InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Anticipate the Wrath of a Sweet Inuyasha ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


"Hey, Kagome." Yura opened Kagome's office door. "Inuyasha's schedule is made."

Kagome smirked and opened up his calendar on her computer as Yura sat down on the loveseat. The head secretary burst into laughter as she saw what Yura did to poor Inuyasha's day:

0800 – 1000: Review files from Monday and Tuesday. Binder in Kagome's office, pick them up and look at them.
1015 – 1130: Board meeting. Noh want's to discuss possible ways to increase stock market rating. Make sure you have the files read and somewhat memorized.
1135 – 1200: Phone conference with Urasue and Shiori regarding potential merger.
1200 – 1300: Meeting with Puppy Trails marketing team
1310 – 1430: Meeting with Puppy Trails design team
1435 – 1445: Ten minute bathroom break
1445 – 1500: Call Ryuukotsusei, he called and said to return his phone call before 1500.
1500 – 1600: Meeting with Puppy Trails public relations team
1530 – 1600: Meeting with first Puppy Trail client who wants to pre-order before the corporate meeting.
1600 – 1630: Sit with Kagome and confirm guest list for corporate meeting
1630 – 1645: System upgrade. CepheusOS technical team will be here to upgrade all computers. System will be down.
1645 – 1700: Prepare files for review for tomorrow.
1700: Go home

"You didn't even give him a lunch," Kagome pointed out. Yura grinned.

"I know. He can go pee for ten minutes, but that's all he's allowed. Note the double booking at 4."

Kagome laughed. "I know, this is genius. When do we go home sick? Make sure Victor or Miroku tells Inuyasha that we're gone for the rest of the day."

"Do we still get paid?"

"Who says we don't. We're allowed ten sick days in the year," Kagome winked at Yura who clapped her hands in happiness. This plan was epic; who needs April Fool's day when you work with Inuyasha and Kagome. These two were regular jokers out of a standard deck of cards!

"That… is epic. When does boss man come in to work though?"

Kagome shrugged. "Call him and say he's late for a board meeting right now. Figure out where he is in a very stealth-like manner."

Yura burst into laughter and stood up, shaking her head. Oh how she loved her job—she wouldn't trade it for anything… except maybe the jackpot prize in the daily lottery and an all-expense paid trip to the Bahamas… but what were the chances of that happening?

Kagome leaned back in her seat as Yura left her office. Payback, my dear Inuyasha, she thought evilly. As she was about to close his schedule, her office phone rang. Picking it up before the first ring even finished, she greeted the caller:

"Takahashi Group of Companies, Kagome speaking, how can I be of assistance?"

"I want a cream filled doughnut and an extra-large coffee on my table, thanks." It was Naraku. Kagome giggled and leaned back in her chair, preparing herself for a long yet humorous conversation.

"What, you can't call me doll face anymore?"

"You disgust me, human," Naraku commented in good nature.

"Funny, what do you need?"

"You and Inuyasha busy today?"

Kagome wanted to laugh uncontrollably, but refrained from doing so. "Inuyasha has a full schedule, but I should be free around noon?"

"Perfect, want to drop by to my office? There are some things Ryuukotsusei and I need to discuss with either you or Inuyasha." Perfect! Kagome thought, she and Yura could leave early and Kagome would have something to do while Inuyasha thought she was "sick."

"Great! Wanna give me a ride?"

Naraku rolled his eyes. "You need a car; I will get you one for your birthday—Ryuukotsusei will pick you up at noon sharp. Questions, comments, or concerns?"

"Yeah, how do you take your coffee?"

"Black. With seven sugars."

Kagome paused. "You… are joking, right?"

"Do I look like the type of person that jokes?"


Naraku sighed and then laughed. "Large, two creams, three sugars. Shaken, not stirred."

"I'm buying you coffee, not a Sex on the Beach."

"I'd take either. Preferably the Sex on the Beach."

"Does Kagura know?"

Naraku snickered. "How do you think we conceived Kanna?"

"Oh, okay, ew!" A knock on her door caused Kagome to end her conversation with Naraku prematurely. "Somebody's at the door, I'll call you afterwards?"

"Sure, sure." As soon as they hung up, Yura entered Kagome's office to inform her that Inuyasha just woke up and that he'd be in the office in half an hour. It was 9:30 and that that meant that Yura and Kagome had to be out of the office by 10am so Inuyasha wouldn't see them when he came in.

That meant he couldn't complain to anybody of how much his day sucks. Grinning, Kagome got off of her seat and put her hands on her hips. "Wanna hit the mall?"

Yura pulled out her car keys from her pocket and matched Kagome's grin. "I'm one step ahead of you; come on, let's go!"


Miroku and Victor were informed of what Yura and Kagome were up to. Though Miroku wanted to protest, since Inuyasha was going to yell at him when he found out that Yura and Kagome went home sick, he owed Kagome—he met the woman of his dreams thanks to her.

Ah… Sango…

"See you kiddies tomorrow!" Kagome waved as she and Yura linked arms and left the office in haste. Victor watched them in awe.

"Those two have more balls than you and I have… combined."

"Please do not insult my masculinity," Miroku snorted. "I call it my third hand."

Victor twitched. "Shut up, I didn't need to hear that."

Miroku laughed. "I feel like I need to inform my underlings of how superior my anatomy is."

"I swear, if you continue, I'll shove your anatomy into a toilet and keep flushing."

Miroku winced at the pain that he would feel if Victor did do that. Both men turned to their respective offices and went to go get some work done—they were going to be the bearer of bad news when Inuyasha arrived at the office. Miroku planned that he was going to conveniently go take a shit when he heard Inuyasha enter the office; Victor could take the full brute of his anger.


"Do you want to drop me off to Naraku's office after?" Kagome asked as they got into Yura's car. Expertly, Yura reversed out of the lot and answered yes to Kagome's question before driving towards the mall.

"Sure thing." Yura checked her rear view mirror. "Important things to discuss?"

"Sadly. I figure, might as well make use of my time off," Kagome used her fingers as air quotation marks when she said time off, "and get some things figured out. Maybe whatever Naraku tells me will help alleviate some of Inuyasha's anger when he finds out what we did."

Yura snorted. "Right, only your vagina can help alleviate that."

"My vagina alleviates his penis," Kagome muttered which caused her friend to snicker in amusement.

"Oh, Higurashi," Yura shook her head, "what would the world do without you?"

Kagome snorted, "Stay unpaid overtime, that's what."


"KAGOME!" Inuyasha burst into the office. "… KAGOME?" Where is my wench? "Yura?" The not-mine-wench isn't at her desk either. "WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE ANSWER ME?"

On cue, Victor ran up to Inuyasha with distraught look on his face. Miroku was nowhere to be seen; he had commenced with "Operation: Have Diarrhea to Avoid the Wrath of Pissed off Takahashi"… So far so good. He was locked in a bathroom stall somewhere in the building.

"Uhh… sir?" Victor squeaked. The rest of the staff was watching through doors that were ajar, hoping to hide behind the safety of their cubicles when Inuyasha exploded. They were all in on Yura and Kagome's plan, but suddenly it didn't seem so amazing anymore. Inuyasha glared murderously at Victor.

"Where. Are. They."

If fear was tangible, it'd be running through the room naked at that very moment. Victor gulped and took a step back.

"They… went home… uh…sick…?"

There was a very loud silence. Inuyasha's breathing was laboured and before he could make a remark about his two secretaries going home, Jakotsu entered the vicinity, waving a print-out of his schedule in the air. "Takahashi, sir! Have you seen your schedule…? You're due for a meeting almost EVERY half hour!"

Fucking convenient Jakotsu, Victor thought dryly. When Inuyasha turned around to glower at Jakotsu, Victor made a quick getaway. Inuyasha's ears tweaked and Jakotsu shrunk backwards; never had he seen the CEO as angered as he presently was.

"My schedule is what?"

Jakotsu gulped. "Booked…"

"I'm gonna fucking kill them," Inuyasha snarled as he stomped to his office, "you don't understand the deaths that those two women will face."

The staff waited five minutes before creeping out of their cubicles. One of the ladies cleared her throat: "Well that went better than expected… Who's going to be calling Kagome to let her know what happened?"

Immediately, all eyes whipped to Miroku; he had just left the bathroom because he couldn't hear Inuyasha wailing anymore. He gulped.

"What the hell did you guys just sign me up for?"


"Ohhh! I love this colour," Kagome trailed her fingertips down the length of a silky blue blouse. Yura crept up behind her and nodded in agreement.

"It's really nice. How about you buy it when we've gotten paid, yeah?"

"You, my friend, are my conscious—" Before Kagome could get the word out of her mouth, her cellphone rang. Yura crowded around her to see that it was Miroku calling—which only meant one thing.

"He's there," both women whispered simultaneously as Kagome answered her cellular device.

"What's the damage?" Kagome murmured, trying to stop laughing. Yura was grinning like a clown and it wasn't helping Kagome's own jitters.

"He's pissed. He's already dug your graves," Miroku whispered. "He keeps saying that you two will have murders that'll go down in history."

"Excellent." Kagome grinned. "Now let's see him run like a headless chicken to all his meetings."

"And when he finds out that they really don't exist?"

"That's the fun part. Byeeee!" Kagome said in a singsong voice before hanging up. She gave Yura a high-five.

"You're genius," Yura complimented and Kagome popped her collar. She didn't have to be told twice.

"I know… Now can we drop me off to Naraku's office?"

"Yeah, yeah, I have to go home and cook for my hubby-dearest." Yura snorted. "Some day off this is gonna end up being."


"You're still coming over this Sunday, right?" Naraku inquired as Kagome got comfortable on the armchair across from him. Yura dropped Kagome off to Naraku's office and Naraku agreed to drop Kagome off home since she had no other means of transportation, other than a taxi.

"If Inuyasha and I are talking, yes."

Naraku raised his eyebrow. "What does that mean?"

Quickly, Kagome filled him in on her little plan and Naraku coined her the smartest woman alive. Kagome brushed some invisible dust off of her shoulder and stated that she was already aware of her awesome prowess. Rolling his eyes, Naraku pulled out a folder and looked at Kagome in all seriousness.

"Ryuukotsusei is on his way—now; we have a few things we need to talk about. I need you to tell me everything that happened on February 17th of this year." Naraku watched Kagome screw her face up in thought, trying to recall the very specific day in time. She leaned back in her seat and raised her eyebrow.

"That's the day Kikyo said she bumped into Inuyasha in the club, isn't it?" Naraku nodded, affirming her question.

"Well, Inuyasha and I—along with a few other associates—were in Osaka that week for a business trip." Naraku nodded, jotting everything down. "The Company covered our trip so we have hard copies of the documentation necessary to prove our trip. The night of the 17th itself, we were stuck in a hotel trying to come to a unanimous decision about a business proposition that we received." Naraku finished jotting everything down and looked up at his friend.

"Anything else? Can you provide any proof that you were with him at that specific moment in time?"

Kagome bit her bottom lip and tried to think back… the night of February the 17th…


"We're going out to eat and then coming back to finish this shit, understood?" Inuyasha snarled. His hands were shoved in his pockets and he was leading his staff to a restaurant that he had reservations for. Kagome, Miroku, Bankotsu, Yura, and Jakotsu were all present for this business meeting.

"Inuyasha, it's almost eight," Miroku groaned. "Can't we just order room service and take a nap for the next twelve hours?"

"No!" Inuyasha roared. "We need to finish this!"

Kagome sighed. "Takahashi, sir…"

Inuyasha glanced at her, raising his eyebrow. "What is it?"

"… Yeah, let's just go eat and go back to the hotel room!" Kagome was still a new member of the staffing team at his company and was still slightly intimidated by him. Snickering, Inuyasha winked at Kagome and held the restaurant door open for his comrades to enter.

Kagome was the last to pass him and he, playfully, tapped her butt. She glowered at him with an intense force, and Inuyasha laughed. He loved pestering his secretary. Their dinner was quite uneventful and, eventually, the group of friends slash co-workers trekked back to their hotel. They all, changed into the sleep attire, were sitting in a circle on the floor in Inuyasha's hotel room.

Bankotsu called it the Ghetto-hashi Group of Companies. Jakotsu and Miroku found that to be quite hilarious. Inuyasha scoffed.

Half way through their quibble and disagreements, Inuyasha went to grab coffee and Kagome went to the bathroom to relieve her bladder. Inuyasha returned before Kagome and stated that he needed to use the washroom—and being the jerks that his co-workers were, they didn't inform him that the bathroom was occupied.

Yura and Miroku decided to "take a walk" with Inuyasha to the bathroom; Yura was getting her camera ready to snap a picture of Inuyasha walking in on Kagome. Within a heartbeat, Inuyasha swung the door open, Kagome screamed, and Yura took a picture.

February 17, 12:04 a.m.


Naraku's eyebrows were raised in amusement. "You have a picture of Inuyasha walking in on you in the bathroom?"

Kagome blushed in embarrassment. "It's the only proof, other than documentation, that I have of us being together on the 17th!"

"Do you really want me to show the courtroom a picture of you on a toilet?"

Kagome paused. "Well… no…"

Naraku snickered. "We'll use that as a last resort. Okay, so we have that out of the way! Now," he leaned forward, "the issue about Chiisu abusing Sakura and hitting your brother with his vehicle. We have some facts as to why he hit your brother, but abuse is something you can't really answer why somebody is doing it."

Kagome nodded slowly. "Yeah…"

Her phone began vibrating and she clutched it from outside of her pocket. Her gut was telling her that Inuyasha was calling her, but her conversation with Naraku was by far more important at that moment.

Ignore it, Kagome…

"We think Chiisu hit your brother to get to Inuyasha."

Kagome paused, again. "Wait… WHAT?"

Naraku nodded as he flipped through some papers. "Yeah. Based on what Ryuukotsusei has gathered, Chiisu knows that you're the brains behind Inuyasha's company, thanks to Morimoto. Morimoto informed him that to get to Inuyasha, they need to get to you… and what better way to get to you?"

Kagome's heart was racing. "My brother…?"

Naraku cleared his throat. "Yes. Souta is Kohaku's best friend and Kohaku likes Sakura. Sakura is Chiisu's girlfriend, so that makes Souta a third degree of separation from him by way of Sakura." Kagome was following Naraku so far. "Souta is also your brother and you are Inuyasha's secretary and Inuyasha is somebody his father is after. So, Souta is the fourth degree of separation by way of Koaru."

"Which makes Souta a common factor," Kagome whispered.

"Exactly. By getting Souta, he gets both Kohaku and you. Kohaku is somebody Sakura confides in, apparently, and Souta is your heartstrings. Chiisu wanted to play both the white pieces and the black pieces in a game of guess and ended up fucking himself up." Naraku closed the folder on his desk. "But this is just a theory we have."

"Why not solidify it?"

"Because," Kagome turned around when she heard Ryuukotsusei's voice, "we need to hear Koaru say it himself. We know he hates the Takahashi's but we need to catch him in the act of either committing a crime, saying he did a crime, or saying he hates the Takahashi's enough to explicitly commit a crime."

"But then what about Kikyo?" Kagome raised her eyebrow as Ryuukotsusei took a seat beside her. Both of them looked at Naraku who smirked.

"Kikyo has, unfortunately, informed some people that the child is not actually Inuyasha's."

"Who'd she tell?" Kagome raised her eyebrow and Naraku snorted.

"She told Kagura's cousin, Saimyosho…"

Kagome and Ryuukotsusei glanced at each other before looking back at Naraku. "She told your wife's cousin?"

Naraku smirked. "Yep. I wasn't aware that Saimyosho and Kikyo had a little something-something going on. Then he finds out that she's been knocked up and she said that, and I quote, Kaoru Morimoto had taken advantage of her while she was under the influence of alcohol. End. Quote."

Kagome was bemused. "No freaking way!"

"Yes freaking way. So we have proof that she did not get knocked up by Inuyasha. All we need is sufficient evidence that Kaoru and Chiisu have evil intentions and we've gotten them, hook line and sinker." Kagome looked between Naraku, who just completed his statement, and Ryuukotsusei, who looked like he was going to explode in laughter.

"But how do we get that kind of proof. Ryuu said so himself, we need to hear him say it. But he won't readily admit it to us."

"No," Ryuukotsusei, "he won't readily admit it to us. But he will to somebody else."

Kagome frowned. "What do you have in mind?"

"Morimoto is the type of man that loves beautiful women. If we can… seduce the words out of him," Naraku sighed. "It's a long shot, and it's rather Hollywood, but we have nothing to lose. Unless Koaru finds out and kills us all."

"He won't," Ryuukotsusei snorted. "You think I'd let our people in without backup? All we need is somebody who can do the trick. Preferably somebody who isn't afraid of flaunting their body."

Kagome's eyes widened. "I know who!"


The meeting was adjourned and Ryuukotsusei dropped Kagome off to Sango's school, instead of home. Kagome had filled Ryuukotsusei and Naraku in on her plan and they told her to get back to them as soon as possible—which meant speaking to her target of interest as soon as possible.

Obtaining a visitors pass from the front desk, Kagome trekked her way to Sango's classroom. One peep through the window showed that her best friend was teaching her students about the colours of the rainbow.

"Red," Sango said and the cuties mimicked her. Grinning, Kagome pushed the door open and threw her arms wide open.

"You guys have a special visitor!"

The kindergarteners gasped and were abuzz with this amazing turn of events. A visitor! How utterly exciting! Sango raised an eyebrow at Kagome but played it cool with her students: kindergarten teachers were supposed to know everything.

"Children, this is Miss. H!"

Kagome walked around the class to give each student a high-five before returning to the front. Sango had pulled up a cushion for Kagome to sit on. Shrugging her jacket off, Kagome took a quick glance at her phone to see Inuyasha had called her seven times already—her anticipation and fear were growing by the second.

"Who would like Miss. H to tell us the next colour of the rainbow?"

"ME!" A chorus of ME's was heard and Kagome laughed, pointing at the next colour up on the rainbow.

"Who knows what this colour is?" she asked in a sweet voice.


"Puck me now," Sango mused over recess. She and Kagome were sitting in the classroom, drinking some coffee, as Kagome filled her in on the events of what happened that day.

"No thanks, I don't like pucking women," Kagome teased. "But now I'm avoiding all places where he knows I go to. That includes home, and work."

"Thank god he doesn't know where I work," Sango murmured. "You're gonna have to go to hell and back to get out of this one."

"If he wasn't such a jerk…"

"True." Sango shrugged and sipped her coffee. Kagome leaned back in her seat and sighed.

"Listen, I need to ask you for a huge favour…"

Sango didn't like the tone in Kagome's voice. "What is it…?"

"Well… our detective and lawyer found out that Kaoru Morimoto's son was the one that hit Souta…" Sango gasped hearing this bit of information, "and Kaoru has evil intentions against Inuyasha. Thing is, we need to get him to admit it."

Sango frowned. "So let me guess, you're sending me in because Kaoru can't resist a sexy woman, and I used to model so you think I'm the definition of sexy—which I am not—and I have to get him to admit to everything with a microphone clipped between my boobies?"

"How the hell do you know?"

Sango smirked. "I watch Hollywood. Fine, I'll do it, only because he hit Souta and I will not let anybody get away with that."

"He didn't, his son did."

"Whatever, the apple never falls far from the tree you know." As soon as the words left Sango's mouth, the bell rang signalling that recess was over. Deciding to save the conversation for a later time, both women threw their Styrofoam cups in the garbage and prepared to finish the rest of their rainbow lesson.

Kagome had to admit, teaching little children was so much fun!


Sango dropped Kagome home and said that she needed to go home herself really quickly, but promised to come in a few hours to visit Souta. Kagome hugged her friend and trudged up the steps to her shrine. Even though she didn't work that day, she was quite tired…

And Inuyasha had given her 26 missed calls.

Talk about angry.

Kagome fumbled with her keys to unlock her shrine… but she didn't have to. Her heart stopped in her chest when the door slid open and revealed the man that occupied her mind.


The scariest part of all was that he didn't look angry, one bit.

In fact, he was smiling…


Kagome gulped. I am in so much shit…


Beta-edited by Sakura-chan Master of the Clow