InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko ❯ Author's note ( Chapter 10 )

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Hey guys…

I KNOW I haven't updated for a VERY long time but school is demanding too much this year, I hardly make it with my school projects and works.
But I didn't forget you, nor my fic! I swear I think often about it and it makes me angry not to find enough time to update. I promise this isn't the end of Kimiko, I just can't update until, well…honestly, right after my graduation ball I'm going to France for twelve days, so I'll have time to write after that, in July…

I'm writing this note just to make you know that I didn't and I won't stop. Kimiko's a project that I want to continue until the end.
That's it!
Hope you won't be too angry with me…
*Little Miko*