InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Sleepover at the Takahashi Manor ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Maybe, just maybe, if Inuyasha hadn't been a jerk to Kagome all those months, and maybe...

Just maybe...

If he hadn't used his sister-in-law to have Kagome realize that she wanted to be with Inuyasha, then perhaps the aforementioned girl would feel some form of pity... keyword: perhaps.

But Inuyasha did, he did all of that, and to be frank Kagome felt no remorse towards the poor sap. He had to face Mama Takahashi and Kagome was going to make the experience as memorable as memorable can get. A wicked grin spread across her face and Inuyasha's eyes widened, seeing the expression on her face.

"What the hell are you thinking?" He hissed at her. Kagome shrugged nonchalantly before swinging the door open. Inuyasha was ready to be gobbled up by a fish demon. Or maybe a snake demon... Snakes don't chew so it'd be a quick getaway.

"Hello, Mrs. Takahashi," Kagome bowed, inwardly grinning like a fool.

Takahashi: ∞ + 1
Higurashi: in your face, Takahashi

Oh yeah. Kagome won.

"Oh!" The tall and beautifully poised woman- complete with a regal persona, long silky charcoal black hair with a kind eyes- gasped. "Well, I suppose Shippo wasn't kidding then. Hello there," Izayoi Takahashi smiled, "I'm Izayoi, but call me Izzy... Everybody else does." At that, Izayoi sent a nasty look towards Inuyasha. He was the one that told everybody to call her Izzy, much to her chagrin.

"Pleasure to meet you," Kagome smiled. She was fighting the desperate urge to break into a stupid dance for one-upping her boss. She was losing the internal battle and was on the brink of breaking into a jig – perhaps the Macarena. "They call me Higurashi Kagome."

Izayoi's eyes widened. "That's you!?" She exclaimed. "I always wondered who this Higurashi was that pretty much ran the company. You're younger than I thought you were, dear."

"Hold up!" Inuyasha finally found his voice. "She doesn't exactly run my company."

Izayoi glared at Inuyasha. "Boy, you be quiet. You have plenty to explain as to why you have a gorgeous woman in your room and why my grandson says your room smells icky."

At this, both Inuyasha and Kagome paled. Izayoi continued to glower at her son. "The only other time something smells icky is when your brother and Rin do-the-do."

"We weren't doing-the-do!!! What the hell, mother?!" Inuyasha roared. "We had an argument and we were simply talking it out, like controlled adults that don’t react to their hormonal urges." Kagome nodded in agreement at that one.

Izayoi rolled her eyes. "Sure, you were talking.” Insert air quotation marks created by the index and middle fingers, courtesy of Mama Izzy. “Well, dinner is served and I would love it if the 'brains behind our CEO'--" Izayoi winked at Kagome who had to laugh. Inuyasha looked so annoyed; "-- would join us for some family bonding time."

Kagome grinned. "Do we get to embarrass Inuyasha some more?"

Izayoi burst into laughter. "I like you!! Let me tell you what Inuyasha did when the television was first invented."


Izayoi simply laughed and grabbed Kagome's arm before dragging her off. Inuyasha's eyebrow twitched.

Who needs Yura cockblocking you when you have your
beloved mother, keh!


“You actually forgave little brother that easily?” Sesshomaru asked amusedly over dinner. “And Rin? You’d be an excellent addition to the family—all of us hold grudges for centuries.

“Maybe because we’re all over the age of five hundred, save Shippo?” Rin rolled her eyes at her mate before plopping a glob of sticky rice into her mouth. Kagome was situated between Rin and Izayoi, thanks to the seating arrangement of Mama Izzy.

Izayoi snickered (which Kagome found oddly similar to Inuyasha’s snicker. Now she knew where he got his personality from). “And we’re all bitter with a lot of hate in our hearts. Ain’t that right, Sesshomaru?”

Sesshomaru rolled his eyes. “I am not bitter. I am simply unhappy with what father did, that’s all. Besides, I’ve had hundreds of years to get over it, and you aren’t half bad as a mother-figure.”

Izayoi winked playfully at Rin before saying: “Need I remind you that I was the one that pulled out chunks of dirt and mud from your hair because Rin decided to have a mud fight with you?”

Rin burst into laughter and Sesshomaru turned red. “I do not remember such happenings.”

Inuyasha burst into laughter. “Yeah?! I remember, it was July 1733, Friday afternoon and we were all having a picnic at the Hijiri Island!”

“Shut up, half-breed.”

Kagome snorted under her breath: “Did the Gregorian calendar even exist back then?”

Unfortunately, for Kagome, Inuyasha heard and stated in a high and mighty tone that the Gregorian calendar was proposed by Pope Gregory XIII, signed on February 24, 1582. Inuyasha’s father, according to Inuyasha, had been present for the signing.

Kagome paused. “… wait, signatures existed back then?!”

Before Sesshomaru could open his mouth, Rin quickly said, “You will quickly learn that you shouldn’t ask if something existed back then because it probably did and they were probably there to see it in use, if not their father.”

Kagome paused and nodded slowly. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“And you better not ask mother about anything because she’s been alive longer than all of us.” Inuyasha added under his breath which resulted in his mother kicking him from under the table. He yelped in surprise and Izayoi sent him an innocent smile.

“Why dearest son, what’s gotten you so jumpy?”

Kagome and Rin glanced at each other before bursting into laughter. Sesshomaru was trying to hide his smirk and Izayoi was right up there with the other two ladies, her laughter louder than the others. Inuyasha, poor sap that he was, glowered at his food and ate rather precariously. As the laughter died down, they decided to switch the topic (much to Inuyasha’s glee).

“How’s Souta?”

Kagome smiled at Sesshomaru. “He’s great, thanks. He’s coming home tomorrow and my grandfather is holding prayers and rituals at our shrine for his ‘safe return’,” the members of the dinner table laughed at Kagome’s tone. “So my mother is staying at the hospital and I was supposed to go to my best friend’s house but Inuyasha brought me here.”

In his defence, Inuyasha claimed that although Sango might have a guest bedroom, they had seven. Izayoi nodded in agreement.

“Of course! We have such a big place, it’s great to have company over,” leaning to the woman sitting beside her, Izayoi also added: “besides, seeing those three faces can get boring after a couple hundred years.”

“MOTHER!” Rin and Inuyasha roared simultaneously. Sesshomaru merely rolled his eyes.

“Likewise, mom.”

Kagome loved the atmosphere. Who would’ve thought that hotshot Inuyasha Takahashi – CEO of Takahashi Group of Companies, Cepheus Electronics, and now Puppy Trails – would have such a family oriented atmosphere at home. His mother was hilarious, his sister-in-law was like an actual sister to him (point in case: she pretended to be attracted to him for the sake of his lacking love life), and his elder brother hated him to a certain extent. What was not to like about all of that?!

“Tonight is movie night, children.” Izayoi quipped. “After Shippo is put to bed, we’ll all meet in the Theatre to discuss the formalities of tonight’s movie.”

“It’s my pick!” Rin called, quickly. Izayoi raised her eyebrow.

Yes, but we have a guest in the house, so it should be her pick. Besides,” Izayoi had an evil glint in her eyes, “a reliable birdie had told me the stunt you two –“ at this, she waved her finger at Inuyasha and Rin, “pulled on poor Kagome. I’m highly disappointed in you both.”

Inuyasha and Rin shot Sesshomaru a dirty look but he was too busy examining a non-existent loose thread on his sweater. “More like an unreliable full dog-demon.” Inuyasha spat.

“An unreliable full dog-demon that will be sleeping on the couch tonight.” Rin tagged on.

Oh yeah, Kagome totally loved the atmosphere. Izayoi nudged Kagome and grinned at her; Kagome returned the gesture. They finished eating and Izayoi told them to be in the Theatre room in about two hours; enough time for Rin to give Shippo dinner and put him to bed. Sesshomaru was going to take a shower and Inuyasha was going to show Kagome to her room.

Rin was lending her some clothes for the night.

“Your family is freakin’ amazing,” Kagome grinned as they began treading up the steps to her appointed bedroom (which was conveniently beside Inuyasha’s).

He rolled his eyes. “Yeah right, spend a couple centuries with them and you’ll grow tired. Mother refuses to let any of us move away,” he glanced at Kagome, “her and father were trying for another kid but… well,” Inuyasha shrugged, “he passed away. Mother’s always wanted a daughter.”

“Well she’s going to have two,” Kagome teased. “Her two daughters-in-law.”

Inuyasha laughed and nodded. “True, she loves Rin but she’s on my ass to get married.” He cringed, “Not – happening…” Pausing, he glanced at Kagome and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, squeezing her to him. “Unless it’s you, of course.”

“Ehhh?!” She shoved him away. “So I might’ve said that I’ll be yours, but nowhere did I say ‘till death do us part’.”

“You will,” he wiggled his eyebrows, “don’t you worry about that.”

“Trust me,” Kagome flipped her hair playfully, “I’m not worrying one bit.” Inuyasha snorted before pushing a large oak door open, revealing and ivory and charcoal room. Immediately, Kagome’s breath caught in her throat. The room was massive: giant window, low ceiling above the bed but nine-feet ceiling otherwise. A television was propped onto the wall, across from the bed, and there was a circular Jacuzzi in the middle of the room.


“You have a Jacuzzi in here?!” Kagome wailed. Inuyasha grinned.

“Yeah, Rin designed this room.”

She was still at a loss for words. This room was bigger than her freakin’ living room back at the Shrine… and it also had a Jacuzzi. Inuyasha had his arms crossed and smiled, watching Kagome stand there in awe. He didn’t really ever drink in and appreciate her beauty, he knew she was a beautiful person… but damn if he did anything other than appreciate her, right then and there. The way the light bounced off of her skin flawlessly, the way her hair cascaded down her back – it was perfect.

Inuyasha kicked the door shut and in three long strides he approached Kagome. Without word, he gathered her into his arms and pressed his lips tightly against hers. She was rigid with shock for a moment before slowly placing her arms on his shoulders. Inuyasha had his left hand wrapped round her waist and his right hand cupped her cheek as his lips caressed hers, connecting their bodies and souls in one moment. He tightened his grip on her waist and pulled her closer into his body, trying to feel more of her with the constrictions of clothing and time.  Upon feeling him tug at her, Kagome released an involuntary moan.

There was a growl at the back of his throat and Inuyasha began pushing her backwards, towards her bed. With no control of herself, Kagome let him push her towards the bed, only concentrating on her lips against his; she bit his lower lip and tugged slightly and that caused Inuyasha’s blood to roar with desire. His eyes flashed red before returning to their regular ochre shade; he pushed her onto the bed and straddled her.

His kisses trailed down from her lips to her throat, his tongue drawing patterns all over the column of her neck. All the while Kagome ran her fingers through his hair, her head thrown back and her back arched forward – Inuyasha slid his right hand under her neck and began sucking on her neck with the intention of giving her an incredibly dark hickey. It was the closest he could get to marking her – the only way to satiate his inner demon.

Kagome turned her head to the opposite, allowing Inuyasha more room to access her neck. He used his fangs to create the bruise; his love bite. Subconsciously, Kagome wrapped her legs around his waist and he began thrusting his hips into her, grinding slowly. Kagome hissed with pleasure, trying to tighten her legs around his waist more. Inuyasha was finally content with the hickey he gave her and proceeded to kiss her lips again, still thrusting; the bulge of his excitement pressed into Kagome.

Kagome wrapped her fingers around his neck and her thumbs framed his face as he kissed her. Their tongues danced to a silent tune, their desires taking control. Breaking away, Inuyasha kissed the tip of her nose, smiling small. “You are absolutely gorgeous.” He murmured. Kagome blushed before pecking his lips lightly.

“Seriously,” Inuyasha slid off of her and lay down beside her. He was propped onto his elbow and used his free hand to trace the features of her face, “your parent’s must’ve been a match made in heaven.”

Kagome laughed. “You’re silly,” he trailed his thumb over her lips and she kissed it, “but thank you. You aren’t too shabby yourself.”

Inuyasha gave her a toothy grin. “I do believe that I’ve won Hottest Man of the Year.”

Kagome rolled her eyes, playfully of course. “I don’t know who is in charge of judging, but there are many other candidates that would’ve given you a run for your money.”

“But I won,” he ended their playful banter by pressing his lips on hers for a short but chaste kiss. “One would think you’d boast that you’ve stolen the heart of Inuyasha Takahashi.”

“I’m not one to boast about my good graces.” Kagome winked at him. Inuyasha snorted.

“Well you should.” Sitting up, he cracked his neck and looked over at her. “We should give the Jacuzzi a whirl sometime before you have to go.”

Kagome immediately caught his innuendo. “Jacuzzi is meant to relax and relieve stress.”

Inuyasha paused. “… well sex is meant to do that as well, just so you know.”


“God I love how you scream my name.”

Kagome’s eyes widened before she jokingly kicked him. “You are something else, you know that? Go do something productive and call Naraku or something.”

Inuyasha frowned. “Shit, I have to do that too… sigh.” Kagome raised an eyebrow at Inuyasha hearing him say the word sigh instead of actually sighing. Inuyasha laughed at the look she gave him and got off of the bed.

“I’ll take you to Mother and Rin so you can be entertained while I call Naraku.”

“Why can’t I be there when you call him? God knows you’re going to make me take care of the legal issues regarding everything.” Kagome spat dryly. Inuyasha laughed and kissed her temple.

“Don’t worry, I won’t.” Inuyasha helped Kagome stand up and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I love you, you know that?”

Kagome smiled. “Let’s go.”

Inuyasha masked the pain that hit his heart. Soon… you’ll love me…


“You want to watch The Lion King? Seriously?” Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at his brother’s secretary. “You are an adult, right?”

Kagome frowned. “Hey, many adults my age and older appreciate the beauty of Disney Originals.”

“I knew Walt Disney,” Rin tapped her chin, “I helped him carry his groceries to his car once.”

Izayoi, Sesshomaru and Kagome gave Rin incredulous looks and the latter mentioned woman blushed in embarrassment. Izayoi said that The Lion King is an excellent choice and that she was partial to Mufasa. Sesshomaru raised his eyebrow.


Izayoi nodded and held her head up. “Yes, I always told your father if he was a lion, he’d look pretty damn sexy.”

“Alright, ew, too much information.” Sesshomaru flopped onto the armchair and shook his head at Izayoi. “You really need to begin censoring the stuff you say to us.”

“No thank you, you’re all full grown and have children of your own.” Izayoi sat down and looked around before realizing her younger son was missing.

“Where’s Inuyasha?”

Kagome looked at her. “He had to call Naraku, he’ll be here soon.”

Just as the words left her mouth, Inuyasha strolled into the Theatre room donned in black sweatpants and a red tank top. Kagome turned her head before she could begin drooling and that didn’t no unnoticed by Inuyasha. Grinning widely, he sat down beside Kagome and inquired about the movie to be watched that night.

“Seriously? Lion King?!” He gave her a crazy look.

“Hey! Simba is kinda sexy…” Kagome’s voice dropped as she complimented an animated lion. Izayoi glared at her son.

“So is Mufasa. Don’t hate because you’re half dog and not all lion.”

“Did you really just say that?” Inuyasha coughed. Rin, Kagome and Sesshomaru were also giving Izayoi a questioning look.

“Yes, I did. You’re all jealous because I am so open about my opinions,” the elder woman crossed her arms. “Now go play the movie, boy.” She was directing the order to Inuyasha. Grumbling profanities under his breath, Inuyasha did as he was told and took his seat beside Kagome once again. Despite their complaints, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru quite enjoyed the show, especially Inuyasha. The entire time the movie was playing; Kagome held his hand and had her head resting on his shoulders.

At one point he whispered so softly into her ear (so that Sesshomaru wouldn’t understand what he said) that he loved her.

He felt her smile and give his hand a tight squeeze.


Rin dropped Kagome off to her room (since the mansion was so big, Kagome had no idea where she was going) and Sesshomaru and Inuyasha took their mother to her room (a traditional thing, Izayoi refused to go to bed unless her boys dropped her off). Rin, hesitantly, apologized to Kagome. Laughing, Kagome hugged Rin and said it was quite alright.


Kagome rolled her eyes. “I thought we decided that over coffee not too long ago.” Grinning, Rin hugged Kagome once more before wishing her goodnight and leaving her room. Exhaling, Kagome shut her door after Rin left and proceeded to change into the night clothes that were given to her.

Just as Kagome took off her shirt and was about to unhook her bra, she heard her door open. Whirling around, her eyes widened seeing Inuyasha stand there.

“… hi?” She squeaked. He had a hungry look in his eyes.

“Didn’t we agree to give the,” he paused and glanced at the Jacuzzi, “a whirl?”


Chapter Dedicated to my bestest best friend, Mystical-Lia; Happy Birthday *less than three