InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Neurosurgeon Brother of Mine ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Kagome ran through the hospital and hysterically asked the nurse at the front desk where her brother was. Inuyasha was standing directly behind her, looking serious and mean as always (unless it came to Kagome).

"Higurashi, Souta!" Kagome panted. "Which room is he in?"

The nurse skeptically looked at Kagome. "What's your relation to him?"


Inuyasha decided to take over. He, gently, placed an arm on Kagome's shoulder and began talking using his I'm-a-business-man-and-I-mean-business tone. "Look, we came all the way here to see Souta so you better tell us where he is." His glare was deadly. "Unless you want me to withdraw all funding to the hospital."

Her jaw dropped.

It was Takahashi Inuyasha.

Shakily, she told them that he was in room 61A. She pointed in the general direction and Kagome made a mad dash. Inuyasha didn't bother sparing the nurse a second look as he followed his secretary to where her brother was.

Despite the situation, he had to admit…

Her ass looked really big in that dress. Especially since she was running…

Hmm…Inuyasha likes…Inuyasha likes, a lot.


Kagome saw her mother sobbing as she ran into the room. Souta was on the bed wearing an air mask and had wires poked into him from all over. Kagome instantly broke into tears and sank to her knees, seeing her brother in the state that he was in. Inuyasha's eyes were wide seeing his secretary break down. For as long as he'd known her she had always been a strong, independent, mildly sexually frustrated woman.

And now she was…

A helpless little girl.

His heart reached for her. He wanted to gather her in his arms and hold her until she was feeling better.

"Ka—Kagome?" Kagome's mother choked. Jumping off of the chair, Korari hugged her daughter and they both cried, sunken to the floor. The old man—Inuyasha presumed him to be Kagome's grandfather—was sitting on a chair with puffy red eyes. He was trying to stay strong for the women but Inuyasha knew he was on the verge of tears.

"How'd it happen?" Kagome whispered, looking at her brother's broken figure. "Who the hell would run over a kid?"

All the while, Inuyasha was silent.

Korari shook her head and continued sobbing. Kagome was rocking back and forth, afraid of getting up and physically touching her brother—she was afraid he might crumble and disappear. She hugged her mother and stared emotionless at the bed, her eyes filled with tears.

Tears that refused to fall.

Taking a deep breath, Inuyasha approached the mother and daughter and helped them both up. Korari looked up at him and gasped before looking down at Kagome. "Oh—I'm so sorry! I didn't realize you'd pull your manager from some—"

"Nothing is more important than Kagome and her family," Inuyasha politely butt in. "If you ever need anything, Mrs. Higurashi…" Inuyasha guided her to the chair and sat her down. He put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed them tightly in reassurance. "Know that I am forever indebted to your family."

Korari's eyes widened. "You…are most kind," she whispered, looking away from him. Standing up straight, he returned back to Kagome and pulled her under his arm.

"I'll take Kagome home, have her washed up, changed and bring her back," he stated quickly. "When I come back, I'll take you both home to get washed up and changed and bring you back. It won't do your son any good if you're here in discomfort. I know it's rather ironic to say 'be comfortable' in such circumstances, but you need to be as optimistic as possible—and optimism starts with how you feel on the outside."

Dumbly, Korari nodded. As Inuyasha began guiding Kagome out of the hospital room, she wrestled him.

"No! Inuyasha, I want to stay here!"

"I know," he whispered softly to her. "But you need to go home and get changed. You have to be comfortable while you're waiting for your brother to heal."

"NO!" Kagome roared. "I AM STAYING HERE!"

"Kagome." His voice was soft. "Please listen to me?"

Her tear stricken face looked up at him helplessly.

"I'm doing this for your own good. The sooner I take you home, the sooner you can get back…understand me?"

Dejectedly, she nodded. Kissing her mother and grandfather farewell, she allowed Inuyasha to guide her outside of the hospital. They passed the front desk and Inuyasha spat to the nurse: "For the record, she's his older sister."


Inuyasha was sitting on the couch in Kagome's shrine, watching TV as she took a quick shower on the second floor. The thought of a presently naked Kagome was irking Inuyasha's penis. He decided he'd watch a documentary on mice on the Discovery Network to keep his mind out of the gutter—(more like his imaginary penis out of Kagome's imaginary vagina).

He heard movement upstairs and knew that Kagome had gotten out of the shower and was proceeding to put on her clothing. His ears tweaked and he loosened the noose to his tie considerably. He felt so compelled to help Kagome—and her family—and he didn't know how to explain it. It was as if something within him was urging him to help her, to make sure that everything in her life was okay.

Like he was her protector.

Kagome descended down the stairs in grey sweat pants, a yellow tank top with a black hoodie thrown over top. Inuyasha smiled at her, not maliciously, not teasingly, but just smiled. "I haven't ever seen you in anything other than work clothes." He made sure his voice had no snarky tone with it. Thankfully, Kagome gave him a small smile.

"Thanks….I think? Can we go now…?" She made it to the bottom of the steps and Inuyasha got up off the couch. He walked up to her and towered over her body like he was a giant. Kagome neither cowered nor stood defiantly; she was merely in a state of depression and Inuyasha knew that she wanted nothing more than to go back to that hospital room and see how her brother was doing.

"Kagome." The way he said her voice was a soft, silky whisper of velvet. "If I promise you that I'll let nothing bad happen to your brother…will you believe me?"

Kagome's eyes widened as she looked up and locked her orbs with his. She saw nothing but sincerity aglow in his eyes and instantly tears filled her very own. She threw her arms around Inuyasha's shoulders and instantly his arms wrapped around her waist. He pulled her body tight into his, wanting to envelope her and make all her pain and suffering go away. "Make him better," she cried into his chest. "Please, Inuyasha….He means the world to me."

His grip on her tightened and he softly kissed the top of her head. "You have my word." His voice was so soft even he almost couldn't hear himself.

Slowly, Kagome pulled backed from Inuyasha and looked back into his eyes. Subconsciously, she began leaning on her toes. Inuyasha swooped down and gently pressed his lips against hers, tasting the salt of her tears as well. She was clinging onto his shirt as if her life depended on it and closed her eyes, allowing his lips to take over hers. Inuyasha, hesitantly, pulled back away from her and used the pad of his thumb to wipe the tears off of her eyes.

"I refuse to kiss you in your present state of mind," he whispered. Kagome's eyes widened but he continued to speak. "Miroku sent a driver to the hospital for your mother and grandfather," he crouched down so she could climb onto his back. "Get on."

"Inuyasha…," she whispered as he walked out of the shrine and leapt into the air. He turned his head slightly to the left.


"Why are you doing all this?"

Inuyasha jumped onto a tree and then leapt off the branch and landed on another one. He tightened his grip on her legs.

"Why not?"


Kagome and Inuyasha walked into the hospital and the same nurse from before refused to make eye contact with them. Briskly walking past her, the duo proceeded to Souta's room. Just as Kagome and Inuyasha entered the room, the doctor walked out. He nodded to them and continued walking down the corridor.

Korari's face looked horror-stuck. Jii-chan was sobbing in tears.

"Wha—what happened?" Kagome ran to her mother.

"Sou—Sou—Souta needs to have an imm—immediate operation." Korari sniffed. "Bu—but the co—cost…"

"How much does it cost?" Kagome shook her mother's shoulders.

Korari looked away from her daughter. "Sou—Souta has your imm—immediate fam—family health co—coverage…but th—that's not e—enough…"

"Mama." Kagome's voice was urgent. "How much?"

"Two…two hundred thousand U.S. dollars," Korari whispered and Kagome's heart stopped. "Half—half of that is co—covered by your work…"

Kagome let go of Korari's shoulders and stumbled backwards. Inuyasha caught her shoulders from behind to steady her and Korari covered her face, sinking to the ground again. She began hacking in sobs and Kagome's grandfather spoke up—the first time Inuyasha heard his voice. "They need to hire the best neurosurgeon in the world…then they have to copter Souta to Thailand to have the surgery done and then hospital costs…"

"I…don't even make that in a year…," Kagome whispered.

Inuyasha's voice broke the momentary silence. "Don't worry about the neurosurgeon."

Korari, Jii-chan, and Kagome's eyes snapped to Inuyasha. Korari's jaw dropped and the humming of the machines that kept Souta alive was the only audible noise.

"What?" Korari whispered.

"I said don't worry about the neurosurgeon. My car is outside, I can take you both home to wash up now." He nodded at Korari and Jii-chan.

"You aren't paying for my brother's operation," Kagome said sternly and Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"I never said I was going to. I said don't worry about the neurosurgeon. Jeez woman." Inuyasha playfully winked at her. He then turned back to Kagome's mother. "I will be waiting outside for you both."

Inuyasha turned and left the room and Korari hurriedly stood up. "He isn't as bad as you say he is," she murmured and Kagome covered her mother's mouth.

"Shhh," she whispered. "He hears all…"

Korari smiled, despite the situation. "He's cute. Make sure my grandchildren have his ears."

Kagome's jaw dropped. She didn't just say…did she?


Inuyasha got in the passenger seat as his driver held the door open for Korari and Jii-chan. Quickly, Inuyasha told the driver the direction to the Higurashi Shrine and leaned back in his seat—his day was stressful. Thankfully, Miroku was watching all operations in the building while Inuyasha was tending to Kagome's family. Although I'm not sure if putting Miroku in charge is that great of an idea…

Inuyasha did bribe him with Sango's number though, to make sure Miroku would be doing a good job.

"So…," Korari started. "Did you uh, hear what I asked Kagome inside?"

Inuyasha glanced over his shoulder and stared at the elderly woman before cracking a small smile. "I did….Dog genes are dominant."

Korari giggled. "That's good."

Jii-chan raised an eyebrow. "Ehh?"

"Just nap, Father." Korari patted her father's head. The silence wasn't as awkward as Inuyasha was anticipating it. It was momentary, though, before Kagome's mother began speaking again.

"What did you mean you'll find a neurosurgeon?"

Inuyasha chewed on his bottom lip. "I have…connections…"

"Kagome won't let you pay for Souta's operation," Korari whispered. "She's very independent. She doesn't take help from anybody…ever since my husband died."

Inuyasha closed his eyes. He realized at that moment that he wanted to learn about Kagome's father from Kagome herself. She had kept her family life a secret from him for so long, it was her right to tell him the secrets of it. Inuyasha quickly shifted the direction of the topic: "I know. Don't worry, I can handle Kagome."

Korari smiled softly. "I know."

Inuyasha smirked. "Your daughter tells you all the shit I do to her, hmm?"

"You bet she does." Korari had an odd twinkle in her eye. "Have you rubbed paste in her hair yet?"

Inuyasha choked. "Uhh…no…"

Korari's smile widened slightly. "Do you plan to?"

"Will you tell her?"

"I promise I won't."

Inuyasha glanced out the window. "In that case, yes. I do plan to."

Thanks to his ears, Inuyasha didn't miss Korari's subtle laughter. Welcome to the family, Korari thought as she watched the scenery pass by. Future son-in-law.


Within two hours Inuyasha had brought Korari and Jii-chan back to the hospital. They walked into the room to find Kagome asleep, slouched on a chair with her hand gripping Souta's. Korari chocked back a sob and Jii-chan's eyes watered. Inuyasha looked at Kagome's mother.

"I'll take her back home to rest properly—tell her to call me tomorrow morning."

Korari sighed. "Bless your heart, my boy."

Inuyasha smiled appreciatively at her. "Don't worry about Kagome coming into work either, I'm giving her the week off—paid."

Korari and Jii-chan's eyes widened. "You don't have to!"

"But I want to." Carefully, Inuyasha picked Kagome up bridal style and shifted her so that she was comfortable in his arms. Thankfully, she didn't wake up. Inuyasha nodded at Kagome's mother and grandfather and quietly said, "Don't worry about the runt."

Inuyasha left the hospital room and made it to the car where the driver held the door open. Gently, he placed Kagome on the seat and fastened her belt before climbing into the passenger seat. As the car took off, he pulled out his cell phone.

"Sesshomaru speaking."

"Hey," Inuyasha said quietly. "Remember that favour you owe me because I helped you convince mom and dad to let you become a neurosurgeon?"

His older brother snorted. "How could I forget?"

Inuyasha watched Kagome from the side-view mirror. "Well…I have a favour to ask you…"


Kagome gasped awake. She felt the warmth of blankets and the softness of a pillow under her head. Panic started rising and she jumped out of her bed. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw a rose and a note on her dresser. Slowly, she picked them up and went to flip her bedroom light on…

Like I said, I'll make sure your brother will be alright. Call me in the morning, I'll take you to the hospital—and don't worry about coming to work for the week, I'm giving you paid time off.



Kagome's heart was racing as she reread the note three times. She couldn't believe that this was the same Inuyasha. Kagome noted that Inuyasha had scratched something out just above the Yours. Kagome turned the letter up to the light to try to figure out the indentations of what Inuyasha scribbled out—



Kagome's eyes widened. The word that Inuyasha had scribbled out and wrote Yours instead, was Love…


Beta edited by: Sakura-chan master of the Clow

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on