InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ You've Played My Game, Now I'll Play Yours ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


"Say your prayers," Kagome scolded before Inuyasha could plop a big wad of rice ala curry into his mouth. The half-demon, with the expression of a six year old, peered curiously at Kagome before dropping his chopsticks.

"Fine," He murmured as he clenched his hands in front of him, "thank you God for this wonderful meal, the stupid rain, the roof over our heads to keep the stupid rain out, the very sexy woman sitting across from me, and the possibility of getting laid after dinner. Amen."


"What, woman?" He lowered his ears, hearing her screech. "You sound like a banshee."

Kagome was seething. "I do not sound like a banshee."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, depositing the food into his mouth. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, hot stuff."

Kagome glared at him with in anger and while eating her food slowly. Inuyasha, not looking at her, was acutely aware that her eyes were drilling holes into his head. He tried not to snicker; angry women were so much more fun to try and seduce.

Especially if said angry woman is Kagome.

Taking his seventh chopstick full of food, he looked up at Kagome to see her still glaring at him. "This is really good," he complemented, taking her off guard. Her chopsticks stopped halfway to her mouth and her eyes widened slightly.


Inuyasha laughed. "Be polite," he teased, "I said, the food is really good. Better than –dare I say it?- ramen!"

Kagome snorted before putting her food in her mouth. "Anything is better than ramen."

"Nuh uh!"

Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Yeah huh!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Yeah huh!"

"Nuh – freakin' – uh, woman!"

"Yeah –freakin' – huh, loser!"



They both glared at each other –Inuyasha's glare more playful than Kagome's- for a few moments before Inuyasha cracked a huge grin. "Alright fine, I'll let you win… because I loooooveeeee you."

"Can you stop saying that?" Kagome groaned, sending Inuyasha into a fit of laughter. Oh how he loved pestering her.

"But my mother always taught me to tell the truth," Inuyasha's grin widened as he sensed Kagome's discomfort level to go up.

"Yeah? I bet your mother didn't raise you to be an inconsiderate prick, but you're that, aren't you."

Inuyasha playfully pouted. "That was rude, Kagome."

"Do I care, Inuyasha?"

His eyes twinkled in delight. "You know what? I'm keeping you overtime tomorrow."

Her jaw dropped. "WE AGREED YOU WOULDN'T!"

"We agreed I wouldn't keep you unpaid overtime any longer," oh he loved it when he was right. The look of realization reflected on Kagome's expression and she was mentally kicking herself for not wording her condition better when she quit.

She set her chopsticks down and crossed her arms. "I give you a roof when it's raining, a bed to sleep in-"

"Don't forget, a pussy to pound in!" Inuyasha piped up and Kagome threw a chopstick at him. He dodged with ease, laughing hard.

"Food to eat," Kagome continued on where she left off, "and you repay me by keeping me in for unneeded overtime? You are the meanest jerk alive."

"The meanest jerk who—"

"Don't say the L word."

"… the meanest jerk who appreciates good food when it's served to him?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Nice save."

"And who also loves you?"

"Inuyasha!" her second chopstick went flying at him. It pathetically hit his chest that was rumbling uncontrollably. Something about the rain just made his spirits high—or maybe because he just had sex with the woman he had been having wet dreams about for the past six months. He went for the latter option.

Kagome, realizing that she had no utensils to eat with any longer, got up from her seated position and went to the kitchen to retrieve chopsticks and a fork. The fork was to drive into Inuyasha's eyes if he continued to say that L word… despite the fact it made butterflies flutter in her stomach and her heart race uncontrollably, she did not want to hear it.

It was Inuyasha for God's sake; Inuyasha the asshole.

The asshole who had put worms in a lunchbox, not too long ago.

The asshole who deleted her Jinenji files.

The asshole who kept her in for unpaid overtime…

But drove her home afterwards.

The asshole that made her pay for his snack at the Italian bistro.

But took her out to lunch.

The asshole that made her edit his speech for the corporate party, even though he didn't give speeches.

But offered her a promotion to his other company.

The same asshole that pissed her off more times than she blinked in a day rushed her to the hospital to see her brother, took care of her family, paid for her brother's hospital room, and asked his brother to operate on her brother.

Maybe he wasn't a total asshole.

She sat down and ate her food in silence, slightly worrying Inuyasha. Just before she went to go grab something to eat with, she was throwing insults with him, fighting with him, arguing with him. But now she was staring at her food, seemingly lost in a daydream, and pointedly not ignoring him intentionally. Inuyasha frowned.


She looked up at him.

"What's wrong?"

She looked surprised. "Nothing, why?"

"You just got all quiet."

Kagome bit her bottom lip. "Well… Thank you…"

That caught Inuyasha off guard. Thank you? For what? Asking her why the hell she's so quiet…?

"For?" He wasn't going to analyze the different reasons as to why she was thankful for him, he would outright ask her!

"For doing what you did for Sou—"

"Kagome, stop." Inuyasha set his chopsticks down –he was ready to down his rice and curry without chewing, but he didn't want to seem too impolite in front of Kagome—"Maybe you wouldn't have done the same for me," saying that hurt Inuyasha for some strange reason, "but if it was Sango's brother and you had the ability to save him, would you?"

The question caught Kagome off guard this time, but she answered. "Even if I didn't have the ability, I'd try to save him."

Inuyasha nodded. "Why?"

"Why…?" Kagome echoed.

"Yes, why would you try to help her?"

"Because she's my best friend!" Kagome said in an incredulous manner. "Why wouldn't I try to help her?"

"And you care about her as your best friend?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome nodded, slowly realizing what he was saying.

"And you… love your best friend?"

"I get it, I get it, you did it because you love me—" that feeling in her stomach intensified, "just… thank you."

Oh he could kiss her right now.

Well who's stopping me? Getting up, he strode over to her, knelt down, tilted her face up and softly pressed his lips against hers. Kagome didn't fight it, a part of her was longing for him to do that, to dominate her lips with his very own. Her body was aching to feel his hands on it once more, much to her chagrin. She didn't want to admit to the fact that she wanted Inuyasha. Neither did she want to admit that him saying he loved her sent her on a high and made her feel like a little schoolgirl once more.

He chewed on her lower lip, tasting the flavour of curry. "Can I please have you for dessert?" his voice was a raw drawl, pure desire emanating from him.

A riveting pulse was felt in Kagome's core.

Also, between her legs.

She didn't want to want him. She didn't want to have sex with him. Mustering up all the courage she had, she pushed him away.

"Inuyasha—no. Seriously, you have to stop."

His jaw tightened. There was only so much he was willing to take; he wore his heart on his sleeve and this was how she responded to him. He smelt her desire, smelt her need, sensed her body's call for his, but still she denied it. She was dropping the bullshit "I'm independent" crap. He had to give it to her, she was independent, but allowing her body the pleasures he was willing to give her did not take away from her independence.

Fine, you've played my game. Now I'll play yours.

Inuyasha had a plan.

A dirty, conniving, sneaky little plan.

And it involved his sister-in-law.

He went back to his seat and continued to eat his food without saying a word to Kagome. And for some reason, that pained her heart.


The rain stopped late into the night and Kagome and Inuyasha departed for the hospital. After dinner, they both watched the Smurfs movie (Inuyasha didn't even hold up a fight to watch a scary movie since Kagome knew he knew she hated horror), and Inuyasha went to Souta's room to take a nap.

Again, that surprised Kagome.

Maybe I was a little too rough?

The drive to the hospital was just as quiet and awkward as the atmosphere at home was. Kagome sent Inuyasha idle and inconspicuous glances but noticed that both of his hands were on the wheel and his eyes were trained on the roads. Kagome's bit her lip, this isn't like him.

They parked at the hospital and, because chivalry wasn't dead, he held the doors open for her as he escorted her to her brother's hospital room. Upon arrival, they were informed that Souta was sleeping and wouldn't wake up till later. Inuyasha waited in the waiting room as Kagome and her mother talked about Souta's situation and figured out who was going to stay at the hospital for the night. He trained one ear to listen for any of the Higurashi family members that might be approaching him, and pushed his phone against his other ear.

"Hey baby brother," his sister-in-law greeted.

"Hey there, big sis," he shot right back at her, "I need you to do me a huge favour."

"Sure, on one condition: quickly bring chocolate home for my son. He's crying and Sesshomaru is ready to carve your innards out."

Inuyasha snickered. "Rin, I have no idea what you saw in that man."

"Other than the fact he saved me from a pack of wolves about five hundred years ago?" She teased, "Absolutely nothing else—I love you baby!" Inuyasha heard Sesshomaru yell at her in the background and tried to stifle his laughter. Oh how he loved his sister-in-law, she was the perfect companion to piss off his older brother.

"Yes, so what favour do you require from me?"

Inuyasha glanced around the waiting room and lowered his voice a bit. "I need you to help me make Kagome jealous…"

He could practically hear Rin grin. "Where, what time, and how slutty do my clothes need to be?"


Inuyasha's grin grew wide. "Show as much cleavage as you can, without feeling uncomfortable."

"Perfect. I have just the dress—so, is it take your sister-in-law to work day tomorrow?"

"You bet it is. I'll buy you that stupid Hummer you've had your eye on for helping me, deal?" Inuyasha had to repay her, somehow. And his petit sister-in-law wanted a car that could fit seven hundred of her in.

"Just give my son chocolate… although the Hummer wouldn't hurt," Rin snickered. Inuyasha laughed.

"I'm so glad Sesshomaru married you."

"I know, I'm positive he's glad too."

Laughing, he bid Rin farewell and hung up just in time to see Kagome walk into the waiting room. He wiped his face of all expression (again, thanks to Sesshomaru's School of Non-Expressionism) and glanced up at her.

"I'm dropping you home?" He asked, his voice void of any emotion that he would've shown her otherwise. Dumbly, she nodded.

He wanted to kiss her again.

But not until she told him she wanted him. Inuyasha wanted all of her; heart, soul, body, and mind.


The ride home mirrored the ride to the hospital: silent. Inuyasha pulled up in front of the Shrine and glanced over at Kagome. Kagome looked at him too, her eyes shining with confusion. Clearing his throat, Inuyasha promptly said: "Be prepared to stay overtime tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 7:30 tomorrow, bye."

Kagome was dumbstruck. That was it? Nothing else?

No teasing, or smile, or playfully snarky remark?

No kiss?

Silently she thanked him and told him that it wasn't necessary to pick her up. She'd take a cab.

Inuyasha shrugged. "Alright, it's your call."

Again, that struck her cold.

She left the car and quickly ran up the shrine steps, tears collecting behind her eyes. She heard his car zoom off and she ran into the shrine, allowing the tears to spill freely. Suck it up, Kagome. She told herself, you told him to stop, and he did. You got what you asked for.

But it wasn't what she wanted.


"If you had a daughter, would you name her Risa or Sarin?"

Rin gave Inuyasha an awkward look. He was stopped at a red light and randomly asked her a question about what her daughter's name would be. Truly, the Takahashi brothers were the strangest beings in the world.

It was 7 in the morning and Inuyasha and Rin were headed to work. She asked if he was picking up Kagome and he informed her that she insisted to take a cab and left his car crying. Rin said she felt bad for the girl, but Inuyasha said his plan was working well.

"I'll have her admit she wants me, if not love me." He had declared to Rin the previous night.

The light turned green and Inuyasha accelerated. "Neither, both are ugly-ass names. Why?"

"Well you named Shippo Shippo… I thought the S-H came from Sesshomaru's name?"

Rin burst into laughter. "Shippo's name was already given to him when we adopted him, idiot!"

Inuyasha paused. "Oh… oh yeah. Well back to my question," he felt stupid, "what would you name your daughter?"

Rin shrugged. "I don't know… if I had a daughter I'd name her Hikarei, or something."

"That's cute," Inuyasha nodded, "I'd name her Inuyashi… after her favourite uncle."

Rin laughed and thwapped him. "No thank you! Besides, I'm not pregnant so do not ask me what I'm naming my daughter. Sesshomaru and I decided no babies until Shippo gets over his bed wetting stage."

Inuyasha snickered. "His father is Sesshomaru… that stage will never be gotten over."

Again, Rin hit him.

Inuyasha dropped her off in front of the building and told her to walk around aimlessly for a bit. He'd text her when it was time to come up to the floor. Rin had decided to wear a mini black dress with nude pumps. She wore a push-up bra, much to the displeasure of Sesshomaru, and had a silver necklace that had a pendant that rested on the bulge of her breasts.

It's for a good cause. She had told her husband.

Inuyasha's pathetic love life is nota good cause. Sesshomaru argued back.

But he had learned the hard way that women always get what they want, whether they wanted it or not.

Parking the car, Inuyasha walked to the entrance of the building in time to see Kagome step out of a cab and hand him a dollar note for her fare. She, apparently, told him to keep the change because he drove off without giving her any and she walked up the steps, readying her pass to swipe up to her floor.

Inuyasha, silently, walked behind her without telling her he was there. She screamed when she stepped into the elevator and turned around to see him right there. "Holy—you scared me!" She breathed. It was taking all of Inuyasha's will power to stop his penis from creating a tent in his pants. Note to penis, wear baggie pants.

Although Kagome was not wearing anything of seductive nature, she still looked beyond ravishable and Inuyasha was having a hard time not picturing her on his desk, being fucked mercilessly. She had a pastel blue full-sleeved blouse on with a white scarf tied around her neck (most probably to hide the hickey he gave her the previous day). To match her top, she had slender black dress pants with white open-toed heels. She had her hair done in a simple braid with a floral headband keeping her bangs out of her eyes.

"My apologies," he murmured, concentrating harder.

I promise I'll jerk you off more if you don't get aroused right now, penis. He crazily thought. The elevator ride up was longer than usual and it was getting harder – both his penis and the thought of not getting turned on by Kagome. Just as he was ready to hit the stop button and pull Kagome's pants down, the elevator doors slid open and Inuyasha made a break for it.

Kagome stared after him. All he says is my apologies? Not even a good morning…

Yura was already at the office and greeted both Inuyasha and Kagome.

"No going home early today, understood?" Inuyasha playfully grinned at her. The act, once again, pained Kagome. To see him act like that with somebody else and not her—she was so used to it being her.

"Fine," Yura rolled her eyes, "I figured it was a once in a lifetime thing. By the way, Kagome, you look mighty fine today."

Yes, yes she does—my penis agrees with you too, Yura.

"Thanks," Kagome smiled, "do I have any messages?"

Yura shrugged. "Don't know, haven't gone through them yet."

Kagome nodded and headed to her office, just as she opened her door she heard Inuyasha call out to her: "Higurashi!" She winced. Ouch. "I have a trainee coming in today, for Executive Supervisor of the Public Relations division." Trainee?I didn't know we were hiring. "She's a friend of my brother's and she should be here in a few. If I'm not around, greet her for me. Her name's Rin Satori."

Thank you, maiden names! Inuyasha cheered in his head. It wouldn't work out too well if he introduced her as Rin Takahashi.

Kagome nodded, fighting her tears. "Yes, sir."

"And oh," a sly smirk spread across his face, "I accidentally lost the company records for Mistress Centipede Incorporated… I need you to rewrite them for me."

Kagome's jaw dropped. "Uhh… yes… sir."

"Good. And one more thing," He cracked his neck. Kagome found the movement itself to be rather sexy, "you're gonna have to delay your lunch break today. I'm showing Rin around the building for my lunch and it might take longer than expected."

Kagome's heart stilled. He's… showing her around? "Alright, sir."

He nodded. "Good," he turned back to Yura, "so… liked that little stunt I pulled yesterday?"

Kagome slowly shut the door behind her as she heard Yura exclaim: "I had ravishing sex last night, thank you very much. I'm not a spinster!"

She tried to calm her aching heart. Relax, Kagome. It was what you wanted—keep it professional. Remember. You wanted this.

Did she, really?


Well then. I have nothing to say except: Studying for finals, have no social life, reviews make my life so make it long!

And oh, enter the sister-in-law! Boomshakalaka!