InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ A Variation of the Morning After ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


"What a long time to freshen up, darling." Sango muttered dryly into the phone as she lay, upside down, on her sofa. She watched her brother dust their furniture and inwardly smirked, hehe, I trained him well!

All the while, Kagome was sitting on her bed with the phone between her shoulder and her ear, and painting her toe nails. Homemade French manicure for the win! "I called Inuyasha really quickly and… it didn't end up being really quick."

"Anything with you two isn't really quick—well… unless he's rather pathetic in bed."

Kagome laughed. "I assure you, he isn't."

"Well he's no Miroku."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "I knew you two were getting hot with each other." Sango giggled slightly.

"Kohaku! Behind the T.V. too! Yeah, my brother is dusting our place as I speak to you while lazing around like a fat housewife." Kohaku shot his sister a rather questioning look and Sango grinned widely. "Kohaku is now staring at me like I'm retarded."

"You are retarded. So, I have much to tell you, dear best friend of mine."

"Good, I have much to listen to."

"So," Kagome dramatically inhaled, "earlier today… with me so far?"

"I lost you at the 'so'." Sango teased. Kagome laughed as she, expertly, continued to paint her toe nails. She had to make sure that she was groomed to perfection for tomorrow: baby birthday party, woo!

"Alright, seriously! This is intense stuff man."

"What? Did Inuyasha mate with you and now you're stuck for life? Because if that's the case, congratulations."

"Good to know you'd be supportive if it happened," Kagome said, "but no. Close though."

Sango paused. "… close? Wait, what the hell happened?"

Kagome knew that would get her attention. "You see, after our meeting with Naraku, Inuyasha took me on a date to his backyard away from his backyard."

Sango laughed and said, "People usually have homes away from home… your lover-boy over there has a backyard away from his back-freakin'-yard."

"I know," Kagome mused, "but can you not interrupt me and let me finish? Thank you." Without even letting Sango have the chance to speak, Kagome continued. She was bursting with excitement; she wanted to tell Sango the I love you part! "So we had lunch; rather adorable. It was some waterfall forest-y place that only Takahashi's and their affiliates can go to."

"And you are a Takahashi, not an affiliate, I presume?"

"An affiliate… for now- JOKING!" Kagome laughed at the choking sound Sango made. Oh how she loved her friend.

"Blasphemy… here I thought you were gonna give me little half-demon brats to play with. Gosh, way to break a girl's heart."

"I'll give you half-demon brats if you give me mini-Miroku's."

"Deal. Now finish your story so I can go make some babies for you."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "No more interruptions! We had lunch, the most romantic thing in the world and… crap monkeys!"


"I just dropped my nail polish on the floor… my mom's gonna kill meeee." Kagome wailed. Unperturbed, Sango only snorted.

"Clean up and talk. You can multitask; you're the secretary every company known to humankind wants to hire, remember?"

Kagome laughed as she quickly grabbed one of her dirty shirts for laundry and used it to wipe the lacquer off of the floor. "Right, I'm so wanted. Anyways, so we had lunch and then he took me back to his place."

"Not so subtle, is he?"

"I doubt it was with the only intention of having sex, Sango." Kagome mumbled rather dryly.

"But you probably did have sex, didn't you?"

"Can you let me finish? Dear lord above, you love interrupting me, don't you?"

"Makes me happy," Sango giggled, "okay, okay, continue talking lady!"

"Right, so we went back to his place and I bonded with his sister-in-law, nephew and mother before all three had to go out," Kagome sighed at the memory of it, "so Inuyasha and I were chilling in his bedroom when—"

Sango said nothing.

"When I want you to speak, you don't."

Laughing, Kagome's best friend flipped off of the sofa and stood up, cracking her neck. "I thought you said no more interruptions. But let me guess, you two had hot, passionate, steamy, pussy-throbbing sex?"

"Just about."

"You're so lucky. I even see the bajillion hickey's he left you… so romantic."

"That's not the best part…"

Sango blinked. "Pussy-throbbing sex isn't the best part? What the hell, Kagome? Did you tell him you love him or something?"

Kagome was silent. Sango's eyes widened.


"I did…"

"NO WAY, NO WAY, NO WAY! You tell me this now? Why didn't you call me after you said it?"

"We were in the middle of doing the do when I did. I doubt you'd tear yourself away from Miroku's cock if he were giving it to you good just to call me." Sango bit her lip and thought about what her best friend said.

"Okay. Fine, you're forgiven—so, you really said it? Really, really?"

"Yes," Kagome smiled, "I did. Needless to say, he was happy beyond belief."

"I'd bet. How about we remake that sex position book of yours for him? It'd be more meaningful now," Sango laughed at Kagome making a questionable sound.

"I threw that thing at his face, remember?"

"I do. Let's remake it!"

"I'd rather not."

"You're so boring."

"Why remake it if I can live it… every day for 365 days."

Both girls paused and said simultaneously: "Plus one, for leap year," and cracked up into a fit of giggles upon saying that. Wiping a tear from her eye, Kagome lay down on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Wanna go shopping now? I have to buy Naraku's daughter something… Inuyasha and I are going to her birthday party tomorrow evening and Naraku's leaving for Singapore the day after—and about that! When is Morimoto's shindig?" Kagome hauled herself up and went to open her window; her bedroom was getting mildly stuffy.

"Thursday night, from what I was told." Sango mumbled. "And sure, let's go shopping. I need new socks—I'll pick you up in an hour?"

"Sounds good. Does Kohaku have the Max Payne game yet?"

"Nah, I refuse to buy it for him."

"His sister's lame," Kagome smirked, "I got it for Souta. Bring 'Haku over too—Souta keeps moaning about how lonely he is."

"Tell him to pick up a hobby," Sango teased, "we'll be over in a bit. Don't miss me too much."

"I'll try not to," Kagome giggled, "bye." As soon as they hung up, she flung her door open and hollered at her brother.



Kagome took a few steps out of her room. "SANGO AND KOHAKU ARE COMING OVER!"



"HEY! Can you tell Kohaku to bring his Wii?"

Kagome raised an eyebrow and walked over to the banister. Leaning over she looked to the lower level, obviously not seeing Souta, but at least she could see the floor that he was on. "Why?"

"I wanna play Mario Kart."

"Oh lord, fine, I'll call them."


Shaking her head, Kagome went back to her bedroom. Oh how life works out…


"Let's get her a doll house," Kagome said rather excitedly while dragging Sango into a toy store. The two girls had gotten ice cream cones and were lazily lounging through the mall to find something appropriate for a toddler. Sango suggested getting dolls, but Kagome said that she knew Kanna had a plethora of little dollies.

"How about a Barbie and Me dollhouse?" Sango asked while examining a display model. Kagome raised an eyebrow.

"That thing is probably bigger than her."

"Probably." They continued to strut through the store, eyeing things that they thought Kanna would like, but picking nothing. Finally they came across a little car that was battery operated and was large enough for Kanna to drive. Seeing the price to be exactly within her range, Kagome quickly charged it to the company credit card and left the store with a smug grin on her face.

"You were being frugal despite the fact you had Inuyasha's credit card?" Sango asked. "You are way too sensible for your own good."

"Hence why I've been able to keep my job for so long."

Sango smirked. "That and the fact he loooovessss you."

"Hey!" Kagome pouted. "I do my job rather exceptionally."

"I know, I just love teasing you."

"I know," Kagome mocked Sango. The two girls were cruising through the food court when, unexpectedly, Kagome pulled Sango into a men's accessory store and hid behind a revolving rack. The sales clerk gave them awkward stares and Sango was just as confused over what Kagome was doing.

"What's wrong?" Sango murmured and Kagome pointed to across the food court.

"Kikyo," she whispered, "and I think that's Morimoto. I'm not sure, he and his son look really alike."

Sango's eyes widened as she stared right at Kikyo. She didn't look pregnant… but then again, according to their information and leads she was only about three months in. The male that was with her was purchasing some refreshments for them and she was standing idly to the side, watching her surroundings. Kagome pulled out her cell phone and, just as the man turned around to approach Kikyo, Kagome took a picture.

"Forensics could zoom in on his face," she whispered to Sango before quickly texting the picture to Inuyasha and Naraku, adding in a message saying: Kikyo with a man—don't know if it's Kaoru or Chiisu…

"We're so CSI." Sango laughed as they started browsing through the store, waiting for Kikyo and her buddy to leave the vicinity of the food court. Sango was staring at some watches while Kagome looked at necklaces—one of them, in particular, caught her eye.

"Excuse me," she called the sales clerk, "how much is that pendant?"

Sango scurried over to see that Kagome had pointed out a pendant that had a silver fang strewn to it. The chain was chain-linked and had golden accents, bringing out the fang even more. The clerk informed Kagome that it was approximately eleven thousand yen. Without thinking twice, Kagome pulled out her very own credit card and charged it.

"Impulsive, much?"

Kagome grinned. "Reminds me of Inuyasha."

"Ohhh, you're getting it for him." Sango wiggled her eyebrows and Kagome shoved her gently.

"Shut up!"


Kagome lugged the toy car to her bedroom as Sango bade Souta farewell and went home with Kohaku. Kicking her bedroom door open, she dropped it on the floor while kicking her door shut. Exhaling sharply, she unbuttoned her top and was getting ready to change when a tapping on her window stopped her short. Raising an eyebrow, she pulled the curtains aside to find her boss perched outside her window.

"Hello," she greeted while sliding the window open. He hopped inside and crossed his arms to stare at her.

"You saw her at the mall?"

"Yeah," Kagome nodded. She was unaware that the top three buttons of her shirt were undone and Inuyasha was enjoying himself staring at the bulge of her breast.

"And you aren't sure that was Kaoru or Chiisu?"


Inuyasha sat down on her bed and she joined him. Absentmindedly, she placed a hand on his leg and he covered it with his own. "I already have Naraku looking into it—did you get that for Kanna?"

Kagome giggled and looked over at the car. "Yeah! Isn't it cute?"

"Oh dear lord, I would've gotten her a doll house."

Kagome deadpanned and decided not to tell him that Sango had suggested that. Gasping in sudden excitement, she got off of the bed and went to grab her purse (which she had haphazardly thrown on the floor upon entering her bedroom). Inuyasha raised an eyebrow, curious as to what the wench was doing.

"I also got—" She fished out the small box. "This!"

"You got Kanna a box too? Great job, Kagome."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "No, idiot, there's something in the box and I got it for you." She saw the look of astonishment on his face. "And no, I didn't charge this to the company card; I used my own thank you very much."

He didn't even register what she said past I got this for you. "You got something for me?"

Kagome nodded. "Yep, so here." She sat down beside him again and handed him the box. He was too stunned to take it so all he did was stare. Kagome nudged him.


He looked up at her, his eyes fierce with passion and love. "Nobody has ever gotten anything for me… ever."

Kagome's heart began racing. "Really? Well," She reached over and grabbed his hand. Turning it over, she gently placed the box on his palm. "There's a first time for everything." She recited playfully. Inuyasha placed the box to the side and caught her chin, bringing her in for a searing kiss. Kagome smiled into it, gently bringing her hand to wrap around his neck. He deepened the kiss for about a second longer before pulling back.

"Open it now?" Kagome whispered and he nodded. Grabbing the box once more, he undid the small ribbon and lifted the top. Inside was the pendant that Kagome had gotten earlier at the mall. His eyes widened.

"Wow," he lifted it out of the box, "this is really nice."

Kagome grinned broadly. "Isn't it? It reminded me of you so I just had to get it."

Inuyasha placed the pendant back in the box and looked at her. He held her hand –the one with the renchaku mark—and brought it up to his lips. Softly, he pressed his lips against the bite marks and kissed it before gently sinking his fangs into it. Kagome moaned in utmost pleasure but before she could revel in the feeling, Inuyasha drew back.

"You're amazing wench," he whispered.

Kagome's eyes locked with his and, wordlessly, they both leaned forward for another heart-melting kiss.
