InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Paradoxical Oxymoron ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Inuyasha popped his collar and proceeded into his building with a cup of coffee in his hand. Swiping his key card in front of the sensor, he entered the elevator and waited patiently as it shot upwards, to the fiftieth floor. He had a note tucked against the cup of coffee; he was planning on giving it to Yura.

He walked into the ovular room and headed straight o Yura's desk. She grinned at him; his ears flicked impatiently.

"Having a good day, boss man?" She grinned as he thrust the coffee towards her.

"Your sorry ass is so lucky Kagome likes you—she's what kept me from firing you for your stupid comment earlier."

Yura's grin broadened. "Yeah? How'd she do that?" She waggled her eyebrows and Inuyasha gave her a deadpan look. She accepted the coffee and the note tumbled onto her desk.

"You should know," Inuyasha began briskly walking to the waiting room where Kikyo was presumably sitting in, "I hear rumours about how you make your husband scream at night."

Yura brushed her hair off of her forehead; she loved having playful banters with Inuyasha—he normally only ever pranked Kagome, but when he cracked jokes with his other employees, it was quite amusing. "Oh well…you know, I aim to please."

Inuyasha snorted and continued to walk to his intended destination. Yura looked down at the note and her eyebrow began twitching uncontrollably:

Don't be a hater because I get to have amazing office sex and you don't...Here's a coffee to calm your raging hormones…just sayin'.

Yura stood up. "GOD DAMN YOU, INUYASHA!" She heard the resonating laughter of her boss and glared at the note. Now I know how Kagome feels…


Inuyasha walked into the waiting room to find his ex-fiancée sitting by the window, staring down at the scenery outside. Her hair was pulled back into a French twist and she was wearing a yellow dress with Gladiator shoes. Inuyasha cleared his throat and Kikyo turned around and faced him.

"Inuyasha." She stood up and he crossed his arms almost at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" he growled. "You know you're blacklisted from any of my properties."

Kikyo took a step towards him. "I know but…" She looked down and clutched her hands in front of her. Inuyasha saw the bit of bulge that was her stomach—pregnant, just as Myoga had said at Kouga's party the previous Sunday.

"But what?" Inuyasha asked, rather harshly. At that moment, somebody cleared their throat behind Inuyasha and he turned around to see that it was Kagome, polished up and not a trace of "just-ravished" to be seen on her body…except the scarf she now donned around her neck to hide the remarkable hickey he had given her. Kagome walked up to Inuyasha, nodded at Kikyo, and handed him a file.

"Sorry for interrupting you, Sir, but here is the file you requested."

Inuyasha took it gladly; knowing inside of it was what Myoga said about Kikyo as per Kagome's interrogation. "Thank you—by the way, lunch after this?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "So long as I don't get tonic water out of it, why not?" She bit back her laughter as he sent her a wink and quickly rushed out of the room. Inuyasha's ears picked up Yura yelling: DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THAT JERK DID? to Kagome and tried to hold back his own laughter. He turned to Kikyo and quickly apologized before opening the file to see Kagome's neat handwriting. She had jot down everything that Myoga had said to her.

Came to his office with her father, claimed she's two months pregnant.
Father wanted to speak to you, demands child support.
Kikyo said that she'd "suck you dry of all the money you own"
Said you two bumped into each other at a club on February 17th.
Went back to her hotel room…did the "do"…

Here's the thing: you and I were out of town on the week of that February 17th, at a conference in Osaka. Our flights were covered by the company so we have paper record. You have an alibi so if she takes you to court, you can disprove her. By the way, Myoga said that he has a sneaking suspicion (his words, not mine) that Kaoru Morimoto is involved with this…

Inuyasha closed the file and looked up at Kikyo, his face hard as stone. "So, what brings you here?"

Kikyo was rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. "Well…I don't know…how to…well…"

"Spit—it—out…," Inuyasha gritted. He was ready to kick her out of his building and go to a lovely lunch with his extremely hot secretary. But alas, he was waiting for whatever Kikyo had to say and to be frank, his patience was wearing thin.

"Well…you see," Kikyo gulped, "I'm…well…I miss you…"

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. "Pardon me?"

Kikyo nodded. "Yeah…I miss you, I shouldn't have done what I did two years ago and I could never get you out of my mind and well…I was hoping maybe you and I could…"

"I'm involved with somebody," Inuyasha cut her off. Her expression reflected shock and surprise. Clearly she wasn't expecting that.

"Come again?"

"I'm involved with somebody," Inuyasha repeated slowly, as if she didn't understand plain Japanese. "Another woman," he added, just for a kicker. No duh I'm involved with another woman... "You had your chance and you lost it. Amazing though," he mused, "how it takes you two years to realize that you miss me...Why's that?"

Kikyo's eyes were locked with his, and he continued to speak in his stoic tone. Inuyasha had learned to master the art of no-expression thanks to his elder brother, the expressionless neurosurgeon that called himself Sesshomaru. "Is it because my company is now number one whereas two years ago it was number five?" Inuyasha took a step closer to her. Kikyo's body began emitting the familiar scent of fear, and Inuyasha was positive he was scaring her.

"Or is it because you can't seem to be with another man? You just want sex and money Kikyo, it's always been like that—which is why when I said I would hand my company over to Sesshomaru's son at our engagement party, you ran out saying you don't want to be with me anymore." Inuyasha's eyes were burning with fire. "So which is it? Why do you suddenly miss me?"

Kikyo fidgeted. Okay, so things were not going according to plan. She wasn't counting on Inuyasha being involved with somebody else. "Well…Inuyasha—"

"That's Takahashi to you," he whispered darkly. "Now I suggest you get out of my building and not step foot in it ever again. You will suffer consequences otherwise!"

Now it was Kikyo's turn to retaliate. "Is that so? I come all the way over here to tell you that I miss you and you give me shit in return?" She poked Inuyasha's chest, hard. "Just you wait, bastard, you'll be crying and begging me to come back to you after I'm done dealing with you!"

Inuyasha grinned. "I dare you."

His ex was taken back. "…You dare me?" she spluttered and he nodded. Screaming, she stomped past him. "FINE, JUST WAIT AND SEE! MOVE!" Kikyo shoved Kagome who had been standing by the waiting room and stomped towards the elevator. The unexpectedness of the momentum caused her to fall over sideways. Inuyasha growled and ran to her aid.

"You alright?" He asked softly and she nodded.

"Yeah—what did you say to her?"

Inuyasha snickered as he helped her up. "I'll tell you over lunch, ready?"

Kagome muttered a soft yes as she dusted herself off. "Yeah, let's go…"


Inuyasha had driven them to a seafood restaurant just a bit away from their building. Their drive there was quaint; they hadn't brought up Kikyo, but rather cleared up some business related stuff. Obtaining a table for two upon their arrival there, they sat down and got comfortable as they waited for the waiter to bring their water. Kagome cracked a kink in her neck and Inuyasha studied the menu. He kicked her under the table without expression on his face; he seemed engrossed by the copious amounts of dishes.

Kagome threw a crumpled up napkin at him. He looked up, feigning hurt.

"What was that for?"

"What was kicking me for?" she shot back. At that moment, he kicked her again but had an innocent smile on his face.

"I'm not kicking you…"

And he kicked her again.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome whined. "Can we have a peaceful lunch…in peace?"

"But we are." He smirked and Kagome glared at him for a moment before turning back to her menu. As soon as her head went down to study what she potentially wanted to consume, he kicked her again.

Her hand fisted and she heard him biting back his laughter. Fight fire with fire, Kagome, she told herself.

Subtly, she slipped her shoe off and curled her toes. Inuyasha kicked her again but this time she was quick: she caught his leg with her own and began running her toes up his leg, underneath his pant. His eyebrows shot up and Kagome, with much control over her expression, studied her menu.

"So," she said, "what happened with Kikyo?" Her big toe ran up as far as she could possibly go before running her feet back down the muscular column of his leg. A growl emitted from the half demon.

"Kikyo who?" he whispered huskily. "All I can think of is ripping your clothes off and fucking you so hard on the table, right here, right now."

Kagome raised an eyebrow. "That's highly inappropriate, Inuyasha." Winking at him, she stopped her ministrations and slipped her shoe back on. Inuyasha pouted.

"Hey! I never said stop!"

"…You are such a child," Kagome shook her head. "So why did Kikyo leave so angry?"

Inuyasha yawned loudly and shut his menu. He settled on having the shrimp, lobster tail, and scallop platter. "She came to say she missed me and wanted to get back with me."

Kagome couldn't help fight the rise of jealousy within her. The thought…the mere thought of his ex wanting to get back with him made her incredibly jealous. And to her dismay, she knew Inuyasha smelt the jealousy she reeked of—in fact, the joker-ish grin on his face told her that her inkling dismay was right.

"Oh?" Kagome's response came. Inuyasha's grin grew wider.

"Yeah…why? Jealous?"

Kagome snorted. "Me? Oh, never. There isn't a jealous bone in my body."

Inuyasha's hand reached over and he laced his fingers with hers. "Would it help if said that what made her so angry was that I told her I was involved with somebody else?" Her head shot up and her eyes locked with his. Her heartbeat started racing uncontrollably.

Inuyasha heard it, and it made his heart race.

Talk about a chain reaction.

"You…you did?" she whispered. At that moment the waiter arrived. Inuyasha scowled, let go of Kagome's hand, and leaned back in his seat in impatience. Way to ruin a perfectly good moment. Note to self, don't tip the meddling waiter. Second note to self, poke his eyes out for looking at Kagome for three point six seven seconds longer than he should have.

"Have you both decided?" he asked in a chipper voice. Inuyasha cleared his throat.

"Yes, the scallop, lobster tail, and shrimp platter for me and—" He looked at Kagome who filled in her order:

"Seafood linguini for myself." She smiled. Inuyasha decided to reiterate her order. He looked up at the waiter and sent him a daring grin.

"A seafood linguini for my missus. Thank you." Holding in his laughter because of the expression on both Kagome and the waiter's face, Inuyasha folded up his menu and handed it to the waiter, Kagome slowly following suit.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome whined. "Not in public!"

Inuyasha laughed. "Why not?"

Kagome crossed her arms. "There's a time and place for everything and lunch is neither the time nor the place."

Inuyasha shrugged and sipped his water. "I feel that it's always the right time and place to inform ogling waiters that they're staring at somebody else's woman."

"I'm not your woman!"

Inuyasha winked at her but didn't reply to what she said. That caused her to rile up even further. Oh the nerve of the man! Sure his kisses were totally amazing, and his hands worked magic even though they hadn't engaged in full sexual activity yet—and yes, perhaps he saved Souta's life, but that in no way gave him the permission to call her his woman.

She was her own woman.

Nobody else's.

And damn him if he thought otherwise!

But there was still that miniscule fuzzy feeling somewhere in the pit of her stomach that she wanted to punch. She didn't want to feel nice because he referred to her as his woman, she wanted to feel angry. And she did feel angry, but that was because of the fact that she wasn't feeling angry at all. She was forcing herself, and that made her angry.


Yeah, I'm a fucking paradoxical oxymoron.

Kagome commended herself on the usage of big words. A kick from Inuyasha broke her out of her reverie. "How's Souta?" he asked politely. Kagome blinked a couple times before responding to his rather normal question.

"He's fine. I'm gonna go see him today after work," Kagome informed. "Thank you…once again…"

Inuyasha shrugged. "Think nothing of it. I told you everything would be alright."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "I know; can you not rub it in?"

Inuyasha wiggled his eyebrows and this time she kicked him from under the table—and not with the kindergarten flirting correlation to it that he had with his kicks. She wanted to inflict pain upon him for his innuendo. Inuyasha burst into laughter.

"Really Kagome, next thing you know, you'll be pulling on my ponytail." His ears twitched and Kagome wanted to smack him so hard, he'd end up back in the Feudal Era. Crossing her arms, she leaned back in her chair.

"Girls don't pull boys hair, boys pull girls pigtails to show them that they like her, idiot," she muttered. Inuyasha's eyes twinkled.

"Really? Care to have pigtails for dress down Friday this week?"

Kagome raised her eyebrows before quietly snickering. "I dare you to try to pull them, if I come into work with pigtails."

Inuyasha leaned forward slightly. "You should know, Kagome…" Her name, as always, slipped out like liquid velvet. "I never back down from dares."

Kagome leaned forward and matched his gaze with her own. "Good, because I intend to have you lose."

"Is that a bet?"

"It's a dare."

Inuyasha leaned back, a coy smile spreading across his features. "Alright, I accept. But, a dare isn't a dare without terms and wagers."

Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Terms and wagers are only placed on bets. We are engaged in a game of dare."

"But we can make it more—" Inuyasha looked up as the waiter arrived with their food. Turning his attention back to the woman before him, Inuyasha ignored the meddlesome man who, again, stared at Kagome for two point o' four seconds longer than he should have. "We can make it more interesting."

Kagome thanked the waiter and turned her attention back to her boss. "Alright, fine. I agree—what did you have in mind?"

She fell for it, he thought brilliantly. "If I win," by this point the waiter wished them a good meal and left. Perfect timing, Inuyasha thought as he continued with what he was saying. "You give me that sex report you did, with no questions asked, and you accept any promotion…or demotion, I give to you. Again, no questions asked." Inuyasha chomped on a shrimp. Kagome raised an eyebrow.

"Really, Sir," she drawled his title out rather seductively, "if you wanted to get laid so badly, all you had to do was ask. Pictures of me and your four fingered friend won't help you that much. Neither will a cold shower, actually."

Inuyasha's jaw dropped and Kagome giggled, winking at him slowly before turning her attention to her steaming hot linguini. She never ceases to amuse me, he thought, kicking her under the table again.

"And if I win?" she asked, ignoring his kick.

Inuyasha shrugged. "You tell me? What do you want?"

Kagome tapped her chin. "Hmmmm." She bit into her linguini. "Can I hold onto it?"

Nodding, Inuyasha chewed slowly on his scallop. Swallowing, he sipped some of his water and said, "Fine, if you win, you have a month to decide what you want before the offer expires—by the way, did you hand in your resume?"

"I did," Kagome confirmed. "Put it with the pile before I sent it out to Cepheus HR this morning."

Inuyasha nodded. "Good—so," he winked at her, "what other pictures were in there."

Kagome snickered. "You just have to win the dare to find out."

Inuyasha subtly shifted in his seat. The throbbing hardness of his Inuyasha Junior was getting rather uncomfortable and all he could think of was pounding mercilessly into Kagome—

Ughhh! Thoughts of pounding Kagome mercilessly, please exit my head immediately…


"Why didn't you tip him? He was a good waiter," Kagome whined as they left the restaurant. It was raining moderately so Inuyasha grabbed her by the waist and ran to his car, to avoid getting as wet as possible from the droplets of water from the sky.

"Because he was staring at you for way too long," Inuyasha stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Kagome gave him an incredulous look as he started the car. She was mildly wet from the rain, and it was thanks to Inuyasha's quick thinking. Expertly, he reversed out of the lot and drove back to work.

"Really? That's a legitimate reason for you not to tip a guy who gave you free desserts?"

"He gave you free desserts; I was just there to eat it all because you think you're getting fat," Inuyasha muttered.

Kagome gasped. "Are you calling me fat?"

"WHAT?" Inuyasha whirled on her. "NO I—oh man, the epic trap of all women out there. Dammit, wench, you aren't fat!"

Kagome harrumphed. "Nice save, asshole."

"Don't make me kiss that frown off your face."

"Who said I'd stop you if you did?"

Inuyasha paused. "Well then…I want you in my office as soon as we get back to work."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Men…"

Kagome's sarcastic tone elicited a deep rumble of laughter from the aforementioned half demon. Keh, he inwardly thought, women.


"There's supposed to be an intense storm headed this way," Yura said as Kagome and Inuyasha returned to the building. "The city is expecting like, flooding or something! Can we go home early?"

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. "And who the hell is gonna run the company if we all decide to leave because of a little bit of rain."

"Not a little bit," Miroku's voice sounded from behind them. Walking up to Kagome, Miroku wrapped an arm around her shoulder and nodded at his friend and boss, Inuyasha. "It is supposed to be a lot. Shops have already shut down around the vicinity."

Inuyasha frowned and looked at Kagome—she bit her bottom lip and he knew that was a bad thing. "Don't cave in to these pussies, Kagome!"

"Shut up, at least you got to calm your hormones today," Yura muttered under her breath. Miroku and Kagome hadn't heard her, but Inuyasha's ears picked up on her words and he sent her a wicked grin. She rolled her eyes at him.

"I think it wouldn't be a bad idea." Kagome looked up at Inuyasha. "The drive home will probably be longer in the rain…"

"You usually take a freakin' cab!" Inuyasha wailed. "Why doesn't anybody want to work anymore? What happened to good worth ethics and taking pride in your place of employment?"

"It all jumped out the window when we were hired by a snobby half demon who somehow wins hottest man of the year, X years running."

The dry tone in Yura's voice sent Miroku and Kagome into heaves of laughter and Inuyasha rolled his eyes, his lips twitching. "Don't make me demote you to shoe shiner, Yura."

She rolled her eyes. "Can we go?"

"Can we?" Miroku whined.

"OH MY GOD, ARE WE TRYNA CONVINCE INUYASHA TO LET US GO HOME EARLY?" One of the internal auditors, Chris, roared as he semi-jogged up to them. Kagome gave him a curious look.

"I swear you were supposed to be at Cepheus today."

Chris blushed. "Yeah well…the audit has been postponed until next week…I was gonna let you know but…"

Inuyasha rubbed his temples. "I can already see my company crumbling to nothingness. Fine, you lazy bastards, you all go home and take the rest of the day off. Beat the stupid storm you're all so fucking scared of. Kagome, go grab your things, I'll take you home to get changed then drop you off to the hospital and bring your family home."

Kagome nodded and just as she was about to walk off, Miroku caught her arm. "Hey so…Sango…"

Kagome grinned. "I'll bring Kohaku over to my place for the weekend if you're serious about my best friend."

Miroku nodded enthusiastically. Yura was already packed and ready to leave and Chris ran off to inform the entire floor that they were dismissed for the day. "Don't trust the perv!" Yura reprimanded Kagome. Inuyasha nodded in agreement.

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Inuyasha already gave him Sango's number—how the hell did you get it anyway?"

Inuyasha smirked. "All numbers you call from the company phone are logged."

"Drats." Kagome snapped her fingers playfully. She turned back to Miroku. "I'll take Kohaku off your hands if you promise not to be a pervert when you take her out."


Kagome eyed him warily but nodded nonetheless. "Alright…but you promised!"

Miroku gave Kagome a quick hug and skipped off. Kagome rolled her eyes and headed to her office; Inuyasha twitched. "Wow, just…wow…"

Yura laughed. "Thanks, Inuyasha!"

"Whatever, go get laid tonight."

Yura gave him the finger and stomped off, leaving him laughing at his own clever joke. Within ten minutes, everybody on the fiftieth floor had left. Inuyasha and Kagome locked the doors and proceeded to leave—Kagome feeling quite giddy for her long day off. The rain had gotten twenty times heavier than it was ten minutes ago and Inuyasha instructed Kagome to wait as he brought the car.

Quickly running to the vehicle as it pulled up, Kagome was drenched by the time she entered it.

"Home first, right?" Inuyasha asked and Kagome nodded. He pulled out of the turnabout and slowly drove with the speed of traffic.

"Guess you couldn't kiss my frown off my face," she teasingly spoke. Inuyasha's chest rumbled with laughter.

"Hey, I still have time before the day is out."

Kagome laughed, looking out the window. The clouds had blocked the sun and it felt as if it were 9 P.M., not just after noon. Inuyasha arrived at the shrine and looked outside tersely.

"How the hell are you gonna make it inside without drowning?"

Kagome shrugged. "Tread water?"

"Ha, ha."

Sarcastic laugh.

Inuyasha's specialty.

"I'll run you inside."

Kagome shook her head. "Don't worry about it, just wait in the car; you don't have to get wet."

Too late. Inuyasha already stepped out of the vehicle and slowly proceeded to open Kagome's door. She eyed him in shock, watching him get drenched to the bone and not showing any sign of caring. "Mrs. Takahashi." He grinned. Kagome laughed, despite what he said, and stepped out of the car, letting the water soak her once again. Inuyasha crouched down and Kagome clambered onto his back before he took off to the shrine.

Quickly fumbling for her keys, Kagome managed to open the door. They both stepped inside and Inuyasha, sadly, shrugged off his blazer. "I'm gonna catch pneumonia…"

Kagome laughed. "You'll probably get better within the hour, half demon."

"Probably," he grinned wolfishly. Kagome instructed him to wait downstairs as she quickly went up to change. She threw him a towel, apologizing that she didn't have any warm clothes for him to change in to—Souta's clothing probably wouldn't pull over his head.

Inuyasha muttered that it was quite alright and proceeded to rub the towel in his hair. He heard Kagome move around upstairs and he was faintly aware of how vividly aware his penis was that she was probably naked at that moment. He glared down at his penis. "Down boy…," he ordered. It didn't want to listen; it stood up taller. "Fucking virility," he cursed his awesome manhood. Oh sweet lonely area-that-is-between-Kagome's-legs-that-needed-to-be-personally-acquainted- with-his-penis, where for art thou?

Between her legs, idiot, he scolded himself. A flash of lightening streaked across the sky followed by the rumbling thunder. Inuyasha heard Kagome's heartbeat quicken and the fear emanate from her. Well then, she was perhaps a tad bit afraid of thunderstorms… File that away for a rainy day, Inuyasha cackled inwardly, mostly because of the irony behind his thought.

"Hey Kagome!" he roared.

"WHAT?" she called back. Inuyasha threw himself on the sofa and stretched his legs over the armrest.

"If there is an exception to every rule, then every rule must have at least one exception; the exception to this one being that it has no exception, right?"

There was silence and then: "I think so?"

Inuyasha burst into laughter. "Just finish chang—" His words were cut off when a flash of lightening went off outside and the power died. Kagome screamed loudly and Inuyasha scrambled to his feet. His demon eyes immediately adjusted to the lack of lighting and he was able to make out the outlines of the stairs. He quickly began his race upstairs…


Kagome threw her clothes in the laundry hamper and stood in her room in her underwear and bra, racking through her closet. She wanted to find comfortable clothing; sweatpants and a t-shirt, but had no luck in finding anything of comfort.

She growled, her patience wearing thin. All she wanted was comfortable clothing, was that so hard to ask for?

"Hey Kagome!" She heard her boss yell. She glanced at her closed door. How the hell can he yell so loud.

"WHAT?" she screamed, knowing his ears picked up on her voice.

"If there is an exception to every rule, then every rule must have at least one exception; the exception to this one being that it has no exception, right?"

Kagome paused. What the hell? How do I respond to that… Her attention snapped to the sweatpants that lay on her closet floor. Throwing out a half-assed, I think so? she leaned to get the pants when a bright flash of lightening went off outside and her lights went out. Kagome screamed and within a heartbeat, her bedroom door flew open.


She whirled around to the sound of Inuyasha's voice. She was unable to see him.

"Inuyasha? I can't see you…"

Oh but he could see her…clad in her lacy panties and matching bra. He gulped slowly.

"Your eyes will adjust." He saw her nod. The fact that she was half nude totally eluded her…

"What happens now? I think the lightning struck a power line," she whispered. Inuyasha saw her take a step towards him and he wanted to smack his penis to limphood. GET DOWN! he inwardly roared at it.

"We wait for the power to get back up?" Should he mention that she was half nude?

Her breasts did look way too plump to be hiding underneath a shirt—or a bra for that matter. "Let's sit down," he murmured as he caught her elbow and guided her to her bed. Kagome's eyes were only beginning to adjust to the darkness. Another flash of lightening streaked across the sky and she was able to see Inuyasha's hungry golden eyes momentarily before everything went dark again.



Kagome's eyes widened. Shit…I'm in my bare necessities…

"Kagome," he croaked. The heat from his breath caused a shiver to run up her spine. "Can I kiss that frown off your face now?"

She gulped. "Would you listen if I said no?"

The half demon paused. "…No…"

"Then you may." He didn't have to be told twice. Gently, he placed his lips on hers and laid his right hand dangerously high on her thigh.

Another streak of lightening flashed across the sky.

And all was dark, once again.


Beta-edited by: Sakura-chan Master of the Clow

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on