InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Enter The Wolf's Den ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


The limousine drove into the visitor drop-off area to allow Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku and Sango to disembark. It had began to slightly rain and the forecast called for a heavy thunderstorm later on in the evening. Gallantly, Inuyasha held the door open for Kagome and she had to raise an eyebrow at him: "This is the same guy who harasses me on a daily basis?"

Inuyasha smirked. "We aren't at work right now, hot stuff," Kagome glowered at him, "So you technically aren't my secretary."

"I am getting paid for this shindig though," she reminded him, "with the pay raise."

"I never specified when I'm implementing it!"

"Well Iam," Kagome darkly growled, "I can call compensation and tell them that as per Takahashi Inuyasha my salary is being doubled—and don't even test me because I have pre-signed letterheads from you."

Inuyasha snorted. "Yeah right. I'll make your life so miserable that even if you gave me head I wouldn't change my mind."

"Now why would I want that part of your anatomy in my mouth?" Kagome raised an eyebrow. "You urinate from there."

"I also ejaculate. And it's what makes women scream my name all the time," slowly, he winked at Kagome. She groaned in disgust.

"You're probably crawling with diseases!"

"I use protection!"

"Who said they actually worked?"

Miroku groaned. "Seriously you two, we get enough of your shit at work."

"SHUT UP!" Inuyasha and Kagome whirled back at Miroku who gulped and looked away from them. Sango rolled her eyes and adjusted her strap before leaning into Miroku and whispering:

"I just met him and even I know not to mess with them when they're having a moment."

Shrugging, Miroku wrapped an arm around Sango's shoulder who, without hesitation, stomped on his foot. "And people like me just never learn." He whimpered through the agony of feeling a woman's six inch heel driving into his foot.

"No," Sango snarled through clenched teeth, "they never do."

Inuyasha and Kagome were still bickering as they approached the usher. They were both slightly misty from the light rain that was coming down, although Inuyasha could sense that it was going to get worse by the vibrations of the air in the atmosphere. The party was set in a grandiose banquet hall that was reserved for the elite- simply put people in Inuyasha's league. The previous year (although Kagome hadn't been part of the company) the annual party for the Takahashi Group of Companies was hosted at the same banquet hall that they were presently at: Goshinboku Convention Hall.

"Name?" The usher smiled and Kagome, despairingly, muttered his last name and hers. Inuyasha, being the jerk asshole that he was, wrapped an arm around Kagome's shoulder and winked at the usher.

"The lady wanted to be modern and kept her maiden name. I'm still trying to convince her to change it to mine." Kagome's eyes widened and before she could protest, the usher laughed and nodded.

"I understand fully, Takahashi-san. My sister-in-law is like that and my wife is trying to convince her to take her husband's last name."

Inuyasha shook his head. "Women, hmm?"

"Tell me about it. Enjoy the event."

Kagome pried his hand off of her shoulder and glared heinously at him. "I swear to God my brain is probably going to implode with all the shit you pull!"

"It's unhygienic to pull shit, Kagome." Inuyasha tutted. Screaming, she stomped away from him and he merely shook his head amused.

Oh how he loved to annoy that woman.

Or you could just take out the "to annoy" part and leave the rest…

How he loved that woman…

Keh, it's just a stupid high school crush.

Keep telling yourself that, Inuyasha. His inner demon taunted maliciously. I want her. So that makes you want her. So keep telling yourself whatever will help you sleep at night.

I will. Thanks. The human within Inuyasha said stiffly as he locked his internal battling halves away. Inuyasha caught up to Kagome who had managed to greet some of their biggest trading partners in the industry. She had two glasses of red wine in her hands and when he approached her, she smiled over at him –with the look of fire and anger in her eyes- and handed him a glass. "Sir," she smiled as professionally as she could, "I got us some wine as you were caught up with conversing with some of our honourable business associates."

She was good.

Real good.

Nodding firmly, he took the wine glass from her and smirked at his partners. "I need to give this one a raise, hm?"

"Or wife her," an elderly man snickered. "My wife doesn't bring me wine." An elderly woman beside him rolled her eyes. She was obviously the wife.

"I'm not being payed to put up with your inconsiderate attributes. Higurashi-san," she smiled at the younger girl, "is getting paid however. So shut your pie hole!"

"I'll shut yours." He winked at her again and she blushed a terrible shade of red. Kagome and Inuyasha an exchanged awkward glance… old people flirting was not on their to-do list. Clearing his throat, Inuyasha immediately changed the topic.

"So what's the theme of Kouga's party?"

The older man, recognized as Kaze Totosai, sipped his champagne. "It's quite strange-" He sipped again and his wife shot him a disapproving look. "It's something about a den?"

His wife, Mō-Mō, sighed. "It's Enter the Wolf's Den."

"Shouldn't it be wolves?" Inuyasha raised an eyebrow and Kagome rolled her eyes.

"This is why I do all your work for you." Before Inuyasha could properly retort, a fuming Sango approached them and plucked Kagome's wine out of her hand and downed it in one gulp. Totosai and Mō-Mō watched in amusement before the woman asked Sango whether she had encountered Miroku.

"Encountered?" Sango barked in laughter. "I've had the displeasure of being brought to this thing as his date." She handed Kagome her glass back to her, and Inuyasha fought not to laugh at the look of confusion in Kagome's face. "I have never met such an inconsiderate jerk in my life!"

Inuyasha nudged Kagome. "She sounds like you when you're mad at me."

She chose not to comment.

"In about the five minutes we've been here he's asked me to bear his child seventeen times. SEVENTEEN!" Sango threw her hands in the air before composing herself. Clearing her throat, she bowed respectfully at Totosai and Mō-Mō. "My apologies- I am not from the league in which you all are honourably from. I am Miyagi Sango and I came as a favour for Kagome."

Totosai laughed. "I like you! You remind me of our daughter!"

Sango raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Mō-Mō rolled her eyes. "Don't mind him dear, we have three sons and no daughters. What he means to say is that if we had a daughter, she'd probably be like you."

Sango blushed. "Oh… thank you…"

Kagome excused herself from the two elderly folks and yanked her friend away. Inuyasha followed suit- he wouldn't give up the opportunity to see Kagome run Miroku's ass to hell. He would pay the net worth of his ENTIRE company to see something like that happen and here he was, about to witness it for free. Somebody up in Heaven loved him a lot.

"What did he do?" Kagome whispered and Inuyasha stood close to them, resembling a bodyguard.

A hot bodyguard.

A toned bodyguard.

A bodyguard that Kagome would rape mercilessly in a standing shower.

She clenched her fist trying to control her arousal. Too bad she had no control, and it was even worse that Inuyasha's nose had picked up on it in a heartbeat in the sea of people. Winking slowly at her, Inuyasha merely crossed his arms in front of him and she saw his chest rumble in an inaudible laughter. God how she hated feeling something so strange for that man.

He was, after all, a six year old trapped in the body of a twenty-seven year old.

A sinfully sexy twenty-seven year old, mind you.

"Just about everything perverted in the damn book," Sango hissed, "you owe me big time Higurashi!"

Kagome sighed. "I know, I know. I didn't expect him to—"

"Ehh?" Sango raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying that I don't look good enough for a man whore like that?"

Kagome groaned. "Iam a woman and I still don't understand women. Miroku doesn't show interest in single ladies, he wants what is unattainable… hence his disgusting attraction toward married women. You are something else; I don't even know why he's acting like how he is."

Inuyasha butt in at this point. "He's a man. You're a sexy bird. He wants to be between your legs, to be blunt."

Kagome and Sango gave him a deadpan look before Sango decided to disengage herself from her best friend and her sexy escort. "You two children go be naughty then. I'm going to spot myself some eye candy and keep that shady character away from me."

"Speaking of shady," Kagome grinned, "he's at five-thirty and fast approaching." Kagome had never seen Sango run so fast in a dress in her life before. Containing her laughter, she turned around to come face to face with a smirking Inuyasha. She raised an eyebrow.


Her heartbeat was racing.

"I can't seem to keep my attention off your lips." He whispered. Subconsciously, she liked them. Inuyasha pulled his arm around her waist and pulled her close into his chest. "But you'll willingly put them on me. Understood?"

She didn't want him to let go of her. The heat of his touch had never felt so good before… possibly because Inuyasha's flirting style had graduated kindergarten, skipped high school, and entered post-secondary. It was a lot more sexual than it had ever been, and a longing between Kagome's legs pulsated.

She was horny as fuck.

But she wasn't about to let him know that… despite the fact he probably smelt her oncoming wetness.

"Understood. But don't keep your hopes up." Begrudgingly, she tried to detangle herself from Inuyasha and for the first –and only- time in her life she was glad to hear the persistent call of Inuyasha's wolfish archenemies (yet second highest grossing business partner), Lang Kouga.

Inuyasha hesitantly let Kagome go and she composed herself quickly. Turning around she sent Kouga a flush smile as he approached the duo. "Glad you two could make it!" He sent a dazzling smile to Kagome. Everybody knew that Kouga had a little thing for Kagome.

Not that Inuyasha was particularly fond of that.

"She e-mailed you and I called you to let you know, Lang." Inuyasha's ears twitched impatiently. Kagome knew the twitch of his ears (Was that weird? She added in her head) and his ears were fidgeting in the way they did when he was annoyed.

Kouga had a sly grin on his face. "Oh did you?"

Kagome knew this was a battle waiting to happen. She thanked the lord above when the strings of a song began playing. She put a hand on Kouga's arm –with Inuyasha's disapproving growl in the background- and said: "You're having a lovely party Kouga," he beamed, "the theme is remarkable. But the music has begun and you know it's traditional that Inuyasha dance with the woman accompanying him, right?"

She was bullshitting.

That wasn't traditional. But hey, Kouga bought it and that was all that really mattered. Sending her a dashing smile, the wolf demon nodded and bowed. "Alright then. But before the end of the party and certainly prior to the speeches, you shall dance with me."

Kagome sent him a tight smile and neither agreed nor disagreed. The wolf disappeared into the crowd and she turned to a rather amused Inuyasha. "Alright. He's gone. I'm going to freshen up." Before she could make a dash for it to the bathroom, Inuyasha caught her arm.

"Oh come on, hot stuff, we can't break tradition now can we?"

Kagome shot him an incredulous look. "You know I made that up!"

"Did you, now?" His grin was wolfish, despite his doggy bloodline. She glared at him.

"No way, Inuyasha!"

"Oh come on Kagome, I won't bite…" He sent her a hungry look- his aura emitting power. "Unless you want me to."

She hated how that turned her on. But despite the carnal desires her body was feeling, she refused to be succumb to a man who always got his way. If, by some unforeseen power, Inuyasha really did want her, then he would have to work to have her. She refused to bend over backwards to his every whim.

She wasn't gonna do it.


No way.

Not a chance in hell…

Then how the fuck did I end up on the dance floor with him in less than fifteen seconds flat? She asked herself desperately. To her (mis)fortune, the song had to be a slow song, a sway-to-the-beat type of song. Inuyasha had both of his hands wrapped around her petite waist and she had her arms stiffly on his shoulders. A few other couples had joined them on the dance floor—Sango was dancing with a cutie that Kagome recognized as Watanabe Kuranosuke, the so called prince of the corporate world, next to the King, Inuyasha.

Miroku, though, was seen by the punch table drinking something that didn't look so innocent. His eyes were hungrily glued onto Sango.

"Relax, sunshine." Inuyasha purred into Kagome's ear, "Let my body guide yours."

"I'm sure that's what you want," she haughtily remarked. Inuyasha's chest rumbled in laughter.

"You know me too well…"

Kagome sighed but relaxed her arms a bit. "Why are you like that?" She murmured, "Ever since I first got the job…"

She felt him pull her closer to his body and she was forced to place her head against his chest… that rock hard chest…

"I love being in control," he shrugged off her question. "Tell me about yourself though-" thunder crashed in the background, the storm had hit in full force, "you've been working for me for six months and I know nothing except that you have a younger brother and your father is deceased."

Kagome pulled her head back and raised her eyebrow up at him. "My personal life is of no concern to you, sir."

His smirk was sexy and sinful—a ripple in his jaw muscle. "Au contraire, Kagome," the way he whispered her name was like a caress, "it quite is."

"You rule everything in the business world," her voice was tight, "and as much as I hate to admit it, you also rule me and every step I take. My personal life is my own- whether I am suffering a familial crisis, or about to get married- it's none of your business."

His hold on her tightened considerably. She heard his heartbeat quicken as her head was placed back on his chest. A growl, inaudible if her head wasn't pressed against him, was heard resonating deep within his torso. Kagome's fear should have spiked, but instead it was her arousal.

"You belong to me." His voice was silky and unlike him. Quickly, Kagome pulled back and looked into his eyes and saw that they were seeping red—if her Priest of a grandfather had taught her anything, it was the indicators of when a hanyou transformed into a youkai.

And transforming was what Inuyasha was doing.

"Inuyasha…?" She whispered and without a second word, he whisked her up and ran out of the main atrium, leaving confused onlookers and snapping photographers. The press was going to have a good day tomorrow…

A very good day.


Goshinboku Convention Hall had everything and much more: a dance area, a dining hall, two conference rooms about the same size as the dining hall, a terrace and a library (both of which were located on the second floor). Inuyasha, still in demon form, ran Kagome into the library and she was too afraid to even argue back with him.

If what Sango said was true, this was his demon coming out to stake his claim.

I am in deep shit. She thought frantically to herself. And I still have to give him the stinkin' report tomorrow. Dang it, Kagome… I knew that was a bad idea.

For some reason, her fear wasn't a full blown fear; it was the curiosity type of fear: she dreaded what was going to happen next but she didn't necessarily dread what was going to happen. The library was quaint and cosy, a few casual beanie bags were thrown in random corners, and comfortable armchairs were positioned at every bookshelf in the library. Inuyasha had thrown Kagome on a beanbag and paced menacingly in front of her.

"MARRIED?" He roared, his eyes still red, purple stripes suddenly becoming visible on his cheeks. His claws were growing and were beginning to look sharper; deadlier. Kagome gulped, finally realizing what was happening. His demon had reacted to what she said when she was trying to prove her point about her personal life being of no consequence to him.

His demon didn't like the thought of another man being with her.

It would be romantic, if the circumstances of the situation weren't as they presently presented themselves to be as.

Kagome, hastily, stood up and slowly approached Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha?" she squeaked. He whirled onto her.


What am I going to do? She thought desperately. How was she going to reverse his reaction of fathoming the idea that she wasn't his—

Her eyes widened in realization.

Show him that I am his. Which I am not, but I can't rationalize with a demon. Gulping, she knew the hanyou Inuyasha was never going to let her live down her following actions, but it was either she calmed him down or he went on a rampage and slaughtered a roomful of unsuspecting civilians downstairs. She grabbed his arms –those tight, muscular, hard flexed arms- and quickly pressed her lips against his.

The youkai froze.

Kagome chewed on his lower lip, as if she was asking for entrance… asking for forgiveness for allowing him to entertain the thought of her belonging to another. She needed a tripling of her salary for what she was presently doing: willingly kissing Inuyasha.


The youkai wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a ferocious interlocking of the lips. Kagome squeaked into him as he lifted her a few inches off of the ground. Her hands tightened on his arms and slowly she began to feel his body relax; his demon disappear. The kiss, however, was intoxicating. It was better than the drinks being served, better than any possible addictive drug… hell, it was a drug. If she didn't dislike Inuyasha with a passion, she would welcome his sinfully sweet kisses any day of the week. But alas, she had more control than to entertain the thoughts of a flirtatious six-year-old-in-body-of-twenty-seven-year-old. Her heartbeat, though, was racing off the radar.

After what felt like endless hours, Inuyasha pulled himself back away from the kiss, his eyes hazy and disoriented.

"Kagome?" He whispered. She bit her bottom lip, still in his arms. "What… happened?"

Kagome's eyes dropped to his lips: lightly bruised from her chewing on it, and thoroughly inviting. So she did what she never thought she would do: kiss Inuyasha again. She knew she took him off guard but he didn't show it because his lips were fully welcoming of her own. Her eyes were closed and her breasts were now crushed against his chest. He lowered her slightly so that her feet touched the ground again and pulled her tighter into his body. Fireworks shot and Kagome had never felt something like that kiss ever before.

Well she did. But that included more kissing from Inuyasha on her office desk…

They pulled away and she looked away from him, panting heavily. "What happened?" he breathed, trying to process the situation.

Kagome gulped. "You turned… full demon."

Inuyasha's heart screeched to a halt in his chest. "I what?"

Kagome nodded. "Yeah…"

Inuyasha tilted his head to the side. "Why?"

She didn't want to tell him so she shrugged. "I don't know."


"I don't lie."

"I can smell it in you!"

"… ok sometimes I lie."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Kagome?"

Rather quickly, she said: "It was because I said my personal life was none of your business and I could be getting married and you shouldn't care!"

Inuyasha slowly took in what she said before quickly letting her go. "Oh."

That's it?

After all that, all he gave her was an oh?

That was rather disappointing.

Kagome was unaware of the inner turmoil that Inuyasha was experiencing. His demon had managed to gain control of him –which hardly happened, ever. Hell, it never happened with Kikyo- and all because Kagome gave him the idea that she could possibly belong to another man and he had no control over it.

And that was what triggered him.

He had no control over it.

Kagome touched his shoulder, "Inuyasha?" She whispered.

He gulped. He didn't feel like himself anymore- he suddenly felt sick to his stomach. "Let's go." Inuyasha muttered.

There was another crash of lightening outside, followed by thunder.

"What's wrong?" She whispered.

"People are expecting us downstairs." He avoided her question. "We're giving the reporters something to feed off of."

"Forget the reporters!" Kagome roared. "Tell me what's wrong!"

"WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?" He roared. "It's not like you fucking tell me anything about your life!"

Kagome's eyes narrowed. "Is that what this is about?"

Growling, he ran his fingers through his hair. He felt weak. He felt vulnerable. And in order to stomach those feelings, he had to be in control, and the only way to do that was to make sure he was in control. Of Kagome.

"This isn't about anything. Now, let's go."

He turned to leave but she didn't move. His patience was wearing thing.

"I'm serious Higurashi-" ouch, her last name, "if you don't come with me now, I'm just going to leave-"

But Kagome cut him off.

"Kiss me."

His body froze. Turning around, he wanted to see if she was serious or not. The look on her face proved to him that she was being more than just serious.

"Excuse me?" He whispered, all thoughts of gaining control fleeting his brain.

"Kiss me. Are you so stupid that you don't understand plain Japanese?" Her voice was hoarse. Something about this argument excited her. It wasn't childish like their usual arguments—it was pure anger that resonated through Inuyasha and for some reason, it made her want him even more.

Not like I want him.

"Kagome," her name rolled off of his tongue. Kagome cocked her head to the side.

"If you don't kiss me now, I'm just going to lea-" Kagome wasn't able to finish mocking Inuyasha because his lips had found their place on hers. Her fingers immediately began combing through his hair as she released her bottled up hunger. Who would've guessed she would be kissing Inuyasha in Kouga's party.


She had a sardonic tone in her head: He freakin' did.

Inuyasha pulled back and used his left hand to pull her hair down so that her chin squared with him. "Guess I was right," he smirked, "you are kissing me willingly."

"Are you going to keep talking with that pretty little mouth of yours?" Kagome sent him a smirk that matched his own, "or are you going to kiss me?"

"Oh I'm going to kiss every inch of that pretty little face of yours." His voice was raw with desire.

And that spiked Kagome's arousal…

Their lips were caught in a frenzy of passion and Kagome was afraid that she was slowly becoming unafraid of releasing her desire for the man that claimed her lips. She wanted him to stop oh so badly but at the same time she didn't. His hands were tightly held around waist and she only wanted to feel more of him.

All of him.

And his dreaded cell phone rang.

"FUCK!" he cursed, tearing away from her lips. Fumbling for his phone that was in his blazer, Inuyasha was quite distracted by Kagome's pink lips kissing his neck.

"Dear god," he moaned, forgetting the ring of his phone momentarily. Kagome stopped her ministrations and nudged him.


"Oh yeah…" Pulling it out, he was ready to roar at the bastard that ruined such a heavenly moment with—

"Where are you?" Miroku growled loudly into the phone. "People are talking shit down here and the journalists are all getting twenty different versions of a nonexistent story!"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Kagome needed fresh air. It was getting stuffy down there."

Of course it was. She thought sarcastically.

Miroku sighed. "Hurry and get down here. By the way, tell Kagome I don't like her friend dancing with Kuranosuke."

"Tell Sango yourself," Inuyasha muttered before hanging up. His eyes hungrily landed on Kagome but she merely straightened up her dress.

"We should go," she smiled as if nothing happened- her specialty. Inuyasha pulled her hand into his and –to his suspecting surprise- she didn't pull away. "I'm going to have hell tomorrow trying to sort out the press."

Inuyasha laughed. "Leave it to me."


He nodded. "Oh by the way, hurry and give me your resume for Cepheus… we're compiling the pool of candidates now."

Kagome merely nodded as they left the library. Before they arrived at the top of the stairs that led them back down to the atrium, Inuyasha caught her chin and pressed a chaste and lingering peck on her lips—something that left her yearning for more. "Don't worry, we'll continue where we left off tomorrow as well."

Kagome's eyes were dancing in laughter but her lips twisted into her signature sarcastic smirk when it came to Inuyasha. "We'll see about that."

He gave her hand a squeeze. "We will."


Beta Edited: Sakura-chan Master of the Clow

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on