InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

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In the previous chapter, we learn that Kimiko has a Brain Cancer…
Sesshomaru listened to Kimko's explanations about cancer, his face still very calm. But inside of him, it was all but calm. He was angry, very angry, and disgusted by what was happening to Kimiko. She didn't deserve that cancer thing. When she finished the description of her disease, he firmly grabed her wrists and said to her, slightly losing control:
"Now, there is absolutely no way that you refuse to take the antidote. Youkais do not die from disease. You will drink that thing and heal."
"I huh…I'm not sure it's a good idea...Maybe it's my destiny?"
"If it was your destiny then you wouldn't have youkai blood deep inside of you."
"Yeah that's right…" She sighed heavily, while Sesshomaru calmed down a little and loosened his grip on her wrists. He suddenly caught a smell. Tears again. He tought she was sad, but she rapidly explained:
"I'm just…scared. That's all."
"I understand."
With that he placed a hand on her back and pushed her a little towards Rin and Jaken, as a sign that they had to leave.

"Sit boy!!"

"See ya tomorrow Inuyasha it's Souta's birthday today!"
Kagome jumped in the well and went to her home.
"Hi there! I'm back!"
"Kagome! Wait a second dear, I'm coming!"
Her mom appeared in the kitchen, her eyes all puffy. It was clear that she was crying when Kagome arrived.
"Mom! What happened? Why did you cry?"

"I have terrible news Kagome. Kimiko has brain cancer."
"She came home about a week ago because she had headaches that wouldn't go away. We went to the hospital, and the doctors detected a tumor in her head. She went back to the feudal era."
"So I thought that maybe…you could go see her, and make her pass an agreeable moment with you?"
"I really would like to…but she's not very accessible."
"How come, dear?"
"Huh…She living with Inuyasha's half brother, Sesshomaru, and they hate each other, so naturally Sesshomaru won't let me enter his lands…I still don't understand how she succeeded in being "friends" with him."
Mrs. Higurashi smiled.
"You know Kagome, you resemble to Kimiko more than you think. People in general are attracted to you, you make them feel at ease in your presence. That fact probably helped Kimiko, and that Lord, tell me, he is the cold type, right?"

"Maybe he likes Kimiko's company, because she can be very silent at times, and other times she's funny and talks a lot. You know she is intelligent, and I think he appreciates it, too."
"You're amazing mommy!"
"It's all about being logic, dear. And that's how I know why Inuyasha likes you that much, you make his life more easy and happy, just by being around him. You cheer people up Kagome, and they like your sense of humor and your presence is comforting. That's why I really want you to cheer Kimiko up a little. Okay?"
"Now let's celebrate your brother's birthday, and tomorrow you'll go try to talk to her, is that okay with you?"


"Tell me…why are we doing this again?"
"I told you three times Inuyasha! We're going to visit Kimiko because she has an incurable disease and I have to make things better between us, to cheer her up a little!"
"But I thought you hated her!!!"
"No I…do not hate her, I just…It's complicated. Just bring me to the Western Lands!"


Kimiko was sitting on the edge of her bed, turning again and again the tiny bottle in her hands. She felt very insecure about drinking the antidote, she couldn't imagine her life as a demon. At first, it had sounded great, but as time passed, she began feeling more and more awkward about it.. She glanced at the Lord, who sat in a chair on the other side of the room, observing her.
She finally took a deep breath, took the cork out of the bottle, and rapidly swallowed the blue liquid that was in it. In the first ten second, nothing changed. But right after, she started feeling dizzy, pain was taking over her body, her skin was burning, her bones and muscles were changing, and every single part of her body was reacting. Her vision became blurry, and after a while, she couldn't see anything. Sesshoumaru was near, she wanted to ask him to help her, but no sound came out of her mouth, and she couldn't hear anything.
The pain grew, Kimiko couldn't bear it anymore, and lost consciousness.


I have to end the chapter right there, because in the next chapter Kimiko will have her demon form, and I don't have a single idea about her appearance! Suggestions are welcome!! I mean…it really would help me. Please review (and suggest!), and chapter 9 should be posted soon!!

Thanks to Emilie, the corrector of my stupid mistakes!