InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Operation: Doomsday ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Kagome inhaled deeply and examined herself in the mirror; straightened hair, meticulous but simple makeup, formal attire with a tinge of sexiness. She had gotten up extra early that day just so that she could get ready for what was about to happen…

What she was going to do. The action she was about to commit.

Gulping, Kagome applied her makeup before heading downstairs to grab a quick breakfast. Her mother and grandfather had headed to the hospital the previous night and Kohaku and Kagome returned to her place. Kohaku slept on Souta's bed while Kagome prepared the house for her brother's return. She set up the first floor of the shrine so that it was easily accessible by Souta as well as made a small bedroom for him in the living room as well. Kagome was not about to let her brother drag himself upstairs with his many injuries.

Shakily, Kagome ate her toast and stared at the files that rested on the kitchen counter. Do it. Everybody is right, you won't know unless you try. So try! Her phone vibrated signalling that Inuyasha was calling. She picked up, trying to steady her breathing. Relax, Kagome, it's only Inuyasha. So what if he's incredibly sexy and gave you good sex and has the most incredible kisses —he's your manager… but he loves you… Gah!

"You here?" She breathed into the phone.

"Actually I'm standing outside the door and I can hear your heart beat really, really fast." She heard him snicker. Be it any other day she would have gotten angry.

But it wasn't any other day.

It was today. And today was doomsday.

"The door is unlocked." She stated before hanging up, ultimately catching him off guard. He was expecting her to retort, retaliate, throw a sarcastic quip at him for saying what he did. What Inuyasha did not expect was for her to say that her door was unlocked and subtly invite him to come inside. Well—ain't life chock full of surprises?

Inuyasha slid the door open to find Kagome fumbling into her heels, balancing her phone, her files, a piece of toast, and her keys in her two hands. Quickly, he grabbed the phone, keys and toast because Kagome had a death grip on the files. Inuyasha helped her out the door and locked the shrine, pocketing his keys like last time. Before the day was out, he made sure to hand it back to her—keeping the keys to her place made him, momentarily, feel like he was the leading man in her life; her leading man.

Inuyasha, you're a fucking retard. He scoffed at himself.

Gallantly, and because chivalry still was not dead, Inuyasha held her door open for her and she got in, smiling at him in the process. Forget the incredible racing of her heart; he hardly heard it over the pounding of his own.

Damn this woman. Inuyasha thought dangerously as he climbed into the driver's seat. "Souta's being released tomorrow, hm?"

Kagome nodded. "Yeah. I have to ask Sango if I can borrow her car to—"

"I'll be there to take you guys home." Inuyasha interrupted Kagome. Her head whipped to his direction so fast, she was sure she had whiplash. Her breathing was shallow as she took in what he said—

Take my brother home?

"Are you sure?" She whispered. Inuyasha looked over at her and winked playfully.

"Sure, why not? Besides, he isn't being released until the evening so I can keep you in for a little bit of overtime—and it's not for nothing this time, I promise." He had to add in the last bit to his request when Kagome shot him a nasty glare at the mention of overtime.

"When is it ever for anything remotely relevant to running your company?" Kagome snorted. Inuyasha wanted to laugh at her sarcasm but bit his tongue. He had to keep his cool and maintain the persona that he had been for the past couple of days. He felt Kagome waning and he wasn't going to risk losing all the progress he made with her realizing her feelings for him. Inuyasha was willing to bet that he was close.

Very close.

"I promise," his voice was soft, almost as tender as it used to be when he referred to her prior to the incident (as Kagome so dubiously dubbed). His tone sent her heart racing a mile a minute and the sound of her excitement caused a little bit of excitement to greet the midsection of Inuyasha's pants. He was telepathically telling his penis to not be so obvious; Inuyasha had given up trying to control himself when his penis had its moments. Evidently it depended on what Kagome did.

No duh, Sherlock. Inuyasha's youkai sarcastically scolded him. You just manage to get hard for no fucking reason at all. Of course it depends on what the human girl does or not.

Kagome nodded and Inuyasha caught the movement from the corner of his eyes. "Alright—any plans for today?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. You tell me, secretary."

She laughed. "I'm not a living, breathing calendar you know. I don't recall you having to do anything today, but I shall double check when we get to the office." Kagome saw Inuyasha nod before checking his blind spot and merging safely onto the leftmost lane. His ears were tweaking as he was keeping track of all of the sounds around him: her heartbeat, her breathing, the cars whizzing past them, the blood pounding in his penis.

"Maybe it'll be an easy day for me," Inuyasha murmured and Kagome quickly looked out the window.

Trust me… today is going to be far from easy for you… She thought as her eyes became distant. Inuyasha caught her sudden movement and frowned.

What the…?


Inuyasha went to the cafeteria to grab coffee for himself so Kagome headed right on up to the fiftieth floor, only to be greeted by Yura unlocking the main doors. Playfully, Kagome slapped Yura's butt causing her to yelp and whirl around.

"You nasty!" Yura laughed. Kagome wiggled her eyebrows causing the aforementioned woman to roll her eyes. "And queer."

"Oh hush," Kagome giggled as Yura shoved the door open. Because it was a double door, Kagome set the kickstand to one door while Yura did to the other. Promptly, Kagome headed straight to her office while Yura went to boot up the computers from her computer, since she had access to all of the systems: one of the many perks that Inuyasha had installed in the CepheusOS that ran through their computers.

Kagome threw her stuff onto the loveseat and walked over to her computer. She saw Yura had booted it up so Kagome merely had to log in to her account and go about her days work.

UserID: higurashiK
Password: inuyashasuxarse100

So what? She changed her password when Inuyasha became highly assholy to her; she refused to change it to something more normal. Glancing at her phone she saw that she had two new voicemails. While she breezed through her emails, she listened to the messages.

"Hey Kagome? Its Naraku calling—evidently you aren't proactive and are not in the office yet. No worries, it's only 3am and I am just heading home from visiting my mother. Long. Story. Call me when you get this, I'll be up… a shit tonne of paperwork await me at my desk."

Kagome laughed hearing her lawyer's sarcastic voice. Although he looked like a mastermind villain that would shoot anybody in the head with telepathy, (though telepathy was impossible for Naraku, he did harbour excellent strength thanks to his half demon blood), Naraku was Inuyasha's childhood friend.

And he was the nicest person Kagome had ever met.

"Kagome? It's Naraku, again. Don't complain about me calling for a second time, I know you thoroughly enjoy hearing the sexy resonation that is my voice—" Kagome laughed hearing Naraku say that, "just wanted to say that Kagura wanted me to invite you to a little get together that we are having. We're going to Singapore for Kanna's second birthday so you and Inuyasha can't give her expensive birthday presents. So please do so this Sunday, five PM, at our place. Be there. Or be square… Goodbye, human."

Kagome burst into laughter and didn't bother looking at the door when it opened. Inuyasha stood at the foot of the door watching Kagome bemusedly. She nearly had tears in her eyes and Inuyasha was beginning to wonder what had her in such hysterics.

"Did you swallow a laughing pill?"

Kagome shook her head. "Didn't you hear Naraku's voicemail while I was listening to it?"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "I generally do not pay attention to anything so no. I didn't."

Kagome, instead of retorting as Inuyasha had anticipated for the second time that day, played her voicemail again. By the end of the second message Inuyasha was sharing quite a few chuckles—Naraku Onigumo: the comedian in his life without even trying. Shaking his head amusedly, Inuyasha flopped onto Kagome's loveseat and glanced down at the black binder that was beside him, resting on the cushion.

"This is?"

Kagome glanced at the binder. "Weekly trend reports. I have to do the analysis at home sometimes because I don't have time here." She said casually. Kagome was hoping that Inuyasha wouldn't pick up the folder and flip through it – and her wish came true. Inuyasha stood up, straightened his khaki pants and cracked his neck.

"Do I have anything to do today?" He asked and immediately Kagome opened up her calendar. Scanning the hourly columns, she reported to him that he actually had nothing to do that day so he could peacefully sleep on his desk for all she cared. Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"But, I do need to talk to you… remember?" Kagome muttered, uncertainly. Inuyasha nodded.

"Yeah. I'm shitting bricks here… 'We need to talk' talks are never a good thing."

Kagome laughed. "I think you'll consider this to be a good thing? Up to you to judge, to be totally honest."

"That sounds fair," Inuyasha nodded, "Shall I take you out for lunch and then we have our talk?"

Kagome shook her head. "No, it's fine. I can drop by your office whenever you want me to—I'd rather talk to you at work versus a public place, you know?"

Inuyasha raised his eyebrow. "Now I'm shitting cinderblocks. What the fuck, Kagome?"

Laughing, the young woman before him sat down on her seat and grinned at him. "Relax, it'll be fine. Just page me whenever you're ready."

Eyeing her suspiciously, he nodded before leaving her office. His mind could only revolve around what she possibly could want to talk to him about. As Inuyasha shut the door behind him, Kagome shot up and grabbed the file from the sofa. Breathing heavily, she opened the cover and glared at the report that caused her so much inner turmoil.

Her book on 365 sex positions.


With leap year.


Kagome was munching on an apple and going through a folder with crib designs for Inuyasha's baby line: Puppy Trail. The crib looked exactly like how she wanted it to, but the included bedding seemed rather… cheap. Kagome quickly sent out e-mails asking if it was real Egyptian cotton and within five minutes Jennifer Yung, from the Design Team, emailed her back with a response.

Yung, Jennifer:
Hey Kagome,

It actually isn't genuine Egyptian cotton, it is fifty percent polyester. If you want, we can change it to pure Egyptian cotton and I will send the design to you in an hour.



Kagome responded back saying that that was fine. Immediately after sending the e-mail, she decided it was time to call Naraku. She didn't want to call him so early in the morning, so Kagome waited until the sun actually rose before picking up her phone and calling Naraku's office.

"SpiderWeb Barrister and Solicitors, Musou speaking."

"Hey Musou," Kagome greeted, "is Naraku in? It's Kagome from Takahashi Group of Companies."

"Ahhh," Kagome heard Musou smile. "Good morning, Miss. Kagome, I will throw the line to Naraku for you."

"Thanks," Kagome stated. Annoying elevator music began playing but within a split second, Naraku picked up.

"Naraku," he greeted, gruffly.

"Gosh. How does your wife sleep with you at night?" Kagome teased.

"My cock speaks for itself," Naraku muttered, "what do you want? The missus told me that we have a case on our hands?"

Kagome laughed. "Kagura is right, we do. It's kind of a doozy so you might need to contact Inuyasha personally for this one. Let's just say Kaoru Morimoto is an asshole."

"Morimoto?" Naraku raised an eyebrow. "That snake? I've been on his ass for years. I'm tryna get him busted but the asshole always hires the best lawyers the world has to offer."

"Yeah?" Kagome grinned. "We have the best lawyer Asia has to offer."

Naraku snorted. "Ohhh, how scary, 'Asia has to offer.' When's Inuyasha free?"

Kagome glanced at the clock and noted that it was almost noon. She had to go speak to Inuyasha herself before he became preoccupied with Naraku and the entire issue they were dealing with. She knew he had already contacted Ryuukotsusei earlier that morning.

"After one," yeah, one hour and a bit should be sufficient time to commence Operation: Doomsday. Naraku declared that one was perfect and they hung up. Kagome took a few deep breaths, in through her nose out through her mouth, before standing up and picking up the dreaded "report".

Now or never.

Now or never.

Now or freakin' never, Kagome. Grow some big, hairy, balls and do it. You know you want it so what's stopping you?

Do it.

Do it.



By the time Kagome was done mentally yelling at herself, she was already in front of Inuyasha's door, knocking. She heard him say come in and pushed the door open. To her amusement, he was clad in his wife-beater and dress pants doing push ups in the middle of his office.

A thin layer of sweat coated him.

The sexiness level went up by two hundred percent. And then some. Kagome cleared her throat but Inuyasha ignored her, continuing with his push ups.

"One hundred and ninety seven, one hundred and ninety eight, one hundred and ninety nine… two hundred." Pushing himself up off of the ground, Inuyasha winked at Kagome before grabbing a towel that was lying on the couch in his office.

"Well then, what can I do for you?"

Kagome gulped nervously. "Well…"

Inuyasha sat down on the couch and pat the seat beside him. Hesitantly, Kagome sat down and looked at the black backing on the report. Inuyasha peered at her curiously. "So, what is it that you needed to talk to me about?"

Kagome inhaled deeply. "The um… bet…"

He raised his eyebrow. "The bet? Ohhhh," Inuyasha smirked, "the bet. I do remember I won on Friday."

Kagome nodded. "Exactly." Slowly, she passed him the folder. Shock resonated through Inuyasha's body as he turned the report around to find that it was indeed the compilation of sex positions that Kagome had done.

He looked at her but she was avoiding eye contact with him. "Kagome…" He whispered. She sighed and spoke, still refusing to look at him.

"You won, you pulled my pigtails and I'm not one to back down from a bet so… it's yours."

Inuyasha felt the weight of the folder seep through his fingertips and he couldn't help the accelerating beat of his heart. Was this actually happened? Like really really? Kagome just handed him the folder.

THE folder.

Not just any folder.

It was the folder.

"I can't…" He stuttered, catching Kagome off guard. Did he just refuse to take the folder that he had been on her ass about? She wasn't dreaming or anything, was she? Kagome looked at him, her eyes wide and her mouth agape.

"You can't?" She repeated, her voice hardly audible.

Inuyasha shook his head and handed the folder back to her – well, tried to anyway. She refused to take it and when he gently placed it on her lap, she picked it up and put it back on his. Frowning, Inuyasha looked at her sternly. "Kagome, these pictures aren't something I know you'd give a guy willingly. I'll take this book the day you choose to be mine."

Kagome bit her bottom lip. That was it, that was what she was waiting for him to say – "Exactly, so take it."

Inuyasha's soul froze.

"Wh—what?" He whispered. Kagome looked at him, her eyes glazed over with emotion. Her scent was changing to something Inuyasha had never smelt before and, for some reason, it smelt really nice.

"I said," she repeated hoarsely, "take it. I choose to be yours so you have the right to have it."

His heart was racing. His mind was working into overdrive. Did she just…

The feel of her soft lips on his solidified what he thought he was imagining. She was kissing him, right after telling him that she chose him and she said that after she gave him the book. Inuyasha was sure he was sleeping, but sleep or not he would not give up the opportunity of kissing Miss. Higurashi. He brought his left hand up and placed it on her cheek, his thumb rubbing circles on her skin. Inuyasha snaked his right hand around her waist and placed it firmly on the small of her back.

Kagome brought her hands up to his wife beater and gripped it, bringing her body closer to his. She longed for his lips oh so much—the thought of it haunted her mind ever since the last one she shared with him the night of the incident. She chewed on his bottom lip but, with one swift movement, he brought his left hand to the back of her head and yanked her hair back, delving his tongue into her mouth in the process.

Kagome moaned, and the sound drove Inuyasha wild.

She's yours. She picked you… all you have to do now is get her to love you… He told himself. Kagome broke free from the kiss and panted slightly, resting her forehead on his. Inuyasha was smiling, victoriously, and Kagome couldn't help but giggle.

"How do you feel?" She murmured and he kissed the tip of her nose.

"Amazing, you?"

"Meh, so-so."

Inuyasha raised his eyebrow. "So-so? You chose Takahashi Inuyasha, you have to feel freakin' on top of the world."

Rolling her eyes, Kagome pulled away from him and stood up, straightening her pants in the process. "Yeah, I know I could have any man in the world—you just happen to want me back so… you know?"

Snorting, Inuyasha grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her back onto his lap. "You're mine, wench." He whispered huskily into her ear, placing a soft kiss on the junction between her neck and her shoulder subsequently. Kagome didn't resist the shiver that ran up her spine.

"I love you," he mumbled, placing another kiss there. Smiling, Kagome turned in his arms and gave him a quaint peck.

"Put your shirt back on. Naraku is gonna call you soon, you have to talk to him about all the crap that's going down—and please don't rub anything about the book in my face?" Kagome pleaded, batting her eyelashes at Inuyasha. He laughed.

"Of course not. I'm just gonna have a hell of a time in my office for the next couple of days."

Kagome smacked him, playfully. "Dirty."

Snickering, Inuyasha pushed Kagome off of his lap and went to retrieve his shirt. Looking at Kagome, he raised his eyebrow. "What made you realize—this?"

Kagome blushed, shrugged, and looked away. "I don't know. To be honest, you're a complete and utter jackass." Turning to Inuyasha, Kagome grinned and added: "But I realized I wanted you to be my jackass and the only way to do that… was to be yours in return."

Inuyasha smiled; it was tender and filled with love. "I promise there'll never be a sad day for you. I'll make you the happiest woman alive."

"Will you stop keeping me in for overtime, then?"

"I said happiest woman alive, not queen of the world. Gosh, not even five minutes and you're already demanding things I can't promise." Laughing, Inuyasha ducked the stapler she threw at him, plucking it off of his desk.

"I take it back, I don't want you to be my jackass anymore."

Falling back on the couch, Inuyasha winked at her and said. "Too late. You're stuck with me."

Playfully groaning, Kagome blew a kiss at Inuyasha and began walking towards the exit. The folder of awesomeness (as Inuyasha called it) lay on the floor, forgotten for the moment. "Where do you think you're going?" Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. Kagome put her hands on her hips.

"I still have work to finish," she muttered. "You know where my office is. If you get bored, drop by."

Inuyasha pouted. "But Kagomeeee!"

"No buts. Goodbye." Dramatically, she left his office and shut the door behind her. Inuyasha could only think to what just happened—and whether it really happened or not.

Kagome… and me, a silly grin spread across his face, she really did pick me. She picked me.

"Holy fuck…"

Inuyasha dove for the phone and dialled his sister-in-law's number, by heart. Rin answered within two rings and, without even greeting her, he roared into the phone.


Rin paused before her eyes widened. "OH MY GOD, WHEN?"

"Just now!" Inuyasha was feeling giddy.

Like a little child.

A kid in a candy store…

"Tell me everything when you get home tonight!"

A line flashed on his phone and Inuyasha saw Naraku was calling. He quickly told his sister-in-law that he would tell her all that she wanted to know later that evening, when he came home, and hung up. Pressing the line that connected him to his childhood friend, Inuyasha greeted him.

"What's happening, man?"

Naraku cleared his throat. "Human girl tells me we have a case on her hands?"

Inuyasha leaned back in his seat. "Yes, yes we do. You do this case for me and I'll buy you that new 3D TV you want so badly."

Naraku paused. "… plus Pay-Per-View for a year?"


"Excellent," Naraku grinned, "now tell me everything you know, and everything I need to know, and everything Ryuukotsusei will know."

Inuyasha smirked, good ol' Naraku. His mind wandered back to Kagome and his smirk turned into a soft smile.


With one final thought directed to the leading woman in his life, Inuyasha turned his full attention back to Naraku.

"So, Kaoru Morimoto…"


There! That was it! Maybe it wasn't totally awesomely awesome, but hey, I quite liked it! I apologize for the drab of a chapter I produced for the previous update. It was slow, I know, but I couldn't really make it all that interesting if it was meant to be a segue.

But! Here you have it, the long awaited chapter!

All she has to do now is tell him she loves him…