InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Merengue a ding ding ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Her heart stopped. Her breathing was ragged. Did Inuyasha just do what she thought he did? Looking up, she locked her eyes with his and saw that he was grinning like the Grinch when he stole Christmas. Beside him, Yura was dying due the lack of air from laughing so much. She was in on it! Kagome thought as she looked back to the note in her hand.

Surprise, wench. Don't call me corny or I'll keep you in for overtime and put more than just worms in your food butWill you be my girlfriend… you know, like an official wench?

Official wench, eh... She mused. Folding the note, Kagome looked back up to Inuyasha and winked at him before slipping it into her bra. Yura howled even louder.


Inuyasha raised both eyebrows. Oh the language of love requires no words to be understood. Walking up to him, Kagome put her hands on her hips and smirked, mirroring the exact same expression that donned his face from time to time. "Official wench?"

He nodded, his signature smirk slowly spreading across his face.

"Has a nice ring to it, wouldn't you say?"

"I don't know," Kagome examined her nails, "I like Miss. Official Wench a lot more. Has a professional ring to it, wouldn't you say?"

Yura's head was shooting left and right. Kagome and Inuyasha were in a verbal tennis match and Yura was there to watch it firsthand. She hoped Kagome won—it could be her twisted way of keeping Inuyasha in on 'unpaid overtime.'

"I would." He confirmed.




"So what the fuck is the verdict?" Yura butt in. "Are you Miss. Official Wench or do I need to sit here and listen to you both shoot out synonyms for good?"

Kagome looked at Yura and back at Inuyasha.

"I dunno… I guess being Miss. Official Wench appeals to me."

"Then it's a yes?" Inuyasha smirked while raising an eyebrow.

"It's a yes," Kagome beamed. Inuyasha could've kissed her right there but didn't and that was mainly due to the swarm of employee's entering the office. Winking at him, Kagome smoothly returned to her office just as Miroku approached him. Yura leaned back in her seat comfortably and reveled in what just happened.

Not even six months ago Kagome tried to avoid Inuyasha because he was mean. And now? She was being a mean prick right back to him and captured his heart, just as he had hers.


"I am bored!" Yura wailed, stomping into Kagome's office. Looking up, Kagome raised both eyebrows.

"Aren't we supposed to be at a meeting in ten?"

"Yes. But I'm not going," Yura flopped onto Kagome's loveseat, "the entire floor is going to this meeting and I doubt you and I are missing much. Besides, we're the ones that wrote the stupid agenda for the meeting. Can we please go have some cannolis across the street?"

Kagome wanted to laugh at the pathetic look on her friend's face. Standing up, she cracked her neck. Left, then right. Grabbing the keys to her office, she ushered for Yura to follow her. "Shhh," she whispered as she quietly turned her door knob, "we move silent. Like ninja's."

Yura nodded and they both tip toed out of the office. The staff of Floor 50 were in Inuyasha's boardroom attending a meeting but the two girls, evidently, did not want to attend. Kagome and Yura managed to sneak across the room and pass the glass doors to get to the elevators that would take them down to floor Ground.

"Won't you miss Mister Wench?" Yura nudged Kagome as the elevator shot towards the main floor. Kagome laughed.

"Perhaps. But he usually drops by my place every night."

Yura squealed. "How cute!"

"Thanks. And don't ask when I'm giving you cute hanyou-puppies."

"How did you…?"

"You and Sango are one in the same."

Yura laughed and linked arms with Kagome when the elevator door opened. They strolled out, grinning ear to ear and headed straight to the Italian Bistro. They had a bowl of spaghetti and some cannolis with their names on it.


Comfortable and already digging into their food, the two girls were exchanging their stories of what happened over the weekend. Yura informed Kagome that she and her husband were trying, again, to get her pregnant but to no avail. Yura was mildly devastated; she always wanted children, but she was having difficulties to conceive.

"It'll happen when it happens," Kagome comforted, "how many do you want?"

"Two. One boy and one girl." She stole a little meatball from Kagome's bowl. "You?"

"A couple dozens," Kagome wanted to explode in laughter at the look of shock on her friend slash co-worker's face.


"Why not?"

Yura's shocked look changed to one of mischief. "Well, you and Inuyasha do need a hobby if you're spending almost-eternity together."


"Sweet, you aren't even arguing back!"

Kagome was about to respond but her phone vibrated. Picking it off the table, she laughed seeing the text message she received from Mister Wench.

SMS from Takahashi Inuyasha:
Ditched the meeting, eh?

SMS to Takahashi Inuyasha:
Yura and I had a bowl of spaghetti calling us. We couldn't resist.

"Who is it?"

"Who else?"

Yura fought the squeal. "Is he angry?"

"Not that I can tell…"

"I guess he's used to us pulling stupid stunts."

"Right," Kagome shot Yura a playful angry look, "like the time we both ditched work and I was renchaku'd?"

"That isn't a word, dear."

"I know—ooou another message!"

SMS from Takahashi Inuyasha:
How about I "punish" you for skipping the meeting? My office, as soon as you get back.

"What he say?"

Kagome blushed. "He wants to punish me for not going to the meeting."

"Tell him to punish me too."


Yura deadpanned. "Don't actually do it."

"Too late!" Kagome laughed seeing the look of horror on Yura's face. She loved teasing her.

SMS to Takahashi Inuyasha:
Well since Yura and I both ditched, are you gonna punish her too?

His response was instantaneous.

SMS from Takahashi Inuyasha:
Sure. Tell her to stay unpaid overtime. You, however, are punished in an alternative fashion.

Kagome chocked. Yura leaned forward, forgetting her cannolis. "What did he say now?"

"He said that you can stay unpaid overtime—" Yura interrupted her by screaming WHAT but Kagome ignored her and continued speaking. "I, however, will be punished in an—" air quotation marks, "alternative fashion."

"Oh la-freakin'-la."

"Don't say it…"


"You said it…"

"Well, respond to him!"

Kagome didn't have to be told twice. She quickly hit the keys to her phone and replied to her boss—no, her boyfriend. That made shivers run up her spine, he was officially and actually hers now and no other woman could claim him. That, she told herself, was an amazing feeling.

SMS to Takahashi Inuyasha:
Should I unhook my bra as a head start?

"And you said?"

"If I should unhook my bra."

"Kinky. I approve. He replied yet?"

"He's not a texting machi—wait, he just replied."

Yura shot her a superior grin.

SMS from Takahashi Inuyasha:
Yes. Hurry up?

"HAH!" Kagome threw her head back. "He's horny."

Yura raised an eyebrow. "And when aren't men horny?"

"True. But I'm not giving in that easily," Kagome had that evil glint in her eye that Yura had come to love so dearly, "since you helped him prank me –though I don't think that was considered a real prank,- you have to help me prank him now."

"What have you got in mind, oh wise one?"


The girls returned to the office with a large tray full of coffee. They decided to be nice, since the skipped out on the meeting, and bought their fellow co-workers some coffee. Almost all of them were grateful. Yura took Inuyasha's coffee into his office and gently reminded him that he had to review the Meido Zengetsuha file.

"In Kagome's office," Yura told him before leaving. Inuyasha was amused, the wench hadn't come to his office like he asked.

That meant something was up her sleeve –err- her blouse.

Apart from those giant jugs Inuyasha loved so much. Ahhhh, boobies.

Reluctantly, Inuyasha lugged himself off of his comfortable armchair and languidly went to Kagome's office. Without knocking, he opened her door to find her intently staring at a file on her desk. "Afraid to get punished, wench?"

"No," she didn't look up but he smelt the scent of excitement spike as he spoke to her. That was a good sign. "I just don't wanna take home work tonight. Souta's checkup is on Wednesday and I have to have all my work done before then because Sango's doing her thing Thursday."

True, he mentally agreed with her. "Alright, you're forgiven. I'll punish you extra hard later."

She winked at him. "Looking forward to it. Anyway, why're you here and where is your tie?"

"I need the Meido files and I took it off," he pouted, "I choked myself."

How cute. She wanted to rub his ears but she had a plan in her head. She wanted to prank Inuyasha for the honest-to-God sake of pranking him. Besides, there still was a running scoreboard that she was intent on staying on top of. Though Inuyasha did secure a good few points with the rose petal thing that morning.

Let's see…

Higurashi: 2
Takahashi: 2

She already gave herself a point for the prank she was going to pull. And Inuyasha had a point from asking her to be his wench that morning.

"Yura has the Meido files," she distractedly told him. Don't look at his cuteness. Don't look at his cuteness. Gah, why is he so handsome! Kagome inwardly wailed. Inuyasha gave her a confused look.

"You alright?"

"Yes, just into the Puppy Trails paperwork."

"Oh-kay…" Turning around, he went to Yura's desk. Kagome's door remained open.

"Wench says you have the files," Inuyasha said as he approached her desk. Yura frowned.

"No. I gave them to her. Ask her again, must've slipped her mind."

Inuyasha was ready to throw a bucket of water at both Kagome and Yura. He hated this game of wild goose chase and he knew Kagome had something up her damn sleeve. But, he reassured himself, he would give her this one chance to prank him. He was the reigning champion, after all, and it would be only fair to give the leading woman in his life the opportunity to beat him.


"Kagome," He walked into her room again, "Yura says you have it."

Kagome looked up and saw Yura usher Miroku over. Inuyasha was totally unaware of what was happening behind him because he was too busy trying to figure out where the Meido files were. Good. Miroku was sneaking up to Inuyasha, ever so quietly so that his demon senses wouldn't pick up on him.

So far.

So good.

"I really don't have it," she emphasized. "I've been busy with the Puppy Trails debut all day. Yura has it."

Inuyasha growled. "I swear wench, if she doesn't—"

"Inuyasha!" Yura called. "I found it!"

Inuyasha turned around and just as he did, Miroku slammed a pie against his face.

All was silent for a split second before Kagome and Yura doubled over in laughter. The rest of the workers of the floor opened the doors to their cubicles and offices to see what the ruckus was about and inevitably joined in. Inuyasha stood there, stunned, unable to comprehend what just happened to him.

"Lemon merengue suits you, boss." Miroku snickered as Jakotsu flew over to run a finger down Inuyasha's cheek and lick it.

"Yumm," he winked.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Face." Inuyasha snarled. Kagome, finally composed, approached Inuyasha and slipped her hand into his, grinning like a Cheshire cat. He looked down at her, anger but amusement lacing his eyes. "You planned this?"

"I love you…?"

"You are so lucky I love you too, or you would've been looking at a lifetime's worth of overtime."

"I know," her grin was cheeky, "I feel very lucky."

"You gonna help me clean this up?"

Kagome gave his hand a squeeze. "Not now," her voice dropped to a whisper so that none of the staff members could hear her. Though most of them knew of their proclamation of love, they didn't need to know about their rendezvous in the bedroom. "But if you drop by tonight, I'll let you punish me extra hard."

He licked his lips and tasted lemon. "You can count on me."

"Clean that shit off your face, it's dripping!" Miroku called from Yura's desk. Inuyasha whirled onto him.

"Because you just pied me, you're being condemned to do the accounting for Cepheus and Puppy Trails."

Miroku pouted. "BUT THEY MADE ME!"

"If they made you jump off a cliff, would you do it?"

Miroku paused. "… yes?"

Everyone laughed. Inuyasha rolled his eyes in amusement and noted that Bankotsu was bringing him a hot towel. Thanking him, Inuyasha wiped his face and threw the dirty towel at Yura.


"Your face. Now, everybody, get back to work!"

Never a dull day at Takahashi Group of Companies.


I missed the pranks and the scoreboard!

So, the story is now leading up to Thursday (Sango's big day), the company party, Kagome's thesis presentation, and one more itty bitty surprise. I'll give you a clue; remember when Inuyasha pulled her pigtail?

Yeah, think about it. Or go back and remind yourself by reading that chapter :P hehe! I'm already envisioning the end of the story so, my minions, it's drawing a-near. Hopefully my next endeavour will be as much as a success as this one.

Till then, toodles!