InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

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Hi!! I'm back!!! I think I know where I'm going now with the story! Yay!!

Forget everything I said about Naraku in chapter 6 okay?? Let's just say that Kouga went to Sesshy's castle to visit him because they are allys! … Now that it's clear…

Chapter 7!!

Disclaimer: This is the last time I say it. I'm tired of this! All the characters in the story belong to Rumiko Takahashi except Kimiko! I created her!!


~This is like one week after Kouga's visit~

"Rin you know it's rude to stare." Stated Sesshomaru. The little girl couldn't help it. Kimiko's physical appearance was so uncommon…

"Rin is sorry Kimiko-chan! "

"It's nothing, really. I'm used to it you know! " Kimiko answered.

"I've never seen such a skin…" said Rin with admiration in her voice.

"Know what? In my world there's people that have a skin even darker. Almost black! "

"Really?? "

"Yes! "

"I'd like to see that! "

Kimiko suddenly felt something bumping in the back of her head. `Yay seems like I'll have an other headache…' Two days ago she had had a huge headache that was so painful, she couldn't do anything but lay in bed all day. `Hope it won't be as painful as last time…'

" Kimiko, it's time to the teaching of ethics. " said Sesshomaru.

"Ah crap…" the girl mumbled.

"I heard that. "

"Sorry. " She bowed a little, like the Lord had taught her.

"Good. Now let's go. Rin, Jaken, will be in charge of you for the next two hours. "

The child sighed then went to the toad youkai as the Lord and the teen went to the room they used for the ethic classes. It was an ancient dinning room, with a long table, lots of chairs, and some paintings on the walls.

"Hey…who's that woman? " She pointed a beautiful woman with long golden hair and blue eyes. She was dressed in a gorgeous kimono and held a kid in her arms.

"My mother. "

Kimiko's mouth formed a "o". "And the kid in her arms? Is it you? "

"Yes. "

She approached the painting where Sesshomaru didn't have more than 6 years old. He already had the marks on his face, but something was very different from the Sesshomaru that was standing next to her.

"You're smiling!! "

Indeed, the boy's smile was so wide that you could perfectly see his fangs.

"You're so cuuuute!! You should smile more often! " She froze. "Huh, I mean, not that you're not huh…cute when you don't smile it's just huh you're…different… " She didn't know how to explain what she meant and was all confused. Did she offend him? She slowly turned to him, a furious blush on her cheeks.

He wasn't angry. Amusement was dancing in his eyes. It really had amused him to see Kimiko getting in "trouble".

"Let's work now. "

For the first time, Kimiko was happy when she heard this sentence.

"Okay. "

After an hour, Kimiko couldn't concentrate anymore. Her headache was now really painful and she couldn't stand the suffering anymore.

"Lord Sesshomaru…I think we'll have to stop for today. "

"Sorry? "

"I have a big headache, the pain is too powerful…I can't stand it. Trust me, I wouldn't ask to stop if it wasn't that painful. "

"You may leave. "

"Thank you very much, my Lord. "

He let her go then went to go find Rin and tell her she couldn't play with Kimiko for today. When he leaved, he heard the kid say:

"Sesshomaru-sama, you know, I like you! "

He turned his head, glancing at the little girl. `Why did she say that?' As if she read his thought, she said:

"Kimiko-chan told me that it's important to tell your feelings to the people you care about. So I did! "

" I see. " He was about to continue his way, when he saw Rin's eyes. Obviously, she thought that the Lord would tell her something about his feelings, too. He sighed.

"I like you, too. " mumbled Sesshomaru just loud enough for Rin to hear.

Rin's mouth formed an enormous smile, like the one Sesshomaru had on the painting.

`Too much women around me. They're making me soft.'

`But you've always been soft. You just didn't show it.'

`I'm not soft.'

`Yes you are.'

`Shut up.'

`I'll come back. You know that I never give up until you admit you're wrong.'

The voice in his head was right. The man sighed again.

~ 2 weeks later ~

"Don't cry, Rin. I'll be back in a few days. I promise, okay? "


Kimiko kissed Rin on the cheeks.

The two girls and Sesshomaru were standing near the well, saying their goodbyes. Kimiko's headaches never left her and she had to go back at home to see a doctor.

"I'll miss you guys…See ya! "

She jumped in the well and found herself back in the 21st century.

~ 3 days after ~

When Sesshomaru saw Kimiko coming back, he knew something was wrong. Her eyes showed fear and sadness, she looked very sick and he identified the smell of tears on her.

"I…have bad news. Very bad news. " She glanced at Rin. "Maybe…Rin's not ready to hear that. " She breathed heavily.

"Jaken, keep an eye on her. " ordered the Taiyoukai.

"Yes my Lord. "

When Kimiko and Sesshomaru were enough far from Rin and Jaken, the girl said in a shaky voice:

"I have a very grave disease. I'll explain it to you…it's called… Brain Cancer. It's incurable. "

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I let you with a cliffy! Hehe! But don't worry, I know where I'm going with this! I won't telle you in chapter 8 something like "forget everything I said about the cancer! Let's say it's just a cold!" lol Maybe I'll even begin to write chap.8 tonight, I'm so hyper, I received my report card and it's great! Yay! So please continue to review!!

And by the way…

If someone has an idea about what Kimiko's form would be when she's Neko-youkai, tell me, or draw it to me! Thanks!!

Special thanks to the text's corrector, Emilie / sunshine_15 !