InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Shockingly Climatic ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


"How is the company fairing?" An age-old holder of 30% of the Takahashi shares in the stock market grinned at Inuyasha as he approached them after bringing Kagome downstairs from the terrace level. She yanked her hand out of his, smiled politely and disappeared to find Sango…

No doubt to tell her what just happened.

Inuyasha shrugged, drinking his champagne that he plucked off of a silver platter that a waiter was carrying around. "It's fairing well. Number one, as always. My tech team has the prototype ready for the new project-based tablet. Microsoft has already contacted me, wanting to install the Windows OS on it but I think I want to keep it with the Cepheus OS."

The elder man, Myoga, nodded—his round head making Inuyasha want to burst into laughter. Myoga always cracked him up whenever they encountered each other at parties. Glancing around, Inuyasha tried to pinpoint where Kagome was but couldn't detect her scent in the sea of people. Conspicuously, he turned back to Myoga who as blabbing endlessly about nonsense—

"That's what Kikyo said…"

Inuyasha frowned. "Pardon?"

Myoga sighed. "My boy, don't you ever listen? I was saying, Kikyo's father came to my office a few days ago asking attendance in your office since you blacklisted them from your companies. I told them it was something I was unable to do and they should contact either you or Kagome, since you two run all of your companies—her father was outraged and left my office in a huff and Kikyo said that she's two months pregnant and that you're the father."

Inuyasha barked in laughter. "Me? I haven't seen her since she left me stranded at our engagement party two years ago because I said I wanted a woman of substance….What is she trying to play at now?"

Myoga shrugged and sipped his red wine. "I don't know, just be careful—say, is that Kagome dancing with Kouga?"

Inuyasha whirled around and groaned. Seriously, wench? After what just happened upstairs you do this? Controlling his raging blood, Inuyasha excused himself from Myoga's presence and approached Kagome and Kouga dancing in the middle of the dance floor. The closer he approached them, the stronger the scent of discomfort was that was emitting from Kagome. She obviously did not want to be close in Kouga's arms…

"My I steal the lady for a dance?" Inuyasha asked and Kouga shot him a glare.

"We just started dancing—" Before he could complete his sentence, Kagome jerked away from him.

"Sure you can. I'm sorry, Kouga." Kagome smiled apologetically at him. "But I do need to speak to Inuyasha about something important."

It wasn't a lie.

She actually did.

Grumbling profanities under his breath, Kouga kissed Kagome's hand and walked away in a manly stride. Gathering her up into his arms, Inuyasha started leading them in the next dance. Kagome glowered up at him. "Do you have any idea what the hell people are saying about us right now?"

Inuyasha frowned. "No?"

"Well shit is spreading after we came downstairs holding hands. They're saying all of this to SANGO and she has no idea how to react to it!"

"I let go of your hand before we got to the atrium…" Inuyasha muttered and Kagome growled.

"Well, the press have eyes everywhere. What the hell are you going to do to fix it?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "Can we wait to see what type of news is printed in the papers tomorrow before I break all hell?"


Inuyasha smirked. "You look quite ravishing when you're angry."

"Yeah? Too bad you can't ravish me!" Her anger was getting only stronger. Inuyasha, subtly, squeezed her butt.

"Just wait until tomorrow." He brought his lips close to her ear. "Higurashi…"


Kagome clutched her files and the report on the many positions of sex that was due for Inuyasha that very day. She donned a one piece dress that had a silk leopard print sleeveless top portion with a tight pencil skirt that landed mid-thigh. To complete her ensemble, she wore red pumps and had a gold thin bracelet around her left wrist. Despite what happened last night, she was still on a mission to toy with Inuyasha.

And toying was what she was indeed doing.

She walked into the office to find Yura already there. Smiling at her co worker, Kagome walked past her and into her office—

"Hey Kagome!"

Pausing, she turned around and raised an eyebrow at Yura. Kagome's hair was curled that morning and she pinned her locks back with a bobby pin. Her bangs were pinned at the crown of her head, giving her a mild poufy look.

"What's up?"

Yura stood up and approached Kagome holding a stack of newspapers. She had a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Have a good day…"

Kagome frowned and looked down at the bundle of papers in her hands. Pushing her office door open, she walked inside and kicked the door shut before dropping everything on the little loveseat in her office. Why would Yura—oh my fucking god…

Kagome staggered to her desk and flopped down on her armchair, her eyes wide and her shock emanating from deep within her. She read the headline slowly, her anger rising for Inuyasha by the second.

Higurashi Kagome and Takahashi Inuyasha—a love affair or a hot scandal?

Kagome looked at the newspaper beneath that one. Her heart rate began increasing…

Did Takahashi cheat on Inoue Kikyo with Higurashi Kagome?

And the one after that.

Higurashi Kagome is pregnant with Takahashi's first son! Exclusive interview inside from insider, Jun Chao

Kagome growled inwardly. Note to self: fire Chao.

EXCLUSIVE! Takahashi Inuyasha is NOT homosexual! Seen at Lang Kouga's party with sex bomb, Higurashi Kagome.

Well, she mused trying to find humour in the situation; at least I'm a sex bomb?

She turned to the last headlining newspaper, Japanese Post, and read the final front page news story: Inuyasha'sdemon rages only for Kagome.

Kagome screamed loudly as she threw the papers aside and clutched her head. At that precise moment, Inuyasha walked into her office with his oh-so-pathetic tie in his left hand and his blazer in his right. He raised an eyebrow and his ears tweaked cutely as he shut the door. "What's wrong? I heard you scream coming into the floor."

"Chao's fired. Go tell him to pack his things," Kagome roared. Inuyasha sat down on her loveseat slowly.

"Oh kay... may I know why you'd fire our best internal auditor?"

Kagome threw the paper at him and Inuyasha took a slow look over it. He placed the paper down on his lap and looked up at Kagome, a coy grin spreading across his features. "You are? But I always wanted a daughter first!"


"I am!" Inuyasha tapped his chin. "When we have our daughter together, I want to name her Inume—get it? Inuyasha, Kagome…Inume…"

Kagome gave Inuyasha a deadpan glare. "Seriously, you cannot be serious in any way, shape, or form right now."

"I am—hold on a fucking second!" He snatched up the copy of Tokyo Times that read that he wasn't a homosexual. His face twitched in areas where muscles could not possibly twitch. "Homosexual? That's taking it TOO far!"

Kagome snorted. "Right, and me being pregnant with your son isn't?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "It'll be true one day."

"Over your homosexual body!"

Inuyasha snorted and pulled out a can of peanuts from underneath his blazer. "Here, gorge on these while I go tear Chao limb from limb—by the way, you look beautiful." He slowly winked at her. "As always." He opened her door and glanced over his shoulder once. "Be in my office in about ten minutes to give me your report on that book and to tie my tie."

I'll noose you with it, Kagome thought bitterly. She glared at her boss who merely laughed and shut her door behind him. And then she heard a distinctive: "JUN CHAO, IF YOU ARE NOT OUT OF MY BUILDING IN FIFTEEN SECONDS FLAT, YOUR WIFE IS GOING TO HAVE TO BUY YOU A PREMATURE HEADSTONE!"

Without thinking, Kagome opened the can of peanuts and a joke snake popped out. She screamed loudly and stomped her feet. "TAKAHASHIIIIIIII!"


Kagome did some quick breathing exercises and calmed down. She straightened up her outfit, picked up her file and shakily walked over to Inuyasha's office. Many of the workers on the floor gave her a curious look—she knew what they were thinking. They probably thought she was going to have merciless rough sex on Inuyasha's desk that involved not undressing, but merely pulling down his fly and hitching up her dress.

She inwardly snorted. Yeah effin' right.

Without knocking, she entered Inuyasha's office and heard him angrily speak into the phone, with the press no doubt. She took a seat on the couch and watched him intently as he did what he did best: rule the world.

"Pregnant? Who in the world told you that Kagome is pregnant?"

She bit her lower lip and he glanced over at her. He pointed to his tie that was lying helpless on his desk; sighing, Kagome got up and Inuyasha turned his chair towards her, the phone still on his ear. Kagome picked up his tie and leaned over him, slowly working around the cord of the phone to get his tie noosed properly. She was fully aware of the bulging glut of her cleavage that was mere inches away from her bosses face.

"You thought because her and I went to the second floor during Kouga's party? Did it ever cross your air-headed minds that Kagome was feeling claustrophobic with all the people around and that I was taking her to get some air?" Inuyasha winked at Kagome and hungrily lowered his eyes back towards her breasts. She stomped on his foot hard and mouthed, That was for the peanuts.

He took a pen out of his pen holder and wrote on a scrap paper: I know you want MY peanuts.

Kagome pulled the noose tight and Inuyasha choked. Smiling with her job-well-done, Kagome sat back down on the sofa. Inuyasha yanked at the tie, trying to loosen it and still keep his composure on the phone. "Why was I holding her hand?" His anger was rising. "Because I was hand fucking her—she was claustrophobic and was still fucking dizzy from her anxiety! Unless you want me to sue the shit out of your worthless little crap excuse of a newspaper agency, I suggest you STOP making shit up. And make sure you tell that to the bastards who wrote I'm a homosexual and that my 'demon rages for Kagome.' I will make sure I run you all out of business. Understood?" He managed to loosen his tie. "Good. Now don't waste my time." And he hung up.

Kagome had her right leg crossed over her left and she was leaning back on his couch, her file placed neatly on her lap. "How are you this fine day?" She smiled and he growled angrily at her.

"Did you have to choke me?"

"Did you have to have a snake jump out of a can of peanuts?"

Inuyasha's grin was sly. "But there is a snake by my peanuts…"

Kagome paused and snorted. "You, Takahashi, need to get laid sooo badly."

"So why not help me?"

"I said you need to get laid." Kagome's grin matched his. "Not have your brains fucked out while endlessly screaming my name to not stop."

"Is that so?" He stood up and sat beside her on his sofa. She didn't move.

"That is so."

Inuyasha ran his right hand up her thigh and rested just at the hem of her dress. He saw the folder on her lap and began caressing her leg with his thumb. "Is that what I think it is?" he whispered softly. Kagome was trying hard not to get aroused and not react to his touch. So far, she was in control…but then his hand started traveling up higher and she started fidgeting.

"Does this make you nervous?" he whispered huskily in her ear. Thwatting his hand away, Kagome handed him the file.

"Here," she said breathlessly. "Your stinkin' file."

Giving her a squeeze on her leg, he leaned back and held up the file, reading the cover page and abstract.

Composition of the Copious Positions a Man and a Woman can share Behind Closed Doors

Higurashi, Kagome

A brief description of the many things that pleasure a man and a woman in the sanctuary of their bedroom, or any other room behind a closed door; includes explicit descriptions and pictures.

Inuyasha's jaw dropped. "Pictures?"

Kagome gave a mock gasp. "What? Was I not supposed to?"

Inuyasha eyed her suspiciously before opening the first page…

The Missionary-

The missionary position is a "man-on-top" sex position usually described as the act in which the woman lies on her back and the partners face each other. The missionary position is an example of ventro-ventral copulation. Variations of the position allow varying degrees of vaginal tightness, clitoral stimulation, depth of penetration, participation on the part of the woman, and likelihood and speed of orgasm.

And right beneath the description of the missionary position was a picture of Kagome, clad in lacy black panties, a formfitting black bra, and a garter around her left leg. She was lying on a bed with red silk sheets with rose petals around her hair. Her legs were spread wide open and her left thumb was locked at the band of her panty. She was biting her lower lip and her right hand was clenching onto the silk sheet tightly.

Inuyasha's jaw dropped as he looked at the picture. His gaze snapped back up at Kagome who was looking anywhere but him; slowly, he brought his gaze down at the folder and flipped the page over.

The Doggy

To perform doggy style, position yourself so you're kneeling behind her, then insert yourself and remain between her legs either upright or leaning over so your body drapes over hers. Great for deep penetration, and it allows you to hit her G-spot while stroking her clitoris, breasts, hair, and back—just don't pet her like a dog.

Inuyasha choked back a cough when he saw the picture—Kagome, this time in red booty shorts and a black strapless bra, on all fours and looking over her right shoulder behind her. She was putting all her weight on her left hand as her right hand rested softly on her butt cheek. There was a fireplace in front of her and she was on top of a polar bear skin rug that was positioned in the middle of a hardwood floored room.

"You…this…" Inuyasha closed the book and Kagome found a certain thread on her dress suddenly very interesting. Grabbing her chin, Inuyasha forced her to look at him—she was blushing very hard. There was a hungry look in his eyes, pure and ethereal desire. Kagome gulped and before she knew it, his lips were pressed tightly against hers and his body crushing her between him and the sofa.

She gasped in his mouth as he guided her legs onto the sofa and straddled her. "Your body," he murmured against her lips as his hands began hungrily roaming her body. Kagome felt her desire unleash but she was too stunned to act upon anything Inuyasha was doing. "Is godly."

He began kissing her neck and his right hand crept over her breast and gave it a soft squeeze. A throaty groan escaped Kagome's lips and she felt Inuyasha smile against her neck. His knee drew her dress up higher and she managed to grab the collar of his dress shirt and pull him in slightly closer to her. The feel of his lips got more erotic every time they touched her and her control over her resistance was waning. Whenever he wasn't acting like a total douche-bag, she felt like kissing him.

"Dammit, Kagome," he groaned in her ear, "I wanna pound you." He nibbled on her ear softly. "Have you scream my name…"

"God…," she whispered, arching her back. His hand went to the mop of curls on her head and pulled her head back and licked up the column of her neck before thrusting his tongue into her mouth.

"I need to touch you," he murmured.

As he went to go continue his ministrations on her neck—and possibly further down—there was a knock on his office door. He didn't respond and, until the moment which Kagome began pounding his chest to get off of her, he wasn't going to.

"Fuck," he cursed. "Who the hell is it?" he roared.

"Ch-Chao, sir…"

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BUILDING!" he roared, he got up off of Kagome and straightened himself up before helping her sit up. She quickly fixed her hair and straightened her dress as Inuyasha went to go open his office door. Chao was standing there, looking terribly frightened.

"I'm so sorry…I…I…"

"You betrayed me because the press was bribing you for false information. You value a quick buck more than you value loyalty and honour. For that, I refuse to keep you." Inuyasha's voice was stern and deadly. "So leave before I have security throw you out."

"But sir…"


The man almost had tears in his eyes and Kagome couldn't stand it anymore. Sighing, she came up from behind Inuyasha and pushed him out of the way. Chao was dumbstruck to see her there… "Higurashi-san?'

"Why did you do it?"

Chao looked down and didn't respond. Glancing at Inuyasha—who was seething in annoyance—she bit her bottom lip before turning back to Chao. "I'm putting you back on probationary status for twelve months. If you do anything that deems itself to be dishonouring of the company or any of our names, I will have you terminated from any affiliated companies with the Takahashi Group." Kagome said firmly. "You are dismissed for the day, return tomorrow at your regular time but you have lost your title as head auditor and you will be joining the lower officials of the building until you have passed probationary status."

Chao looked like he could've kissed Kagome's feet. "Oh thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He bowed twenty times before turning and running off. Kagome, with her report clutched firmly in her hand, smiled sweetly at Inuyasha.

"Do unto others what you would have done unto yourself," she recited.

"I'll do unto you what I want you to do unto me, onto me, me into you…"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "You seriously need to get laid."

"I was about to." Inuyasha snorted. Kagome rolled her eyes again and quickly left the office with the file clutched in her hand. It took Inuyasha ten seconds to realize what she did.


By then, Kagome already locked herself in her office. As if I'm going to let him keep racy pictures of me.


Kagome was sitting at the Italian bistro across the street, having a latte and a Danish while she spoke to Sango on the phone.

"He only made it through missionary and doggy!" Kagome giggled. Sango laughed.

"I told you, only do a summary on like ten positions because he isn't making it through the whole 365. Plus one."

Kagome nodded, because she had a mouthful of Danish. "I know, you're epic—we made good use of our mountain retreat."

Sango laughed. "Yeah, mud bath, facial, take sexy pictures of Kagome. All in a days work."

"Tell me about it. Although the more I kiss him, the better he seems to be at it."

"You need to get laid more than he does," Sango murmured. Kagome snorted.

"You think? By the way, Miroku wants your number."


"I gave it to him…"


Kagome coughed. "Because you need cock?"


Laughing, Kagome stood up and threw away her paper cup. "I love you too. Break's over, talk to you later."

"When I get my hands on you—" Kagome hung up on Sango, with a bright smile on her face.

I love riling her up. She hadn't really given Miroku Sango's number…yet. Kagome quickly crossed the street and entered the building. She made her way up to the top floor and walked into the office in time to have Yura frantically wave over at her. Kagome frowned and approached her.

"What's up?"

"Your mother!" Yura handed Kagome the phone and she bit her lower lip, wondering what could've happened. Her cell phone didn't have call waiting so if her mother tried reaching her there, she couldn't have because Kagome was talking to Sango for the majority of her break.


"KAGOME!" Korari shrieked into the phone and Kagome's heart began racing. Her mother never called her so hysterically.

"Mama, what happened?"


Kagome's heart stopped. "What about Souta?"

"He was involved in a hit and run and he's in critical condition at Samurai Valley Hospital!" Korari wept. Kagome's world froze as she dropped the phone. Her eyes were wide and she could see Yura's mouth move but she couldn't hear what she was saying. Without thinking, she dashed to Inuyasha's office, tears blurring her eyes. Without knocking, she walked in and he was in a little meeting with some partners. He frowned, smelling her tears.


"I have to go!" she sobbed. Inuyasha knew something was wrong and quickly told the men to go outside and wait for a moment as he rushed over to Kagome. Hurriedly, they walked out and Inuyasha gripped Kagome by her shoulders.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to go," she cried again. "Please! Cut my pay for the week, keep me overtime, I don't care, I need to go!"

Inuyasha firmly held onto her shoulders.

"Beautiful," he murmured, "tell me what's wrong and I can help you."

"Souta!" she cried as she held onto his blazer and collapsed in tears. "My brother—he's in the hospital! I have to go see him, please…"

If there was anything that Inuyasha learned about Kagome in the past six months, it was that she loved her brother more than life itself. Picking her up bridal style, he dashed over to his window and opened it. Kagome's tear stricken face looked up at him. "Inuyasha?"

His face was tight. "Which hospital?"

She was in shock.

"Kagome." His voice was soft. "Which hospital?"

"Samurai Valley…," she responded and without warning, Inuyasha leaped out the window and scaled the buildings, headed straight toward the hospital.

Kagome didn't know what to feel at that moment.

He's…taking me to the hospital…


Beta Edited By: Sakura-chan Master of the Clow

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on