InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko ❯ A new start ( Chapter 9 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Since nobody answered me on how Kimiko should be as a demon, I had to create her new physic all by myself. If you think there's something to change, tell me!

And this is the first titled chapter! Yay! Ok the title's not original at all but it's still better than "Chapter 9" huh?


Sitting in a chair, in the corner of Kimiko's room, Sesshomaru patiently waited for the girl to wake up. The Taiyoukai heard a knock at the door. It was one of his servants, Ichikaru, who had the task to watch over a certain part of the land and make sure everything was alright. Ichikaru bowed, and explained her presence to the Lord.
"My Lord, your half-brother Inuyasha wishes to see you. I found him wandering on your Lands with a human girl, who claims to be Kimiko-sama's sister."
Sesshomaru didn't want to leave the room; Kimiko would need someone with her when she would wake up. But on the other hand, he had to know what Inuyasha and Kagome were up to. Then he thought of Kohana, a sweet fox demon that took care of the two inu brothers when they were younger. She would know how to deal with Kimiko.
" Return to them and tell them I'm coming. I have to go get Kohana to watch over the girl."
"Yes my Lord." She bowed again, and left.


"Do you think she'll ever come back?" asked Kagome.
"She better come back soon, and with Sesshomaru!"
As he finished his sentence, they saw Ichikaru coming back. But she was alone. Inuyasha groaned.

" My Lord will be here in a few minutes, please wait a little more. "
Two minutes later, Sesshomaru arrived in front of them.
"Inuyasha, what are you doing on my Lands? You know your presence is not allowed here."
" I came because of Kagome! She has to talk to you. "
Kagome's cheeks reddened when the Lord glared at her.
"I, hum… I'd like to see Kimiko, hum… hum…I have to talk to her huuuum…my Lord? " `How to look stupid in two easy steps' thought Kagome.
"I do not think it's the best moment for that. Kimiko is going through several difficulties, and she doesn't need someone to destroy her confidence all over again." He turned on his heels and prepared to leave.
"No, wait! I just want to make things better between us, I won't be…mean!"
He stopped but didn't turn, nor did he answer. He was thinking about what Kagome had just said.
"If you say one inappropriate word to her, it won't be long before I have my claws on your neck. Is that clear?"
She gulped. She'll have to watch her tongue, and it sure will be hard.
"Yes it is."
"Inuyasha, you're not coming."
With that he grabbed Kagome's wrist and took off.
"Hey!! No way!! Wait!" He attempted to follow them but Ichikaru blocked his way.
"The Lord said no."
"I don't care about your lord! "
"He won't harm the human, don't worry. I know him. If she does something wrong he will just scare her to make sure she doesn't do it again."
"I know him too because I'm his brother!! We battled often and he almost killed her more than one time!"
"But in this context it's different. Calm down, Inuyasha. Sesshomaru-sama wants Kimiko-sama to be happy, and he knows that she wishes to get along with her sister."
"You talk like if you were in his head."
"That's because I know him very well. I'm his best-friend. You don't remember me?"
Chie was Ichikaru's nickname He glanced at the woman with short red hair and blue eyes. Inuyasha had always hated Ichikaru because her and his brother often made fun of the hanyou when they were younger.


Kimiko slowly woke up. She put her hands to her eyes to rub them and scratched her face.
"Ooow!! What's that?" She looked at her fingers. And she saw the claws.
"Aaaargh!!" Kohana ran to her.
"Calm down, before you bite yourself with your fangs."
"MY FANGS??" She ran to a mirror and gasped at what it reflected.

--Ten minutes later--

Kagome yelled all the way to the castle. She had nothing to grip on, and was afraid that Sesshomaru would drop her.
When he finally landed, he released her wrist and directly went to Kimiko's room. Kagome followed him, or at least she tried to, because his pace was so fast she almost had to run after him. When they finally reached the doors that lead to Kimiko's room, Sesshomaru remembered that Kagome didn't know about her sister's transformation.
"Oh, by the way, I'm warning you so do not be surprised, Kimiko has changed."
He opened the doors and she saw the other girl sitting on the bed. Was it her? Yes, it was Kimiko, but with purple stripes in the hair, fangs, claws and pointed ears.
"Eeeep!" She put her hand on her mouth and looked at her sister, her eyes wide open.
Kimiko was sitting on the edge of a big bed, her clawed fingers playing with a lock of hair. Sesshomaru went to her and the girl smiled when she saw him, revealing her fangs. Then Kimiko saw Kagome standing near the doors, a look of astonishment across her face.
"Hum, Hello?"
Kagome came back to reality.
"Huh, Hi, sorry…"
"You can come closer you know, I won't eat you…"
"Huh, yeah…"
She sat next to the cat demon, on the bed. She realized that Kimiko's eyes were now purple, light purple.
"Your eyes…"
"Yeah I know it's weird."
"No…it's beautiful."
"Thanks!" Kimiko was very grateful to Kagome.
Sesshomaru and Kohana left the girls alone in the room for more privacy.

'I hope everything will be alright with them…'
'You care a lot about her, right?'
'Not that much.'
'Really? What would you do if she had to leave you forever?'
'It would disturb me, that's all.'
'And I suppose that when she told you she had cancer, you were only disturbed? I probably imagined the other feelings, like the anger…'

`I'm not saying that you LOVE her, just that you really care about her. Stop acting like a cold-hearted man, Inuyasha's not here.'
'Hopefully! It wouldn't be a good sign to have Inuyasha in my head.'
'So, you do care about Kimiko?'

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Finiiiiiiished! Chapter 9, of course, not the entire story! Kimiko is now a demon!

Please Review!! Oh and huh…do you like how I made Kimiko look like a demon? Tell me please! Thanks!