InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Raining Roses ( Chapter 36 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


"Are you ready?" Inuyasha asked rather impatiently. He was waiting outside of the shrine on his motorcycle, Thunder, while Kagome put some final touch ups on her makeup. He had his cell phone pressed between his ear and his shoulder as he examined his fingernails. It was time for his semi-annual manicure date with his sister-in-law. But nobody knew that he got his nails done…

"Almost!" Kagome squealed. They were going to Kanna's birthday party and she was just finishing up her makeup and running out of the shrine. Inuyasha had taken the toy car with him when he left the previous night and said that he'd manage fitting it into his motorcycles compartment. Kagome didn't want to question how he did it, but somehow he did. Racing down the steps, she approached him and gently placed a kiss on his lips before grabbing her helmet.

"You look nice," He smiled and Kagome giggled.

"Thank you! Now let's go!"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Keh."


Kagura opened the front door and squealed when she saw Inuyasha and Kagome waiting patiently to enter their humble abode. Stepping aside, she let the two enter and quickly shut the door. Turning around, she informed them that they were the last guests to arrive and that everybody had already came and had refreshments.

"Ryuukotsusei's here?" Inuyasha seemed excited and Kagome gave him a hard shove. Kagura only laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, the men are in the patio. Come, Kagome." Kagura grabbed Kagome's arm and dragged her upstairs as Inuyasha made his way to the patio—yay, business talk!


"Ahh, here comes the man that has everything." Naraku smirked as Inuyasha entered the patio. Shaking the hands of his many affiliates, Inuyasha took a seat beside Ryuukotsusei and cracked his neck.

"Where's the birthday girl?"

"Taking a nap," Naraku laughed, "Kagura tuckered her out—they changed her outfit seven times. Say, what the hell is around your neck."

Inuyasha looked down at the fang pendant Kagome had gotten him the previous day. Looking up, his smirk reflected his personality: playful yet cunning. "Oh, this? Kagome got it for me yesterday… like it?"

Silence blanketed the men when Ryuukotsusei leaned forward and grabbed the fang to study it. Inuyasha twitched in annoyance—"She got you this? Since when did she get you anything except paperwork?"

Everybody nodded in agreement and Inuyasha yanked away from him. "Don't hate because your woman gets you nothing."

"Kagome needs to get you a lesson in grammar, too." Muso, Narkau's cousin, snickered. Inuyasha glared at him momentarily before leaning back in his seat. Naraku threw him a beer and Inuyasha took a large gulp from his can.

"So what's the news on this side of town?"

Naraku shrugged. "Nothing really. We're leaving for Singapore tomorrow and Ryuukotsusei will be communicating with you on my behalf." Naraku was trying to code what he was trying to say and it worked. The other men didn't need to know what they were doing in regards to Kaoru Morimoto… they never knew who knew who these days.

"Why are you going to Singapore?" Byakuya, one of Naraku's associates, asked and Inuyasha was relieved that they were off the topic of Kaoru. He slouched down lower and continued sipping his beer as Naraku explained the reason behind his trip. In one word the man could've simply said vacation and avoided saying bullshit like: "Kagura required a trip away from reality and we have family in Singapore and blah blah blah blah blah."


"You could've gone somewhere exotic at least," Samiyosho (Kagura's cousin and the one Kikyo allegedly told that she was pregnant with not-Inuyasha's child) stated. Naraku shrugged.

"Kagura. The woman wears the pants in this relationship; I just bring home the bacon."

"Extra crispy?" Inuyasha teased and Naraku glared at him.

"Extra crispy and dripping with artery clogging oil. What do you bring home, huh?"

"Nothing, I'm not married and neither do I have children." He had a smug look on his face but at that precise moment, all the women entered the patio—Kagome was carrying a sleeping Kanna. Immediately Inuyasha's heart leapt into his throat and he couldn't fight the feeling that had begun gnawing at the pit of his stomach.

What was it…?

"What are you gentlemen talking about?" Kagome grinned. Inuyasha, immediately, stood up and offered Kagome his seat. Taking his lead, all the other men stood up to give their seats to the women entering the backyard. Kagome smiled appreciatively and sat down, still cradling Kanna.

"Business." Ryuukotsusei smirked as he headed into the house to bring home some chairs. Naraku followed his suit. Inuyasha simply sat on the armrest of the patio seat that Kagome was sitting on; he looked down at her and his heart continued to race uncontrollably. Something about Kagome, holding a child, was awakening an unknown feeling in him. He didn't know whether it was good or bad, but he loved it.

"Can you talk about something other than business on my daughter's birthday?" Kagura rolled her eyes. Without word, a strong gust of wind blew but with a snap of Kagura's finger, the wind died down to a gentle gale. Narkau came back into the backyard in time to see his wife conduct her magic and smirked with pride.

"Men, this is why you mate a wind demoness."

Kagura laughed and helped her husband spread the chairs around. Eventually everybody had gotten a comfortable seat and all the members of the party were present. Kanna began stirring in Kagome's arms but only ended up snuggling deeper into her. A collective set of awww's came from the women, and the men only watched in silence.

Except Inuyasha and his racing heart.

"Then… who cuts the cake?" Ryuukotsusei suddenly asked and everybody laughed.


Though Kanna slept for most of the time and the other children that were present were playing in her playroom, the party was mostly fun. Kagura ended up cutting Kanna's cake for her and everybody enjoyed the flavour blast of black forest. Finally, it was time to go home and, just before leaving, Narkau said he'd call Inuyasha sometime that night to figure the final details of Plan Morimoto. He also said that he'd give Inuyasha the number to their forensics team so that he could figure out who was with Kikyo the previous day at the mall.

Inuyasha dropped Kagome off in front of her shrine and she got off his bike, smiling at him as she took her helmet off. "Thank you for your services, dear sir."

"Don't I get a kiss goodbye, dear madam?"

Kagome winked at him as she handed him back his helmet. "No. Because I know in about ten minutes you'll be outside my window."

Without denying, her boss only winked at her. "Amen, amen, see you then, then?"

"Drive safe." She teased as she blew him a kiss. Returning the flying kiss, he revved his engine and sped off into the horizon. Without missing a beat, Kagome ran up the steps to the shrine. She wanted to be changed and ready for when he did come back. Her heart was racing and the butterflies in her stomach were going crazy.

Ahh. Love.

She entered the shrine and saw her brother reading a book. Raising an eyebrow she asked her brother what he was doing.

"Expanding my intellect. Did you know that fish cannot see the colour brown?"

"I also know that Souta's are incredibly weird."

"Scientifically proven, Onee-chan."

Kagome laughed and ruffled his hair. "You doing alright?"

"Yes siree bob," Souta shut his book, "I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Is Inuyasha's brother going to be doing my check up?"

Kagome shrugged. "No idea squirt, I'll ask him."

"Thanks." Souta smiled as Kagome headed up the stairs.


"Already ate," Souta responded as he went back to his book about fish. Kagome wanted to burst into laughter—her brother was adorable. She opened her bedroom door and was partially surprised to find Inuyasha climbing in through her window.

"It's been like five minutes!"

Inuyasha grinned. "I run fast? Besides, I wanted my goodbye kiss."

Kagome winked at him. "Goodbye kisses are only given when one is leaving. You just got here."

"Touché." Wordlessly, he jumped onto her bed and kicked his shoes off. Kagome shook her head in amusement and proceeded to put her stuff away and grab her pajama's. Inuyasha watched her movements, like a falcon stalking its prey. Finally, when she was done doing whatever it is she was doing, she moved to leave her bedroom.

"I'm gonna take a bath."

His ears tweaked. "Can I join?"

Kagome snorted. "No."

"…keh," he scoffed, "as if I wanted to join you."

Kagome's eyes twinkled. "Exactly. So glad you understand." And with that said, she left her bedroom to go relax in the bathtub. Inuyasha pouted—he wanted to see her naked so badly. But alas, he had to make do with what his memory recalled; the bulge of her breast, the glut of her stomach, the feel of her skin…

He was getting turned on.

Feh, I'll show the wench tomorrow. Without warning, an epic plan started formulating in his head. A sneaky grin spread across his face and he was beginning to anticipate going to work a little early the next day to prepare Kagome's Prank-of-the-Day. He had gone way too long without pranking the wench, and he needed his fix.

While he was deep in his thought, Kagome had finished bathing, groomed herself, and came back to her bedroom in her pajamas. To Inuyasha's glee, she had only worn the pajama top and came back without the pants on (though she had her underwear on… but that could be changed quite easily). "That was quick," he commented.

"I'm a quick bather." She crawled into bed beside him and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Had fun today?" She murmured.

"Hmm," he was drawing lazy circles on her shoulder. He was trying to focus on what she was saying but Inuyasha's mind kept wandering off to what he was going to do tomorrow. He simply could not wait! "You?"

"Yep," she smiled. "Kanna's adorable."

Shifting to get a better look at her, Inuyasha studied her face. "You were adorable holding her."

She blushed. "Thanks…"

"Definitely saw the I-wanna-be-a-mommy Kagome today."

"You think?"

"Yep," he nodded, "looked natural. To me though. But what do I know?"

Kagome tapped his nose. "What do you know? You can't even run an empire without my help," she squealed when he began tickling her. She was so lucky her brother had begun watching a movie downstairs and her mother and grandfather were out. She didn't know if she could remain quiet.

"Say sorry," Inuyasha chuckled while he continued to tickle her.

"Neverrr!" She fell into another fit of giggles as his fingers came in contact with her sides.

"Tell me you're sorry. Say 'Inuyasha is the brightest youkai ever to walk this earth and I kiss the ground he steps on'."

Kagome gave him an incredulous stare. "… well first of all, hanyou," he wanted to laugh seeing the wannabe serious look on her face, "you ain't youkai. And second, you already kiss the ground I walk on."

"Dammit," Inuyasha snapped his fingers, "and here I thought I was being sneaky with my floor-kissing obsession."

"You fail, Takahashi." She sat up and began rubbing his ears. He felt his body melt and he succumbed to the feeling of a good ear-rub. The sensation spread from the tips of his fuzzy ears down to his curling toes. What. A. Good. Feeling.

"Wench," he purred as his eyes were closed. His hands had moved to rest behind his head, creating another layer between the back of his crown and the pillow. Kagome continued to rub his ear, loving the way the look of relaxation spread so easily across his features. "So. Good."

"I take it you enjoy getting ear rubs."

"No," he grunted, "I only enjoy it – ohhhh yeah, right there! Yeahh… oh my god I think I might fucking cum… - I only enjoy it when you do it."

Kagome wanted to laugh so badly. His leg was involuntarily kicking slightly, just like how a dog would when it's feeling utmost pleasure. Swallowing her laughter (mainly because she knew he wouldn't let her rub his ears ever again) she leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his ear. He cracked open an eye just as she whispered I love you to him. Without missing a beat, he wrapped an arm around her neck and brought her lips to tightly press against his.


Kagome had received a text message from Inuyasha saying that Jaken would drive her to work because he was already there from 6am. Why he was there at such an early time was beyond her, but she wasn't going to question him. Getting dressed in a white pencil skirt and a silk navy blue blouse, Kagome pulled on her pastel pumps and was flying out the house with a piece of toast in her mouth. She was juggling her folders as she ran down the shrine steps and jumped right into Inuyasha's limousine. Jaken, the driver, shut the door and quickly went over to the driver's seat.

"Morning, Miss Higurashi." He greeted.

"Mawn'in," she muffled through her toast. Jaken shook his head.

The rest of the ride was relatively quiet, not that Kagome complained. They arrived at the building just as Yura was walking through the entrance way. Thanking Jaken, Kagome hauled herself out of the limousine and hollered for Yura. Stopping short, the secretary turned around to see the other secretary running towards her.

"Hey hot stuff," Yura greeted as she grabbed a few of the binders from Kagome's arms. "You take home way too much work."

"I get assigned way too much work." Kagome muttered. "Did you take home the financial reports for Meido Zengetsuha Incorporated?"

Yura nodded. "Yeha, e-mailed it to your work e-mail last night."

"How was it?"

Shrugging, Yura pressed the button on the elevator. "Lame. I don't like them, looking for any business deals with Meido is not beneficial; to us or our stockholders. I think it'd be better to let them go their own way. Besides," the elevator opened at floor 18 and a few employees entered. "Sounga is a horrible businessman. He's running Meido to the ground."

Meido Zengetsuha was a company that specialized in funeral services. They had requested some sort of business deal with Takahashi Group of Companies but, apparently, after Yura looked into a bit more, they weren't profitable in the least. Oh well, Kagome thought, you win some, you lose some.

"Have you heard of the new environmental tax being implemented?" Yura asked and Kagome frowned.


She nodded. "Yeah. Apparently, based on the square footage of a company and the amount of output produced – I think there's a cap on it though – there's a fixed amount of tax that is required to be paid."

Kagome groaned. "No! I have to redo the accounting then."

Yura raised an eyebrow as the elevator opened at floor 50. "Send it to the accounting department?"

"Idiots work there," Kagome snorted. Yura only laughed and agreed at her statement. The two girls pushed through the door and Yura immediately went to her computer to boot up the system for their floor. Kagome looked around.

"Inuyasha said he'd be here from 6am… where is he?"

Yura shrugged. In actuality, she knew. Inuyasha called her and told her what he was up to and personally, she loved his idea. She watched Kagome head towards her office and moved to open the door. Instantaneously, Inuyasha came out from where his office was situated and leaned against the counter to Yura's desk. He winked at her as she took a seat.

Kagome pushed open the door and she heard a click. Her eyes widened; she looked up to see a bucket tilt. Closing her eyes, she expected the worst—but it never came. Instead, hundreds of rose petals showered onto her, taking her by surprise. Whirling around, she locked eyes with a smirking Inuyasha. Yura was laughing.

His eyes darted to the ground and back up. Kagome looked down to find a piece of paper amidst the bed of rose petals on her floor. Hesitantly, she picked it up and read the note her boss left her—

Surprise, wench. It read. Don't call me corny or I'll keep you in for overtime and put more than just worms in your food but… Kagome's heart stopped.

Will you be my girlfriend… you know, like an official wench?


Sooo? What do you think?