InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Tables Have Turned ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


"I thought we were going for ramen." Kagome eyed Inuyasha suspiciously as he led them towards the overly expensive five-star restaurant that was located one block away from their office. It opened a few weeks ago and so far Kagome had been hearing that Shikonno Tama was a spectacular restaurant.

And one that she would not be able to afford if Inuyasha pulled a stunt like he did yesterday and made her pay.

"Well, I changed my mind." Inuyasha grinned at her as he held the door open. Kagome glared at him as she entered. "Am I not allowed to do that?"

"People change their mind," Kagome muttered. "Not asshole-butt-faces."

Inuyasha stifled his laughter. Asshole-butt-faces? "I am your boss, you know."

"Not right now you're not." Kagome declared. "I'm on an unpaid lunch so I am technically not on duty. So you are technically not my boss." She turned and looked at the server waiting to have them seated. "Table for two for Takahashi and can you make sure his chair is very uncomfortable and has a high likelihood of breaking under his weight?"

The server gawked. How dare this bitch be rude to him! Does she know who she's out with? But she proceeded to show them to their table.

Inuyasha walked closely behind Kagome and leaned forward to bring his lips close to her ear. "How'd you know it was a reservation for my name?"

Kagome glanced back at him. "I didn't think you'd put it for my name."

"That is true. And I don't appreciate being called fat."

"I didn't call you fat," Kagome smugly stated. "I just said I hope your chair cracks under pressure."

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. "Implying that I'm fat."

"Take it how you may." Kagome snickered as they approached their table. They both were quickly seated and ordered their drinks before proceeding to scan through the menu. The waiter returned with their drinks and said that he'd give them a few more moments to figure out their appetizers and left. Kagome continued to scan the menu but Inuyasha scanned her.

"That colour suits you."

Kagome raised an eyebrow at him. "You would think so. Red is your favourite colour."

Inuyasha raised both eyebrows. "And how do you know?"

Kagome shrugged. "The women talk in the building. How does the shrimp cocktail sound?"

"Good. But my cock is hardly a shrimp." Kagome rolled her eyes at his statement and he burst into laughter.

"Real freakin' mature, Takahashi."

Inuyasha snickered. "Thank you." He winked at her when she shot a deadly glare towards him. "Apart from my jumbo-shrimp of a cock, the shrimp cocktail does sound good. Do you want to share?"


"Oh, come on!" Inuyasha whined. "I can't finish all this food by myself!"

"You have got to be kidding me." Kagome had a deadpan look on her face. "You're twice the size of me and I can eat a T-bone steak!"

"You can eat my steak too if you want."

Kagome threw a breadstick at him. "Can you be serious for once in your life?"

"Who says I'm not serious? You really can if you really want to…" He smirked playfully in her direction and she opened her mouth to retort but closed it again. There was no point in stooping down to his level. He was a 6-year-old trapped in the body of a 27-year-old and she had no control over his stupidity and immaturity.

"Ora, Kagome?"

She grunted.

"That is very unladylike."

"Fuck you."

"That is too."

"Can you get to the point?"

"Are you having fun?"

"Not at all." She looked up from her menu. "I want the seafood stew—think it'll taste good?"

"If you like octopus and shark in your food, sure, it might taste good."

Kagome bit her bottom lip. "I really like octopus."

"Well there you have it." Inuyasha clapped his hands like the meaning of life was just understood. "And now that we know what you're going to eat, what am I going to eat." Kagome caught the innuendo in his tone and gave him a threatening glare.

"I swear to God if you make one more stupid comment I'm going to leave this restaurant with you and an upturned glass of wine." Kagome saw that her threat didn't faze Inuyasha at the least. "I'm serious here!"

"Yeah, right," Inuyasha snorted. "You do something like that and I'll make sure you have enough work to keep you occupied for the rest of your life."

"You know I could just quit," Kagome muttered, dryly, and Inuyasha sighed in exasperation.

"Really, I pay somebody like you to do my work for me?" Kagome threw another bread stick at him and his insulting comment. "We've already been through this—you quit, I ruin your life, you never get another job, not even at a WacDonalds, and then die in poverty. Would you like that?"

Kagome blinked at him. "I'll move out of the country!"

"What part of most successful man under 30 do you not understand?" Inuyasha inquired crossing his arms. "I influence the world."

"You're so full of yourself."

"You can be full of myself too if you want."


"God, I love how you say my name." He winked seductively at her and she thanked the gods in heaven above when the waiter appeared just then to take their orders. Kagome ordered the shrimp cocktail for herself and Inuyasha as an appetizer and the seafood stew for her main. Inuyasha decided to have a half-pound steak cooked medium well. The waiter wrote down their orders, took their menus and left promptly. Kagome avoided all eye contact with the loser in front of her and concentrated on her very interesting napkin.





"You're fired!"

"Really?" Kagome's eyes gleamed.

"No. But now that I have your attention…" Kagome frowned and looked away from him, pointing her nose in the air. Inuyasha snickered and threw a sugar packet at her. It hit her on her temple and she whirled at him.

"Are you sure you're a successful business man? Because I'm beginning to wonder how the hell you ever passed kindergarten."

Inuyasha smiled smugly. "I am. You can walk into any convenient store and see my face on seven different magazines to prove my sucess."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "I'd rather not. I see enough of you on a daily basis anyway."

Inuyasha stretched his arms out and placed them behind his head. "Alright fine, let's act like the adults we are." He leaned forward and Kagome frowned, her eyebrows furrowing. "Tell me about yourself?"

Kagome blinked a few times. "Huh?"

"Tell. Me. About. Yourself." Inuyasha enunciated every word and Kagome felt like slapping his smug smile off of his face. She knew he had an ulterior motif, otherwise why would he ask her to tell him about herself. When the hell did he ever care about her and her self?

"I work for an arrogant asshole?"

"Besides what I already know," Inuyasha sniggered. "Come on, relax, Kagome."

She eyed him suspiciously before allowing herself to relax slightly. He seemed to be not out to get her at that very moment in time so she figured she might as well enjoy this very expensive restaurant. And if he had the balls to make her pay, she'd charge it to their corporate account. Smart, Kagome. She inwardly patted her back.

"Well," she began. "I feel like a failure in life?"

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow, quite intrigued that that was the first thing that she said out of any possible thing to say. "Why?"

Kagome shrugged and looked away from him and back down at her napkin. "This—" She paused and looked up at him. "By the way, nothing I say has a double meaning behind it…" Inuyasha nodded slowly and Kagome gulped. "This isn't what I wanted to do with my life. Which is why you frustrate me so much because everything you—," Kagome waved her hand out in front of herself as if she was encompassing Inuyasha in one image, "are is everything I wanted. And it's kind of annoying when you act like a little brat when I'm doing all your work for you and not getting recognized."

That was about as much Kagome was willing to reveal to Inuyasha. He didn't need to know about her personal life or her family and friends. The most he was going to get out of her was anything related to her job.

He nodded. His ears were tweaking slowly as he tuned out any external noises. Kagome had an urge to rub them—they looked fuzzy.

"So what do you want?"

Again, Kagome shrugged. "To do something that I spent the last four years in University studying? To do something that emphasizes my masters right now? Oh by the way…" Her eyes snapped up at him. "I have to go to New York in June to present my thesis. I'm kinda going to need the week off."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Can you book your time off like every other employee out there?"

Kagome crossed her arms. "No. Because I'm the only employee that is able to say more than two words to you."

"And cuss me out."

"If you didn't act like a brat."

Inuyasha waved his hand. "Back to the point?"

Kagome raised her eyebrow before going back to what she was saying. "I don't want to be just a secretary. I want to somehow make it up the corporate ladder and become successful."

Inuyasha leaned forward and had a solemn expression on his face. "I can tell you the secret to getting where you want."

Kagome's eyes widened. "How?" she breathed.

"Come closer." he whispered, and she leaned slightly forward.

"Well…" Inuyasha glanced left and right before looking back at Kagome. "Marry me and you'll half own the company."

"INUYASHA!" Kagome shrieked before pulling back. "That was not funny!"

Inuyasha was doubled over in laughter. "Yes," he chortled, "it was. God your expression was priceless."

"Dear God, I hate you so much."

Somehow, the image of "showering Inuyasha" popped back into her head. But this time it was coupled with her in that shower with him. Kagome hated how much she didn't hate that image in her head. She tried her very best to glower at her employer but his highly sensitized sense of smell pick up her desire.

"What?" he breathed. "Does my idea appeal to you?"

"Buddha, no!" Kagome exclaimed. Before Inuyasha could retort, the waiter returned with their food. Kagome pointedly decided to ignore him and munched on a shrimp that came with their appetizer. Inuyasha quietly stole glances at the woman sitting in front of him.

Taking her out to lunch was a bad idea, he told himself. I only have a crush on her; I don't need to start liking the wench. Maybe I should do something really funny…like rub paste in her hair or something.

The thought of it was funny.



Inuyasha paid for their meals and they both left the restaurant a good two hours after they got there. Kagome commented at how she thought he was going to make her pay and Inuyasha replied by saying, "It was a thought."

They both walked back to the building and the doorman held the door open for them. Kagome thanked him as she walked past him and Inuyasha just nodded in his general direction. They both arrived at the elevator and Kagome swiped her key card before pressing 50. The entire walk back to the building was quiet but Kagome was appreciative. She couldn't deal with Inuyasha anymore. She just wanted to get her work done and go home and sleep.


She looked over at him. The elevator was only on floor 24.

"There's an internal opening for senior financial supervisor at Cepheus," Inuyasha said tightly. "Applications are being accepted starting next week but…if you want to hand me your resume, you can do so whenever you want."

Kagome's eyes widened as she looked at him. "Wh—what?"

The floor opened at 50 and Inuyasha walked out of the elevator. As he strode past her and said, "If it's what you really want, I'll make sure to give you a good reference."

Kagome's heart stopped beating.

No way.


It was 9 p.m. and the building was empty save Hanate (the security man), Kagome, Inuyasha, and Miroku. Kagome and Miroku had finished all of the income accounts and managed to find a more realistic net worth of their company than a minus figure.

"You're going to Kouga's party with Nazuna, right?" Kagome inquired glancing at Miroku as they both sat in the kitchenette, drinking coffee.

Miroku rolled his eyes. "Not anymore I'm not. Nazuna decided she was going to be a faithful wife and told her husband everything. They're both on a retreat now in Switzerland."

Kagome stifled her laughter. "Miroku!"

He gave her a coy grin. "What? I like married women."

"Oh dear God." She shook her head. At that moment Inuyasha walked into the kitchenette. Miroku and Kagome nodded at his direction before resuming their conversation. "I already told Kouga you're bringing Nazuna though."

Miroku shrugged. "I don't know who I'm bringing anymore. You think Yura will go?"

Kagome glowered at him. "MIROKU! She's married!"

"And that's stopped me when?"

Kagome slapped his arm playfully. "You're awful. I have a friend who might not mind going with you. I can ask her if you promise to behave."

"Don't trust him," Inuyasha stated from his position. He was leaning against the wall close to the table where Miroku and Kagome were conversing, drinking water. Kagome grinned over at him before turning back to Miroku.

"I'll rip your balls off and feed it to the wolves, if you do," Kagome threatened. Inuyasha choked in laughter—he appreciated the fact she said wolves and not dogs. It would've been insulting—dogs don't eat human balls (neither did wolves, but Inuyasha didn't really care about them).

"Fine, fine." Miroku threw his hands up in defence. "Put her name down as my guest. But if she's ugly…"

"HEY!" Kagome yelled, "Sango is gorgeous! She modeled while we were in university."

Miroku's eyes twinkled and Inuyasha groaned. "Miroku get your fucking head out of the gutter. Go home and sleep."

Standing up, Kagome and Miroku threw out their paper cups and Miroku bade Kagome and Inuyasha farewell before going to grab his stuff from his office and leave the building. The building only had Kagome and Inuyasha now—he was locking the computers on their floor and Kagome was printing out the last of her files.

They both met in the central foyer of their floor.

"Done all your work for the day?"

Kagome nodded at Inuyasha. "Yeah. You have to call Kouga tomorrow to verbally inform him you're attending the party. Your brother called about fifteen minutes ago but you had stepped out of the building and he never called back." Inuyasha nodded as they both began walking towards the elevator to take them down to the ground floor. "Kaoru Morimoto called again too, but I never picked up." Inuyasha chuckled at Kagome's admittance. "And you have a fitting tomorrow at five PM for your suit."

Inuyasha chocked. "Wh—what?"

Kagome giggled. "Yeah, your mother e-mailed me today to inform you."

"That's embarrassing," he mumbled. Kagome bit her bottom lip to keep herself from laughing. He was a good guy, when he wasn't an asshole.

They both nodded at Hanate before leaving the office. Kagome looked up and down the street and saw a few taxi cabs idling. Inuyasha caught her shoulder. "I'll drive you home."

Kagome shook her head. "Don't worry about it."

"No, I insist."

"I insist you stop insisting." Kagome removed his hand from her shoulder—as soon as her fingers wrapped around his wrist a jolt of electricity coursed through their body. Kagome's eyes widened slightly and Inuyasha felt his heart rate increase. They both stared at each other momentarily before Kagome recovered. "You got us lunch today, so don't worry."

"Oh shut up, Kagome." Inuyasha rolled his eyes, "Before I give you more than just worms in a box."

Kagome crossed her arms. "You are so bi-polar! You're either really nice or really mean. I dislike it."

"What don't you dislike about me?"

Kagome grinned. "Your ears?"

"How typical." Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Now be a good little girl and let's go to my car before I make you."

Kagome stood her ground.

"Make. Me."

Without further delay, Inuyasha picked Kagome up bridal style causing her to shriek.


"God, turn down the volume," Inuyasha mumbled. "I might just give you extra work tomorrow for making me go deaf."

Kagome snarled up at him. "Put me down." She wrestled against his grip. Inuyasha held onto her tighter and continued to walk to his car. "Takahashi, I'm serious!"

He ignored her.



Kagome sighed. "Inuyasha?" she said, softly. His ears tweaked in her direction. "Please?"

He looked down at her. "Are you going to run off to a cab if I do?"



"On your ears."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes before putting her down. She feinted to the left and Inuyasha's jaw dropped. Kagome burst into laughter and he shook his head. "That wasn't funny, Kagome."

"Oh God, your expression!" Kagome doubled over and Inuyasha glared at her.

"Stop laughing."

Kagome shook her head and wiped a tear from her eye. "You are pathetic."

Inuyasha eyed her dangerously but said nothing as he led them both to his Escalade. Kagome waited by the passenger seat for him to unlock the door. He didn't unlock it nor did he approach the driver's seat. Kagome watched him with her eyes narrowed as he walked up to her and stood inches away.

"Bubble of space, please?" she said sarcastically. Inuyasha put both his hands on either side of her head, caging her between him and the car…again. Kagome's eyes widened.


"Will you kiss me back?" he whispered, huskily.

Kagome gulped. "What?"

"Will you kiss me back?" he repeated.

"You're sexually harassing me again." She put her hands on his chest to keep him from coming closer. Inuyasha had an evil glint in his eye.

"Maybe I should remind you what sexual harassment is." Without anything else said, Inuyasha pressed his lips against Kagome's once again. Her eyes were wide as she felt his lips caress hers. Her heartbeat was racing; she felt his soft lips chew on her bottom one.

How do I make him stop? She tried to push him off of her but he only pressed his body against hers.

Image of "naked showering Inuyasha" popped into her head.

Naked Inuyasha with naked Kagome.

Her arousal spiked. And she felt his arousal against her.

"Inuyasha—," she managed to strain out, turning her head, "stop…"

"I know you don't want me to," he whispered, nibbling on her ear. "I can smell it in you."

Kagome closed her eyes. "Please stop," she pleaded softly. Inuyasha sighed and pushed himself off of her. He pressed the unlock button on his keypad and Kagome scrambled into the passenger seat and pointedly positioned herself to face away from Inuyasha. He languidly walked over to the driver's side and got in.

"You know," he stated, confidently as he reversed out of his spot, "by the end of Kouga's party this Sunday, you'll be the one kissing me."

Kagome's eyes widened. What the FUCK did he just say?


They hadn't exchanged any words in the car. Inuyasha pulled up in front of the shrine and Kagome quietly thanked him before getting out of the car. He watched her walk up the steps before zooming off into the night, back to his mansion. Kagome greeted her mother, brother, and grandfather before disappearing into her room. Immediately she pulled her cell phone out of her purse and called her best friend.

"What's up?" came Sango's bubbly voice.

"He kissed me again!"

Sango sighed. "I'm telling you, Kagome, he likes you."

Kagome groaned and flopped onto her bed. Okay maybe he did. She had more reason to believe it after today's events; taking her out to lunch, telling her he'd hire her as his financial supervisor in his electronics company, kissing her again. But that didn't rule out the fact that he was a jackass jerk who overworked her and didn't pay her enough.

"Fine," Kagome growled. "Maybe you're right. What the hell can I do?"

Sango grinned. "I thought you'd never ask!"

Somehow, Kagome knew she was going to dread what Sango was going to say.

"He plays on your weakness. He knows you're a good worker and that you can't quit because you know that he won't give you a good reference. So play on his weakness." Sango sounded proud of her solution. Kagome had a deadpan look on her face.

"What, pray tell, Miss. Miyagi, is his weakness?" Kagome inquired, her eyebrow involuntarily raising.

"His penis."


"You heard me, Higurashi," Sango teased. "His penis. He kisses you because you attract him, and if we are under the assumption that he really does like you and is only kindergarten flirting with you, his penis is his weakness. So making his penis hard means payback."

"Are you suggesting I turn him on?"



Sango rolled her eyes. "Are you asking me on how to turn on a guy Kagome? You don't know yourself?"

"I know—but I—Sango! WHAT?"

Sango burst into laughter. "Trust me! I think he likes you and the only way for you to get back at him is if you tease him and flirt with him a bit. Assuming you don't like him though, because if you do like him, flirting with him is pointless if you're doing it for payback."

Kagome glowered at her wall. "I don't like him, Sango."

"So flirt with him, Kagome." Sango strained her best friend's name. Sighing, Kagome punched her pillow.

"I don't want to listen to you but I know that I probably will anyway."

"Well you've been working for his ass for the past six months and he refuses to treat you nicely, what have you go to lose?" Sango began mocking Inuyasha at this point. "Oh Higurashi, I'll keep you unpaid overtime!"

Kagome laughed. "Okay, okay fine. But if this backfires I'm kicking your ass."

"Trust me, it won't."

Kagome snorted. "You're confident. Oh by the way, you free Sunday?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Wanna go to Kouga Lang's party with Miroku Lin?"

Sango raised her eyebrow. "The pervert that fucks married women? What the hell, Kagome?"

"Yeah." Kagome grinned. "You aren't married so don't worry about him hitting on you!"

Sango had an expressionless expression. "Did you just insult me without me knowing?"


"You're a dick."

Kagome giggled. "I know. So will you come? I'm going too, with Inuyasha."

"You confuse me, lady." Sango sighed. "You first hate the guy but now you're his date to a party. Really, Kagome?"

"It's complicated!" Kagome insisted. "But will you come though? A limo will pick you and drop you off!"

Sango sighed. "Fine! But only because I love you. By the way, whatever happened to our mountain retreat? Are we still going Friday night?"

"Yes! I'll book the hotel tomorrow at work. I'm so excited."

"Me too." Sango laughed. "But for now I have to go and shower because I smell like bodily fluids."


"Sweat." Sango rolled her eyes. "I don't pee on myself, Kagome."

"You never know."

Sango snorted. "If I didn't love you so much, I would've killed you."

"I know."

"Goodnight, Kagome," Sango said, annoyingly.

The other woman laughed. "'Night." And she hung up. Staring at her ceiling for a few moments, Kagome recalled her conversation with Sango.

Tease him, she told herself. Play on his weakness… For some reason Kagome felt that the idea was so ludicrous that it might actually work. Kagome sat up quickly and looked at her closet. "And for it to work," she told herself slowly, "I need a mind blowing outfit."

An evil grin spread across her face.

Oh, the tables have turned, Takahashi.

.xx. Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on