InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Chiisu, Kaoru, Kikyo, Oh My! ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Kagome, donning sweatpants and a baggy blue t-shirt, sat on a chair beside Souta's bed with Kohaku beside her. Sango had visited Souta before taking Kagome home to get changed and bringing her back to the hospital. Subsequently, she took Korari and Jii-chan back to the shrine.

"So this dude that works with Kagome-nee wants to bang Ane-ue," Kohaku snickered as Souta raised his eyebrow and looked from his sister to his best friend.


Kagome rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair. "Remember I told you about Miroku?"

"The douche bag that goes after married women? No way, Nee-chan," Souta frowned, "you wouldn't do that to Sango-nee, would you?"

"Sango can box him down if need be," Kagome snorted. "Besides, he seems genuinely interested in her."

Kohaku grinned. "I know; I had to text him back pretending to be Ane-ue claiming that she had a lapse of sanity when she rejected him and-" Kohaku emphasized the word 'and' before taking a deep breath and proceeding to say: "insulted his fourteen generations…"

"Did she beat you down for it?" Souta's eyes widened.


Kagome rolled her eyes. "Kohaku is sporting a very manly bruise on his left butt cheek."

Souta burst into laughter and Kohaku laughed, rubbing his nose. "Well, Ane-ue can get pretty damn violent."

"It's the demon slayer blood in her." Kagome pat her friend's head. "That's the reason Kohaku's spending the weekend with me; Miroku wants to spend the weekend with Sango."

Souta wiggled his eyebrows. "Define 'spend the weekend,' Nee-chan."

Kagome snickered. "You really believe Sango would let him get anywhere near her baby bearing assets?"

Kohaku shrugged. "I don't know. I don't remember her ever getting laid so maybe she's missing out the greatness of the male anatomy?"

Kagome thwapped Kohaku's head. "Do you think she'd inform you of when she has sex, Kohaku?"

Kohaku cracked his knuckles and smirked cynically. "So she did? Who's the unlucky bastard that Souta and I need to bend over backwards this time?" Souta burst into laughter upon hearing Kohaku's threat.

"Yeahh, remember what we did to Hojo?"

Kohaku beamed. "Yes. I was so proud of our work…especially since we were so young."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "My own personal bodyguards. Woo. Who needs overprotective men when you have two baby brothers who break people's spines?"

"Precisely," Kohaku declared and again, Kagome thwapped him.

"So onto a much more serious topic," Kagome cleared her throat, "I need you two's advice."

Souta and Kohaku exchanged curious glances. "Ours?" They inquired simultaneously.

Kagome nodded, grimly. Souta cracked his neck before proceeding to say: "Which unlucky bastard hurt you this time? The last time you needed our advice we hospitalized a pansy in pink."

Kohaku's eyes widened. "I REMEMBER THAT! Hojo was wearing pink pants the day we went to beat his sorry ass." Souta could only laugh and nod and Kagome simply rolled her eyes again; oh the joys of little brothers (whether they were hers or not—Kohaku was as much of a little brother to her as Souta was).

"Back to the point, you guys don't need to hurt somebody… Hopefully…"

"Then…?" Kohaku inquired, slowly.

"Well…um…there's this boy."

"My crowbar is in my closet, second shelf up, Kohaku." Souta nodded at his best friend. Kohaku nodded back and gave Souta a fist bump and this time Kagome hit them both.


The two howled in laughter but allowed their sister to continue on with her story. Enough teasing the old girl…

"Fine, fine, continue." Kohaku ushered for her to continue.

"Well, I think I might have…well…feelings for…Inuyasha Takahashi?"

Souta and Kohaku's jaws dropped. Kagome glanced at one boy to the next and back again, waiting for their reactions. She was not expecting surprised silence and it was nerve wracking. "Uhh…guys?"

"…Your same asshole of a boss?" Souta raised an eyebrow, finally speaking. Kagome nodded, sadly.

"Unfortunately. Don't ask why, I can't explain it… I just do. And he told me he loves me but I don't know…after Hojo I just— You guys remember what happened then, it wasn't an easy time."

Kohaku tapped his chin. "That's true, but Hojo was a while back, Kagome-nee. You haven't dated ever since."

Souta nodded. "He's right. Plus Takahashi is well…not to be shallow or anything, but he did save my life. He's cool."

"Not shallow at all," Kagome snorted in sarcasm. "But I don't know. I want to, but at the same time I'm scared."

Kohaku shrugged. "Your call, Kagome-nee. You gotta pick between too scared to be in a relationship and too scared but willing to take a risk."

"Though Kohaku and I won't run after a half demon with baseball bats and crowbars, so if he hurts you you're on your own," Souta amended with Kohaku nodding in agreement. Kagome crossed her arms.

"I want to…"

Souta furrowed his eyebrows. "Then?"

Kagome shrugged. "I don't know. I was gonna make a Pro and Cons list at work today but I was too busy with work, let's make one now!"

"NO!" The boys called in unison.

"Pro con list is bad. Very bad," Kohaku warned. "You'll force yourself to think of more cons because a part of you doesn't want to be with him. Seriously, just go for it and if it doesn't work out, leave. We'll find a way to torture the dude if he hurts you, N B D."

Souta and Kagome stared at him. "N B D?" they inquired. Kohaku blushed in embarrassment and was prepared to duck the punch Kagome was going to throw at him.

"Chat-speak for no big deal?"

He was right. Kagome hit him…but he wasn't anticipating a kick to his shin so when he ducked, her foot came in contact and he yelped in pain.

"Moron," Kagome muttered with Souta laughing in the background.


Kagome and Kohaku went to grab coffee when Souta had fallen asleep. He was scheduled to be signed out of the hospital on Tuesday and because of that, Kagome was very excited. Kohaku agreed to spend the weekend after at the shrine to help Souta with 'things sisters cannot help with.'

Kagome asked if Kohaku was going to help Souta aim and the boy shrugged, sending a playful wink at Souta who pretended to hide his face in embarrassment. Kagome snickered.

"Hey, if you two decide to be in a relationship together, you have my blessing."

The two boys cursed at her for saying such blasphemous things.

"So…I need your advice now," Kohaku murmured as they sat at a table at the far end of the cafeteria. Kagome, who had paid for their drinks and snacks, bit her chocolate Danish and nodded at the boy across from her.

"Alright, what's up?"

Kohaku coughed. "Well…there's a girl in my astronomy class…"

Kagome leaned forward. "A girl? What's her name? How long have you known her for? Does Sango know? How old is she? Is she pretty? Does she have a boyfriend? How long have you liked her for—"

"Give the poor boy a break, Kagome," a voice chided. Kohaku and Kagome's head shot to the owner of the voice.


Pulling up a chair, the silver-haired half demon grinned comically at Kohaku before sending a berating look at his secretary. "This is why men don't easily ask women for advice. They become all…questiony."

Kohaku's eyes were wide. "You're Inuyasha! Dude, I just met somebody famous!"

Inuyasha grinned and popped his collar. Kagome merely rolled her eyes before asking Inuyasha what he was doing there.

"Came to check up on your runt of a brother. Saw he was sleeping so I followed the sound of your voice here. I know, I'm awesome."

"Yeah ummm…no." Kagome pointedly stated and turned her attention back to Kohaku.


Kohaku blushed. "Her name's Sakura…she transferred into my class earlier in the semester."

Inuyasha crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat. "The only thing that's important is whether she likes you or not."

Kohaku looked at Inuyasha before looking down at his cup of coffee. "That's the thing, she has a boyfriend but he's not good for her. Kagome-nee," Kohaku looked up at his best friend's sister with a look of desperation, "she came to school with a bruise on her cheek. Not too long ago she had cuts on her left arm too…"

Kagome sat up straight and Inuyasha frowned.

"What?" Kagome hissed. Kohaku nodded.

"Yeah…most of us have a feeling that he's abusing her but we can't be too sure and she never talks to anybody about him. He's two years older than her and he always picks her up after class is over—he looks like the type that would resort to violence, too." Kohaku was fidgeting at this point. "I don't know what to do, Ane-ue said to take it to the authorities but I don't to get her in trouble. I mean, I do kinda like her…"

"When domestic abuse is a factor, it shouldn't matter whether you like the person or not." Kagome stared intently at Kohaku. "All that matters is to get that person to safety and away from the abuse. You need to help her first before you take any steps further—I doubt this girl is looking for a relationship right now, especially if hers is such an abusive one."

Kohaku nodded. "I know. I mean if I never do date her, I don't care…I just want her to be safe, that's all."

Inuyasha had a stern expression on his face and the entire time he was watching Kohaku. "Kid," he called and Kohaku looked up at him. "What's his name?"

Kohaku seemed taken aback. "…Sorry?"

"What's the asshole's name?"

Kohaku looked at Kagome and saw her nod. He looked back at Inuyasha and said, "Chiisu Morimoto."

Kagome's coffee cup stopped halfway to her mouth and her gaze locked onto Kohaku. "Morimoto…?" she repeated. Inuyasha was in a state of shock as well. Kohaku nodded and bit into the chocolate chip cookie Kagome bought him.

"Yeah, his dad's this big hot shot that has some company. Kaoru, I think, was his name?"

"Fuck," Inuyasha hissed. Kagome looked at him and looked back at Kohaku.

"Chiisu Morimoto you say…" Kagome bit her bottom lip. "What else do you know about the kid?"

Kohaku shrugged. "There's this rumour going around his dad married some young sex bomb and knocked her up. Kikyo, I think." Kohaku paused and looked at Inuyasha. "Hey, weren't you engaged to a Kikyo?"

Inuyasha was too angered by the news Kohaku told him to actually respond to his question. Kaoru made Kikyo pregnant and now they're after me. Plus his son is beating a little girl? What the fuck is wrong with these people.

Abruptly, Inuyasha stood up. "Don't worry about the girl," He directed his words to Kohaku, "I'll make sure she's okay. You," Inuyasha glanced at Kagome, "call our lawyer up as soon as possible." He cracked his knuckles, "I need to pay a little visit to the Morimotos."

Kohaku gasped. "What are you gonna do?"

"Don't worry about that, kid." Turning around, Inuyasha walked away, fast. Kagome pulled her cell phone out and quickly found the number that linked her to their personal lawyer's land line. Kohaku was still confused.

"Hey, Kagura? It's Kagome. Get Naraku to call me first thing Monday morning. We have a case on our hands."

Hanging up, Kagome looked at Kohaku with a wide grin on her face. "You just saved Inuyasha's name and he's gonna save Sakura. You're the best!"

Kohaku was still confused. "You're welcome? I still don't know what I did…"

Kagome smiled. "Don't worry. You did good, and Inuyasha will make sure that Sakura is fine."

Kohaku looked down. "Thanks…"

Kagome put her hand on top of his, "And after everything is settled and dealt with, I'll help you take the next step with her."

Kohaku grinned. "Thanks, Kagome-nee."


Inuyasha gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles had turned white. His mind was reeling with the copious thoughts that entailed after hearing what he just heard.

1) Chiisu, Kaoru's son who had to be in his early twenties was abusing an innocent little girl.

2) Kaoru impregnated Kikyo.

3) Kikyo and Kaoru were married.

4) Kikyo was claiming that the child was his.

There was a growl at the back of Inuyasha's throat. He needed to get home and discuss possible trivialities with his brother—Kaoru Morimoto was a shady little bitch. Inuyasha ran a red light and simply accelerated further; before making any rash decisions (like going to the Morimoto's house and bashing his face in) he needed to speak to a voice of reason.

And that was Sesshomaru.

He pulled his car in front of his mansion clumsily and threw the keys to their personal valet. Without so much as saying a word, Inuyasha ran into the house and began hollering his brother's name.


The elder dog demon descended from the third floor of their mansion, rubbing his temples. "What, half demon?"

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed. "We have a situation on our hands."

The tone on his younger brother's voice alone told Sesshomaru that something serious came up. Both brothers retired to the kitchen to grab a snack and a bottle of beer before going to Sesshomaru's study to discuss what was happening.


Kohaku had fallen asleep on his chair but Kagome could only think about what he said earlier that day. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place despite the fact that they weren't actively searching for answers. Kikyo and Kaoru were shady characters and Kagome was determined to put them in their place.

Besides, the best lawyer in all of Asia was on their side: Naraku Onigumo.

Kagome saw Kohaku shiver slightly and quickly scouted out a blanket and placed it over the young boy. Going back to her seat, she pulled out her cell phone.

SMS to Takahashi, Inuyasha

The response came two and a half minutes later.

SMS from Takahashi, Inuyasha
I know. Sesshomaru and I were talking about it…you call Naraku?

SMS to Takahashi, Inuyasha
Uh huh, told Kagura to have him call me first thing Monday morning. Speaking of which, I gotta talk to you…

SMS from Takahashi, Inuyasha

SMS to Takahashi, Inuyasha
We'll talk. Monday. Alright?

SMS from Takahashi, Inuyasha
Should I be scared?

SMS to Takahashi, Inuyasha
No. More like I'm scared

SMS from Takahashi, Inuyasha
Haha, so long as my balls stay intact, I'm good

SMS to Takahashi, Inuyasha
Loser. Alright, ima go grab Kohaku and I food. See you Monday

SMS from Takahashi, Inuyasha
I'll drop by tomorrow. Need anything from anywhere?

SMS to Takahashi, Inuyasha
Nope. Thanks though. See you.

SMS from Takahashi, Inuyasha


"Kajojo is not a word," Kagome snarled playfully over a game of scrabble the next afternoon. Sango and Miroku had dropped by before departing for their dinner date and Sango brought scrabble and monopoly with her so the three wouldn't get bored in a measly hospital room.

"What about Kijiji?" Kohaku raised his eyebrow and Souta threw the letter X at him.

"That's not a real word either, make an actual word loser!"

Kohaku groaned and assembled the word ghost vertically against Souta's triple word score placement. Kagome formed the word gastro with Kohaku's g and managed to acquire a double letter. Souta examined the board.

"You come home this Tuesday," Kohaku stated while Souta thought. "Wanna do a marathon of games?"

"I'm so down," Souta grinned as he formed the word chi. Immediately; Kohaku stemmed the word idea from the i of chi. "I wanna try the new Skyrim, you played?"

"No, but Souten has. That girl is the perfect bird, I'm telling you—she plays more games than us!"

Kagome snorted. "That's because Souten grew up with older two brothers." She formed the word ascension between three letters on the board. "Besides, Hiten works for Sony and Manten works for Nintendo. She gets games before they're even released."

"I know," Souta groaned. "Why don't you work somewhere cool, Nee-chan?"

"Because she works for me."

Kagome snorted and looked up at the door to find her boss, donning a black muscle shirt and gray sweatpants, leaning up against the doorframe. Alright, so he looked kind of really sexy but Kagome wasn't about to openly admit to it.

"Will you stop sneaking up on us like that?" She raised her eyebrow. Souta and Inuyasha exchanged a manly fist bump before he pulled a chair up beside Kohaku and fist bumped him.

"No. How're you?" Inuyasha nodded to Souta who shrugged.

"Alive. That's all that matters. I do have battle scars and injuries to prove my heroic efforts to dodge death."

Inuyasha grinned. "Yeah? Like what?"

"Three broken ribs, a fractured knee, a couple of dozen bruises, and a nice gash on my left trap." Souta listed as if it was a grocery list. "All I need are two turtle doves and a partridge on a pear tree."

Kohaku snickered. "Good one, loser." Souta grinned at him toothily in return. Kagome groaned and stood up.

"I'm game. Kohaku wins with 179 points. You two boys bond, I have to talk to Inuyasha."

Souta nudged Kohaku and wiggled his eyebrows. "Talk, ehhh?"

"Shut up, asshole." Kagome glowered at him before dragging Inuyasha out of the room. His ears picked up on the boys making kissy sounds and he fought the goofy grin that was threatening to spread across his face. He already liked the two of them; they were jokers, just as he was.

Inuyasha and Kagome were headed towards the cafeteria and most of the walk was silent. The hot shot half-demon kept stealing glances at the woman walking next to him, and for some reason his mind kept wandering to walking with her through a park while pushing a stroller. An unknown feeling bubbled in the pit of his stomach and he couldn't help but fight the smile that was threatening to spread wide across his face.

Kagome and him.

With a baby.


"What's up?" he finally asked as they sat down at the far end of the cafeteria. Kagome cleared her throat.

"I think something extremely strange is happening," she murmured, "Souta first gets into an accident, Kikyo comes to you saying she's pregnant, all the while Morimoto wants a merger with your company." Kagome bit her bottom lip and looked Inuyasha straight into the eyes. "He also said that quip about your father, remember?"

He nodded, his ears twitching.

"Now we hear about his son who is abusing this girl and that Kaoru is married to Kikyo—I think all of this is tied to my brother's accident. I don't think its fluke." Inuyasha nodded and crossed his arms.

"You make sense," he commented, "I'll get investigation on it. I can call Detective Ryuukotsusei first thing tomorrow morning and get him to scout information about Souta's accident and Morimoto's son. First we have to see if anything is connected before we take the next step."

Kagome sighed. "I guess that is the best thing to do. Naraku is gonna call me in the morning too."

"You headed home tonight?"

Kagome nodded. "Yeah, Miroku and Sango are picking me and Kohaku up later on in the evening. Mama and Jii-chan are coming back and then we bring Souta home Tuesday."

"That's good." Inuyasha was tapping his foot on the ground, trying to concentrate on anything else but the lush plumpness of Kagome's inviting lips. He wanted to kiss them so freakin' badly. "I can pick you up tomorrow morning," he offered. "And your leave was approved, the signed request is in your mailbox. And oh, Rin called in sick for tomorrow."

Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "How should I know?"

Rolling her eyes, Kagome stood up and faced Inuyasha. He stood up too, towering over her.

"Thanks," she whispered. "I don't know for what, but just thank you."

Abruptly, Inuyasha pulled her into his arms. Breathing deeply, she wrapped her arms around his torso and welcomed the embrace—it was what she needed. His left hand rubbed her back up and down while his right hand was wrapped tightly around her waist. His smell was intoxicating her and Kagome did not want to leave that position at all. She felt his lips press against the crown of her head before he pulled her back.

"I'd do anything for you in a heartbeat," he murmured. Kagome averted her eyes and looked down to the ground.

"I know," she whispered. "…Um, we should get back to my brother."

Inuyasha quickly released his hold from her and nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

As the two walked back to the room in silence, Kagome's mind could only wrap around one thing and one thing only.



Beta-edited by: Sakura-chan Master of the Clow