InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Time Together ( Chapter 33 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


"If you could do anything," Inuyasha asked as he cruised towards his secret destination; Kagome was in for a super-de-duper surprise, if he did say so himself. "What would it be?"

"Do anything or be anything?" Kagome clarified. Their hands—Inuyasha's right and her left—was intertwined as he drove. Her thumb was lazily drawing patterns on his hand and he, occasionally, gave her a comforting squeeze.

"Either or." Smoothly, Inuyasha made a right turn and pulled into a cute country style road. Kagome was staring out her window, subconsciously staring at Inuyasha's faint reflection. She saw the strong set in his jaw; the way his stubble was growing in… she saw the quick dart of his eyes to check his rear view mirror. She even caught him glancing at her and lingering his gaze on her for a moment before turning his attention back to the road.

Inhaling deeply, Kagome turned back to Inuyasha and said, "I want to be a mother."

Shock was evident on Inuyasha's face. He quickly glanced at Kagome and looked back on the road. "Come again?" his voice was a whisper.

Kagome giggled. "I want to be a mother. I want to die, one day, knowing that I've raised a family of my own, provided for them everything that I'm capable of." She squeezed his hand. "I want to make my husband the happiest man in the world, and be the best mother a child could ask for. I want a dozen kids, if possible… I want my own family, a husband, and a few brats."

Her statement struck a chord in Inuyasha. His heart was racing against his chest and if he could, he would've kissed Kagome so passionately right then and there. Instead, Inuyasha took a left turn, followed by an immediate right. They were in a jungle type area; trees canopied overhead, green was the primary colour.

"You?" Kagome's voice was soft, almost delicate.

Inuyasha gulped and chose not to look at her. "… I've always… wanted to be… a father," Kagome's heart began racing now. "I want to be there and watch my pups grow," she squeezed his hand, "make up for what my father lost…"

"You'll be a great father, one day." Kagome whispered. Smiling, Inuyasha looked at her as his car came to a stop.

"Know something?" His tone of voice matched hers. Their eyes locked and time stopped around them.


"You'll get exactly what you wished for." He let go of her hand and brought it up to cup her cheek. "You'll be the best wife, and the best mother, and you'll have the best family anybody could ever ask for." He brought his face close to hers. "Including the dozen babies…"

Before Kagome could even crack a smile, Inuyasha gently pressed his lips against hers. Immediately, Kagome's hands came up to Inuyasha's shoulders and she gripped him tightly, while tilting her face up. Inuyasha's other hand went around to the small of her back and he gently pushed her closer to him, trying to feel as much of her as possible.

Their tongues danced; Inuyasha languidly ran his tongue over her lower lip and Kagome, playfully, attempted to bite it. He pulled back quickly and began kissing her cheek, making his way over to her ear where he nibbled it before dragging his tongue down the column of her neck. Kagome threw her head back and allowed Inuyasha to perform such ministrations on her. She clutched his shoulders tighter—finally, he placed a chaste kiss on the base of her neck and pulled back, smiling softly.


Kagome nodded, dazed. "Ready…"

They both got out of the car and Kagome took in her surroundings—pure forest. She looked to her left and saw Inuyasha standing there, smiling proudly. Wordlessly, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her.

"When did you have time to plan all this?"

Inuyasha chuckled. "Baby, you forget I'm Takahashi Inuyasha. Whatever I say goes."

"Unless it has anything to do with your company."

Cheekily, he winked at her. "Of course, because then it's whatever you say, goes."

Laughing, Kagome nodded in agreement. Inuyasha pushed some branches out of the way, revealing a gazebo in the middle of a body of water, with a waterfall rushing off of a cliff just behind the gazebo. Her eyes widened when she saw two candles were lit and placed on the center of a table, in the middle of the gazebo. Slowly, she looked over at the man standing beside her…

"Inu… yasha?" She whispered.

"Shall we?"

He held his hand out and hesitantly, Kagome took it. She was in utter shock—He really did plan a surprise lunch date!

"This," he began speaking as he led her to the gazebo, "is a branch off of the Takahashi property. It's like our backyard away from our backyard," he smiled at her. "Its private property and nobody other than family and affiliates of the family are allowed here."

Kagome playfully feigned shock. "So, I'm just an affiliate?"

Inuyasha snorted. "Well duh, it's not like you're the woman I'm crazy in love with."

"If only," she teased him and it made his heart jump. Finally they made it to the gazebo and, chivalrously, Inuyasha pulled Kagome's chair out for her, slyly smiling. Giggling, she too k her seat and he quickly made it to his. Before his butt even touched his chair, a plethora of waiters and servers appeared; food already prepared. Kagome's jaw dropped.


"No, this is all just a joke so don't dig in," Inuyasha rolled his eyes, "and oh, there're live worms wiggling on your plate."

Eyeing him skeptically, Kagome smiled at the waiter. "I wouldn't put it past him," she murmured and the waiter laughed heartily. Placing the dishes in front of them, the waiters uncovered the food, revealing mouth-watering delicacies.

"When did you have time to plan any of this?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha only winked at her before picking up his fork and immediately digging in. Watching him for two seconds more, Kagome decided to dig into her exotic food. It wasn't Japanese cuisine, that's for sure, nor was it anything Kagome ever had before.

Whatever it was, she loved it. "There isn't cat food in it, is there?"

Inuyasha laughed. "No baby, just enjoy the meal. I swear there isn't any joke about this date."

Visibly relaxing, Kagome's portion size doubled; her mouth-stuffing was rivalling Inuyasha's ability (which was rather sexy in his opinion). After getting through half of their plate, a waitress dropped by with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Kagome's eyes lit up as she popped the bottle and poured them a little bit each, leaving the bottle at their table.

"Classy," she commented. Inuyasha nodded, smiling widely. He held his glass up and clinked it with the beautiful woman across from him before taking the first sip.

"Isn't it?" He replied. "I planned it all with Rin yesterday, to be honest."

"Did you now? Any particular reason why?" She was teasing him.

He shrugged and said, "Well, we haven't actually been on a real date, now have we."

Kagome smiled and took another sip of her champagne. "No, we haven't."

Inuyasha watched her and, feeling uncomfortable, Kagome looked away. Leaning back in his chair, Inuyasha continued drinking in Kagome's beauty. The scenery accentuated her natural glow, and the atmosphere suited her perfectly. She belonged in nature; her beauty radiating untouched by falsities. With or without makeup, she was a gorgeous woman.

"Stop staring at me," she finally murmured.

"I can't help it, you're gorgeous."

"No I'm not."

Inuyasha smirked. "Yes," he leaned forward, "you are."

"You're blind…"

"Then those who aren't blind are definitely missing out."

Kagome blushed and Inuyasha thought she looked very cute.

"Wanna head back to my place after?" Inuyasha asked and Kagome was glad that he had stopped complimenting her. Sure it was a nice feeling, but it was a feeling that she wasn't used to.

"Sure… will Rin be home?"

"And Mother."

Kagome squealed. "Yes! Maybe we can watch the Lion King 2."

Inuyasha deadpanned. "Really? Really? Mother already has an orgasm every time Mufasa comes on screen and you want to watch the Lion King 2?"

"If it's any consolation, Mufasa isn't really in the movie… his spirit is."


Kagome laughed. "Oh hush; you can do Takahashi-esque things while Rin, Izayoi and I watch Disney."

"Oh lord…" Inuyasha rolled his eyes, albeit smiling broadly.


"I missed you sooooooooo much!" Rin tackled Kagome before she was even through the front door. Laughing in good nature, Kagome hugged Rin back and reciprocated her feelings.

"Ditto, helped make anybody jealous lately?"

Rin giggled. "Not really. I'm kind of waiting for you to ask me to help you make Inuyasha jealous."

At the mention of his name, Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. "Keh, Takahashi men don't get jealous."

"Really?" Izayoi said from the top of the staircase. Kagome grinned seeing her. "I do recall Sesshomaru about to rip you limb from limb when you took Rin wedding dress shopping. Wasn't this around the tenth wedding vow renewal?"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Fine, I don't get jealous."

"Is that so?" It was Kagome's turn to join in on the fun. "And what about that poor waiter who was asking me for my order oh so long ago?"

Inuyasha's eyebrow twitched. "I don't remember such happenings."

"Sure you don't." Rin snorted. "So what are we gonna do?" Looping an arm through Kagome's, Rin dragged her off to the deepest unknowns of the Takahashi mansion. While being dragged off, Kagome waved quickly to Izayoi, who in turn laughed. Inuyasha bounded up the stairs to meet his mother.

"I like her," Izayoi whispered.

"Really?" Inuyasha smirked. "Because I like her too."

"Does she like you back?"

At that, Inuyasha's expression changed considerably. Izayoi hurt to see her son in such a distraught state. "I… know she does care about me. And she says she likes me but…"

"But you want her to love you as much as you love her?"

Inuyasha didn't say anything and Izayoi placed a hand on his shoulder. "Son, she really cares about you. You need to be patient and give it time—you're doing the right thing in spending time with her…"

Mother, Inuyasha thought as he tried to keep a straight face, if only you knew the shit I put her through. I'm grateful that the wench even still talks to me, let alone spends time with me.

"Yeah," he muttered, not voicing his thoughts, "I guess I am."


Shippo wanted to go to the park and Rin, though slightly reluctant, took him. She wanted to stay back and spend more time with Kagome. Inuyasha was glad that Shippo had brought up the park thing because this meant that he could spend some time with Kagome. Izayoi had left to get her nails done with some of her friends and Sesshomaru was still at work.



Inuyasha and Kagome were in his bedroom, watching TV. While he lounged on his bed, Kagome had her legs thrown over the arm rests of a chair and was diligently watching the television. Inuyasha, on the other hand, was enjoying himself watching Kagome.

"Wench," he called out. Kagome looked over at him.


"You're really beautiful, know you know that?"

Blushing slightly, Kagome didn't say anything and turned her attention back to the TV. Inuyasha laughed.

"Come over here," he called and patted the spot beside him on the bed. Wordlessly, Kagome hauled herself off of the chair jumped onto Inuyasha's bed, crawling up to the spot next to him. Immediately, his arm went around her shoulders and he pressed a soft kiss on her temple.

"Had fun today?" he asked softly as he tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

"Yep," she murmured, "you?"

"Yep," he teased, trying to sound like her. Kagome laughed and playfully punched his shoulder—her heart was racing a mile a minute and, when Inuyasha's fingers found their way just underneath the shoulder of her shirt and his fingers came in contact with her skin – so soft, so tender…- her arousal started to heighten.

Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by Inuyasha's nose.

The nose knows.

She was trying to ignore his ministrations and Inuyasha found that to be very cute. Her nose twitched slightly as he ran his fingers up the column of her neck. Subtly, she bit her lip.

"Kagome?" He murmured and she slowly looked over at him.

"Inuyasha?" she whispered. He brought his face close to hers; his nose gently toughing hers.

"Kiss me?"

Her eyes locked with his and, in one swift motion, she pressed her lips tightly against his.


HI GUYS =) So, OFFICIALLY, this story will be finishing soon… what is soon? Actually, it's not that soon, maybe 5 - 7 chapters hehe.

And Kagome's turn to say those three words is coming up soon!

AND AND, lemon next chapter…

That is all =)