InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ You Only Thought You Quit ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


It was dress down Friday and Kagome decided that she was going to utilize the day. That morning she straightened her hair and tied a small French braid that started at her bangs and went to the side. She wore an off the shoulder black top with a red tank top underneath. To match her ensemble, she had on white mid-thigh length shorts and black pumps to top it all off. Picking up one of her silver anklets, she hooked it around her left ankle.

Kagome had come to the office a bit early that day to get a head start on her days work. She needed to finish early so she could leave with Sango. The previous night Kagome wasn't able to speak to Sango properly—Sango's brother was sick and she had to tend to him.

"Hmm." Kagome grinned, reading her to-do list. "There isn't a lot to do today."

Drumming her fingers on the table, Kagome was reading a short three page report sent from the Accounting department discussing the results of their audit a few days ago. It was just before nine a.m. and Inuyasha was due into the office soon. Kagome's thoughts kept drifting to the sex position book he gave her the previous day.


She was sure that her outfit was going to give him a harder than life boner. In fact, she was counting on it.

Sango was right, men do think with two heads, Kagome thought amusedly. They stop thinking with their head when you givethem head.

Her telephone rang.

"Takahashi Group of Companies, Higurashi Kagome speaking, how may I help you?" Kagome answered. Yura wasn't in the office yet so the front desk phone was linked to Kagome's office phone.

"Hello, Higurashi-san." It was Kaoru Morimoto. Kagome's expression darkened and she clenched her fist. This Morimoto jerk was persistent as fuck. Kagome knew he was a shady character when he made the snarky remark regarding Inuyasha's father—nobody hit below the belt like that.

"Morimoto," Kagome said tightly. "What is it you require?"

"Inuyasha's company," Morimoto muttered nonchalantly. "Maybe you too. The men in your company do talk about how wondrous your physique is."

Kagome's eyes narrowed. "Wondrous? Do you have rats in our building?"

"Perhaps." Morimoto chuckled. "But enough of this. Is Inuyasha around?"

"No, he is not," Kagome growled. At that very moment Inuyasha barged into her office with a dangerous and deadly expression on his face. He didn't even notice her outfit as he walked up to her and ripped the phone out of her hand.

"Listen," Inuyasha harshly spat, "if you ever fucking call my office again I will have you arrested. And for the record, you will not be taking my company and you will definitely not be taking Kagome. Both belong to me." And he slammed the receiver down.

Kagome gawked at Inuyasha. Not because of what he said—the whole her belonging to him thing—but because of what he was wearing: a satin deep red casual button up shirt with the top three buttons undone (showing his finely chiselled chest underneath…image of Inuyasha showering popped into Kagome's head again), baggy black pants and black runners to matc h. His silver hair contrasted sharply with his pants and was tied back into a neat braid. On his right hand was a stark black Hublot wristwatch with a golden face and golden hands.

"If he ever calls again," Inuyasha seethed, "tell me right away. Tell that to Yura too."

Kagome nodded dumbly. Turning around, Inuyasha stormed out of her office and slammed the door shut behind him. Kagome crossed her arms and tilted her head, staring at the door.

I give him five…four…three…two…one…

Inuyasha walked right back into the room, his eyes wide. "What the fucking hell are you WEARING?"

Kagome grinned and stepped out from behind her desk to give her boss a full view of her outfit. Inuyasha's eyes popped out of his head as he hungrily scanned her body from head to toe. "You like?" Kagome inquired, doing a little twirl. "I didn't know if it was appropriate for dress down Fridays."

Inuyasha pushed her door shut and pressed on the lock. Kagome was half telling herself to kick him in his nuts and make a run for it, but the other half of her that was heavily influenced by Sango told her to stand her ground—and maybe flash a nipple (or both).

Kagome decided she wasn't going as far as a dual nip slip.

"It's appropriate," Inuyasha breathed. "But for my eyes only."

Kagome frowned. "Now come on, that's not fair—everybody needs to have some kind of eye candy."

Without even blinking, Inuyasha was in front of Kagome. His right arm was snaked around her waist; he had her pulled right up against his chest, heaving her half an inch off of the floor. His left hand gripped her hair pulling her head back so that she could look into his eyes. "Nobody," his whisper was deathly, "can look at what's mine."

Kagome tried to struggle against him but he held on. "But I'm not yours," Kagome mumbled. Her heartbeat was racing. What was happening now, despite its scariness, was the sexiest position Kagome had been with since well…ever. The image in her head was mind blowing: Inuyasha, with his shirt unbuttoned, holding onto her as their hair blew in the wind. Her hands (in her mental image of course) were placed on his chest and her right leg was running up his left leg.

And with every mental image that consists of her and Inuyasha, her arousal skyrocket.

"You're mine," he growled, his eyes boring into hers. "Why the fuck do you think I won't let you quit?"

Kagome gulped. The scenario was getting scary. The look in Inuyasha's eyes was feral; pure, raw, carnal hunger. The more her heart raced, the more her fear increased—but what was especially scary was that just as badly as she didn't want him to do it, she didn't want him to stop.

"Because you're an asshole jerk-face?" Kagome breathed. She slightly struggled against his hold, but that was primarily because her rationale told her to. Inuyasha let go of her hair and brushed her bangs off her face, running a finger over the braid.

"I quite like this," he mumbled, ignoring her earlier comment. "It suits you."

And Kagome, because she was still working on Operation: Cum Get Me, Inuyasha, ran her right leg up his left. She saw his eyes widen slightly and felt a slight hardening of his penis. Her eyes flashed dangerously and she brought her hands up and gripped the collar of his shirt.

"Why thank you." She smiled. "But we really can't get frisky on my desk, so I would appreciate it if you let me do my—" She was cut off when Inuyasha pushed her backwards and sat her on her desk. With one swift movement he wiped everything off and pushed her back down to a laying position.

Kagome's mind blanked.

Oh. My. God.

He climbed on top of her with a look of raw desire in his eyes. Kagome's heart was pounding faster than it ever had before. He was straddling her, his hands on either side of her head and his face just a breath away from hers: "Kiss me," he whispered. Kagome gulped.

"Inuyasha, you need to stop."

"Kiss me," he repeated. "I need you to kiss me."

Kagome bit her bottom lip and Inuyasha snarled.

"You can't bite your lip," he growled softly. His lips were so close to her face that she could feel him talking. "Not while I can bite it for you."

Kagome swallowed slowly. She knew she was going to regret this at some point in the day, but she had to make sacrifices for Operation: Cum Get Me, Inuyasha. She squared her chin and looked daringly up at the man on top of her.

"So why don't you?"

The grin that spread across Inuyasha's face made the pit of Kagome's stomach churn, in a good way of course. "That was what I've been dying for you to say, hot stuff." Without letting her retort, Inuyasha pressed his lips softly against hers. Kagome's head could have rolled back into her head at the sex of the situation: CEO-hottest-man-alive was kissing her on her office desk. Something like this came out of storybooks!

Or a pornography. Kagome, still feeling the massage of his lips on hers, put her arms around his neck and slightly pulled him closer towards her. Daringly she opened her mouth and that was all the invitation Inuyasha needed. He delved his tongue into her mouth and his hands tightened on her shoulders. Kagome closed her eyes and her surroundings melted away. Inuyasha's kiss was hungry yet gentle, his tongue kneading at hers. Kagome's legs wrapped around his waist and she opened her mouth wider.

The kiss was good.


Fucking amazing.

Kagome moaned slightly as he nipped at her lower lip. Her hands began running through his hair, tugging at his braid so that it could become undone. She felt his hardness press against her core—and something within her throbbed to be touched.

Tearing away from him from the lack of air, Kagome arched her back as Inuyasha began suckling on her neck. She bit her lower lip trying to hide the moan that was threatening to escape her lips.

"Say my name," Inuyasha whispered in her ear. "Beg for more…"

Kagome's rationale kicked in. She had to keep him begging for more, not the other way around. She was in control and far be it for her to relieve herself of that control. She unravelled her legs and hands from his body and began pushing him off as she moved her face away from his kisses.

"Get off me." She struggled. "Seriously, get off."

Inuyasha growled. "What the fuck? You were just kissing me!"

"And now I'm not." Kagome glared at him. "I have to finish all my work today, I'm going to the mountains this weekend and my friend's picking me up at six."

Inuyasha frowned. "Friend? Are you going with a boy?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "What's it to you? Now kindly get off of me."

Inuyasha climbed off of her and glared with a harsh ferocity. "I'm scheduling you extra work that requires to be done by the end of the day—count on staying in the office until ten o'clock, maybe later."

Kagome's eyes widened. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"

"I just did." Inuyasha swiftly tied his hair in a ponytail and exited the room. Kagome's eyes darkened, she grabbed her purse and jacket and ran out behind Inuyasha.

"YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU PIECE OF CRAP?" Kagome roared. Inuyasha stopped half way to his office and slightly looked over his shoulder to Kagome. Everybody in the office stopped dead in their tracks to watch what was going to happen.

"I quit," Kagome said darkly. "I don't fucking care if you don't give me a good reference, I don't care if I die in poverty, and I don't fucking care about your stupid company. I quit and I'm leaving and you cannot stop me!"

Inuyasha turned around fully as Kagome began to storm out of the office. As she made it to the gate she turned around and yelled at the top of her lungs: "AND FOR THE RECORD, YOU CAN'T KISS FOR SHIT!"

All eyes whipped onto Inuyasha who raised an eyebrow in amusement.

I think I struck a cord there.


Kagome wiped her tears off of her cheeks as she stormed aimlessly towards nowhere in particular. She couldn't call Sango because school was in session and she had no cash for a cab. She hadn't brought cash that day because she knew Sango was going to pick her up directly after work.

"I can't believe the jerk did that," Kagome muttered to herself. "It's one thing to fuck with me and give me worms in a box, or make me rush a report that isn't due for a few days—but he knows I look forward to the weekend." Kagome glared at the men who stared at her as she stomped along the road.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" she shrieked at a smoker who turned away instantly. "Fucking ogling bastards."

Kagome kept on walking, the anger fuming off of her like smoke.

"Why couldn't I have found a job with a nicer boss?"

"Because the mean ones keep your life interesting?"

Kagome whirled around to see her smirking ex-boss. "What the hell are you doing following me, you creeper!"

"To bring my secretary back to work?"

"In case your doggy ears are jammed with doggy earwax," Kagome shot, "I quit—and I said it two times."

"I heard. You just didn't mean it when you said you quit." Inuyasha crossed his arms and had a smug look on his face. Kagome raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't mean it when I said I quit? I think I would know when I mean something after saying it."

"That made no sense, Kagome."

"It's Higurashi," Kagome growled. "And now kindly go back to your company. You have a meeting in half an hour and you don't want to miss it."

"But I thought you quit being my secretary," Inuyasha sniggered. Kagome flashed him the bird.

"Fuck you too. Goodbye. Hope I never see you again!"

Before Kagome could dramatically stomp off, Inuyasha had picked her up bridal style and lunged onto a tree, then to the rooftop of a low building before scaling wall to wall until he was on the rooftop of the tallest building on the block (which was his). Kagome screamed.


"Never." Inuyasha smirked. "You're mine."

"I am NOT a possession. Now I have to go find a new job so I would appreciate it if you let me go right now and go my own way." Kagome was struggling against him. Snarling, Inuyasha placed her down and gripped her shoulders before pressing his lips onto hers. Kagome screwed up her face and shot him a dirty look when he pulled away.

"Kissing me won't make me bend to your every whim. I am not Kikyo."

Inuyasha froze hearing his ex-fiancée's name. Kagome glared at him, not apologetic about what she just said—she had played good guy for far too long. He was an asshole, a jerk, and a sex deprived freak. Sure his kisses were probably the best thing that had ever happened to her and she didn't want him to stop kissing her—but he didn't need to know that.

Nobody did.

Inuyasha took a step away from her and Kagome eased up slightly. "I wish you luck with life—not like you need any more luck." Turning around Kagome was about to head to the ladder that brought her back inside but a clamped hand at her wrist prevented her from doing so.

"I'm sorry…" he whispered. Kagome raised an eyebrow as she turned and looked back at him.


"I said, I'm sorry." His ears were drooped low.

"Sorry doesn't mean shit," Kagome muttered. "It means nothing to me."

Inuyasha's grip on her wrist didn't loosen up though. Kagome groaned. "Please, Takahashi?" she asked. "The damage is done. Can I gather up what's left of my pride and leave? I kind of never want to see your face ever again."

Inuyasha had a sombre expression. Kagome growled. "Fine! If it makes you feel any better, you're the best kisser I've ever kissed!"

"…That kind of makes me feel better…"

"OH MY GOD," Kagome roared. "You are such a child! You are a 6-year-old trapped in the body of a 27-year-old!"

"But I'm still a good kisser, right?" He gave her a toothy grin. Kagome narrowed her eyes.

"Are you doing what I think you're doing?"

"What do you think that I am doing?"

"Melting away my anger so I can come back to work?"


"It isn't working…"

"What would?"

Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"What would?" Inuyasha repeated firmly. "What would make you come back?"

Kagome wretched her arm away from his grip and massaged it, "Stop being an asshole, for one," she muttered. "Stop keeping me at work late, and for God's sake give me a raise—I do triple the work Yura does but I get paid the same as her."

"Done, done, and done." Inuyasha grinned. "Can we get back to work now? I didn't know I had a meeting today."

"You don't." Kagome waved her hand. "I made it up so you would leave. And will you really stop being an asshole?"

Inuyasha snickered. He, unexpectedly, gripped Kagome by her waist and jumped off the building. "INUYASHAAAAAAAAAAA!" she screamed all the way down the length of the architecture. Breathing heavily as they touched ground, she yanked away from him. "What the hell was that?"

"The fastest rout down." Inuyasha grinned smugly. "Started today I won't keep you on overtime unless it's required and I'm doubling your pay."

Kagome's jaw dropped. "Double…?" she whispered and Inuyasha nodded.

"Double. But on one condition."

"What's that?" Kagome's eyes narrowed.

"I still get to harass you." Winking at her, he turned and walked off. Kagome stood there, gawking at him.

Is the double salary worth it…?


"Hell yeah it's worth it." Sango grinned as she drove them both up north. Kagome was brushing her hair in the passenger seat as she told Sango the whole story. "Double salary plus a sexy beast that wants to pound your pussy till you melt?"

Kagome slapped Sango's arm playfully. "Seriously, Sango."

"I am serious." Sango grinned. "That kiss you told me about—it's enough to orgasm off of."

"Thanks," Kagome muttered. "He called me his as well."

Sango nodded. "About that." She took a left turn. "According to my grandfather—since he was the last of the demon slayers in our bloodline—a hanyou or youkai will claim somebody in their lifetime as their mate for life. Generally it's an instinctual thing and they don't know they did it, particularly the half-demons. When they get like that, it's their demon talking, not their human."

Kagome raised an eyebrow. "So he wants to marry me?"

"In essence."

Kagome bit her bottom lip. "Well…we would have sexy babies."

"KAGOME!" Sango scolded playfully, laughing. Kagome snickered before tying her hair up into a high ponytail.

"The kiss was hot though. And it was kind of cool how he came after me when I quit."

"And you have a doubled salary."

Kagome nodded. "That too. OH SO HEY!"

Sango raised an eyebrow at her. "Yeah?"

"He was being a jerk again and said I had to write a page-for-page abstract on a book—take it in—it's a book with sex positions for every day of the year." Sango burst into laughter and Kagome nodded. "I'm not kidding! So here's what I want to do…"

Sango listened to the diabolical plan of her best friend. By the end of it, Sango was in a fit of laughter.

"I have taught you well, Kagome," she said in between breaks in her laughter, "I have taught you well. His penis is going to fall right off!"

"Or stay eternally erect." Kagome grinned. "Oh I can't wait!"

"Videotape his reaction for me?"

"Hell yes, I will!"


Beta Edited: Sakura-chan Master of the Clow

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on