InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Prelude to the Wolf's Den ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


The weekend passed and Kagome and Sango were more relaxed than they had ever been in their lives. Sango, begrudgingly, turned the ignition on in her car and looked sadly over at Kagome, who was pouting the entire walk from their hotel room to the parking lot.

"I sad," Sango mumbled cutely.

"I sad too."

"No leave?"

"No grammar?" Kagome raised her eyebrow and Sango snorted.

"Grammar go bye bye. Massage come back back."

"No seriously—grammar. You're the teacher of impressionable toddlers and if you can't speak proper language, I'm afraid I have to somehow get you fired." Kagome grinned and Sango smacked her with a pillow she had in her car.

"Shut up," she muttered. "This weekend went by way too fast. And we have to go to Kouga's stinkin' party tomorrow!"

"Tell me about it." Kagome sent a mischievous grin towards Sango. "Inuyasha's been on my ass the whole weekend but I haven't been answering my phone calls."

"What if he thinks you're having sex?" Sango gasped in mock horror. Kagome sent her a cheesy smirk.

"It's the best lesbian sex I've ever had."

"Damn right." Sango winked before shifting her gear into reverse and pulling out of the parking lot. They had a couple hours to drive back to town, but both ladies were relaxed, exfoliated and pampered. A few hours of more relaxing in the car was exactly what they needed. "What are you wearing?"

Kagome shrugged. "Inuyasha said blue."

"The man tells you what to wear?"

"Apparently." Kagome rolled her eyes. "Mama has a nice blue dress that Aunt Kessoku got her for Christmas last year. She hasn't worn it once so I guess she wouldn't mind if I borrowed it?"

"What about mee?" Sango whined. "What do I wear."

"Nothing at all?"

"Perfect!" Sango clapped her hand momentarily, letting go of the wheel, "Let me just shave my pussy so I don't look like a cavewoman."

Kagome shrugged. "Bush is in."


Kagome snorted and ended up laughing uncontrollably. Sango glared murderously at her best friend. "If you weren't gonna make Inuyasha cum his pants Monday, I would've decked you right now."

"I know. You love me."

"No. I really don't."

"It's okay, I love me." Kagome playfully sucker punched Sango who sighed.

"Why—why have I been friends with you for so long?"

"I ask myself that every day."


Bidding Sango farewell and telling her that she'd call her before the limo picked her up tomorrow, Kagome walked up the steps that led to her family shrine. Sliding the door open she saw her younger brother Souta playing some PlayStation 3. Throwing her duffel bag onto the floor, Kagome flopped onto the sofa beside him.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Playing," Her 17-year-old brother replied without even glancing at her. Kagome glared at him playfully.

"I can see that. Why aren't you doing something productive with your life? Like…work out?"

"I'm sexy and I know it," Souta cheekily remarked. Kagome giggled before standing up and ruffling his hair.

"Oh, Nee-chan!" Souta paused his game and looked over at his sister. "Your boss called earlier today. He sounded kinda cheesed…haven't you picked his phone calls all weekend?"

Kagome grinned and shook her head. "Nope!" She replied popping her P. Souta smirked at her.

"Good job," he complimented. "Mama and Jii-chan are out to some convention thing about ancient artifacts. They said they'd be home tonight."

Kagome nodded. "Alright. Wanna go out to eat?"

"Yeah, they opened a pizza store up the block."

"Perfect. Be ready by seven."

Souta held his hand up in the air before returning to his game. Kagome picked her duffel bag back up and headed up the stairs to her room—she figured it was about time she should call Inuyasha.


Lying on her bed, Kagome had her cell phone pressed against her ear. The phone rang three times before a panting Inuyasha picked up. "Takahashi."

"Did you just run a marathon?" Kagome inquired and Inuyasha barked in laughter.


"Oh," Kagome muttered, "I can call back?"


"Alright. Bye."

Kagome hung up her phone and decided she was going to take a shower. She hadn't spent quality time with her brother since forever and she was definitely looking forward to that evening. Picking up a pair of sweat pants and a black tank top, Kagome disappeared behind her bathroom door…


"Five missed calls?" Kagome raised an eyebrow as she looked at her phone (which she left on her bed) after coming out of her shower. One call was from Sango and four were from Inuyasha. He is soo clingy…, she thought amusedly to herself before calling him back.

"Hey," he breathed into the phone.

"Four missed calls? Seriously?"

"Well we talked five minutes prior and then all of a sudden you won't answer. I feared for your well being!"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Ha. Ha. What's up? You called me all weekend and you knew I was out."

"I know but Miroku was on my ass and he still is—MIROKU DON'T TOUCH THAT!"

Kagome raised an eyebrow as she heard Miroku reply: "BUT IT'S SO INVITING!"

"Um…if you two are in the process of inserting each other anally, I can call back…"

"Anally? In your dreams…" Inuyasha snorted. "Miroku came over to my place and he's playing with my nephew's toy cars. Don't. Ask."

Kagome wasn't even going to. "Anyway…what's up?"

"Miroku wanted to know what your friend was going to wear for tomorrow."

Kagome nodded, even though she knew they couldn't see. "No idea. She asked me today but I wasn't sure what to tell her—you so gallantly informed me to wear blue so I really didn't have to think about my outfit too much."

She heard her boss smirk. "I know. I'm amazing."

"Not really. Does Miroku have anything planned?"

"He was game with whatever your friend was going to wear."

Kagome tapped her chin and recalled a white dress that Sango owned that would look beyond beautiful at the event tomorrow. Deciding for Sango, Kagome promptly informed Inuyasha that Sango was going to wear white and hung up. Glancing at the time, she saw it was just after six.

"SOUTA!" she roared from her room.



There was slight pause and Souta yelled back: "OKAY!"

Grabbing a sweater, Kagome dashed down the stairs to find her baby brother waiting for her. "Your treat?" He grinned cheekily. Kagome rolled her eyes.

"My treat, squirt."


Admiring herself in the mirror, Kagome felt quite accomplished with how she looked. It was four in the afternoon and the limo was scheduled to pick them up starting at 4, beginning with Inuyasha. After Inuyasha, the limo was going to drop by Miroku's place, then Kagome's and finally Sango's. Deciding that they wanted to surprise each other, the girls got ready in their own abodes.

Korari, Kagome's mother, beamed proudly at her daughter. "You look stunning. Who knew Kessoku's dress would suit you so beautifully?"

Kagome smiled. "I know." She was wearing a strapless poly chiffon teal blue dress. The bust of the dress was ruffled with a diamonds outlining the gluts of her breasts before curling around her torso and resting at her hip. Ruffles of cloth were streaming down the side of her left leg. To complete her ensemble, she wore silver stilettos, and white pearl earrings. She kept on her father's pendant and brought along her silver clutch.

"You are going to knock the men off their feet." Korari beamed. "Here, let me take your picture!"

Kagome blushed. "Mama, this isn't prom."

"I know but still!"

Souta was lounging on the sofa, watching his mother flock over his sister. He belched loudly and Kagome giggled. "Nice one, squirt."

Souta grinned. Before Korari could even find their camera, Kagome's phone rang. It was Inuyasha.

"You here?"


"Coming!" Kagome hung up and turned to her mother who was bounding down the stairs with a sad expression on her face. "What's wrong?" Kagome asked as Korari sighed sadly.

"The battery is dead on the camera." Kissing her daughter's cheek, Korari clasped her hands together.

"Have fun, sweetheart!"

"Thanks." Kagome hugged her mother and waved bye to her little brother before leaving the shrine. Souta glanced at his mother.

"Think I'll be an uncle soon?"

Korari nodded seriously. "I think so; maybe in eleven months or so—including the pregnancy time."

Souta snorted and burst into laughter.


Inuyasha's breath was caught in his throat as he saw his secretary come down the stairs of her shrine. Miroku was gawking at Kagome. Inuyasha quickly opened the limo door and bounded up the steps to assist Kagome come down. Miroku was still gawking.

"Hey," he murmured as Kagome smiled at him. His heartbeat was racing.

"Hey yourself. Nice tie." She nudged him. "Look at that, we match!"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "I know. My choice in colour is impeccable."

Kagome snorted. "Yeah? Well I'm wearing orange to the annual party!"

Laughing, Inuyasha shrugged. "That is a long way away—you need help there?"

Kagome glared at him. "No. Why, do I look like I need help?"

"Yes." And he unexpectedly picked her up bridal style and lunged off of the step, making it all the way down to where the limo was idling. Kagome screamed most of the time they were airborne.


Miroku was laughing and Inuyasha sent her a cheeky grin. "Nope."

She glowered dangerously at him. "I'm only tolerating you because of my pay raise."

Miroku shut up. "Pay raise?"

Ignoring him, Inuyasha nodded at the driver. "Go. Kagome, we need your friends address."

Glowering at her boss, Kagome quickly told the driver where Sango's apartment was.


"Hello." Sango smiled as she entered the limousine. Kagome had called her the previous night to inform her that she had decided that Sango was going to wear white. Not even questioning Kagome, Sango decided that white might be a good choice and picked the dress she knew Kagome was thinking about.

"Miyagi Sango." She firmly shook Inuyasha's hand and then Miroku's.

"Takahashi Inuyasha," the intolerable CEO offered. Miroku was dumbstruck and Kagome kicked him.

"Uhh…Lin Miroku." Grasping Sango's hand to his chest, Miroku had an odd twinkle in his eye. "Will you do me the honour of bearing my children…?"

Sango threw her fist which impacted with Miroku's jaw. Her eyebrow twitched as she glared at Kagome. "You didn't tell me that married-women-stealer was a pervert!"

Inuyasha snickered as Kagome grinned. "I thought that was implied with the married-women-stealer bit?"

"God, I hate you." Sango scowled as she eyed Miroku dangerously. "EYES off of the assets, pervert!"

"But your assets are just spilling out of that dress!"

She hit him again.

Inuyasha leaned back and moved his lips to Kagome's ear. "Watching those two all night will prove to be interesting."

Kagome nodded in agreement. Her heartbeat stopped racing when Inuyasha added a sensuous: "Remember—by the end of tonight, you'll be kissing me."


Beta Edited: Sakura-chan Master of the Clow

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on