InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Upendi ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

 Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Kagome was sitting in on a meeting with the Board of Directors as well as the Puppy Trail Design Team. Inuyasha was preoccupied with phone calls upon phone calls regarding the entire Kikyo/Kaori/Chiisu issue; he told her that he’d let her know what was happening when he drove her home that evening. Although Kagome wanted to argue against it, she did sort of tell him that she picked him, so she kind of had to let him do what he wanted to do—to a certain extent.

“We need to launch the product,” Mizu stated, sipping her water. Hime Tsubaki, another member of the Board, nodded in agreement to what Mizu said. Kagome’s head was playing ping pong as she kept looked back and forth between the members of the Board. It was without a doubt that sooner, rather than later, her eyes would swirl back into her head and she would pass out. She had been trying to figure out what the Board wanted for an hour and frankly she couldn’t take it anymore.

An elder man, Kamen Noh, pat Kagome’s back. “Relax, child.” He soothed. Kagome sighed and nodded before sipping her water and focusing her attention back to the banter being thrown to and fro.

“Tokajin!! We are not going to publish pictures in magazines,” Tsubaki rubbed her temples and Noh rolled his eyes. “We need to launch it at a party—what about the annual corporate party, Kagome?”

Kagome raised her eyebrow. “That could work, but then I have to expand our guest list and we have to find an even bigger venue, if it’s within budget.”

“Anything can be within budget if you want it to be,” Mizu waved her hand aimlessly in front of her, “we just need to launch this thing before signing pre-orders. The product won’t be on the market before September, but we will take pre-orders from larger companies, in bulk, and ship them out prior to debut.”

“What kind of launch is that, then?” Togenkyo Tokajin, a rather chubby and peachy looking fellow, raised his eyebrow. “Launch means the release of the product. It is the debut.”

Noroi Kaiga, a man that always seemed to have bad luck with everything in life (point in case: his ink pen exploded in his hand moments prior to the board meeting. He walked into the room covered in black ink), nodded in agreement. “Tokajin has a point, ladies.”

Tsubaki and Mizu seemed annoyed at how Kaiga mentioned that they were – dare they say it? – wrong! Kagome and Noh exchanged amused glances and sat back when Nobunaga Takeda, quite an annoyance is he, decided to offer his input: “We could launch the product to make everybody aware of it and release it later on, at another corporate affair?”

“We aren’t throwing parties left right and centre, Takeda.” Keshin Goshinkishi, Naraku’s first cousin, muttered. “We need to launch it the day of the release.”

Noh growled. “Are you children stupid? We need to make the public aware of the product before releasing it so that there will be hype. Launch the product the night of the corporate party and then release in September. Take the pre-orders if necessary.” Noh turned to Kagome. “Expand the guest list if you have to, I’ll have the budgeting team see if they can allot a bit more to the cost of the event. Are we all in agreement?”

The others knew they couldn’t argue against Noh: he was on the Board for longer than them and his interim was almost up. He knew what he was talking about. Nodding in agreement, the Board dismissed themselves and Kagome hurriedly went back to her office; she had a lot of work to do. Especially with the task of expanding the guest list to incorporate anybody who would be interested in the release and debut of Inuyasha’s new affiliate, Puppy Trails.

Kagome entered her office and raised an eyebrow in amusement when she saw Inuyasha sitting on her chair and staring intently at her computer monitor. His ears tweaked signalling that he was aware she had entered the vicinity of her office: “All sorted out?” she asked as she kicked her door shut behind her. Inuyasha groaned.

“Sorted out? Shit hasn’t begun yet. Ryuukotsusei is investigating Chiisu and we have kept tabs on Sakura’s whereabouts.” Inuyasha grinned at Kagome. “Of course we asked her parents and they agreed to let us stalk the girl.”

“Not creepy at all,” Kagome muttered in sarcasm before taking a sit on the loveseat. “What else?”

Inuyasha got off of Kagome’s computer chair and joined her on the loveseat. Once upon a time, not too long of a time ago, Kagome would have felt highly uncomfortable at the close proximity between herself and Inuyasha. But given the events of what happened earlier on that day, she had to admit that the proximity was rather—appealing. The change in her scent informed Inuyasha that her feelings of being close to him, and his feelings, were on par.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she relaxed under his touch. “Naraku hates Koaru more than life itself?”

“Naraku doesn’t hate life, Inuyasha.” Kagome muttered sarcastically and he laughed. Casually, he leaned over and kissed her temple as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Kagome felt a rush of butterflies in her stomach and, she was willing to admit this as well, the feeling was amazing. Inuyasha leaned back on the loveseat and threw his head back, resting it on the backrest.

“Whatever. They’re both on the case right now and I don’t have to think about it. My e-mail is linked with Naraku’s now so if I receive any notification about court dates,” Inuyasha looked over at the woman beside him, “he’ll know as well.”

“I should just e-mail you naked pictures of myself just to see if Naraku would receive them too.” Kagome teased. Inuyasha smirked.

“The naked pictures can wait, my dear. I have a year’s worth of beautiful shots of you to get through.”

“Look at one a day for a year?” Kagome teased and Inuyasha growled playfully. Swiftly, he leaned forward and nipped at her bottom lip before withdrawing. He wanted her to crave his lips as much as he was presently craving hers.

The scent of her spiking arousal told him that he was going to achieve his goal quicker than he anticipated. Bringing his left hand up, he placed it gently on Kagome’s cheek and her hands went immediately around his shoulders. His right hand trailed up and down her thigh; her leg managed to curl around Inuyasha’s. The half-demon bit Kagome’s lower lip, eliciting a soft moan to sound from her; gently, he pushed her back onto the loveseat.

“Kagome,” he whispered, nipping at her earlobe. Arching her back, Kagome raked her fingers down the length of his back and moved her neck to the side, allowing him easy access to the column of her neck. “Gods, I love you so much.”

“Inuyasha…” She whispered, her lips hardly moving but her voice fully audible. He pushed his right hand just underneath the hem of her shirt and trailed his fingers across her belly, slowly tracing the outline of her belly button. Butterflies erupted in her stomach like an active volcano – Kagome was in a state of euphoria.

In Upendi.

Just as Inuyasha’s hand began trailing higher on her torso, a banging on Kagome’s door stopped him abruptly.

“SERIOUSLY, YOU TWO NEED TO GET A ROOM—NO COMMENT, INUYASHA!” Yura’s voice sounded from the other side of the room. Growling, Inuyasha tore himself away from Kagome and ripped the door open.

“You fucking cockblock,” he accused, “just because you don’t get dick in the office, do not stop those who do. Understand?”

Yura had a sly smirk on her face. “Oh I understand, bossman, but you need to understand that your object of affection over there is due to another board meeting in five minutes with me and we can’t afford to be late. So please remove your dick from her vagina and let us be on our way, okay?”

“My dick is clearly still in my pants. Thanks to you.” Inuyasha muttered dryly. Turning around, Inuyasha saw Kagome on the verge of laughter and standing behind him. He had a tick in his forehead. “What the fuck is so funny, wench?”

“You – why are you so angry?”

“FINE! I WON’T ravish you mercilessly!” Throwing his nose in the air, Inuyasha stomped out of the room leaving two amused women in his wake.

Yura and Kagome exchanged glances. “Are you sure he’s an adult?”

Kagome shook her head. “No, I came to the conclusion he’s actually a six year old trapped in the body of a twenty seven year old.”

“Hmm,” Yura nodded in agreement, “a very hot, sexy and fuckable twenty seven year old. Too bad the cock is all yours.”

“Too bad?” Kagome playfully nudged Yura. “I’m doing the world a favour by keeping that child occupied.”


Yura and Kagome burst into uncontrollable laughter.



Home time.

Kagome had her things packed and waited patiently in the lobby for Inuyasha. The rest of the staff had already left and Kagome and Inuyasha were the remaining two that would lock up and leave the building for the night. Inuyasha called out to her to head to the first floor, he would meet up with her momentarily, so she did. She had a nice chat with Hanate while waiting for Inuyasha.

“Hanate,” Inuyasha nodded to the security guard. The man smiled and tipped his hat, bidding Kagome and Inuyasha farewell, for the night. The two of them silently headed towards Inuyasha’s car – half way there, Kagome’s phone rang.


“Kagome, how are you sweetheart?”

“I’m fine, Inuyasha and I are headed home now.”

Korari nodded from her end of the telephone line, despite the fact that Kagome was not able to see it. “That’s good. Listen, I know this is of short notice but your grandfather has his Shrine Priest guild at home to perform a prayer for Souta – he has explicitly asked for you and I not to return home.”

Kagome raised her eyebrow. “Really now?”

Korari laughed. “Yeah, really. I’m staying at the hospital tonight, you’re more than welcome to join me or you can go sleep over at Sango’s place… or maybe even Inuyasha’s?”

Kagome snorted. “Sango’s is fine. I hope Jii-chan has a ball tonight.”


“Not in the dirty way, wow Mama.”

Korari laughed, told her daughter that she loved her and hung up. Before she could even turn and face Inuyasha to inform him of what happened, he quickly informed her that: “You’re coming over to my place.” That resulted in Kagome frowning and punching his arm and him laughing at her weak human strength.

“Why am I going to sleep over at your place? Sango has a spare bedroom.”

“And I have seven.”

Kagome twitched. “Seriously, Inuyasha.”

“Seriously,” Inuyasha wiggled his eyebrows at the girl beside him, “we can get some dirty dirty and there’ll be no Yura to cockblock me. Yess!”

“Yo u truly are a six year old.”

“Trapped in the body of a twenty seven year old with over seven hundred years of experience,” Inuyasha winked at Kagome who threw another sucker punch to his arm.


Inuyasha threw his keys to his valet and led Kagome to the front door. She was in utter awe at the size of the grandiose mansion that Inuyasha called home. It was something out of a movie: twenty four acres of goodness including a roundabout fountain, pillars that framed a three storey chestnut brown oak door (included with brass handles and a wolf-faced knocker), ivory coloured brick and landscaping that seemed straight out of a movie.

A doorman opened the door for Inuyasha and Kagome.

“Master, Lady.” He bowed his head. Kagome was speechless and the only force that kept her walking was Inuyasha’s hand pushing her from the small of her back.

“You… this… you live here?!”

“Unfortunately,” Inuyasha shook his head, “I’m trying to find a manor in Italy for my mother… so far nothing lives up to my standard.”

“And what’s that?!”

“A four tier waterfall in front of the house?” He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Come on Kagome,” he teasingly nudged her, “who doesn’t have a four tier waterfall?”

Kagome glowered at him mercilessly. “I don’t know if you’re joking or being serious.”

“Whatever floats your boat?”

“I want a four tiered waterfall in front of my shrine—can I have a pay advance?”

Inuyasha laughed at her sarcasm and continued to guide her into his humble abode. Kagome could only marvel at the high ceilings and low hanging chandeliers. There were two sets of stairs on either side of the foyer that spiralled up to the second storey of the massive mansion. The stairs were complete with black railing that was curved to perfection. The floors were an ivory marble that had intricate patterns on them.

Just a few feet off towards the centre was a sitting area that was two steps lower than the level of the foyer. A giant plant was placed in the centre of the circular sitting area, and there were seats that covered the perimeter of the circle.

“You live in a palace,” Kagome breathed as she looked up at the endless ceiling. “Literally.”

Inuyasha shrugged. “It was the only decent one Sesshomaru and I could find on the market.”

Kagome gawked at her boss. “Decent?! I live in a three bedroom shrine, complete with well hut, and you live in a mansion with nth amount of bedrooms and you’re calling it decent?!”

Inuyasha grinned. “Yes?”

“Lord have mercy on your pathetic soul,” Kagome shook her head. Inuyasha crossed his arms and glared at her playfully.

“I resent having a pathetic soul. It’s very unpathetic, thank you very much.”

“Darling, unpathetic isn’t a wo—“ Before Kagome could complete her comment, a tiny furball tackled Inuyasha unexpectedly, while screaming UNCLE INUYASHA!!

“Hello to you too, runt,” Inuyasha pat the furball affectionately.

Inuyasha has a talking pet dust bunny? Kagome thought humorously to herself. Although she knew the thing that took down Inuyasha was not, in fact, a dust bunny, she was unsure as to who it could be. Her finely tuned priestess abilities told her that what was hugging Inuyasha was a kitsune—

Kitsune… his nephew? I remember him saying something about him being a fox demon child.

“Mommy said that you’re gonna take me out for ice cream because I’ve been a good boy and because Daddy is a jerk… what’s a jerk, Uncle Inu? Mommy said to ask you because she fefused to ‘splain to me and I don’t know what fefused meand so I axed Gammi Izzy and she said for me to ask you.” The demon blabbered endlessly. Kagome’s heart was welling with love – she loved babies, whether they were demon, half-demon or human. While Kagome was preoccupied with admiring the child, she missed the look of horror that crossed Inuyasha’s eyes.


Speak of the devil…


Rin flew down the stairs.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. God, if you exist and love me… please let me live. If you exist and don’t love me, open up a crater and let me fall to hell right now. Satan, you can make me your punching bag for all I care… do not let me go through this. PLEASE! Inuyasha was silently praying to God and begging Satan to let him fall into a hole in the earth, never to return.

“Uhh Shippo,” Inuyasha gulped, “I’ll take you for ice cream later. Just… run away right now, please?”

Giving his uncle a curious look, Shippo bounded off in the opposite direction from where his mother was coming from. Kagome shot a curious look to Shippo, then to Inuyasha – and finally…


“… oh my, Kagome…”

Immediately, both heads whipped to Inuyasha. Gulping nervously, he pulled at his collar and took a step back. “Uhh… Kagome… meet my umm… sister-in-law… Rin?”

Kagome looked back at Rin, her face expressionless. Rin was laughing nervously before shooting a dangerous look to Inuyasha. “You could’ve warned me!” She hissed in his direction. Inuyasha put his hands in front of him, trying to protect himself from the evil forces of Rin’s glare.

“I forgot I was related to you!”

“… YOU WHAT?!”

“Sorry!̶ 1;

“Gahh!” Rin turned back to Kagome and gave her a forced smile. “Umm… Hi… I’m Rin. Nice to meet you?”

“Pleasure is all mine,” Kagome said tightly, “Inuyasha, may I have a word?”

“By all means, have as many words as you like!” Rin said hurriedly before running after her son. “Shippo! Sweetie, let’s go out for ice cream.”

Inuyasha’s eyes widened. “HEY! I WANNA TAKE THE RUNT OUT FOR ICE CREAM.”

You will be staying right here.” Kagome growled. “Now lead me to a private area of this fucking island and let me rip your ears off.”

“I much rather like it in the foyer,” Inuyasha sputtered, “there’s this breeze that I’m quite fond of.”


“My bedroom, let’s go!”


Inuyasha’s bedroom was something Kagome only saw in magazines. The entire room was hardwood, from floor to ceiling. He had an oak based bedroom set, with a Victorian style bed covered in blood red sheets (that looked like silk, oddly). There were pillars close to the farthest wall across from his bed that framed a large television; to the left was a corner fireplace that was alit and emitting a comforting glow.

Silently, Inuyasha closed the door behind him, shut his eyes and awaited his doom.

And continued to wait.

And wait.

And wait.




Why wasn’t anything coming?!

He cracked open an eye to find Kagome staring at him. He opened both of his eyes and looked around his room, unable to maintain eye contact with the woman before him. Inuyasha noticed how dusty the top of his fireplace was. Note to self, clean fireplace…

There was also a tray of fruit on his bedside table that he had to get rid of. Note to self, call maid.

Inuyasha was running out of notes to self, he was praying Kagome opened her mouth and yelled at him soon. His pride couldn’t handle anymore of this!!

“You used your sister-in-law to make me jealous.” Kagome whispered, in a deadly voice.

Inuyasha blurted out the first thing that came to mind: “No! I asked her to help me to get you to realize whether you wanted me or not. In case you didn’t notice, I never made any moves on her…”

Mainly because your brother would chop your balls off, he added as an afterthought.

Kagome continued to stare at him. “Alright, so you used your sister-in-law to help me realize whether I wanted to be with you or not.”

“Not used,” Inuyasha interrupted, “asked for assistance.”

“And what if it backfired and I realized I don’t want to be with you?”

Inuyasha shrugged and looked away. “Life goes on?”

Before he knew what was happening, Kagome had wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him tightly. The act caught him off guard and before he could return the hug, Kagome pulled away from him, glowering at him. “That’s kind of sweet what you did, but you still lied to me.”

“… I didn’t lie! I just didn’t inform you of the truth.”

Kagome raised her eyebrow.

“Which is similar to lying, but is not.”


Inuyasha laughed nervously.

“If you ever lie to me ever again, I’ll feed you to the wolves.” Kagome bit out, playfully but scathingly. Inuyasha’s eyes widened and his heart began racing uncontrollably.

“Say… say what?”

“I said if you ever lie to me again, I’ll kill you.” This time, there was a playful string to her words. Inuyasha let out a breath of relief and gathered Kagome in his arms.

“Oh my god I thought my balls were goners there.”

“They were close.”

Inuyasha laughed and kissed the top of her head, keeping her in a tight embrace. “God,” he breathed, “I love you.”

Kagome smiled in his arms, listening to the beat of his heart.

“You scared the fuck out of me, acting all mad and shit.”

“Annoyed and slightly upset, yes,” Kagome smiled, “but not mad…”

Inuyasha pulled her back and used his forefinger and thumb to tilt her head back. Leaning forward, he was about to press his lips against hers when Murphy’s Law kicked in…


Inuyasha sprang back from Kagome, his eyes widened.



Mizu Megami – Water Goddess
Tsubaki Hime – Princess Tsubaki
Noh Kamen – Noh Mask
Tokajin Togenkyo – Peachman Tokajin in Togenkyo
Kaiga Noroi – Kaiga = Japanese Paintings, Noroi = A curse. Roughly: The Cursed Ink Painter from Hell (my reference to)
Goshinkishi Keshin – Goshinkishi = Naraku’s incarnation Keshin = Incarnation
Takeda Nobunaga – Hojo’s ancestor from the movie, Affections Touching Across Time

Sorry that this chapter was kind of drab and for the late update. The end of the year was REALLY hectic and the beginning of the New Year was even crazier. Apart from that, Merry Belated Christmas and a Happy Belated Hanukkah to all my fans.

And a HAPPY NEW YEAR as well!! 

See you at the next chapter – almost done!