InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Inu Meow ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


"Nee-chan!" Souta roared for his sister as he sat helplessly in his so called 'bedroom.' Kagome hurdled down the stairs and stopped short in front of her brother, panting from the run.

"Let me guess, you need to pee?"

Souta nodded and Kagome rolled her eyes before hauling her brother off the couch and helping him walk to the bathroom. Souta left the door ajar as he relieved his bladder, and Kagome waited just outside the door, listening to his urine stream into the toilet. "Ahhh," Souta moaned in an effort to piss off his sister, "this is better than sex."

Kagome snorted. "What kind have sex have you been having?"

"The kind that you're lacking, OHHH!" Souta opened the door, grinning widely at his sister. Kagome looped her arm around his torso and proceeded to help him to the couch—her brother didn't need to know about her frisky adventures with Inuyasha's junior friend. Some things were better left unsaid.

The renchaku was sending a rather pleasurable tingling sensation up her arm and Kagome frowned, why does it suddenly feel really nice? It's as if Inuyasha's around…

On cue, there was a knock on the shrine door. Kagome and Souta exchanged curious glances and, after helping her brother get comfortable, Kagome went to go see who had dropped in for a mid-evening visit.

Before her, gloriously dressed in a red silk dress shirt and dark khaki pants, was the reason why her renchaku felt so good: Inuyasha. Behind him, in the distance, Kagome could see Sango and Kohaku bounding up the shrine steps. "Hey beautiful," he greeted, leaning forward and giving her a peck on the cheek. Kagome raised both eyebrows.

"Trying to be suave after the joke-rose trick today?"

"Why, is it working?"

"Yep, come on in." She grabbed his arm and pulled him into the shrine, you have no idea what's coming to you, Takahashi. Inwardly, her evil witch was cackling. Inuyasha, unaware of what Kagome was thinking, stepped into the shrine and greeted her brother.

"What up, bro?" He gave Souta bump before flopping onto the couch beside him.

"I'm tired of being the injured one."

Inuyasha snickered and ruffled his hair. "Just be grateful that we saved you in time."

Kagome smiled affectionately at the two before turning to find Kohaku and Sango sprinting to the entrance of her shrine. Kohaku had a plastic bag swung over his shoulder and Kagome knew what it was—her affectionate smile morphed into a sadistic grin. You have no idea what's coming to you…

"Where is he?" Sango whispered, almost inaudibly but Inuyasha's doggy ears heard her nonetheless. In a heartbeat, he appeared behind Kagome, grinning widely.

"Right here, how are you Miss Miyagi?"

Sango snorted. "I have to flaunt my body to a perv because of you; I'm peachy."

"Trust me," Inuyasha languidly wrapped an arm around Kagome's shoulder. She snorted loudly and Inuyasha's grin only widened. "Your boyfriend reminds me of your mission every day."

"He's not my boyfriend!" Sango persisted and Kagome nudged Inuyasha.

"They're just mattress and blanket sharing buddies, didn't you know?" Kagome's eyes twinkled.

Inuyasha loved it.

"It's all the rage. We should try too, sometime." Kohaku almost gagged at Kagome's statement and Inuyasha burst into uncontrollable laughter. Sango turned a bright shade of pink.

"Yeah well, you two had more practice mattress sharing than I have!"

"I'm not denying it." Kagome winked playfully at her friend. Oh, how Inuyasha missed this side of Kagome. The renchaku really did mess her up for quite some time—his smile faltered slightly and he gazed at her momentarily. We need to sit and talk. He told himself. There were parts regarding their relationship that were still in the dark and Inuyasha wanted to bring light onto the situations.

Everybody bustled into the shrine. Kohaku, almost immediately, joined Souta on the couch and Sango sat at the foot of the stairs. Inuyasha lounged on an armchair and Kagome stood, like a mother figure, towering over them all. Her own mother had gone into town with her grandfather to pick up some shrine-y things. "Sango, you're gonna help me make dinner. Kohaku, Inuyasha, you two are going to keep my brother company."

"Aren't you even going to ask why I came over?" Inuyasha said as he raised an eyebrow.

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Inuyasha, I know at the sound of dinner you've already made up your mind to stay. So, yes, I will ask, after dinner."

"She's a smart one." Kohaku noted and Kagome giggled. Without word, Sango picked up the plastic bag that Kohaku had ceremoniously dropped onto the floor and followed her best friend into the kitchen.

"This works out perfectly," Sango whispered and Kagome nodded in enthusiasm. Her original plan was to prank Inuyasha the following day, at the meeting with Naraku. But since he had dropped by, without warning, Kagome's plan could be implemented that very day.

"Just stay hush hush." Kagome said. They didn't want Inuyasha finding out what their plan was—

Commencing Operation: Inu-Meow.


"Dinner is served!" Sango and Kagome exclaimed simultaneously. They carried out plates that were beautifully plated with steamed rice, spicy chicken curry, sugar snaps, and pickled mango. Kohaku and Inuyasha's mouths began watering; Souta's stomach rumbled so loud that it could put the roar of thunder to shame. The ladies served the plates to the boys.

Kagome sat down beside Inuyasha who was taking a long whiff of his meal. She handed him a fork. "Dig in?"

"Hell yes I am." He didn't even take the fork from Kagome as he downed the meal. Everybody watched him, with wide eyes, as Inuyasha displayed how much of a canine he really was. Kagome and Sango exchanged glances as they quietly began eating their food. Kohaku and Souta, eventually, began digging in but Inuyasha was already done, and asking Kagome for seconds.

"Wench," he had some sauce on his lip, "this is so good. I want more."

Kagome was waiting for an opportunity like this. She politely declined and said: "Sorry, Inuyasha, there's no more…"

He looked like he saw a ghost. "WHAT? How can you make food without there being enough for seconds?"

Sango stifled her laughter.

"No there's enough food for seconds," Kagome started choking up; she was about to laugh, "but Sango didn't bring enough cat food to sabotage your meal."

Inuyasha's jaw dropped and Kohaku and Souta began howling in laughter.

"YOU'VE JUST BEEN INU-MEOWED!" Kohaku roared and Souta was beginning to have a hard time breathing. Sango joined in on the laughter and Kagome couldn't help but giggle. Inuyasha looked down at this plate and then back up at Kagome before making gagging noises.

"That's disgusting! You could've at least given me dog food!"

"Then it wouldn't be funny!" Kagome responded, cheekily. Inuyasha stood up and playfully glared at Kagome.

"I'm so firing you… hypothetically, of course."

"Fine, I won't come into work on Monday." Kagome winked at her boss. "Hypothetically, of course."

"I can't believe I just ate cat food… gah, my brother is going to disown me." Inuyasha shuddered before languidly walking into the kitchen. "But I still want seconds!"

Sango shook her head. "Men… so what's the score at now?"

"Tied. Higurashi and Takahashi, both at one."

Inuyasha poked his head into the living room, and stared at Kagome incredulously. "You have a scoreboard?"

Kagome blushed. "Kind of. I'm winning, though!"

"Oh you're so not gonna win anymore! I own the scoreboard now!"

"Well, Kagome won with the last scoreboard." Sango murmured and Inuyasha frowned.

"The last one? There were more? What was the score?"

Kagome blushed. "Ummm…"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Never mind. I'm gonna go continue stuffing my face."

Kagome and Sango exchanged looks. "Men."


Sango, Kohaku and Inuyasha left shortly after dinner was served and Inuyasha never ended up telling her why he came over. Korari and Jii-chan came up after the guests left and Korari was saddened that she had missed everyone. Kagome did the dishes, helped her mother put away her purchases, and lounged her way up to her bedroom.

Oh how ready she was to hit the hay.

Kagome opened her bedroom door to find Inuyasha lying on her bed. Her eyes quickly snapped to the open window and she giggled. "Seriously?"

"What?" He sat up, grinning widely. "Your window was inviting me to hop through!"

Kagome shook her head as she shut her bedroom door and locked it. Inuyasha pat the spot beside him and Kagome joined him on the bed. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled them down so that they were snuggling while lying down. "Good one, with the cat food." Inuyasha whispered as he played with the ends of her hair. "Now I have to get you back."

"Revenge tastes sweet, doesn't it?"

"I don't know; I still have catnip aftertaste in my mouth. I'll let you know when that's gone."

Kagome grinned at him. "How about I help you get the aftertaste out?"

"Are you offering?"

"Perhaps. Why, is it working?"

Inuyasha, without answering her question, pressed his lips onto hers. Kagome angled her head up slightly and Inuyasha softly nibbled on her lips. It wasn't searing with desire, but it was comfortable; it was a comforting kiss that Kagome was grateful for. She missed the feel of his lips and, granted, his actions regarding the renchaku pissed her off, he wasn't aware of the consequences.

Inuyasha pulled back but kept his forehead pressed against hers, rubbing the tip of his nose against her nose. "You just had secondary catnip."

"Yum," Kagome laughed. "Tasted like Inuyasha."

"Well, I do taste amazing."

"Hardly." Kagome's eyes were locked onto Inuyasha's and they gazed at each other for a few moments. Somewhere, in her room, Inuyasha heard the ticking of a clock, but it was in harmony with the racing of her heart.

"Why did you drop by, unexpectedly?" She asked, her voice husky; almost a whisper.

"You forgot your goodbye kiss when I dropped you home today." His answer was instantaneous.

"Are you sure it wasn't anything else?"

He smiled before kissing her forehead. "That, and I missed you."

She smiled softly, her eyes lingering on his lips. "That's funny. Because I kind of missed you too."

Inuyasha chuckled. "Cute," he brought his right hand over to trace the outline of her face. "I'm so sorry," he murmured and Kagome closed her eyes.

"I already told you. It's okay."

"No," he was adamant. "It's not. So many things could've happened if I hadn't done what I did. We were on good terms too before I fucked up and made you move three spaces backwards."

Kagome shrugged. "What's done is done. You can't linger on the past."

"Why didn't you tell me though?"

Kagome bit her lower lip. "Well," she started, "I didn't think you'd believe me?"

"Why?" He asked. His voice was so curt, so simple, so dowsed with hurt that Kagome wanted to burst into tears for him. "Why wouldn't you tell me? Didn't you think that your wellbeing mattered more to me than this prank war that we're having?"

Kagome sighed and said, "It didn't cross my mind."

"And you let yourself get hurt over it?"

She remained silent and Inuyasha took the opportunity to continue. "I'm not joking when I tell you that I love you," his voice was a whisper, "I'm not joking when I tell you that you're everything that I've ever wanted. Granted, yes, I do get a little carried away with my pranks but…" He breathed deeply. "But Totosai told me that the renchaku would make the woman want to be constantly around me. He never told me that it would hurt you, or that it was outlawed, or that you could potentially die." Inuyasha's voice broke. "If I knew that, I'd never do that to you and… well, you mean so much to me Kagome and I don't want you thinking I'd hurt you intentionally."

Kagome didn't know what to say. Inuyasha had never poured so much heart and soul into anything before, and it was unnerving as well as endearing.

"I get why you were mad—"

Kagome needed to interrupt at this point. She had to put her two cents into the conversation because he needed to understand where she was coming from. "I wasn't mad," she paused when he raised his eyebrow at her. "Okay fine, I was kind of mad but that was because I thought you were doing all of it on purpose."

"Why would you think tha—" She stopped him before he could continue.

"Let me see, bite my wrist, make me have a panic attack when you're not around, and then tell me you're going to Canada?" Inuyasha blushed in embarrassment. "Exactly."

"I said I'm sorry!"

"And I said it was okay. When this wears off, can you please ask me before you do something like this to me again?" Kagome looked at her wrist and rubbed the Mark of Renchaku. "I mean yes, I do have feelings for you but something like this is capable of putting me at a standstill."

"I heard," Inuyasha snorted.

"Oh hush, puppy." Kagome teased. "We figured everything out so it should be fine now, right?"

"I promise I won't ever hurt you." He murmured, kissing the tip of her nose. "Whether it be intentional or unintentional."

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

"Trust me," his voice was husky, "I'm not."

And he sealed it with a kiss.


Inuyasha and Kagome had fallen asleep, tangled in each other's arms. He insisted on spending the night at her place, in fear of what the renchaku might do to her, and she found that awfully sweet. She had made a midnight snack for them (ramen) and they stayed up a bit longer, eating and talking about whatever random things popped into their mind. Eventually they fell asleep; Kagome before Inuyasha.

He, however, woke up before her to the sound of early morning chirping birds. For the first time in a while he was genuinely happy. He looked down at the angel sleeping beside him and supressed the urge to devour her lips. She was his, and he knew he was close to hearing those three words from her—

Oh, how he longed to hear it.

It was Saturday and they had the big meeting with Naraku. The next day was Kanna's birthday party and Kagome and Inuyasha were to attend because Naraku and his wife and child were headed out to Singapore that very night.

Inuyasha yawned loudly and closed his eyes once more. He could so get used to waking up with Kagome in his arms—

Scratch that.

He could get used to waking up to Kagome kissing him. There she was, awake and planting a soft kiss on his cheek. He opened his eyes and looked down at her. "Morning, beautiful," He whispered and she smiled sleepily at him.

"Morning. Did you just wake up?"

He nodded. "Sadly… why're you up?"

"I need to pee," she admitted. Inuyasha chuckled and released his hold on her; he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder with his fingers playing with the tips of her hair. Kagome got up and quickly ran to the bathroom, unable to hold her pee in for much longer. Inuyasha shook his head in affection.

Somehow, he knew, things were going to be so much better than how it used to be.

And I intend to keep it that way…
