InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Sexual Harassment ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Kagome was not looking forward to returning to work the next day. In fact, she had half the mind to call in sick and not show up for the rest of the week. But her jackass boss knew where she lived now so doing that could lead to very undesirable outcomes—the loser might just stalk her because he thought it was funny.

Anything to do with me and my unhappiness is funny to him, she thought ruefully, climbing into bed. She told her mother that Inuyasha had dropped her off home.

And she said something like: "Ohh! See if he really hated you he wouldn't have done that!"

Wishful thinking, Mama… Kagome thought bitterly in her head. Turning off her lamp, Kagome closed her eyes and allowed a dreamless sleep to consume her.


Kagome strode into work dressed in black slacks, red pumps and a deep satin red blouse. It was Wednesday and that meant only three more days before Kagome could have a lavishing weekend without her torturous boss around to torture her. The thought of that sent chills up her back; she was already planning a weekend getaway to the mountains, maybe with Sango.

Yura nodded at Kagome's direction and Kagome returned the gesture. Her heartbeat was escalating as she approached her office…She had to face Inuyasha after he kissed her.

He. Kissed. Her.

Who does that?

It's tactless to kiss a girl after putting worms in a box and giving it to her like it was her lunch. Kagome entered her office, shut her door and dropped all her stuff on the loveseat. She sat on her armchair and slouched down as low as she could possibly slouch. He said he was coming in late today so I can relax for a bit. She booted up her computer and groaned when she saw seven e-mails from Inuyasha.


to: kagome .higurashi (at)takahashi . jp
from: inuyasha . takahashi (at) takahashi . jp

subject: good morning
time: 8:27 a.m.


Good morning, Higurashi:

I just wanted to remind you that you are due to finish the paperwork that you failed to complete last night. If Miroku has no work to do today he might be able to help you but I would not count on it. Have fun and I will see you at noon with more job instructions.


Inuyasha Takahashi
CEO- Takahashi Group of Companies
tel: (03) 3433-1095
fax: (03) 3433-1096

Kagome glared daggers at that e-mail. "Way to be a douche bag," she murmured bitterly to herself before opening the next e-mail.

to: kagome .higurashi (at) takahashi . jp
from: inuyasha . takahashi (at) takahashi . jp

subject: blue
time: 8:33 a.m.


By the way, for Kouga's shindig later on this week, I'm planning on using blue as the focal color for my attire. Make sure you match ;)


Inuyasha Takahashi
CEO- Takahashi Group of Companies
tel: (03) 3433-1095
fax: (03) 3433-1096

Kagome gawked at the e-mail. "He really just told me to wear blue…" She thought, quite amusedly to herself. She didn't know whether she wanted to be mad at him for that e-mail or laugh at him for his idiocy. Deciding that she'd remain undecided, she moved onto the next e-mail.

to: kagome .higurashi (at) takahashi . jp
from: inuyasha . takahashi (at) takahashi . jp

subject: Horihito files
time: 8:49 a.m.


Hi again, Higurashi. There are a few files in my mailbox. Take them out and review them for me will you? There are three separate files and it's finalizing the merger with Shiori Horihito and their electronics company, Bat Cave Electronics. I need this done by 2 p.m. sharp. I will be veryangry if you don't have it done.


Inuyasha Takahashi
CEO- Takahashi Group of Companies
tel: (03) 3433-1095
fax: (03) 3433-1096

Kagome reread that e-mail three times before she could fully process what he meant. Her blood began boiling and her temperature began rising. THAT JERK! She couldn't believe he just asked her to review Horihito Shiroi's merger file. That was his job; she had been reminding him to do it for the past three weeks. Kagome angrily dragged that e-mail into her INUYASHA folder and proceeded to read the next one, her anger getting stronger and stronger by the second.

to: kagome .higurashi (at) takahashi . jp
from: inuyasha . takahashi (at) takahashi . jp

subject: the wall
time: 9:01 a.m.


By the way, can you call somebody to fix the wall in your office?


Inuyasha Takahashi
CEO- Takahashi Group of Companies
tel: (03) 3433-1095
fax: (03) 3433-1096

Kagome rolled her eyes as she dragged that e-mail into her Inuyasha file. "As if I was going to let the hole remain in my wall, idiot."

She proceeded to the fifth of the seven emails.

to: kagome .higurashi (at ) takahashi . jp
from: inuyasha . takahashi (at) takahashi . jp

subject: kouga
time: 9:05 a.m.


Can you call Kouga later and tell him that our guest list is ready? You and myself, Miroku and his new fuck buddy Nazuna, Bankotsu and his wife Kazumi.


Inuyasha Takahashi
CEO- Takahashi Group of Companies
tel: (03) 3433-1095
fax: (03) 3433-1096

Kagome wanted to punch her computer monitor. She couldn't understand why he didn't do half the shit he told her to do—he was the CEO and she did most of his work. "I might as well run the stupid company," she muttered sardonically to herself as she went to the second to last email.

to: kagome .higurashi (at) takahashi . jp
from: inuyasha . takahashi (at) takahashi . jp

subject: lunch
time: 9:25 a.m.


When I come into work later, I'll take you out for lunch.


Inuyasha Takahashi
CEO- Takahashi Group of Companies
tel: (03) 3433-1095
fax: (03) 3433-1096

Her eyebrow twitched. "What the fuck is wrong with him?" she mumbled. He first swamps her with work and other garbage that she couldn't bother to deal with, and then he says that he wants to take her out for lunch? "Probably make me pay for it too," she added as an afterthought as she finally made it to the last of the seven e-mails.

to: kagome .higurashi (at) takahashi . jp
from: inuyasha . takahashi (at) takahashi . jp

subject: beautiful
time: 9:48 a.m.


P.S. Although I haven't seen you yet, you look beautiful today ;)


Inuyasha Takahashi
CEO- Takahashi Group of Companies
tel: (03) 3433-1095
fax: (03) 3433-1096

Kagome couldn't stop the blush that tinted her cheeks. Weirdo. She saved all the messages that Inuyasha sent her (as a precautionary measure, in case he ever "changed" his mind about anything, she had written proof of his exact wording) and proceeded on with her days work. She was just glad Inuyasha wasn't around to annoy her…

Him and his annoying "hottest man three-years-in-a-row". GAH!


Kagome was working in Inuyasha's office because the drywall guys were working in her office and fixing the hole in her wall. She had to admit, his office was rather spectacular. It was the size of the central foyer on their floor and had mahogany furniture accenting the corners. His desk was L shaped with a large leather armchair tucked behind it, to the left was a large bookshelf with most of the company's accounts and to the right was a large three-seat couch. In front of his desk were three luxurious chairs for when he has meetings with clients. Mounted on the far right wall was a large television and for his viewing pleasures. Inuyasha had situated a matching loveseat to the couch in front of the T.V.

"And all I have is a dinky little office," she muttered. Kagome had decided to review Shiori's files first so that she could get that out of the way. She logged into her account on his computer and a reminder popped up on her screen:

Remember! Remind the loser that he has a meeting today at 1:15 p.m. SHARP!

Kagome glanced at the time on the computer.

12:57 p.m.

"Oh shit…"


Inuyasha had fallen asleep right after sending Kagome the last of the seven e-mails. He had woken up to relieve his bladder and decided to bother his ever-so-beautiful secretary. After sending the last e-mail via his BlackBerry, Inuyasha succumbed to sleep—he had been lacking sleep so he thought he'd treat himself this morning.

The shrill ring of his ringtone woke him up suddenly.

"Huhh?" He called, looking around his bedroom. Dropping his head back on his pillow, he groped around for his phone and finally found it.

"What do you want?" He didn't know who called him but he sure as hell was pissed at them.

"Did you know you have a meeting at 1:15 with the Board of Directors?" It was Kagome. "It's 1 right NOW!"

Inuyasha's sleep immediately left his system. "OH SHIT! Stall them!" He ordered before hanging up his phone and throwing himself into his master bathroom. Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!


Kagome ran into the main foyer and scouted out Yura. "YURA!"

The raven-haired woman looked over at Kagome and raised an eyebrow. "What's gotten you so orgasmic?"

Kagome snorted. "That was humorous—" Yura giggled, "Inuyasha just woke up and he has a meeting with the Board in," Kagome glanced at her wrist watch—a chocolate brown and pale pink two-toned Fossil watch, "seven minutes!"

Yura choked on air. "No way! They were going to discuss a potential pay raise for us because after the dividend payout there's a substantial amount of money remaining."

"I KNOW." Kagome desperately stated. "Stall them in any way you can, I have to get his stupid files ready!"

Yura nodded and picked up her phone. Punching in an extension, she reached the person she was looking for. "Hey Miroku…I need a favor…"

Kagome slapped her forehead. "You know Mizu Megami? She's on the board of directors…Yes well…"

Kagome laughed as she walked away. Miroku has been trying to get Mizu Megami laid but it wasn't working out to well—putting him on her case might stall the board for just enough time for Inuyasha to arrive into the office. Kagome made it back to his office and began compiling the USB with all the documents and the two presentations that he was to give at the meeting today.

I cannot believe that he forgot.


Inuyasha ran into the office with his hair dripping wet, his dress shirt done up wrong and untucked, his tie laying flimsily around his neck, and he only had one shoe on (the other one being clutched in his left hand). "KAGOME!" he roared, running into the office.

"In your office." Yura said, standing up. He nodded at her.

"Did you manage to stall them?"

"Miroku is on it," Yura stated as Inuyasha snickered, despite the situation.

"Good job." He then proceeded to run into his office to find his secretary putting the last of his required files in a pile on his desk. She looked up at him and her eyes widened.

"You look like a train wreck!" she exclaimed loudly. Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"Well gee, thanks. Fix me up!"

Kagome wanted to do nothing more than let him go into that boardroom looking like the pile of shit that he did—but alas, the goodness in her heart prevented her from doing so. She walked up to him, pulled the tie off of his neck and placed it around hers before proceeding to fix his buttons on his dress shirt. Her eyes were trained solely on his chest; she refused to look up at his face.

Oh my god… she thought desperately to herself. His abs are so toned She wanted to touch it to see if it was real. Inuyasha smelt the sudden change in her scent and wanted to snicker, his hot, toned and sexy body impressed her.

Well isn't that something, he thought to himself.

"Sit down!" she commanded and he did as he was told, sitting down on the chair that was positioned in front of his desk. Kagome ran her fingers through his hair—it was still wet from his shower. Oh man, she thought. Wet from his shower. Shower…naked Inuyasha… An undesirable arousal bubbled in the pit of her stomach. Why does his naked picture appeal to me? He's nothing more than a little boy trapped in a man's body.

But Inuyasha also caught that change in her scent too.

My, oh my. His grin spread wide like the Grinch.

Kagome pulled his hair into a tight braid. His hair was longer than hers and it strangely suited him as well. "Put your shoes on!" she commanded and he did as he was told. Kagome walked up to his desk and pulled out some of his cologne that he kept in the office, for all intensive purposes. She spritzed some on him and then proceeded to tie his tie.

"You're good at this," he managed to compliment through the strong stench of his cologne. It was too strong for him but his mother had sent it to him during Christmas from Moscow, Russia and he had it with him out of respect for her.

Kagome shrugged. "I have a little brother and no dad; I had to be his father, sister, and older brother all in one."

Inuyasha watched her. It was the first time she said anything about her family to him in the past six months. In a way he felt kind of honoured, but at the same time he knew she avoided all personal conversation with him because he was an asshole to her. Hey, it makes me feel empowered and that's all I fucking really need. He wanted her, dammit he wanted her so badly, especially when she was pouring over him and committing…wifely duties. But he also hated feeling so needy. He was the richest man under thirty, the hottest man in the past three years running, and the most successful man on the Eastern Hemisphere.

He didn't need anybody but himself.

And maybe Kagome.


"There, you're ready. Now go!" She picked up the files and the USB and handed it to him.

"Aren't you coming?"

Kagome raised an eyebrow at him. "YOU are the CEO, I'm your secretary. Now go be the successful boss-man you are and let me finish the impossible workload you left me."

Inuyasha snickered and proceeded to leave the room. Upon reaching the foot of the doorway, he glanced over his shoulder. "I was right—you do look beautiful today."

Kagome gawked at him. Oh my god. Loser!


Inuyasha made it out of his meeting in one peace and went back to his office to find Kagome staring intently at the computer monitor. "Why are you in my office again?" He raised an eyebrow as he shut the door behind him. Kagome sent him an idle glance before turning her attention back to the monitor.

"They're fixing my drywall thanks to some unknown being putting his fist through it."

Inuyasha chuckled. He dropped the folders on his desk and then went and lay down on the couch. Kagome paid him no heed.

"You did good today, Higurashi."

"I know."

Inuyasha released a resonating laughter. "I can see you're modest."

Kagome ignored him and typed something into the computer. Inuyasha, disliking being ignored, got up and stood behind the armchair to see what Kagome was doing—she was working on the income numbers for the maternity leave employees, still.

"You're still on that?"

Kagome glowered at him. "Still on it? I had to call the drywall people, make sure you looked presentable for the board of directors, look over your Horihito Shiori files and make sure the office runs smoothly without you being here."

"I dislike that tone you're using with me." His voice was hardly above a whisper.

"Yeah well, I dislike you but you don't see me openly complaining about it." She turned the armchair around and went back to doing her work. Inuyasha spun it back around and leaned over Kagome, his nose practically touching hers.

"I know you don't dislike me."

"Yes, I do," she murmured, her eyes locked with his. The tantalizing color was hypnotizing her and she couldn't concentrate on anything. The proximity of him, the look of desire in his eyes, the image of his naked body showering that morning—Kagome felt that familiar feeling of molten hunger in the pit of her stomach.

Damn hot-looking boss.

"You dislike how I treat you, but you don't dislike me."

"No difference," came her smart-alec response. Inuyasha chuckled, his doggy ears tweaking.

"What if I kissed you?"

Kagome gulped. "It wouldn't be something new, sir."

Again, he chuckled. "So you wouldn't mind?"

"I never said I wouldn't mind." She finally came to her senses. "You're kind of sexually harassing me right now."

"Not really." Inuyasha tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. "I can show you what sexual harassment would look like, but then again I'm too much of a nice guy."

Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? I bet you couldn't show me if your life depended on it." Kagome's eyes widened realizing the consequences of what she just said said. Inuyasha grinned, showing his fangs.

That was what he was hoping she'd say.

He swiftly leaned forward and caught her lower lip with his own. Kagome was about to push him off but he caught her hands and kept it locked against the armrests of his armchair. Using his strength, he tilted her head up slightly and delved his tongue into her mouth. Kagome sat there in shock.

He's kissing me again…


Inuyasha released her lips and ran his tongue over her top lip, his eyes boring into hers. "That," he whispered against her mouth, "is sexual harassment." He released her hands and took a step back. "And now, go get your stuff. I'm hungry and I said I'd take you out for lunch."

Kagome was still shaken. "Uhh…I'm not hungry, sir."

Her hands were shaking, her heartbeat was racing.

That kiss felt…


It shouldn't feel good! I should hate it! Kagome wanted to smack her head against her drywall and create a new hole. She didn't want to want Inuyasha's lips on hers again. Dammit!

"If you don't have lunch with me," Inuyasha said in that sexy drawl of his, "you'll stay unpaid overtime again, and this time I won't be there to drop you off home."

Kagome's eyes widened. "You wouldn't."

Inuyasha walked back to his couch and flopped back on it. "Try me."

Kagome watched him for a brief moment before trying her luck—and guts—out on him. "Fine. But only if you get Miroku to finish up the rest of the income accounts."

Inuyasha watched her before releasing a jaw splitting yawn. "Sure, whatever you want, Kagome."

She twitched. "I'm being serious!"

"So am I. Anything else you require?"

"For you to jump off a cliff?"

The CEO chuckled. "No can do, hot stuff. Now go, I'm starving and I want ramen."

Kagome had a deadpan look on her face. "You're taking a girl out for lunch to have ramen."

Inuyasha grinned up at her. "Yep. Now GO!"

Kagome snarled as she walked out of his office, muttering profanities under her breath that his doggy ears picked up on.

"Jackass, probably gonna make me pay for his goddamned ramen. Inconsiderate sexual harasser. I oughta put his good for nothing half-human ass in jail…" Eventually her voice trailed off and he couldn't hear her anymore. He buried his face back into his couch.

Ramen, he thought amusedly to herself. Maybe I'll take her out to that five-star restaurant down one block instead. I've wanted to try it out…


Beta-edited: Sakura-chan Master of the Clow

Side note: Mizu means water, Megami means goddess.
Mizu Megami is loosely Water Goddess. Remember Miroku and the water goddess?

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on