InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Internal Scoreboard ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Kagome couldn't help but run into the recovery room. Everything around her disappeared as she tore into the room to lock eyes with her younger brother—alive, and awake. "Souta!" she roared as she jumped over a chair and tried her best to hug her baby brother. Souta smiled weakly.

"Hey, nee-chan," he mumbled. Kagome didn't bother to fight the tears in her eyes as she pulled back from her brother and ran her fingers across his hairline. He closed his eyes momentarily before opening them and smiled at her again. He had so little strength.

"How do you feel?" Kagome whispered. Souta rolled his eyes.

"I'm broken and banged up, I feel peachy. How about you?"

Kagome laughed. "You're still a cutie." She kissed his cheek and he lowered his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. The siblings were unaware of the silver haired brothers that were standing at the foot of the door, watching them. Inuyasha looked up at his brother and gave him a thankful nod. Sesshomaru cocked his head sideways.

"We're even now, Inuyasha," he muttered. "And I've covered the cost of the room and recovery for the hospital—so don't worry about paying for it."

Inuyasha crossed his arms. "I can afford it."

Sesshomaru snorted. "I know. You never cease to rub that fact in. Don't question me, little brother; your life will be very simple if you don't."

Inuyasha stared at his brother for a long time before deciding not to question him. Sesshomaru had reasons for why he did things, and this was one of them. They turned their attention back to the two humans that were a couple of feet away from them.

"Why are you sorry?" Kagome whispered and Souta looked down.

"For…making you guys worry." He looked back up at his sister, his eyes brimming with tears. "I should've looked both ways before I crossed the street."

Kagome laughed playfully. "Don't be sorry, silly! Accidents happen, that's why we have doctors to help us."

Souta stared at his sister long and hard before saying: "But doctors couldn't help Dad when he was injured…"

Inuyasha knew it was his time to step in. "Well! Good to see you're awake, punk."

Souta looked over at Inuyasha and Kagome gave him a thankful look. Subtly, he nodded back at her before turning his attention to the patient. "How's it like to be alive?"

"Great." Souta smiled. "Aren't you Takahashi Inuyasha?"

"In the flesh." Inuyasha popped his collar before ruffling Souta's hair. "You gave your family quite the scare, punk. I oughta put a dog collar on you."

"Funny." Souta laughed. "Slap one on yourself and then you can talk about leashing me."

Inuyasha burst into laughter. "Your comebacks are so much better than Kagome's." Kagome shot him a glare and he winked at her. "Teach her a thing or two, will you? I get bored at work and she doesn't even bother fighting back."

So not true, he thought slowly. That book of sex positions? I want it back…

Inuyasha was trying to formulate a ploy on how to retrieve that book from Kagome. He needed to find out where she stashed it and then distract her while he stole back his property that she stole. How was this any different from other reports she had given him?

It wasn't!

He assigned work. She did it.

Except she didn't technically hand it in.

"I try. Nee-chan is just a bad student." Souta shook his head playfully and Kagome crossed her arms. Sesshomaru had taken the liberty to exit—he'd call his brother later on that evening.

Kagome shot a dirty look to Souta, then Inuyasha, and back to Souta. "I worry my ass off for you and all you can do insult me? Fine. Inuyasha can be your brother from now on!" Kagome pouted, all in the fun of the game they were playing, and Souta looked over at Inuyasha.

"How about it? Can I?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "Why not? I've always wanted a younger brother…"

"HEY!" Kagome roared and both boys ended up laughing. A weight had been lifted off of her chest, to know that guys like Inuyasha (although as childish as he may be) existed in the world made her heart flutter. He had been amazing the past few days and Kagome could not have wished for anybody else to be in Inuyasha's position. The way he treated her, and her family, was more than she could ask for.

She was forever in his debt for saving Souta's life.

An appointed nurse came into the room and said that Souta needed to sleep. Inuyasha informed Souta that his mother and grandfather would be there in the morning first thing, and they weren't aware that he had the operation conducted. Before Inuyasha and Kagome left the room, Inuyasha sensed that Souta was already asleep.

The two walked through the hospital and headed towards the exit. Inuyasha had already informed Kagome that he was giving her a ride home and she had learned better than to argue against Inuyasha's wishes.

"Thanks," Kagome whispered. "You don't understand how much this means to me."

"Don't worry about it." He laced his fingers through hers and she gladly accepted his hand in hers.

Kagome didn't say anything else. Inuyasha led her to the parking lot, held her door open for her in his massive worth-more-than-her-life Cadillac vehicle, and then proceeded to the driver's side. Kagome's hands were clutched in her lap when he boarded the car. He turned the ignition on, expertly reversed out of his spot, and then proceeded to drive towards Kagome's home. At some point during the ride, his hand snaked over to hers and he held it—

Again, she welcomed him.

"I can come to work tomorrow," Kagome stated suddenly as she looked over at him. Inuyasha glanced at her before looking back at the road.

"I gave you a week off; you don't need to come midway."

"I know," Kagome murmured. "But I want to come to work tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"


Inuyasha was silent. He stopped at a red light and looked over at the woman on his passenger seat. "If you're a hundred percent positive…" She nodded. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at seven."

Her eyes widened. "Wh—what?"

The light turned green and Inuyasha accelerated his car. "Yeah." He shrugged. "Why? Can't I?"

"You can but…"

"Then there we have it."

Kagome's mouth was gaping wide. She had no idea how to respond to his declaration so she decided to change the topic entirely. He gave her hand a light squeeze and she was subconsciously rubbing a circular pattern with her thumb on his palm. "How old are you?"

He smirked. "Twenty-seven, why?"

"You act six, you say you're twenty-seven, and you haven't ran really fast since the 1400s?"

Her voice was dry and sarcastic. Inuyasha burst into laughter, the musical sound sending shivers up Kagome's spine. Okay, she had to admit, her boss had quite the sexy laugh. It was oozing with sex appeal.

"I have the brain capacity of a six-year-old." He winked at Kagome. "My birth certificate says I'm 27—turning 28 this year, if I was a purebred dog, and I mean the domesticated kind, I'd be 121 years old."

"But you're a half dog demon," Kagome remarked. "You aren't 6, or 27, or 121…"

Inuyasha grinned devilishly at her. "Would you believe it if I said I was born 727 years ago?" Kagome watched him, her brain void of any thought. Inuyasha grinned at her as he stopped at another red light. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

"More like dog," she murmured, still in awe of Inuyasha's age. "I knew you were older because you're a demon but…you're ancient!"

Inuyasha had a hurt look in his eyes. "Hey, I resent that. I had a birth certificate forged 27 years ago, so according to it, that's how old I am!"

Kagome laughed. "Forging documentation is illegal."

"Back then it wasn't," he muttered. "Besides, you don't see a Forbes list of Hottest Man of the Millenia. It only goes up to century, so there."

Kagome choked. "You falsified your documents so you could make Forbes Hottest Man list?"

Inuyasha snickered. "No, idiot. I made my birth certificate so I could eventually corporatize my company. The idea was fledgling back then and I couldn't register it as a nonexistent being, could I?"

Kagome shook her head. "You're still ancient."

"Whatever floats your boat, hot-stuff." He chuckled. "But you know what they say?" He drew her hand to his lap and rested it on his upper thigh, "The older they are, the more experience they have."

"Too bad you aren't experienced enough to roll with his bad girl." She winked playfully at him as he pulled up to the shrine. Inuyasha laughed, releasing his hold on her hand. He turned the ignition off and turned to face Kagome fully. Bringing his left hand up, he tucked her locks behind her ear.

"You holding up alright?" His voice was just above a whisper. She nodded.

"Yeah…Souta's alive and that's all that matters." She bit her bottom lip. "Thanks…again."

"Like I said, you mean more to me than anything in the world." His hand was cupped around her neck; his thumb caressing her cheek. Kagome leaned into his touch and this surprised him—a lot.

Kagome's eyes were half lidded as she looked into Inuyasha's. His heart was racing, much to his pleasure and displeasure. She leaned forward slightly…

"Can I kiss you?" she whispered, catching Inuyasha off guard. Although taken by surprise, he enveloped her lips with his very own and her hands went to grip the collars of his shirt. His hand was still cupped around her neck and they shared a tantalizing, soft kiss.

He nibbled on her bottom lip and she granted him entrance. The kiss was unlike anything they had experienced together. Normally they had passion-driven, lack-of-sex-really-horny-is-I sort of kisses. But this one was willing from both sides, while they were both in the right state of mind.

The entire time, Kagome was wondering if Inuyasha's ears had picked up on the fast beating of her heart.

Too bad his heart was racing just as fast and he could only concentrate on her lips on his, and not the beating in her chest.

Breaking from the kiss, Inuyasha gave her a soft peck on the lips and told her that he'd pick her up in the morning. She got out of his car and watched it drive away before ascending up the steps that led to her humble abode.

Okay…maybe she had a little crush on Inuyasha…

She took a glance at her internal scoreboard.

Higurashi: 4 (two because of the two pictures Inuyasha only managed to get through)

Takahashi: ∞


"SOUTA WAS IN A WHAT AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME? I'M GOING TO FUCKING HOSPITALIZE YOU, ASSHOLE!" Sango roared into her mouthpiece and Kagome had to hold her cell phone at arm's length away from her ear.

"Well jeez, if Kohaku was in an accident, I doubt you'd say 'OH! MY BROTHER IS DYING, LET ME INFORM KAGOME!'"

"I so would," Sango muttered. "How is he now?"

"Alive and well," Kagome breathed. "Inuyasha got his brother to do the operation, free of charge."

"That man so wants to wife you," Sango butted in her opinion. Kagome chose to ignore her, as always.

"Souta's up, Mama and Jii-chan don't know so they're going to be surprised tomorrow. And he's picking me up for work in the morning as well." Once again, Kagome held the phone away from her ear when her best friend shrieked louder than a banshee.

"Do your vocal cords ever rest?" Kagome inquired after Sango calmed down.

"No. He's picking you up?"

"That's what he said. He didn't want me going back to work, but since Souta's getting better, I might as well go back. Mama and Jii-chan are going to be in the hospital anyway, they don't really need me there." Kagome laid on her bed, staring at her ceiling. Just last night, Inuyasha was fast asleep beside her, and she could only concentrate on the rhythm of his breathing.

"True," Sango agreed. "Souta is alright though, right? No permanent damage?"

"Not that I'm aware of," Kagome informed. "Sesshomaru said that the operation went well and it would be a smooth recovery."

"Thank God," Sango whispered. "Is he at Samurai Valley?"


"Kohaku and I are gonna go visit him tomorrow, is that alright?"

Kagome laughed. "Why are you asking me? My brother is your brother."

Sango snorted. "You can take mine. I don't want him anymore—KOHAKU, GIVE THAT BACK!"

Kagome burst into laughter hearing Sango and Kohaku's regular brother-sister quarrel. Her phone beeped and she quickly glanced at it to see that she had a text message from Inuyasha. Since Sango was still yelling at Kohaku, Kagome decided to quickly read his message:

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Kagome smiled and ended up giggling at his childish question. She quickly typed in her response:

He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

She sent the message and put the phone against her ear to hear Sango still yelling at Kohaku. "GAHH, you're so lucky I love you, 'Haku." Sango turned her attention back to Kagome. "Sorry, you know little brothers."

Kagome laughed. "I sure do." She was so happy.

My brother's alive.

"So, when are you gonna fuck the man's brains out?"

"Sango," Kagome groaned. She quickly changed the subject. "How's your love life?"

"About that! Creepy Miroku-man called me yesterday morning! I hate you for giving him my number!"

Kagome paused. I didn't…

The image of Inuyasha popped into her head and made a mental note to question him on how Miroku got her best friend's number. Speaking of the devil, her phone beeped again, signalling that she had another text message. Quickly, she put Sango on speaker before going to read the message.

"What did he want?" Kagome tried to stay as calm as possible as she read Inuyasha's next message.

That make's complete and utter sense. Tell me, hotstuff, is it really seashells that she sells by the seashore?

Kagome grinned.

"He wanted to take me out for dinner."

Kagome's attention snapped to Sango. "And you said no, obviously?"

"SADLY, NO!" Sango roared. "My darling beloved brother heard me insult Miroku's fourteen generations. So, since he always looks out for my well being," Sango was being extremely sarcastic, "he texted him from my phone, pretending to be me, and said that I would love nothing more to go on a dinner date with him and me cussing at him on the phone was a lapse of sanity." Kagome stifled her laughter. "The weirdo popped by our apartment yesterday evening and Kohaku invited him in—I ended up making macaroni and cheese for the three of us."

Kagome burst into laughter. "What a classy first date."

"Yeah." Sango snorted. "With my baby brother playing the third wheel."

While talking to Sango, she managed to text Inuyasha:

She sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

"So then what happened?" Kagome asked.

"Then?" Sango sighed. "Then he left saying he'd love nothing more than to spend another night at my place with Kohaku and me. Again, Kohaku loves to take my well being to heart, and invited Miroku over again next week for a board game night." Sango yawned loudly before saying, "We're playing Scrabble next week."

"That's kind of cute." Kagome giggled. "He's playing scrabble with you and your brother."

Another text message:

You are sheer genius. I oughta promote you to the highest title in my company.

"That's creepy. Listen, I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow, during recess?"

"Sure thing. 'Night Sango."

"Goodnight. I'll send Souta my prayers."

Kagome smiled. "Thanks, take care." And the girls hung up. She flipped over on her bed and replied to Inuyasha's message.

And what may that be?

Almost instantly, his reply came:

Mrs. Takahashi.


It was Wednesday morning and Kagome was waiting for Inuyasha to pick her up. Her mother and grandfather had left for the hospital just a bit before she woke up, and the note on the fridge said that Inuyasha had sent a driver to take them. She wore a black pencil skirt with a ruffled pale pink top. She had a choker around her neck, as well as her father's K pendant. She didn't want to toy with Inuyasha's raging hormones that day—

His text from last night alone had sent her thinking until the twinkling hours of daybreak. She had not responded to his message and he never messaged back. She had no idea what to say…

Her phone rang; it was Inuyasha telling her that he was outside. Quickly grabbing her files for work, she left the shrine and locked the door. She made it to the car, opened the door and got in.

"Morning." She smiled at him, pretending that last night's message never happened. He nodded at her.

"Morning. Slept well?"

She shook her head. "Nah, I was thinking…"

About you.

"Same." He cracked his neck. "My nephew cried all night. Kid's sick and kept the household up."

"Aww," Kagome sympathized. "Is he better?"

Inuyasha nodded. "Yeah. He wanted a bag of chocolates from me before I left to pick you up. I promised him I'd get him some after I got home from work."

Kagome giggled. "Kids, cute huh?"

Inuyasha smiled, as he continued driving towards work. "Very." He glanced over at her. "Have you ever wanted any?" Kagome blushed and looked away from him. He laughed softly.

"I take that as a yes?"

"Well…yeah. A lot actually, I want a clan of my own."

Inuyasha nudged her and she glanced over at him. He sent her a playful wink and said, "Don't worry, so do I. When can we get started?"

"INUYASHA!" Kagome yelled. Inuyasha burst into laughter.

"God, how I missed you screaming my name!"


He blew her a kiss.


Inuyasha had to make a stop on the seventh floor of the building so Kagome made her way up to their floor. She greeted everybody before making it to her office—upon entering, she threw her stuff on the love seat and made it over to her desk.

A large fart caused her to jump. She got off of her seat and looked down to see a whoopee cushion placed right in the center. Even though she wanted to be mad, she couldn't. This prank was rather funny. She picked up the pink farting sac and noticed there was a note on her seat, just underneath where the whoopee cushion was.

Dear Mrs. Takahashi,

You're quite gassy this morning. :P How about I treat us to lunch today, at 12:30? I'll drop by your office.


Mr. Takahashi.

Kagome gawked at the note. Is he kidding me…?


Close to eleven, a knock on her door broke her out of her line of concentration. She looked up to find Inuyasha standing at the foot of her office, with a tray from the cafeteria in his hands. Kagome raised an eyebrow.


He stepped in and kicked the door shut before putting the tray on her desk. "A little snack, for you." He flopped onto her love seat and Kagome looked at the tray of snacks: fruit slices, water, crackers and some cheese.

"But we have lunch in an hour." She looked up at him, trying to control the beating of her heart. He winked at her and ushered to the food.

"I know, but a light snack doesn't hurt."

Kagome looked back down at the food. There was no way he rigged cut fruit slices…this was not a prank. She plopped a grape in her mouth and smiled at him. "Thanks."

Inuyasha wiggled his eyebrows. "I know, best thing that's ever happened to you—" He laughed at the look she gave him. "Drink some water. You're probably really thirsty."

"I am…"

Kagome picked up the glass of water and as fast as the liquid touched her tongue, she spat it out and stood up angrily. "Tonic water?"

Inuyasha was dying of laughter on the love seat. "Your expression! Oh my god!"

Growling, Kagome stomped over to him, ready to knee him in his stomach but was caught off guard when his hand shot out and caught her by the waist, pulling her to him. She stumbled forward and right onto Inuyasha, who quickly shifted her position so that she was laying parallel to him. "Hey there, beautiful," he breathed. Kagome was struggling against him.

"You're creepy," she mumbled.

"Then why is your heart beating so fast?" His ears tweaked. Kagome tried to fight the blush that quickly rose to her cheeks. She continued to struggle against his hold but he only tightened it.

"I didn't get to give you your good morning kiss today," he whispered and Kagome stopped struggling.

"What?" Her voice was hardly audible.

His eyes bore into hers, the prank he just pulled already forgotten. "May I kiss you?"

Kagome looked at his lips and back into his eyes. "Inuyasha…?" she whispered, uncertainly. Inuyasha's hold around her waist tightened a bit more.

"May I please kiss you?" His voice was almost desperate.

"After the prank you just pulled?" Kagome shoved his chest to get him off of her but he pulled her back. The opposing forces caused them to roll off of the loveseat, but Inuyasha quickly flipped her over so that she landed on top of him.


Kagome's heart was about to pop out of her ribcage. Shimmying her body up slightly, her lips became aligned with Inuyasha's and she slowly pressed them against his. Growling deep in his throat, he flipped them over and straddled her, his hands cupping her face as hers limply held onto his blazer.

His tongue dragged over her lower lip and she opened her mouth, allowing him entrance. His tongue came in contact with her and they instantly began a frenzy. Kagome's hand moved to Inuyasha's hair, which was tied back into a braid. She tugged it loose before running her fingers through his long silvery mane. Inuyasha's hand left their hold on Kagome's face; his right hand dropped down to her waist, as he held her tightly there, and his other hand decided to pay a nice visit to her unattended breast.

"Inuu," she purred into the kiss. Their tongues began to dance with each other, their bodies fitting perfectly into each other. Inuyasha ground his hips into Kagome's, making her moan come out a bit louder than he intended—but he loved it nonetheless. Cries of pleasure, eliciting from Kagome, because of him.

His right hand, which had been resting on her hip, went to her skirt and yanked it up. He began caressing her inner thigh and Kagome's hips buckled upward involuntarily. Although they were still lip locked, he smirked.

Breaking away due to the lack of air, Inuyasha continued his ministrations on her neck, drawing his tongue down the column of her neck before sucking on the junction right between her neck and shoulder. Kagome moved her head to the side to give him more access, her fingers now trailing down his chest. She pulled his tucked in dress shirt out and pushed her hands up, between the fabric that covered him and his chiseled abs. Inuyasha's fangs grazed against the spot he was sucking, giving a final touch to the dark hickey that he gave Kagome. Her arms wrapped around his torso, from underneath his shirt, and she pulled him towards her again.

Their lips connected once more. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he thrust his rock hard erection against her pussy. She broke away from the kiss and threw her head back, opening her mouth to a silent moan. He continued to pound his hardness against her bundle of nerves, giving her a taste of sex—with clothes on. Kagome's fingers raked down his back and his right hand crawled up her thigh and began dancing at the hem of her panties.

"Bitch." His voice hoarsely croaked. "I want to fuck you so badly."

Kagome was in a euphoric state; she wasn't able to formulate coherent sentences.

His thumb followed the band of her panty; his hand so close to femininity. Kagome thrust her hip upward, her body giving him the permission to bestow upon her the infinite pleasures that he was offering. The demon raged inside of Inuyasha, demanding that he take what belonged to him right then. He needed to feel her warm walls wrap around him, tight and slick. He wanted to pound his body against hers, having his cock dominate her body…

"Hey, Kagome!"

Yura's voice from the other side of the door brought Inuyasha and Kagome back to reality. She tried to shove him off of her but he simply stopped her by pressing his lips against her once more. Bringing his face close to her ear, he whispered, "Answer her…"

"Ye—yes?" Kagome's voice was quivering.

"Is Inuyasha around? I paged him, but I can't get to him."

"Tell her I went outside to grab a coffee," he murmured as he nibbled her ear.

"He went uhh…outside, to get a coffee." Kagome tried to steady her voice and fight Inuyasha at the same time. Too bad he was stronger…

And too bad she didn't really want him to stop either.

"Okay well…Kikyo's kind of in the waiting room…"

Inuyasha's eyes snapped wide open as they locked with Kagome's.

"WHAT?" Kagome shrieked. "She isn't allowed to step foot in the building!"

"I know," Yura muttered. "She's demanding to speak to Inuyasha—is there anyway you can reach him?"

"Yeah, don't worry." Kagome shoved Inuyasha off of her—who was in a state of stupor—and stood up, dusting herself off. "Give me five minutes and I'll have him out there."

"Thanks." Yura sighed a breath of relief. After a moment, she said in a toned down voice, "By the way—next time you wanna fuck boss-man in your office, keep it low. You're lucky only I heard. Asking where he is right now is just a show for everybody else. Toodles, you two."

Inuyasha twitched. "Can I fire her?"

"No." Kagome ran her fingers through her hair. "What are we gonna do?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "No idea—but I quite like this." He ran his thumb over the dark hickey on her neck. She threw him a nasty glare.

"Inuyasha! Seriously!"

He groaned. "I am being serious. Can we just tell her I died in an industrial accident?"

"We own a business corporation…"

Inuyasha wiggled his eyebrows. "We, ehh, Mrs. Takahashi?"

"Shut up. Turn around, let me braid your hair."

Doing as he was told, he let his secretary—who he had just half-raped in her office—fix his appearance up. As soon as she was done, he faced her once more. "Myoga said, at Kouga's party, that Kikyo went to his office saying she's pregnant with my kid."

"Yeah." Kagome nodded. "I heard. Maybe that's why she's here?"

Inuyasha frowned. "Tell you what, I'll go talk to her and you call Myoga. Get the details of exactly what she said."

Kagome nodded. Leaning forward, he gave her a chaste peck and moved to her window. He was going to jump down so that he could come up the building with a cup of coffee, just like how he claimed. Perched on her windowsill, he glanced over his shoulder.

"Oh, and one more thing."

Kagome raised her eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"You look extra beautiful today, Mrs. Takahashi." Winking at her, he propelled himself off of the sill and jumped towards the ground. Kagome stood in the middle of her office, in complete shock.

Okay, so maybe she has something more than just a crush for Inuyasha…

Higurashi: 4

Takahashi: ∞ + 1


Beta edited by: Sakura-chan master of the Clow

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on