pass and I quickly scooped him up, “So, I guess you're first then. Where's Kimiko?” I asked frustrated, “I ain't tellin `ya” he said sticking out his tongue. I tied him to the railing of the stairs, “Ey! Get me down! You can't do that!!!” he yelled. I sniffed around to find that little brat and her scent lead me to the hall. “Hm, so you are here somewhere” I said. I quickly, but silently went to the closet and opened the door. “AH!!!” she yelled and curled up and try to hide.
I grabbed her by the collar and dragged her out to where I hung inuyasha, “Let me go! Shoumaru! I didn't do it!” I hung her right beside Inuyasha and watched them squirm. “Put us down!” Kimiko yelled, “You better do it now or we'll tell dad!” Inuyasha yelled after her. I only smiled, “I think, I'll leave you two there while I clean…or, better yet” I smirked and they became shocked, “No…not that” Inuyasha said. “You…can clean it yourselves” I finally said. “NNNNOOOOO!!!!!” they yelled in agony.
I pulled them down and gave them a broom and windex, “Now get going before father gets home” I said going upstairs, “Oh and one more thing…I expect it to be done within ten minutes so I suggest you hurry up” with that I went back to my room to lay down.
*Inuyasha view*
I looked down at the broom in my hand and looked at Kimiko who had already started working. A mischevious smirk was played upon my lips, “You can do this by yourself” I said putting the broom down and sitting on a chair, “Hey! You can't make me do thi by myself!” she yelled seeing my lounging around, “Oh but I can, ya see, I'm older than you and you have to listen to me. And I said clean up this mess yourself”
She grew red in the cheeks as she growled and cleaned up everything by herself. By the time the ten minutes where over she just barely finished, “Great job! You even used carpet freshener” I said sniffing the air. She sat there huffing and giving me the evil glare. “What?” “You made me clean by myself!” “…So?” she growled even louder and started chasing me around, “GET BACK HERE INUASHA!” she yelled running on all four to get to me, “Nya Nya you can't get me!”I teased as I ran into Sesshoumaru's leg.
I looked up at him who was just glaring at me, “GOTCHA!” I heard Kimiko shout as the impact of her weight came crashing down on my back. “UGH!! Get off! You're chokin me!” I said trying to rip her off, “No way! After what you did, I should mess this place up and make you clean it yourself!”she exclaimed while bitting my ear. “Sesshoumaru! Get her off!” I pleaded grabbing his pant leg. “Get off me” he said shaking my hand loose of his pant leg, “All I care for is that this house is clean and nothing else” he walked into the kitchen.
“THAT'S ENOUGH!!!” I yelled pushing her so that I sat on her stomach and I growled at her. “I said, stop!” I growled clawing at her. She pushed me off and we where in battle stance. She ran towards me and I jumped to avoid her, then I jumped on her back making her fall backwards. Now, I was on my back clinging to Kimiko's back as she flew her hands around like crazy. “Get off! That hurts!” she whined. I bit her ear as pay back she got free and ran upstairs. Just then Mom and Dad came through the door.
*FF to nighty night time* *Kimiko view*
“Mum, guess what?” I pulled mum's kimono and she looked down at me, “what is It dear?” I smiled big, “Me and Inuasha gots in a fight and I went like WHAM! And hit him! Then we got in a ground battle and I went GRRRR and bit his ear and we mauled eachother like ARARARARARARAR!!!and after all that…I won!” I said jumping up and down in victory. She looked very confused about what I said, “Um, that's great, but now it's time for a bath” She put me in the tub with Inuasha and she washed us up. She left us in there to play for a while, “I won and you lost!” he protested.
“What do ya mean?” I asked playing with a rubber ducky, “I heard ya talkin ta mom and you lied! I won!” I looked at him, “Nu-uh, you cheated so you got desquishdefied” I tried to prnouce the word but failed, “Just cuz I bit your ear back doesn't make me desquishdefied! If it does, then you lost first!” he threw up his fist in my face, “Too bad, I won end of disguisting” I said playing with my ducky again. I saw Inuyasha get mad and he was about to throw a bar of soap at me until mum walked in. “Time to get out! Bedtime!”
We got our pjs on and we walked into Shoumaru's room to sleep. I got on the left side and Inuasha on the right. “Night Shoumaru” I said hugging him, “hmmm” is all he said. Inuasha hugged him harder, “I love you” he said. Shouaru turned around, “hmmmm” I frowned and kissed his nose, “I love you more” I said smiling. He bared his fangs and growled out a “hmmmm” noise this time.
“Nu-uh! I do! He was my brover first!” Inuasha protested while swinging his arms around his neck. “So? He's mine too now” I said hugging his abs. He growled and I growled back at him, we bared our fangs at eachother as a threat. Then Shoumaru barked, “GO TO SLEEP!!!!!” he threw a binkie in Inuasha's mouth and a stuffed ookami at me. Inuasha sucked the binkie and fell to sleep and I hugged the plushie and fell asleep too.