InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Business Sexual ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Kagome donned a black pencil skirt and hiked it up higher than it was supposed to be. She wore a matching pale white blouse and kept the first two buttons undone, exposing more-than-required cleavage. Topping that off was a black bra that was visible through her top. Kagome felt shy wearing what she was, but if what Sango said was right, she had to play on her sexuality to get back at her boss.

The sexist world we live in, she thought, disgustedly to herself as she exited the elevator. Kagome felt the air suck out of the room as the men in that department drew in sharp breaths when they saw her. She kept her head up high and walked with the powerful stride that she usually bore—she nodded at Yura who dumbly nodded back before retreating to her office; shutting the door, and exhaled her breath she hadn't realized that she had been holding.

What the hell am doing? she thought, frantically to herself. "I can't go through with this. Oh God." Groaning, Kagome sank to her butt and sat down with her back against her office door. She suddenly felt extremely embarrassed and stupid for doing what Sango told her to do. But there was no turning back at this point, she had to follow through and make Inuyasha wish he never met her—

Or wish he had her in his bed, whichever was easier to achieve.

Taking a few deep breaths, Kagome stood up and fixed her skirt before sitting on her armchair and booting up her computer. It was still before nine a.m. so Inuyasha wasn't in the office yet—that and the fact that he hadn't yelled her name five times in two minutes also played a contribution to Kagome's knowledge of him not being there.

Her inbox was empty except two items that outlined a few policy changes in the Privacy Act for their company. Scanning it, she dragged the two e-mails into her folder labelled Policy and opened up her work for the day: Fix up Inuyasha's speech for the annual party, finish the proposal for buying out the Passux Electronics company and making a smaller branch of Cepheus that solely concentrated on the creation of touch-tablets that were assignment and project based—appealing to the post-secondary and post-graduate students. After doing that Kagome had to call the technician that was hired to change all of the operating systems on their department floor to the prototype Cepheus2.0 OS.

She had a whole day's work ahead of her. But first things first—

"Hotel reservation…for two." Kagome grinned as she opened up the hotel booking for her mountain retreat with Sango tomorrow. She had paid a non-refundable deposit on a mountain side hotel room the previous weekend and only now she was paying it off to confirm her booking.

With two clicks, her grin grew broader. "Done and done." At that moment her office phone rang.

"Takahashi Group of Companies, Higurashi Kagome speaking, how may I help you?" she recited her well practiced line.

"Takahashi is in his office. He wants to see you." It was Yura.

"Why didn't he bang down my door like he usually does?"

Yura sniggered. "Because Jakotsu said you looked fuckable today. And he's the gay one. Inuyasha was curious so I think he thought that playing it professional would add to the fuckableism?"

"What the hell is fuckableism?"

"A verb come adjective?"

"Thanks." Kagome snorted. "Tell him I'll be there in five minutes. I'm just printing out something."

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh, and Yura?"


"Should I pull my blouse down more?"

"Fuck yes you should."

Kagome grinned. "Thanks."


Kagome cleared her throat and knocked on Inuyasha's office door. She was toying with a pendant that was strewn across her neck. It was the letter K and it was the only keepsake she had from her father—she always wore it and never took it off. Conveniently it rested just at the bulge of her breast and was an eye catcher.

"Enter," the commanding voice of the CEO commanded.

Kagome breathed deeply. All or nothing, Higurashi, she told herself. Pushing the door open, she entered Inuyasha's office. Of course, because it just had to be so, Inuyasha was not actually sitting at his desk but looking out his giant ceiling-to-floor window that was just behind his desk. Kagome grew some balls: Look at me, she thought.

"You wished to see me, sir?"

Inuyasha turned around and froze. Kagome heard the second hand of some wall clock ticking somewhere but she dare not move. Inuyasha's eyes locked with hers and he openly trailed them down her body, pausing momentarily on her breasts. "What are you wearing?" he whispered, his voice a mix between hoarse and a croak. Kagome put on her best tender smile.

"Business casual?"

"That's business sexual," Inuyasha said, tightly. His hunger was growing, seeing this woman expose her most valuable assets without actually exposing them was driving him crazy. His imagination was running wild—the thought of her strewn across his office desk, her skirt hitched up as he pounded himself into her…her voice yelling out his name, begging for him to continue, pleading him to go harder, demanding him to never stop was vivid in his mind. Inuyasha gulped as he felt himself harden slightly.

Kagome frowned, taking a step towards him and making sure to sway her hips slightly in the process. She wanted to look sexy, not trashy. "But I'm only wearing what I always wear." She took another step towards him and Inuyasha felt himself break into a sweat. He smelt her intention of teasing him and he didn't like it.

I mean I like it, he growled, but I don't!

I want her to stop!

No, you really don't, his internal, carnal, hungry, and sexually driven demon roared in his consciousness. You want to push her against the wall, rip her panties off and fuck her till you run out of cum—and even then continue to fuck her.

I DO WANT THAT, his rationale part roared. But I can't.

Keh, if you want her, take her.

I can't!

Why the fuck not, you pathetic human?

Inuyasha watched Kagome advance. I don't know why not. I just know I can't.

You're a pussy. His demon scoffed. Kagome laid a hand on his arm and looked at him innocently, curiously.

I want to kiss those lips off, you don't understand, he spoke to himself, his voice strained and weak.

"How's now any different?"

Inuyasha desperately pushed her away from him slightly. "Don't you know the dress code policy?"

Kagome grinned. "I do. I'm not breaking it—in fact, don't you remember I helped amend it last month?"

She did, he cursed inwardly. God, her tits are just screaming for me to grab… and then suck on. Oh lord.

Inuyasha backed into his desk and clutched the edge of it with his hands. Kagome, with the blink of an eye, was in front of him and looking into his eyes, blinking a few times. "Is something wrong, sir?" Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Anything I can do to help you?"

Oh God. Not caring any longer, he grabbed her by her hair and pressed her lips against his.

JACKPOT! Kagome pumped her fist in the air inwardly. She gently placed one hand on his chest and trailed it down a few inches before turning her head away from his kiss. "Sir," she murmured. She pressed her left leg on his inner thigh and "accidentally" brushed her thigh against his male anatomy.

She felt him harden instantly.

"Kiss me," Inuyasha growled, his eyes reflecting the hunger he was feeling, "I swear to fucking God, Kagome, if you don't kiss me, I'll fuck you right here, right now."

Kagome winked before peeling herself away from him. "Nuh uh," she breathed. "Now that's sexual harassment." Turning around she walked to the doorway, emphasizing every step she took, making sure her hips did their job. "Have a good day," she licked her lips, "Inuyasha."

Just as she left the room she heard a crash.

"FUCKING WEEENNCH!" Inuyasha's voice resonated throughout the entire building. Kagome clamped her mouth shut and stifled her laughter as she ran back to her office.

Higurashi: 1
Takahashi: 0


Kagome quickly texted Sango that Operation: Cum Get Me, Inuyasha had commenced. Kagome made up the operation name late into the night when she couldn't fall asleep because she was so excited about her ploy. She was quite proud of her play on words; particularly because language was not one of her strongest subject.

She was torn between Operation: Payback's a Bitch and Operation: Cum Get Me, Inuyasha. She opted for the latter because it was funnier to her. Sango apparently thought so too.

SMS from Miyagi Sango:
Cum get me? God you're precious, Kagome.

Kagome replied with:

SMS to Miyagi Sango:
You like the pun! It's so punny, get it? Ha ha?

Within two seconds the response came:

SMS from Miyagi Sango:
No. That wasn't funny. That was sad actually, I wanna cry for you.

Kagome rolled her eyes and typed in her response.

SMS to Miyagi Sango:
Nobody's stopping you. The details are so juicy, I'll tell you tonight. I'm paranoid he'll somehow hear our conversation with his doggy ears—have I ever mentioned how much I wanted to pet them?

SMS from Miyagi Sango:
Numerous times. Recess is done, I'll talk to you tonight? OH BTW, did you finish booking the hotel?

SMS to Miyagi Sango:
Yeah I booked it. Pick me up from work tomorrow okay? Talk to you later.

SMS from Miyagi Sango:
Yeah. I'll come get you at 6. Bye, sexy

Kagome threw her phone into her purse and reclined in her seat. She closed her eyes and was ready to relax her brain but a rapt on her door prevented her from doing so. "Who is it?"

The door cracked open and Inuyasha poked his head in. He avoided eye contact with her. "I'm going out for lunch and heading straight to my suit fitting, take my phone calls."

Kagome smiled. "Anything else you'd like me to do?"

Inuyasha eyed her, containing his desire. "Yeah," he muttered. "Button up your fucking shirt." He slammed her door shut and she burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Higurashi: 2
Takahashi: 0


"Damn that wench," Inuyasha growled to himself as he pulled his hair out of its braid. Her antics pissed him off. He was in control and that was the sole reason he acted like an ass to her. But somehow the tables turned and she was in control. Inuyasha didn't like that.

It was sexy.

But he didn't like it. He was the alpha and that's how it would remain. He caught sight of an Adult Only store as he drove a few blocks down to grab some take-out Chinese. A sly grin crossed his face. "So wench wants to play dirty, huh?"

He entered the plaza.

"I'll show her dirty."


Kagome's office phone rang and she tore herself away from her work in reluctance. She wanted to finish her work as soon as possible so that she could go home and pack for her trip tomorrow.

"Takahashi Group of Companies, Higurashi Kagome speaking, how may I be of assistance?"

"Higurashi," the familiar gruff voice spoke, "it's me."

"Hi me." Kagome grinned. "How are you today?"

"Grow up." Inuyasha rolled his eyes and Kagome snorted.

"Me? Need I remind you that you put worms in a box and gave it to me, and you conveniently forgot that the Jinenji files were due Friday and had me finish them Monday?"

Inuyasha snickered. "No, you need not remind me. Listen, some work just popped up for you. Wait around the office for me; I'll drop by just before heading out to my suit fitting."

Kagome's eyes narrowed. "What work?"

She hated the tone in Inuyasha's voice. "You'll see, hot stuff."

Kagome somehow got the feeling that the score was going to start to even out between herself and Inuyasha.


Inuyasha walked into Kagome's office without knocking and saw that she was munching on some fries and scrolling through her computer. He had a book tightly clamped in his left hand. "Hey there, sexy," he drawled out, this time taking his sweet time in lingering over Kagome's body. "I know you want to be under me, screaming my name."

Kagome winked at him. "Why can't I be on top?"

That caught Inuyasha off guard but he chose to mask it. "Here." He handed her the package and she curiously looked up at him.

"What's this?"

"Your work. By Monday afternoon I want a summary of every page of the book. It's extensive research for my new business endeavour." Kagome frowned at him. She stood up and he dropped his gaze down to her breasts.

"Eyes up here," she snapped. Inuyasha languidly grinned, licking his fangs as his eyes trailed up her bosom, eying the crook on the column of her neck—the specific grove he imagined his lips to be kissing—and locked his gaze with her.

"What business endeavour?" she demanded. "You always run all potential propositions by me, so why not this one?"

Inuyasha kicked her office door shut and strode up behind her desk. He pinned her between his body and her table and managed to grind his hips right into hers. "Because…" He brought his right hand and trailed it down her cheek. At that exact moment her arousal skyrocket and Inuyasha's grin broadened. "This business endeavour is a personal one." Kagome moved her head away from his fingers. She managed to grip his black blazer but she neither pushed him off nor pulled him closer. Her mind was riveting with what he was saying and what she could possibly do to one-up her imaginary score board.

"And what may that be?" Her voice was low. Soft. Almost sensual.

Purposely, Kagome bit her bottom lip and watched his eyes instantly drop to them. Good girl, Kagome, she commended herself. Inuyasha's hand slithered to the small of her back and he pulled her body against his, his other hand tightly squeezed her butt.

If she wasn't out to make his penis fall off from over-arousal, she would've kicked him there.

"You'll see." He kissed the corner of her lip. "See you tomorrow, Beautiful."

Inuyasha released her and strode out of her office. Kagome stood there, paralyzed for a few moments—

It was only then she realized the uncontrollable beating of her heart. That was hot… Kagome hadn't experienced sexual tension like that since first year in University when her then-boyfriend, Hojo Asuki, was on a mission to get her laid. Except that kind of sexual tension and Inuyasha kind of sexual tension were extremely different.

Hojo had a mindset of a six-year-old and a game-plan to match. Even though Inuyasha had a mindset of a six-year-old, his game-plan was far from it. Kagome knew she was treading dangerous waters, but it was too late to turn back now. Her attention snapped to the black book he had given her.

What does he want me to summarize every page for…?

She opened up the book and felt her world screech to a halt.

365 Sex Positions: One for every day of the Year
Keep you and your partner satisfied with these sensual, erotic, and stimulating positions that will keep your experience in the bedroom exciting!
Pictures included
Includes an extra position for leap year.

Kagome's jaw dropped. "He wants me to summarize sex positions for every day for the year? INCLUDING LEAP YEAR?" She saw her inward scoreboard:

Higurashi: 2
Takahashi: 365

Kagome tried to relax her reeling anger. "Breathe," she told herself as she clutched the book. "How can you turn this against him?" She stared at the title for ten seconds before zoning in and locking on pictures included. Her lips curled into a sly and dangerous smile.

"Ohh." She packed the book into her purse. "You're gonna regret this stunt, Inuyasha."

She couldn't wait to see the reaction on his face—and his penis—after she was done with her "report."


Beta edited: Sakura-chan Master of the Clow

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on