InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Technicalities ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Inuyasha had his arms wrapped around Kagome's waist as they stood in the middle of her room. She had freshened up and grabbed breakfast for them—her mother was unaware that he had managed to spend the night there. Dressed in what he was wearing the previous day (obviously) he was bidding Kagome goodbye, temporarily of course.

"I'll pick you and Sango up around three?"

She nodded. "Sounds like a plan. And oh! Don't forget, we have Kanna's birthday party tomorrow as well."

"Yes ma'am," Inuyasha kissed her forehead. "I'll call you before I leave home. By the way, Rin was asking for you to drop by."

Kagome giggled. "Tell her I will soon. Okay now go! Mama is gonna wake up any minute."

Inuyasha pressed his lips against Kagome's for a brief kiss and leapt out of her window. Kagome smiled contently as she slid her window shut—her wrist was throbbing, but it wasn't as bad as it used to be. The renchaku had only been on her wrist for a total of three days and already her and Inuyasha's relationship was turning around. The butterflies she used to get prior to the renchaku were returning as was the racing of her heart. She had initially gotten peeved because what he did meant more than just punishment. It was a bond…

And he wasn't aware of the consequences of what the renchaku did.

And he does love her.

Kagome sighed, deeply, and started heading to the kitchen. Things were looking up—

Now, to only figure out the Morimoto issue…


"We are on our wayyy!" Sango howled into the phone as Inuyasha sped off towards Kagome's house. Miroku had dropped by his place and knew the directions to Sango's apartment like the back of his hand. Besides, it was on the way to Kagome's shrine.

Inuyasha's ears picked up on Kagome's laughing voice on the other end of Sango's phone call. "Are you dying of awesome sexiness yet?" Kagome asked.

"From Inuyasha, yeah… Miroku is a whole other ball game."

"Don't you mean balls?"

Inuyasha snorted and Sango shot him a dirty glare. Miroku was unaware of what type of conversation was going on… He had dozed off to la-la land and was staring out the window, sitting comfortably in the backseat. Inuyasha shook his head and tuned out the two women chitchatting on the phone; concentrating solely on getting to Kagome's place of residence.

"So then, Kintara gives Wei the dirtiest look and tells him 'If you ever want to attract a lady, stop acting like a little boy.'"

Kagome choked. "Kintara? The cute little innocent Kintara that can't take naps without her blankie Kintara?"

"That's the one! You do not understand how hard it was to not die of laughter."

"I'd bet. Can I take her?"

"Her mother might have an issue with that," Sango said. She was telling Kagome a story of what happened in her classroom sometime during the previous week; Kintara, a sweet little four year old girl displayed a moment of sass when Wei, an equally cute little boy, pulled her pigtail.

Ahh, kindergarten flirting.

"Sango," Kagome whimpered, "when I have babies, can we make sure they're that cute."

Inuyasha's ears snapped back to the conversation—Kagome and babies? He was so there!

"Higurashi," Sango playfully scolded, "any child of ours will be the epitome of cute."

"Granted; unless they have ass-ugly fathers."

Inuyasha twitched, quite annoyed. I am not ugly!

"It's us. We're not about to marry morbidly ugly creatures."

I'm not a morbidly ugly creature!

"What if we have no other option?"


"We're almost there," Inuyasha barked out, "get the fuck off the phone."

Sango jumped and Kagome started laughing uncontrollably. "Ignore him," Kagome soothed. "He's just angry that we're talking about getting married to morbidly ugly creatures, and that they stand a higher chance than he does."

"I swear to ramen, Higurashi!" Inuyasha snarled. "If you don't shut that hole in your mouth, I'll make you stay in the office all night washing the floors with your toothbrush!"

Sango rolled her eyes. "Do you think I'd let you do that?"

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL TALKING ABOUT?" Miroku wailed. He felt so left out now—everybody knew what was going on except for him. Being human sucked sometimes.

"Nothing!" Sango and Inuyasha called back simultaneously. Miroku crossed his arms and pouted, thoroughly upset that he was being left out of what seemed like a truly interesting conversation. He'd just have to make sure that when Kagome got into the car, he would have a conversation with her and leave Sango and Inuyasha out of it! Yeah!

Sango hung up with Kagome just as they arrived in front of her shrine. Kagome was already ready, sitting on the bottom step, patiently awaiting the arrival of her friends—as soon as the car pulled up, she slipped into the backseat with Miroku, as Sango was sitting in the passenger side. Inuyasha waited for her to fasten her seatbelt before speeding off towards Naraku's humble abode.

"Kagome," Miroku turned to her, "let's have a conversation and leave those two out of it."

Kagome giggled. "Let's! They didn't include you in the awesomeness of our telephone conversation I take it?"

"Sadly, no…" Miroku rolled his eyes, "so tell me about yourself!"

Inuyasha and Sango glanced at each other and exchanged amused looks. Eavesdropping on Miroku and Kagome's conversation should be quite interesting…

"Well, I'm secretly a man that has twelve baby-mamas and thirteen kids—one set of twins from the last mama." Kagome wiggled her eyebrows and Sango immediately began howling with laughter. "My real name is Ben Dover and my favourite mama is Ivana Humpalot."

Miroku couldn't hold it in any longer and joined Sango in keeling over sideways in uncontrollable laughter. Inuyasha had to digest what Kagome said before shaking his head. "Seriously, wench?"

"That's Mister Dover to you." Kagome giggled.

"Right and I am a monkey's uncle."

"You're a fox's uncle…" Kagome slowly murmured.

"I have nothing to say to you," Inuyasha shook his head, albeit smiling a little.

"Then say nothing!" Kagome dramatically died. Miroku wiped a tear from his eye; he loved spending time with those two. At work they were goofballs and out of work they were even bigger goofballs.

Their kids would have an epic sense of humour. Miroku thought.


"It's so good to have us all finally sit around a table together," Naraku said in monotone. Inuyasha and Kagome stared at him and then glanced at each other.

"Do you ever smile?" Kagome asked.

"Yes, the day Kanna was born… and that's all I can remember."

"Actually I remember you smiling the last time we got together," Inuyasha pondered and Naraku threw a paperweight at him.

"I had something sour in my mouth and my lips curled upward."

"Can we stop talking about Naraku's inability to smile and talk about the reason why we're gathered here today?" Ryuukotsusei rubbed his temples and Miroku placed his palms on the table.

"We are gathered here today to witness the joining of—"

Sango smacked his arm. "Nobody is getting married. And even if there were, it'd most likely be Inuyasha and Kagome."

Instantly, the two mentioned turned a lovely shade of red.

Naraku snickered but instantly shut up when he saw Sango raise her eyebrow at him. "You don't smile or laugh eh?"

"I was choking on a fly," Naraku lamely finished before pulling out a pile of papers from a manila folder. Immediately the atmosphere in the room tensed up and everybody was ready for a rather intense topic of discussion: Kaoru Morimoto and Inuyasha's alleged child. The group were sitting in Naraku's backyard patio, at the patio table underneath a gazebo. Kagura, his blushing bride, had prepared snacks and drinks for them before going to play with her daughter. She would leave the business to those that were good at what they did.

"Let's reiterate what we already know," Naraku began, "Kaoru Morimoto is conspiring against Inuyasha. His son, Chiisu Morimoto, is dating Sakura and is physically abusing her; this information is gathered from Kohaku Miyagi." Sango nodded when Naraku locked eyes with her. "Chiisu is also responsible for Souta's accident—we believe strongly, and as evidence points out, Chiisu hit Souta to emotionally scar Kagome so that she would be unfit to help run Inuyasha's business. Also, Morimoto cannot induce bodily harm onto those close to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru- High Court rules, from what Ryuukotsusei and I found out."

"Morimoto wasn't counting on Inuyasha's brother being a neurosurgeon… and granted, not many people know about it to be honest. Sesshomaru was able to keep it on the down low really well for quite some time." Ryuukotsusei piped in. "The information we found, based on DNA testing and using polygraph testing on some of Kaoru's close accomplices, led our team to the unanimous agreement that Kaoru is out to sabotage Inuyasha in particular. Not his brother."

"And why only me?" Inuyasha asked his voice just above a whisper. Underneath the table, Kagome slipped her hand into Inuyasha's and he gave her a tight squeeze. She caressed his hand with her thumb, comforting him. It was her way of letting him know that she was there for him.

"Because you are your father's son." Naraku said.

"And Sesshomaru isn't?"

"Sesshomaru is, yes, but who built an entire empire that spans across all hemispheres in the name of his father?" Naraku's eyes locked with Inuyasha, almost challenging him. "Your father was adopting the Takahashi surname when surnames came into practice. Kaoru Morimoto, who was in his prime at the time, loathed your father and you know why, Inuyasha." Naraku nodded at his friend. "Your family knew about Morimoto's incentive to murder your father; hell, I'm pretty sure you remember the animosity between them."

"Tension so thick you could cut it with a butter knife," Ryuukotsusei threw in, for kicks.

Slowly, Inuyasha nodded. He and his brother were fully aware in the animosity that existed between Kaoru and their father, Inutaisho.

"Now, what we're trying to do is have Kaoru admit that Kikyo's child is his, which we've confirmed with my wife's cousin, Samiyosho." Naraku flipped through a few papers and found what he was looking for. "Her story does not match Inuyasha's whereabouts on the night of the incident. According to business documentations and uh…" Naraku glanced at Kagome who blushed and looked away. "… other… documents of proof."

He is so referring to the picture of me on a toilet. Lord, please strike me down now!

"What other proof?" Inuyasha slowly inquired. Kagome tried to pull her hand out of his, which made him even skeptical. He kept a firm grip on her hand; not painful, simply firm. Kagome sunk further into her chair.

"Don't worry about it." Naraku said.

"I will worry about it, what other proof?"

Miroku, Sango and Ryuukotsusei's heads were ping ponging between Naraku and Inuyasha. Kagome was trying to slink into her chair, this was so embarrassing!

"Inuyasha, I'm the lawyer… don't test me."

"Don't test me. I'm paying you!"

"He has a point," Ryuukotsusei put in his two cents and Naraku sent him a dirty glare. Inhaling deeply, he sent Kagome an apologetic look before turning to Inuyasha and saying:

"You uh… walked in on Kagome… in the bathroom around the same time Kikyo said she was with you." Naraku looked like he wanted to die for Kagome. "Yura and Miroku took a… picture and we um… have a copy…"

Miroku paused before howling in laughter. "I REMEMBER THAT!"

Inuyasha was silent for a moment before throwing his head back and joining Miroku. Kagome buried her head in her one free hand, still trying to release the other one from Inuyasha's grip. Somehow, that man managed to hold onto her hand and laugh uncontrollably. She closed her eyes and tried to will herself to Never Never Land. Unfortunately for her, willing something so outrageous never actually happens.

Finally when Inuyasha and Miroku decided to calm down, Naraku continued talking. Sango sent an apologetic look at her best friend and Ryuukotsusei was shaking his head in annoyance at the two recovering men. They're such children.

"Back to my point," Naraku cleared his throat. "We have proof that Morimoto is a scoundrel."

"In simple terms," Ryuukotsusei added. "And I haven't heard back from the Demon High Court yet but we're keeping our fingers crossed in reopening that file and having him go through another trial. He was found guilty before but they spared his life and said that if he did anything more, he'd be killed. If there is a loophole, which there likely is, Morimoto has found it and is using his son to do his dirty work for him. Reopening the file will allow the High Court Judge to focus on the loopholes and, hopefully, fuck over Morimotmo."

Everybody was silent, trying to digest what Ryuukotsusei just said. Especially Inuyasha.

"So what's going to happen now?" Sango asked. "We're taking them to human court, to my knowledge, for causing Souta bodily harm and scarring Kagome emotionally. But the case is in the bag if Morimoto verbally says that he is the father of Kikyo's kid? Because we're blackmailing him afterwards with that fact to admit he sent his son to attack Souta with his car."

Naraku nodded. "Right. It's easier to get him to admit that he's the father of a child versus he had planned an attack on a teenage boy. So that's where you come in—Morimoto is hosting a little shindig next week and we have made plans to get Sango, Ryuukotsusei, and a few police officers in… Sango's already had a discussion with us about what she's going to go—"

Miroku interrupted.

"What is she going to do?"

"That's rather top secret," Ryuukotsusei answered for Naraku. "We cannot tell you…"

"I think I should be aware of she Sango is doing."

Sango raised an eyebrow at him. "Pardon me?"

Miroku stuttered: "Uh… well… regarding matters… well… of this… nature…"

She narrowed her eyes and turned her attention back to Naraku. "Yeah, I'm aware of what I'm doing. Say, can we get Kagome in there too? I'd feel a lot more… 'comfortable' for the lack of a better word, if she was there."

This time, Inuyasha spoke up. "HEY! She didn't sign up for anything."

"But it isn't a bad idea!" Kagome fought but Inuyasha intervened.

"Yeah? Morimoto knows what the fuck your brother looks like, and you're telling me he won't recognize you in there?"

Kagome bit her bottom lip. Okay, man had a point…

"Thank you." He leaned back in his chair and nodded his head to Naraku.

"Go on."

"Like I was saying, Sango is aware of what she's doing. Kikyo will be present there as well, she's already beginning to show—there've been numerous times she's tried to contact Inuyasha but her specific number has been rerouted to my phone, so she's unable to ever contact Inuyasha. There've also been times she's tried to contact him via other numbers but we've always managed to intercept her." Inuyasha marveled at Naraku…


"We will also try to sue Morimoto for emotional and psychological damage done from murdering your father."

Inuyasha nodded. "But since the murder was committed so long ago, we can't really do anything about that, right?"

"Right. But since he's right now trying to sabotage you, we can weave in the emotional and psyche damage."

"But why did he send Chiisu to hit Souta? I mean, it seems like a pretty half assed reason if they're trying to get to me so that I'd be unable to perform my duties, wouldn't you say? Inuyasha ran his company a long time before I came into the picture." Kagome enquired.

"That's where I come in." Sango grinned. "Don't worry, in about a week, we'll have all of this figured out."

Naraku looked at everybody before closing his folder. "Alright, court is adjourned?"

"Adjourned!" The group piped up. Ryuukotsusei stood up and cracked his neck.

"I'll see you three tomorrow?" He nodded at Naraku, Inuyasha, and Kagome before leaving Naraku's vicinity. Sango stifled a yawn and said that she was rather tired, so Inuyasha bid Naraku and Kagura farewell before leaving with his three companions. Without much conversation in the car, Inuyasha dropped Miroku off home, then Sango.

While still in the roundabout to Sango's apartment, he turned to Kagome. "So, have any plans today?"

She had a twinkle in her eye. "Why, do you?"

"I do… but they kinda include you."

"What a coincidence, because I had plans today too, but they kinda included you as well!"

Inuyasha held his left hand out and Kagome slipped hers into his.

"Hey Kagome?"

She glanced over at him as Inuyasha pulled out of the roundabout.


He tilted his head to the side and winked at her.

"I love you."


Next chapter: Inuyasha and Kagome's date
