InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ When All is Said and Done ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Inuyasha pulled away to smirk at Kagome.

"You know, I never quite realized how beautiful you look, beside me on my bed..."

Kagome matched his smirk with one of her own. "So, what're you gonna do about it, dog boy?"

"I'm gonna do what I've wanted to do since the last time we did it..."

"And what's that?"

"Make love to you, over... and over..."


With that, Inuyasha pushed her back onto the bed, but rather than going for her lips, he went somewhere else.

Lifting the hem of her blouse, he kissed the planes of her flat belly. Inuyasha left no part of her untouched as he lifted her shirt higher and higher, eventually baring her bra-clad breasts. He took pause to raise an eyebrow at the front-clasp.

Kagome smiled sweetly at him. "I thought I'd make things a little easier for you this time."

"You mean you don't want me to slice up another one."


Inuyasha forwent the clasp all together and lifted the cups to rest above her heaving bosom. Placing a wet, open-mouthed kiss on each of the twin peaks, he lifted both her bra and her blouse clean over her head.

Seeing her incredulous look, Inuyasha responded in kind. "You better keep that as a souvenir sweetheart; it's never happening again."

And he cut off whatever she was about to say as he took her right breast to his mouth and her left in his hand. Inuyasha lapped at every square inch of her breast, making her moan and groan until she thought she couldn't take anymore. She stood corrected when he took her nipple between his teeth and bit down on it lightly, eliciting a small shriek. At the same time he was using his claw to roll her left nipple around in much the same manner.

Inuyasha kissed her nipple and proceeded to switch over to the other breast. He repeated his actions as with the previous breast and, kissing her nipple once more, bit down right over her heart, licking at the marks afterwards.

He started working his way up higher, lathering her shoulders and neck with his attentions, as well as various love bites.

Reaching her lips, Inuyasha kissed them with vigor, sneaking his tongue in to tangle with hers.

Kagome took her hands off the covers to bring up and tease his ears, but before she could reach her destination, Inuyasha noticed what she was doing and grabbed her by the wrists-effectively pinning them down. Kagome maneuvered her wrists out of his hold, only to intertwine their fingers.

Deciding he'd had enough of playing tonsil tennis-for now- Inuyasha moved back down; kissing as her went. Kissing her belly, he tweaked her nipples with his claws again; he'd never get tired of that little shriek of hers.

Then using his teeth, Inuyasha tore off both her skirt and panties in one go. Seeing Kagome's incredulous look, Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "What? You didn't expect me to leave the bra and the panties in one piece did you? I'm not a miracle worker…"

Inuyasha then moved down to her feet and started to disprove his own comment about not being a miracle worker.

Starting at the arch of her foot he covered it in kisses. Inuyasha proceeded to move up to her ankle, her calf, up and up until he reached her hip. Then kissing across the span of her hips, he worked his way down the opposite leg in much the same manner. Once he was done with that he went back to her right thigh and sunk his teeth into her soft flesh, the same as he had on her breast.

With a start, Kagome gave a loud moan; she hadn't been expecting that.

Finally reaching her pussy, he gave the lips the lightest of kisses. Looking up, he smirked at her before softly whispering: "Shall I?"

Her silent nod was the only invitation that he required before delving his tongue into her sweetness. Kagome groaned in writhing pleasure as she arched her back and wrapped her legs around Inuyasha's head. Taking that as an invitation to continue his ministrations, Inuyasha ran his tongue from the bottom to the top of her wet opening before lapping his tongue inside once again. Kagome took a grip of his hair and yanked at him.

"Come here," she hissed in desire. Without needing another demand, Inuyasha moved up to Kagome's lips and kissed her with overflowing amounts of passion. While still locked at the lips, Kagome fumbled with his pants and quickly unbuttoned it. Inuyasha, in one fluid motion, kicked his pants off as Kagome worked on pulling his shirt over the top of his head.

"Wench," he said with clenched teeth as his forehead was pressed against hers. Kagome ran her fingers over the length of his chest, her fingers tracing the lines of his perfectly chisled abs. Inuyasha pressed his lips fiercly against hers as her fingers crawled around to his back to encircle his torso. Kagome arched her back so that her breasts were pressed tightly against his chest and a soft growl elicted from the back of his throat.

"Today is all about you," he whispered into her ear before pulling back slightly. Hebrought his hand down to his cock he lined himself up with Kagome's dripping slit and with one thrust, he was in. Wrapping her legs around him, Kagome held on as that was all she could do; Inuyasha had pinned her wrists down again-this time with one hand. His other hand was grazing along her side.

Inuyasha listened to Kagome's moans and whimpers, pleading with him to go faster, but he kept up his slow, gradual thrusts. He pulled out until just the head of his dick was inside Kagome, and then slowly pushed back in. This way she could feel every vein, every ridge, every inch of his cock as he worked her body.

Keeping up his slow thrusting pace, Inuyasha moved down to lather Kagome's neck in kisses and nips. He came back up to her face only to see her pleading eyes, and finally took pity on Kagome. He sped up his thrusts, swallowing Kagome's moans with his mouth. She felt every miniscule muscle twitch and spasm in her body as he continued to grind his hips against hers. Finally, he let go of her wrists and, immediately, her hands went around his neck and pulled him into her lips for another searing kiss.

The momentum of his thrusts, however, never changed.

"Inuu…" She purred. Hearing her call his name gave him slight incentive to thrust faster.

Just slight.

"Like that?" his voice was raw with desire; dripping in need. He wanted to thrust faster so that he could experience the raw feeling of Kagome—but no, her pleasure was first.

"No," she slurred out, her eyes closed and her hands gripping his arms. As the word came out of her mouth, she felt the muscles tighten beneath her fingers. Opening her eyes, though half-lidded, she smiled silkily. "I love it…"

"Not as much as I love you," he smirked. His body was shining with a thin layer of sweat and just the sight of it turned Kagome on even more than she already was. The scent of her reached Inuyasha's nose and he thoroughly enjoyed it.

"Maybe not," Kagome whispered. Her heart was racing… she knew what she wanted to say. Inuyasha kept thrusting, but his eyes were locked onto hers and their bodies were caressing each other in the most intimate way possible.

Kagome hadn't thought of it. She didn't analyze every detail of it… she just knew it.

And that's how it should be…

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow, amusement playing at his lips.

Kagome bit her bottom lip as he gave her one hard thrust before returning back to his regular pace. "Hmm," she whispered, "but I know it's not nearly as much as I love you…"

He stopped.

His eyes shot wide open.

Did she?

Did she just-

"Am I dreaming?"

Kagome howled in laughter. "I tell you I love you and that's the first thing that comes out of your mouth?"

"… well… what the hell would you say?"

There was a twinkle of desire in Kagome's eyes. "I'd say I love you too and proceed to kiss me?"

Inuyasha didn't move an inch. He continued to stare at Kagome; his eyes seemed to be searching for something and Kagome was unsure of what. His cock was still housed inside of her and neither of them were complaining or moving… it was as if he was meant to be there.

"Really?" His voice was serious now, hardly above a whisper.

Kagome, subconsciously, brought her hand up and traced his features with it. "I don't know when… or how… but it happened. I… figured it was the right time to say it…"

"Say it again," he murmured. Kagome smiled.

"I love you…" He brought his hands to her face and cupped it.


She laughed a little as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "I love you."

He thrust once in her. She moaned.

"Again," he groaned between clenched teeth.

"I—ahh," she was cut off when he began thrusting harder than before.

Faster than before.

"Say it,"

"Love you…" She finished before succumbing to the pleasure he was bestowing her.

"Kagome," he began thrusting a lot harder—a lot faster. "I need you."

She was in a state of euphoria and couldn't reply to him. Her body was preparing for her nearing orgasm and she knew, any moment, she'd release. She could tell, by the tensing of his muscles, that he was just about ready to release as well. His hands gripped her jiggling breasts and he moved as fast as he had ever moved while making love to Kagome. He snarled as his eyes focused in and out of red—his demon wanted release.

With one final thrust, Kagome threw her head back and let out a loud groan of pleasure as Inuyasha released. He allowed her to ride off her orgasm before, gently, pulling out and collapsing beside her. Both were panting heavily.

"That," Inuyasha panted a bit, "was amazing."

Kagome nodded in agreement, too shaken up to respond. Inuyasha gently placed a finger under her chin and turned her head to look at him.

"Guess what, wench?" He whispered. She grinned and he knew she knew what was coming.


"I love you."

"Well look at that," she giggled, "I just so happen to love you back."

Inuyasha wrapped an arm around her waist and snuggled his face into her neck. "Good," he murmured before placing a soft kiss over a hickey he gave her, "that's just how I like it."


Inuyasha and Kagome had showered, and made love once more, before putting their clothes back on and airing his room out. Inuyasha was afraid his nephew might catch traces of icky and blabber it out to the whole household what he had been up to. Kagome thought it was utterly adorable.

"Keh," Inuyasha threw his soiled sheets into the laundry hamper, "the brat is cute, but moderately annoying."

"You're cute and very annoying," Kagome grinned, "I don't complain…"

"You make it a point to tell me how annoying I am at least twice a day and four times over the weekend."

"Shh," Kagome giggled as she straightened out his pillows and fixed his comforter. "It's the thought that counts, alright? When the hell are Izayoi and Rin coming home?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "No freakin' clue. Want some ramen?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "No thanks… not much of a fan—" She died at the look of horror on Inuyasha's face. She had found her way to the floor and continued to roll around in laughter, holding her sides and attempting to breathe while she did so.

"It's not funny!" Inuyasha growled. "Wench, stop laughing or I'll make you have something to laugh about on Monday!"

"I dare you!" Kagome said in between laughter. "You wouldn't keep me unpaid overtime. Remember I said I'd quit if you do."

"Keh, right, as if you could bear to be away from—hey!" Inuyasha laughed as Kagome threw a pillow at him. "We just properly adjusted that on my mattress!"

Kagome raised an eyebrow.

"… yeah. Nevermind."

"Right. I think I should head home now."

"Excellent," Inuyasha winked at her, "I'll call you a cab toots. Thanks for a great time."

Kagome narrowed her eyes. "Funny," she muttered dryly, "if you don't start your car in the next ten seconds, you will have something to laugh about while staring at your balls lying on silver platter."

Inuyasha sheepishly laughed. "How about I grab Thunder?"

"What the heck is a thunder?"

"My motorcycle—" Before he even had the word out of his mouth, Kagome squealed YES! Inuyasha shook his head, highly amused, and guided Kagome out of his bedroom and through the maze that he called home. He took her straight to their underground garage and led her to his black motorcycle, christened Thunder.

"It's pretty," Kagome cooed and Inuyasha puffed out his chest.

"It's manly."

"Whatever you say, dear." Kagome absentmindedly consoled Inuyasha as she continued to run her fingers over the shining metal that is the body of the motorcycle. Inuyasha grabbed the helmets off of a table nearby and gently nudged her.

"Babe, you're touching that thing more than you touch me."

"Can it, dog boy." She grinned. "It's so cool. I've never been on a motorcycle before."

"There's a first time for everything."

Putting their helmets on, Inuyasha mounted the bike and waited for Kagome to get on after him. When he was sure that she was seated comfortably and holding onto him tightly, he revved the engine before manoeuvring out of his indoor garage.

Needless to say, his heart was racing a mile a minute.


Kagome had her arms wrapped around Inuyasha's shoulder as they were parked in front of her shrine and bidding their goodbyes.

"Had a good time today?" He whispered while trailing his fingers down her cheek. She nodded.

"And you?"

"You wouldn't believe," he nipped at her lips and she pulled away, smiling devilishly.

"Nuh uhh, you must wait, my dear."

"I hate waiting."

"Trust me I know—oh!" Kagome pulled back. "We have to go to Naraku's little gathering tomorrow for Kanna, remember?"

Inuyasha frowned. "Crap. Did we buy her a present?"

Kagome shook her head and Inuyasha groaned. "Man, I don't have time for this shit. Go buy Kanna something nice and charge it to the company credit card. And oh! Did you e-mail the final guest list to me?"

Kagome nodded.

"And do I have the CepheusOS upgrade report?"

Again, Kagome nodded.

"And do—"

"Inuyasha," she cut him off, "you have everything that you need to have. Has there ever been a time where I've failed you?"

As soon as Inuyasha moved to tap his chin, Kagome playfully hit him.

"Kidding," he laughed, "say, do we know when the Morimoto thing is going down?"

Kagome shook her head. "No idea. I have to call Sango tonight and I'll call Naraku too." Inuyasha nodded and kissed her nose.

"Alright, Madam Secretary," she blushed, "see you tomorrow?"

She nodded.

"Good." With one last final kiss to her lips, he slipped his helmet back on. "Love you, wench."

She sighed, playfully. "I guess I kind of have to say I love you too, don't I?"

He winked at her. "You can say whatever your heart desires, my sweet."

"You're highly corny, my sweet."

"That works too." He tapped her nose. "Later, gator."

"I love you," she laughed as he gave her butt a playful thwap before speeding off into the horizon. Kagome sighed and watched his retreating figure—

Today really happened…

And she didn't regret a single moment of it.

She slowly made it up the stairs and entered the vicinity of her shrine. She greeted her mother, brother, and grandfather before making her way upstairs. Despite taking a shower with Inuyasha earlier, she decided to take a bubble bath and relax her muscles—particularly the ones between her legs.

Kagome turned red at the thought.

Lighting some candles, Kagome filled the bathtub up with water and sank into it—ahh, she thought, some R and R…

After what felt like forever and a half, but not quite long enough, Kagome hauled herself out of the bathtub and returned to her bedroom wrapped solely in a towel. Her eyes shot to her bed and she was slightly disappointed when she saw Inuyasha wasn't there.


How he made her heart race.

Kicking her door shut, she walked over to her dresser and picked up her phone.

One text message from Sango:

CALL ME! I'm getting nervoussss about this Morimoto shiznattt!

Kagome laughed and quickly responded her by saying:

Alright, alright, keep your thong on. I just made love to my bathtub, gimme a sec to freshen up.

Within a heartbeat, Sango replied.

Oh la la ;)

Kagome shook her head. Exiting her text messages, she scrolled through her call log to reach Inuyasha's number. Inhaling deeply, she called it.

"Yo," lord, his voice was so sinfully sexy.

"Hey," she murmured and she could hear him smile. "Busy?"

"Nah, playing tic tac toe with the nephew. You?"

"Just got out of the bath—say, I need to tell you something and it's really important?"

"What's wrong?"

Kagome smiled. It was adorable how worried he sounded.


"Kagome," he was stern, "what is it?"

She inhaled deeply: "I… love you."


There. VOILAAAA! It's done, it's said and DONE! A few things to say though:

1. Best friend wrote lemon so it's unlike my writing style

2. Based on the characters I've developed for Inu and Kag, the aftermath of the declaration of love I felt appropriate because throughout the story they've been pranksters and jokesters. I didn't want to dwindle in the romantic "Oh my god I love you SOOOO much" bit because that's not who they are in this story…

I think I played it very nicely =)


NOTE: There was a slight boo boo made where my best friend forgot to undress Inuyasha and he made love to Kagome fully clothed O_o... So I slightly redid the lemon to add that particular scene. Nothing else has changed though =)