InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ The Other Side of Inuyasha ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Kagome relieved her bladder and went back to her room, sitting in her bedroom. Her hair was tousled and falling off of the curves of her shoulder—she ran her left hand through her mane as she picked up her phone and called Inuyasha.

Speed dial number, three.

It was almost four in the morning and Kagome had no idea how long she was sleeping for. The phone rang a few times against her ear and just as she was about to hang up, the groggy voice of Inuyasha greeted her. "Awake, Beautiful?" he mumbled; his face smooshed against his pillow.

"Sorry," she murmured. "Did I wake you?"

"S'alright…," Inuyasha grumbled as he rolled over on his bed and lay flat on his back. "How you feeling?"

The feeling that was bubbling in the pit of Inuyasha's stomach was a surreal one. Never had he been woken up at four in the morning by a girl and wanted to speak to her. Heck, it didn't even happen with his ex-fiancée. Seeing Kagome's number on his screen washed away all of the sleep that inhibited his eyes, and the only thing he could concentrate on was her voice.

"Numb," Kagome whispered, her legs crossed on her bed. "Can you take me to the hospital in the morning?"

"I told you I would, didn't I?" Inuyasha chuckled. "And like I said, don't worry about Souta. I'm here…"

Kagome's voice tightened as she tried to hold back her tears. Inuyasha sat up on his bed rather quickly when he didn't hear her say anything and promptly instructed her to hold on a moment. Kagome frowned, her eyes brimming with tears.

"What do you mean?"

"Just hold on," Inuyasha strained out. "I'll call you in a few minutes."

Kagome stared at her phone, confusedly. What the heck…? Twenty seconds had passed since Inuyasha hung up and the entire time, she stared at it, not knowing what else to do.

At that moment, her phone began ringing and she jumped. It was Inuyasha's number.

"What happened?" Kagome inquired. Inuyasha sounded breathless; he was panting.


"What?" Kagome looked at her bedroom window to find Inuyasha perched right outside, on the Goshinboku. "Oh my…" She quickly hung up on him and went to slide her window up. Inuyasha, dressed in black sweat pants and a navy blue t-shirt, climbed in and tried to catch his breath. Kagome stared at him in awe.

"I have—" He gasped again, "not…ran that fast…since…1400s…"

Kagome's jaw dropped. Inuyasha finally recovered enough to speak—Kagome was too stunned to even react as he reached for her and gathered her into his arms. Her body was stiff but his arms were wrapped tightly around her torso, pressing her body protectively against his. Because of his action, Kagome's tears released from her eyes and spilled endlessly down her cheeks.

"Don't cry," he whispered. "I can't stand you crying."

"Why are you doing this?" Her voice croaked. "You don't have to care about me… or my brother…"

"I don't have to." Inuyasha guided Kagome to the bed. "But I want to." He sat her down and quickly took his place beside her. He wrapped his fingers around her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze. Kagome sighed sadly.

"You're a jerk," she mumbled and Inuyasha raised an eyebrow.

"Pardon me?"

Kagome looked over at him, her eyes searching his. "Most of the time… actually, almost all of the time, you act like a six year old out to make my life a living hell." Inuyasha wanted to laugh at her confession, but the look of seriousness in her eyes prevented him from doing so. "But other times… like now, and Kouga's party… you're a totally different person."

Inuyasha shrugged. "It comes with the incredibleness."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "I guess thanks," she whispered. "You don't have to do what you're doing but you are." Her eyes screwed up into utmost seriousness. "But you can't pay for Souta's operation!"

"What's wrong if I do?"

Kagome bit her lower lip. "He's my brother and I don't like having to owe people…"

"You don't have to owe me." Inuyasha's voice was soft. "Consider it a favour from a friend?"

Kagome's heart began racing hearing the tone of his voice and the words that he was saying, but she refused to look up into his eyes. She knew, if she did, she'd fall into a trap and possibly develop strong feelings for him. Her current state of loving to hate was something she liked very much, and she hated the thought if she ever crossed that border and entered the region of loving, period.

Her hands were clenched on her lap and her eyes were shadowed by her bangs. Inuyasha still had his one hand interlaced with hers, but he dared not move because he sensed that Kagome was going to say something rather important to him in just moments. The moon was shining dully outside and a few stars marred the perfectly black sky—nights like these reminded Inuyasha of growing up in Feudal Japan.

"I once did," she whispered, not daring to look up at him. "When Daddy died…"

Inuyasha's eyes widened.

Kagome sniffed, trying to keep her tears at bay. "It wasn't too long ago, four years ago—I was at Students of the Global Economy Conference at Cambridge University when Mama called me…"


"Nobody demands your curves, and no, you do not have an abundance of supply of them," Kagome muttered sarcastically at her friend, Yuka. The four of them, Yuka, Eri, Ayumi, and Kagome left the conference hall at Cambridge, making their way back to their hotel room. They were the only four students from Japan that were invited to the conference and they wanted to make their families proud.

Yuka laughed out loud, her head thrown back. "You dislike my obviously amazing usage of the language that is economics."

"I hate economics," Kagome retorted dryly. Ayumi wrapped her arm around Kagome's shoulder and playfully glared at Yuka.

"Leave the girl-who-hates-economics alone—I mean, she only came to a conference solely about economics, evidently she is a confused soul."

"Shut up!" Kagome laughed. "You make me sound queer."

"You are." Eri tapped her chin thoughtfully. Kagome, playfully, walked away in a huff. She swayed her hips in the process and her three friends enjoyed a good laugh. They were at the cusp of the age of seventeen and each of the girls had a different dream to pursue.

Kagome's was to rule the corporate world…

They made it back to the hotel and Kagome was informed by the receptionist that she had a phone call from Japan and that she must promptly call back—it sounded urgent. Nodding, Kagome made it back to her hotel room and pulled out a long distance calling card. She kept her cell phone off at all times to avoid roaming charges.

She turned on her phone to see ten text messages from her mother. Frowning, she read through each of them, pain and shock rising with every passing message.

Kagome! Call me now!

Where are you?

I called the hotel…Kagome call me asap!

Your father is in the hospital!


Forgetting the calling card, Kagome directly dialled her mother's phone. A hysterical Korari answered. "Kagome?"

"What happened?" Kagome shrieked.

"Your father." Korari's voice was shaking and Kagome could hardly understand a word she said. "He was in a fo-four car pileup."

Kagome's whole life came tumbling down…


"I came back to Japan right away," Kagome whispered, tears running down her cheek. "I withdrew from the conference, and withdrew from school that semester as well. I picked up two jobs to try to help my mother pay for my father's operation…"

Inuyasha could only watch her. He didn't know that the woman before him had such turmoil that she kept locked up deep within her. Inuyasha thought that his past was a horrid one, with the murder of his great father, Inutaisho—but he knew that the pain that Kagome was undergoing was far greater than his. He had hundreds of years to come to terms with the death of his father; Kagome had been living with the pain for four years.

Four fresh years.

"We couldn't afford it," Kagome continued to whisper. Inuyasha's thumb was caressing her hand and she involuntarily twitched. "So a man—who we thought was Daddy's good friend—offered to pay for the operation. We took the chance; it was the only hope we had to keep Daddy alive."

Kagome breathed deeply, trying to calm her emotions. Inuyasha decided to interfere at that moment: "Don't worry," he whispered, "you don't have to tell me."

Kagome shook her head. "No…I haven't ever told anybody. Not even Sango…"

Inuyasha nodded, understanding. She needed to get her pain off her shoulders; she needed to relieve her heart of the darkness that it housed. Kagome breathed a couple of times and continued with her story, her shaky voice more in control than it was previously, but tears were still freshly pouring from her eyes.

"He came with us to the hospital; we had everything set up with the doctors: time, date, place of operation." Kagome gulped, trying to control her voice, "Everything. The payment was due in full the day of the operation and…when time came…" Kagome's eyes snapped shut, remembering the events vividly.


"Sasuke isn't here yet?" Korari cried in an almost crazy voice. "What do you mean Sasuke isn't here yet?"

The doctor shook his head grimly. "We have attempted to contact Kondo-san but his number has changed apparently and we have no contact information otherwise."

Korari sank to her knees, her eyes widened in shock. Kagome held her sobbing brother tightly to her chest as she gaped at the doctor.

"What do you mean Uncle Sasuke didn't show up…?" she whispered her voice cracking.

The doctor painfully said, "He didn't. Sweetheart, if Kondo-san does not arrive here within the next hour…I'm afraid we have to turn off the uh…life supports." His voice fell at the last two words.

"No!" Kagome shook her head. "NO! YOU CAN'T!" She released her brother and ran up to the doctor, grabbing his collar. "YOU CAN'T LET MY FATHER DIE!"

Korari and Souta rushed to Kagome, trying to get her to release the doctor. "Kagome-nee-chan," Souta whispered. "He can't do anything about it…"

"I'll kill that bastard if I ever see him," Kagome hissed. "If he ever shows his face to me ever again, I will kill him."


"That was it." Kagome finally had the courage to look at Inuyasha. "He died. Sasuke never showed up, we never heard from him…and they had to pull Daddy's life supports." Kagome looked back down. "I swore to myself then that if my family ever needed me, I would not count on anybody else but myself to help them."

Inuyasha let go of Kagome's hand and got off of the bed, crouching in front of her. Kagome's puffy red eyes locked with his. His expression was grim but he had a look of sincerity in his eyes. "Kagome," he rolled her name off of his tongue, "I am not, nor will I ever be, a two-faced bastard that will turn my back on you during your time of need."

Kagome's eyes widened slightly.

"You mean more to me than anything in this world." His voice dropped to just above a whisper. "And if I had to sell my company for Souta's life…believe me, I would." He wiped the stray tears off of her face. "I may piss you off at work, and I may piss you off when all of this is over and Souta is back to his old self, but you need to remember that if you ever need anything…" He began leaning forward slowly. "I'd go to hell and back for you."

Before Kagome's lips could formulate the word Why, Inuyasha silenced her with his very own lips. She closed her eyes, her hands moving off of her lap to clutch the sheets beneath her. Inuyasha's hands were on either side of her—placed firmly on the bed—his lips softly working around hers. The kiss was meant to silence Kagome—nothing more…

"Don't ask me why," he murmured as he pulled back. "Or I'll keep you unpaid overtime."

Regardless of the situation, Kagome cracked a small smile at that one. "Thanks," she mumbled. She had nothing else to say to him. Inuyasha stood up and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You should sleep a bit…you're gonna be at the hospital all day tomorrow, I'm bringing your grandfather and mother home to sleep tomorrow night."

Kagome nodded at what he said. "I guess so…thanks uh, for coming?"

Inuyasha sent her a coy smirk. "Who says I'm leaving?" He climbed past her and lay on the far end of the bed. "I'm staying."

Kagome had a deadpan look on her face. "On my bed?"

"Sure, why not?" He stifled a loud yawn. "Ugh, I'm sleepy. Turn the lights off, Kagome."

She glared at his figure, his eyes were closed and he had a small smile on his lips. She inwardly decided she was going to sleep in her brother's room. Just as she got up to shut the lights, Inuyasha grabbed her wrist and pulled her backwards. She tumbled back on the bed and Inuyasha took her opportunity of weakness to wrap his arm around her waist and hoist her onto a laying down position beside him.

"Never mind," he whispered. "Just stay here with me."


"Don't complain. Just…sleep…" He kissed her forehead and shut his eyes once more. All Kagome could do was stare at his resting figure.



"God bless your soul," Korari whispered to Inuyasha as he brought Kagome to the hospital the next day. "May you live a long and prosperous life."

Inuyasha would've sarcastically retorted had the situation not been so dire. "Thank you," he didn't know how else to respond to a blessing. "Time to take you both home to rest, Kagome will be here for the day."

Korari hugged her daughter tightly. "Take care, baby." She kissed her daughter's cheek. "And call me if you need anything."

Kagome nodded and hugged her mother back and then her grandfather. Inuyasha nodded to her before taking her mother and grandfather out of the room. Kagome sat down beside Souta and caressed her brother's forehead. "Squirt," she mumbled, "why'd you have to go do something so stupid…like getting yourself hurt?" Kagome fought the tears that were building up. "When you get better, I'm never letting you out of the house."

A knocking on the door tore Kagome's attention away from her brother to a tall and poised man. He had long silver hair, just like Inuyasha, but his face was stern and unsmiling.

Although his eyes… they were the same tantalizing shade of Inuyasha's ochre ones.

"Hi?" she said, questioningly. He took a step into the room.

"Higurashi Kagome?"

She nodded.

"You may not recognize me but I have spoken to you on the phone numerous times when I call my brother's company." He walked up to her and held his hand out to shake Kagome's. Confusedly, she shook his hand but didn't get up off of her seat. She was too shocked to think what was polite to do or not.

"I am Doctor Sesshomaru Takahashi, Inuyasha's elder brother, and I will be doing the surgery on Souta."

Kagome's eyes widened. "What? We haven't paid for the surgery yet!"

Sesshomaru nodded. "I am aware of that but…" He glanced at the little boy that was wrapped in wires and turned back to Kagome. "But I owe Inuyasha a favour for something he has done for me. As such, he has asked for me to perform the surgery on your brother…with no charge."

Kagome's heart pounded against her chest. "Wh-what?"

Sesshomaru nodded. "Inuyasha has the hospital room cost covered and we have an operating room scheduled in about two hours. I suggest you grab some food and meet me at the front desk in half an hour, you have some release forms to sign before I do the operation on Souta."


"Listen." Sesshomaru's voice never shifted away from monotone. "Inuyasha has informed me of your independence. But let me ask you, if you had a choice between that and his life…which would you pick?"

Kagome's jaw dropped.

"I will take your silence to mean that you'd pick Souta's life," Sesshomaru spoke. "Hurry up, get food, and come to the front. We have lots to do before the operation can commence." He turned around and moved to exit the room before adding over his shoulder: "Your mother and grandfather are not aware I am here. They will come tomorrow morning to see your brother—awake."

And he left.

Kagome felt her world spinning uncontrollably. She had no idea what to make of it—but she knew one thing.

Takahashi Inuyasha was the most incredible man in the entire world.

No questions asked.


Languidly, Inuyasha strolled through the hospital a few hours later. He had Korari and Jii-chan set up at their place, ordered some take-out Chinese food and left his cell phone number with them. After which, he dropped by work to inform Miroku that he'd be out for the rest of the day. He quickly held a small meeting with a few shareholders and then left with his car to the hospital. He noted that the same nurse that was rude to Kagome was at the front.

She refused to make eye contact with him. He almost laughed.

Just as he was about to make the turn to where Souta's room was, the nurse called out to him:

"Ah! Takahashi-san?"

He turned around. "Yes?"

"Are you here to see Higurashi Souta?'

"When am I not?"

She blushed embarrassingly. "Uhh well…his sister is in the ICU waiting room…Souta is having the operation today."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "I know that. The doctor is my brother."

The nurse looked shocked and Inuyasha continued strolling through the hospital, as if he owned the place.

Wait a minute, he grinned stupidly, I do.


Inuyasha walked into the ICU waiting room to find Kagome the only person in there. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and crossed them in front of him, a small smile on his face. She was sitting with her back to him, her hands in prayer position but her forehead resting against the tips of her middle fingers.

"Hey, Beautiful…"

Kagome's back straightened hearing Inuyasha's voice and she whirled around to see his smirking figure.

"How are—oof!" He swallowed his words as Kagome threw herself at him, tackling Inuyasha into a tight embrace.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," she mumbled. "I don't know why you're doing this, but thank you so, so, SOOOO much!"

Inuyasha smiled, returning her hug. "Hey," he mumbled, "didn't I tell you everything would be okay?" And cockily he added, "And finally you accepted me as the best thing that's happened to you."

If the situation wasn't how it had presented itself to be, Kagome would've hit him for that comment. But she continued to embrace him, not caring of their surroundings. Inuyasha pulled her back and smiled stupidly at her.

"Now will you start trusting what I say?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "No."

Inuyasha laughed as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and guided her back to the bench. They both sat down but he didn't let go of his hold on her. He cracked his neck quickly before turning to Kagome and asking her: "So who's sexier…Sesshomaru or me?"

Kagome raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you seriously asking?"

"Yes!" Inuyasha whined. "Who do you think is better looking?"

"Who the heck won best looking man of the year?"

"I am not as famous as my younger brother," Sesshomaru's voice came dryly from behind them. "Otherwise, if Forbes knew I existed, I'd be hottest man of the century."

"Shut up, Sesshomaru." Inuyasha grumbled as Kagome hurriedly stood up and turned to the doctor…

"How'd it go?"

Sesshomaru shrugged. "I don't know—why don't you ask Souta yourself?"


Beta edited by: Sakura-chan Master of the Clow

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on