InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ The Ramen After ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Inuyasha lay Kagome down on the bed; her hair splayed out like a ravenous halo around her head. Another flash of lightning revealed Inuyasha's carnal expression to Kagome. Her arousal spiked and the beautiful scent of it assaulted Inuyasha's nose. He straddled her hips, his hands moving to cup her face as his lips did not stop moving against hers. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, and she involuntarily arched her back. Breaking away from her lips, he trailed his tongue cross her cheek and nibbled on her ear.

"Will you let me finish what we started today, in your office?" He whispered, hotly. Not finding the strength to talk, Kagome nodded her head in the affirmative, informing Inuyasha that she would allow him to bestow all the wondrous pleasures onto her body that he could. Inuyasha brought his lips to the hickey that he gave her earlier. He placed a gentle kiss on the bruise on her neck and moved up to kiss her, once again.

Kagome's fingers were beginning to work on his buttons, trying to release him of the clothing that hid his body. Her desire for this man only got stronger throughout the days they tried to one up each other, and after his reaction to her brother being hospitalized – and telling her that she meant more to him than anything else in the world – increased her desire and feelings for Inuyasha. Sure he was a child at heart, but he was a man otherwise.

Skilfully, Inuyasha reached a hand behind her and unhooked her bra with two fingers. At this point, Kagome and undone all the buttons to his shirt and thrust the lapels apart, running her fingers down the length of his chest. Inuyasha felt his hair stand on end. He was able to see the look of desire in Kagome's eyes. He saw the way she stuck her tongue out slightly and bit it, concentrating firmly on the feel of his skin underneath her cool fingertips. Her eyes sought the outline of his, only being able to see how much her pupils allowed her in the darkness. The clouds seemed to become heavier and the darkness deepened – a strike of lightning allowing her to catch the look in his eyes before darkness enveloped her bedroom once again.

Inuyasha slid the bra off of her gently before shrugging off his dress shirt. Kagome couldn't see, but Inuyasha drank in the image of her plump and milky breasts, her taunt and hardened nipples. He brought up his right hand and ran his finger down the length of her breast, over her nipple, to just underneath the bulge. Kagome gave an involuntary moan and this inspired Inuyasha to give even more attention to her breasts. He used his knees to spread her legs apart and pushed his knee up against her womanhood before enveloping her lips with his very own, once again. He pulled his knee back slightly and pushed it against her sensitive bundle of nerves, eliciting a cry of pleasure from the back of Kagome's throat. His left hand was supporting his body as his right hand took Kagome's breast into its palm.

It fit perfectly.

His knee continued to pound against Kagome, his lips ravaging hers, and his hand kneading her breast until they were sore. He pinched her hard nipples and, breaking away from her lips, he shimmied his body down and dragged his tongue slowly over her nipple, causing her to moan louder than before. Kagome's head was thrown backwards and a loud thunder rumbled across the sky, muting the sound that she made. Inuyasha's ears tweaked and faced Kagome, trying to make out every love sound she made. His tongue and teeth teased her nipple, his body being supported by his right hand now, and his left hand playing with the hem of her panties. Kagome spread her legs farther.

Inuyasha ran his tongue off of her nipple, across the valley between her breasts, and onto the neglected nipple. Kagome's hand raked through his semi-dry hair, her right hand finding a comfortable spot at the base of his right ear. She rubbed it slowly, making him release a husky growl while his mouth still worked wonders on her breast. He ran his thumb over the midsection of her panties, feeling the wetness soak through the cloth. He let go of her nipple and kissed her back up to her lips, taking her into his mouth and dominating her with his tongue. Kagome's hands pulled onto his shoulders, trying to bring him closer to her body than he already was.

He grunted, "Let me… let me touch you…" His voice was hoarse and raw with desire. The sound of it, alone, aroused Kagome further. She didn't even bother answering as she fumbled with unbuckling his pants. With one swift movement, he ripped the panties off of Kagome and yanked his own pants off. Another flash of lightning shot through the sky and the momentary image of Inuyasha, clad in his boxers, entered Kagome's line of vision.

He is so sexy…

Slowly, Inuyasha dragged his index finger through Kagome's slick and wet folds. She released a throaty moan and tried to spread her legs farther apart. Inuyasha brought his body up and softly pressed his lips to Kagome's, his fingers still running through her folds. He spread the lips to her pussy open with his thumb and middle finger before running his fingers along the inside of her body. Kagome's mouth opened wide and she closed her eyes, her expression showing pure ecstasy. Inuyasha began kissing her cheek, her ear, her neck, as his fingers found the nub of her clitoris and began rubbing it softly. Kagome clutched Inuyasha's arms, trying hard to open her eyes.

"Tell me what you want, baby," he purred softly into her ear. Kagome bit her lower lip as he began rubbing harder. Her body was already sleeking with a thin layer of sweat and Inuyasha was quite damp himself. Thunder roared across the sky and the rain continued to patter against her window.

"Tell me," he kissed her earlobe.

Kagome turned her head towards him, wanting to feel his lips on hers. He gave her just what she wanted while he used his index and thumb to pinch her clit hard. Kagome's eyes locked with Inuyasha's as her room was lit thanks to another flash of lightning. "You…" She whispered, and at that exact moment he plunged his index finger deep into her body, making her body writhe in ultimate pleasure. He pumped his fingers a few times, slowly at first to have her become accustomed to having something in her most private areas, before going faster. He pressed his hardened cock against her waist and Kagome found herself putting her left hand into his boxers and gripping his long manhood. As his fingers pumped into her, she began stroking him—matching pump to pump. Inuyasha grunted before inserting another finger into her, beginning to thrust harder. Kagome's movement matched his.

"God," he groaned into her ear, "your touch feels so fucking good…"

Kagome let out a cocky smirk. "I know…"

Inuyasha laughed. "Is that so?" He said through clenched teeth. He withdrew his fingers and quickly yanked his boxers off. Inuyasha flipped Kagome over and propped her ass up, making her surrender herself to him in his most carnal way: doggy style. The entire time he was fighting a battle with his inner demon, not allowing it to release itself as he claimed her body over and over again. If he released his demon, he would take Kagome to be his lifemate, and Inuyasha didn't want to do that…

Not yet, at least.

The dog within him screamed for release, but Inuyasha didn't surrender. He leaned his body over Kagome's back and kissed the back of her neck. "You want this?" He cooed into her ear. She wiggled her butt against his hardness that was pressing against her.

"Don't make me change my mind," she teased. Inuyasha chuckled once more. He pulled his body back up and, using both of his hands to spread her folds open, slowly began inserting his long, hard, and pulsing cock into her body. Kagome threw her head back, arching her whole body in the process. Inuyasha thrust twice, slowly, to have her get used to his length and hardness before he began increasing his speed. His one had gripped her around her waist as his other hand was firmly on the small of her back.

He quickened his pace.

Kagome moaned loudly, giving him more motivation. "Inuu-yaa-shaa…" She groaned out, her breasts dancing with every thrust. Inuyasha growled, his eyes flashing red momentarily before returning to their regular ochre colour. No… demon… He instructed himself, his thrusts increasing in speed.

Kagome matched his quickened pace.

Her ass began bouncing against him, matching his thrust in. Her hands gripped her sheets tightly, her whole body beginning to tighten up. She felt the beginnings of her orgasm, knowing her body would release in just a few moments. Kagome bit her tongue, fighting the loud scream of pleasure that threatened to escape her lips. Inuyasha seemed to know she was fighting.

"Say it," he commanded in his ethereally beautiful voice. He sounded like a confidence Roman warrior. "Say my name, bitch…" he whispered. He thrust his hips, hard, into her and Kagome couldn't help it.


He smirked. "God your pussy feels fucking amazing."

"Don't st-st-stopp…" She moaned out. He ran his finger down her spin and his other hand found its way down to her clitoris. He began massaging it as he continued to pound into her.

"Am I making my bitch feeling good?"

Kagome couldn't formulate coherent words. Her body was on the cusp of an orgasm and she could feel it bubbling to the edge. She threw her head back and moaned loudly as her body exploded into pure ecstasy. Inuyasha drew his penis out of her and began pumping himself, on the verge of releasing on her back. Grunting, and fighting the screams of his inner demon, Inuyasha slouched down, seeing the pattern he drew onto Kagome's back. He smirked.

"How do you feel?" He whispered, glancing around the room for something to clean themselves up with. He noted the facial tissues on her computer desk and immediately got off of the bed.

Kagome looked over at him. "Amazing… you?"

"Amazing times two." He grinned at her. Wiping her back down, he made sure they were both cleaned up before throwing the tissues into the waste basket and crawling into bed beside her. "Sleep," he commanded, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his body.

"Can I call the hospital?" She said, trying to fight a yawn. That sure tuckered her out.

"When we wake up," he said, his body already succumbing to sleep. "It's still early in the afternoon," thunder roared through the sky once more. Kagome, with heavy eyes, looked over to the naked half demon beside her. He was already almost asleep.

"Inuyasha?" She said softly.

He grunted, acknowledging that he was aware of her calling him.


Inuyasha released a jaw splitting yawn. With his eyes closed, he moved his lips to kiss her forehead before pulling her deeper into his chest, his chin nestling on top of her head. "Why what?"

"This…" She was fighting the sleep, wanting to hear his answer.

"Oh, that's… easy…" he said slowly, his voice drifting off.

"Then why?"

"Because I love you, that's why."

Kagome's eyes shot wide open, her sleep immediately fleeing her. She was still in Inuyasha's arms and she could feel the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest—he was asleep.

Because… he loves me?


Inuyasha woke up two hours later because of a blinding flash of light. Cursing in his head, he opened his eyes to find the lights on in Kagome's room. What the fuck? Looking around, he noted that their clothes were thrown across the room, the rain was still heavy outside, it looked like it was midnight but it was only five in the afternoon. Kagome was asleep in his arms beside him.

A soft smile touched his lips. Beautiful, he thought, trailing his index finger down her cheek. He noted how her face leaned into his touch. Taking another moment to drink in her surreal beauty, Inuyasha decided to detangle himself from the woman sleeping beside him and go find something to eat. Without looking outside, Inuyasha knew that there was howling winds and raindrops that fell like bullets from the sky thanks to his super sensitive ears. Somehow managing to crawl out of bed without waking Kagome up, Inuyasha quickly retrieved his boxers and dress pants and proceeded to head to the Higurashi kitchen. He closed the door behind him, not before turning her bedroom light off.

I just had sex with her, he thought with a goofy grin plastered to his face. Inuyasha walked down the steps slowly, recalling every touch, every caress, and every kiss he exchanged with Kagome. He didn't think he was going to score but he did. And it also happened to be the best sex he ever had.


He sauntered into the kitchen and found the light switch after five minutes of searching for it. "Now, what to eat…" he asked himself quietly before attacking a cupboard. He saw a shelf full of green beans, lima beans, kidney beans, black eyed peas, and so much more. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow.

The shelf underneath the "Bean Shelf" as he so magnificently dubbed, was filled with dried fruit, dried vegetables, spices and other cooking essentials. Inuyasha immediately called that the "Spicy Shelf." Proceeding to the next cupboard, he opened it to find plates, cups, and mugs.

That was the "Useless Shelf." It was an age old Inuyasha rule: if you had two hands and a pot in which you cooked your food, plates and utensils are not necessary.

Onto the next shelf!

"Ohh!" He grinned, gleefully. "Oreos… must be Souta's shelf." He pulled out the box of Oreos and upon further inspection he noticed that there were six packs of…


Dropping the cookies, he grabbed three packs of ramen and immediately began looking for a pot to cook it in. Finding one upturned in the sink, he quickly grabbed it and performed a quick inspection to see if it was clean.

It was.

Now that was the "Amazing Shelf."


Stirring awake, Kagome was not aware of where she was or what she was doing as she lay on her bed caught in between reality and falsity. Yawning loudly, she looked over and her heart stilled when she saw Inuyasha's dress shirt, her undergarments, and the lack of her articles of clothing on her bedroom floor. Oh yeah…

Remember that she just had a romp in the hay with her boss, Kagome strained and sat up. She was acutely aware of the fact that the area in between her legs was throbbing slightly. Her heart rate went from stilled to the speed of light.

"Oh my god," she whispered as she examined her bedroom. "Oh my god!"

Evidently he wasn't in her bedroom and she heard a faint clatter come from the downstairs level of her house. Throwing the covers off of her, she grabbed her bathrobe and proceeded to run downstairs. "INUYASHA!" She roared but came to a halt when she saw him slurping ramen out of a silver cook pot while sitting on her sofa and watching TV.

Languidly, he looked over at her, mid-slurp. Quickly swallowing, he grinned over at her. "Ramen… good…"

Kagome didn't have the mind to comment on his lack of coherent sentence making skill. She could only think of what he said a few hours ago; evidently, he didn't remember as he was acting like his childish ol' self. Deciding not to let him know as of yet -and save herself the anxiety attack of confronting him- Kagome flew down the rest of the stairs and stood in front of him, her hands on her hips.

"You're eating my ramen out of my pot, sitting on my couch and watching my T.V." She said in an accusing tone

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. "Well, yeah, after fucking your pussy, in your bedroom on your bed, your point?"

Kagome smacked him. "I don't know what to say to you!"

Inuyasha grinned. "Why not just kiss me instead?"

She snorted. "I'd rather not. I'm gonna go call the hospital."

Shrugging, Inuyasha resumed slurping his ramen out of the cooking pot and Kagome manoeuvred into the kitchen, to call her mother. What a man, forget calling it the morning after, when it comes to Inuyasha it has to be referred to as the ramen after. Grabbing the cordless phone off of the charger, Kagome promptly dialled the number to the hospital and asked to speak to her mother.

"Mama," Kagome greeted, "how are you? How's Souta?

"Kagome! Thank god you're okay; we heard the power went out and I figured you couldn't make it to the airport in this weather. And your brother is fine, such a talkative soul he is for somebody who just dodged death." Kagome smiled, hearing her mother's concern turn into sarcasm.

"That's Souta for you— and Inuyasha dropped me home but ended up staying for a bit because the weather is not driving-friendly."

"Hmm," Korari agreed, "did you give him food? It's the least you could do!"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Yes I did." More like he made himself food after having me as the appetizer.

"Good." Kagome could hear the happiness in her mother's voice. The fact that Souta was okay made their whole lives and Kagome could not wait for her brother to come home. She was gonna hug him so tight—

"Sweetie I have to hang up now, the receptionist nurse is giving me a crude look." Korari whispered.

"Yeah," Kagome got up and walked to the sink, eyeing the few dirty plates. "I'll drop by as soon as the rain lightens up."

"Sounds good, say hi to Inuyasha for me."

"I will. Bye, mama." Kagome hung up the phone, threw it onto the counter and began washing the dishes. She wanted to be as far away from Inuyasha as possible—

"Oh, that's… easy…" he said slowly, his voice drifting off.

"Then why?"

"Because I love you, that's why."

Kagome jumped when she felt arms wrap around her waist. Inuyasha began kissing her down the back of her neck and she couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation run up her spine. She turned in his arms, slowly, and placed her hands on his chest.

"Inuyasha," she murmured. He leaned to give her a kiss on the lips but she turned her head and he kissed her cheek instead.

"You taste better than the ramen," he purred into her ear. Kagome fought her arousal; she didn't want him to smell her desire.

Her need.

Using all the strength she could muster up, she pushed him off of her. "Inuyasha," she said his name a second time, "don't…"

His eyebrows furrowed together. "Come again?"

Kagome looked at him in the eyes, trying to look as resolved as possible. She didn't want him to know that she was confused—she didn't want him to see that she possibly liked him more than she thought she did. She wanted to be in control, and as of that moment he was not her boss, so she would be.

In control, that is.

"We shouldn't." She repeated. "This," she waved her hand to signify the invisible connection between them, "is wrong. I work for you; we shouldn't be thinging like we did."

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow before pushing her up against the counter and caging her with both of his hands. He heard her heartbeat accelerate, her arousal spiking to match. "I can thing with you as much as I want…" He kissed her forehead. "And do you know why?"

Kagome gulped. "Why?" Her voice was scarcely above a whisper.

"Because," his voice was husky and sinfully sweet –as always, like liquid velvet-, "I love you-" her eyes widened, "and I know you have some sort of feeling for me, otherwise you wouldn't be letting me do this right now."

Kagome's body was frozen.

She had no idea what to say.

He kissed her over to her temple and began nibbling on her ear. "May I kiss your lips?"

Kagome didn't respond. Her mind was frozen on the I love you statement and she couldn't process straight thoughts. He loved her.

He really loved her.

He didn't say it just as a post-sex statement. He actually meant it.

Inuyasha loved her…


For some reason she felt a warm sensation bubble in the pit of her stomach. She was unsure of her feelings for him, but whatever she felt was definitely much more than an employer-employee relationship. His kisses trailed down the column of her neck, just over to where her hickey was. He pressed his body against her further, his arousal jutting into her abdominal. She closed her eyes and fisted her hands on his bare chest.

"I promise I'll keep you happy," came his sudden voice. Her eyes snapped open and she looked up at him. He was peering at her with loving intensity.

"I can't promise that I'll stop the pranks, though." He teased but Kagome caught the admiring undertone to his voice. "But I promise to keep you happy—I'll do everything and anything to see you smile."

Kagome gulped, nervously.

"Why?" she whispered again.

Inuyasha had a playful smirk on his face. "Why what?"

Lightning flashed outside, followed by the deafening roar of the thunder.

"Why would you?"

"Haven't you heard?" He kissed the corner of her lip, "Because I love you…" and he sealed the space between her lips and his. Instantly, Kagome's eyes closed and she felt the familiar warm magic of his lips surrounding hers.

I'm still asleep. That's the only logical explanation—I have to be dreaming…

A shrill ring caused Inuyasha to break his lips from Kagome's. He cursed and fumbled with his pockets before pulling his BlackBerry out. His eyes soften immediately upon seeing the number and he answered the phone, his free hand playing with Kagome's hair.

"Hey, runt."

"UNCLE INUYASHA!" Inuyasha pulled the phone an arm's length away from his ear; even Kagome heard the shriek. "YOU PROMISED CHOCOLATE AND IT'S HOME TIME FOR YOU AND YOU AREN'T HOME AND THERE'S NO CHOCOLATE!"

"Shippo, relax." Inuyasha snorted. Kagome only assumed this Shippo was his nephew- Inuyasha did say something about nephew and chocolate earlier in the day. Using his momentary lapse of seduction to her advantage, Kagome ran out of the kitchen and frantically searched some place to hide herself in her living room.

He can smell you, idiot. She told herself. Giving up, she flopped onto the sofa and heard Inuyasha's voice approaching her.

"I'm stuck. Yeah… no, because it's raining. Tell your dad to grow up… tell your mom to stop yelling." Inuyasha laughed.

"That's a good runt. I have your chocolate, promise. See you tonight?"

He was silent.

"Alright, you too. Bye."

He hung up and peered over the sofa to find Kagome staring up at him. "Hello there."


"What are you doing down there?"

Kagome shrugged. "Trying to avoid you for as long as possible. Why, is it working?"

"Not at all. I know you feel awkward," Inuyasha grinned, "you look cute when you're squirming, though."

She rolled her eyes. "Funny, did the ramen fill you up?"

He shook his head sadly. "No… can I have a rest?"

"No, its Souta's favourite. I'll make us some chicken curry," Kagome sat up and looked over at him. "Would it be incredibly rude to ask you to try to drive home in this weather?"

Inuyasha nodded, a playful grim expression on his face. Kagome sighed, "Damn you, mother, for teaching me to be a good person that's hospitable. Alright you," she stood up, "make yourself at home and do not try to seduce me."

"I can't promise that…"

Kagome eyed him warily. "Inuyasha…"

He just grinned at her cheekily. "Fine! But on one condition."

"… what is that?"

"I get to have you for dessert after?"

His comment resulted in a throw pillow being thrown at him. He doubled over in laughter as Kagome stomped into the kitchen.


"What?" She roared, finding the necessarily pans to make food for her and her boss.

"I love you!"

Kagome froze, again. Why did that get to her every time?

"Just don't try to seduce me." Came her pathetic response.

Inuyasha laughed even harder.


I tried to keep Inuyasha's confession as 'kindergarten flirting' as possible. Try to keep him the cocky adult with his childish twist… hopefully it worked.