InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Rin's Subtlety ( Chapter 40 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


"So?" Kagome leaned against Yura's desk after returning from lunch with Inuyasha. He gave her a chaste peck and returned to the treacherous perils he called his office and asked her, politely for a change, to try to get Shiori Horihito's files compiled by the end of the week. He even gave her until early Monday morning because of the events that would be happening in the next couple of days.

"Well." Yura exhaled loudly and looked up at Kagome to see tears behind her eyes. "What the hell are you crying for?" Yura exclaimed. As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Inuyasha bounded into the main room.

"You're crying?" He frantically looked at Kagome who only nodded and wiped her tears. Yura rolled her eyes.

"You two are so sweet it makes my teeth hurt. Why the hell are you crying?"

Inuyasha looked between the two and stared at Kagome for ten seconds longer. Seeing that she was okay, he hesitantly began shifting away. Kagome rolled her eyes and waved for him to go and he did. Hesitantly, of course.

"He's so sweet," Yura muttered, "I kind of miss our jackass bo— WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME LIKE THAT?" Yura roared, stumbling over backwards.


Yura paused. Doors opened. Heads peeked out. Inuyasha came back.

Everybody stared at the two secretaries.

"But how did… you… what… Kagome!"

"Your ass isn't crying—which is what you usually do when you find out you aren't—and you're sitting there acting all nonchalant and shit." Kagome threw a paperclip at her friend. "Your pussy is preggo and you're gonna have a baby in nine months so confirm my stupid suspicions so I can continue to squeal and plan a baby shower."

"Well aren't you the smart one, why yes I a— Umph." She was smothered when Kagome ran around the desk and tackled her into a tight hug. Both girls were laughing and crying and Yura's hair spanned out like a halo before relaxing once more. Miroku came up behind Inuyasha.

"Yura's pregnant?"

The dog-demon looked at his friend. "Apparently. From what I hear…"

Whatever Miroku was going to say was drowned out with squeals of many of the female staff on Inuyasha's floor. Bankotsu, walked over to where his boss and Miroku were standing and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Joyous occasion, isn't it?"

"Are you tryna get out of working today, Shichinintai?" Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. Bankotsu rolled his eyes and rolled out a long noooo. Miroku looked at Inuyasha.

"He's tryna get out of working today."

"Well it is a joyous occasions," Vincent, a member of the audit team, stated as he also approached the three men standing all by their lonesome. "Don't you want to let Yura go home and celebrate with her husband?"

"The fact she's pregnant is a result of some form of fucking celebration, you lazy assholes." Inuyasha scoffed which resulted in the three men laughing. He was secretly watching how his girlfriend was ecstatic over the fact that their front secretary was pregnant. Images of her holding Kanna popped into his mind and he could not stop the bubbling feeling that rose in the bottom of his stomach. Kagome. Baby. Pup… His? He shook his head subtly and refocused his attention on the men standing around him.

"…shower." Miroku finished talking and Inuyasha asked him to come again.

"I said," Miroku rolled his eyes, "we should plan a baby shower when she's in her 4th month."

Inuyasha's eyes widened. "Aw fuck! That means she's gonna be leavening on maternity. Dammit!"

The other three men snickered, loving how he just realized that Yura was pregnant. Bankotsu nudged Inuyasha playfully. "Why? You'll get to keep Kagome in for 'overtime' to cover Yura's work and you'd be the only one supervising her."

"I don't need an empty office to supervise anything." He grinned toothily. "But the Puppy Trails debut is coming up and our website launch is soon. AND our company party is in a month. Way to get pregnant now, Yura," he muttered under his breath.

Bankotsu, Miroku and Vincent laugh. "Right, never mind the happiness of it all and the bringing of a new life to the world. Not important when it you have a debut and a party right around the corner."

"Don't get sarcastic with me," Inuyasha murmured.

"I'll stop getting sarcastic if you let us celebrate her pregnancy and let us go home an hour early?" Miroku asked hopefully. Inuyasha glared at him.

"Seriously? How the hell do you expect me to run a company if you guys always ask to go home."

Vincent leaned over to Bankotsu and loudly whispered. "I bet if Kagome asked he wouldn't say no."

"But Kagome has morale and she wouldn't ask to go home early," Inuyasha defended. As if on cue, Kagome approached the group of men, smiling widely.

"Hey 'Gome." Miroku wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "We're just trying to convince Inuyasha here to let us go home early."

Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Why would you be doing that?" Immediately, Inuyasha had a smug grin on his face. Her femme-CEO side was kicking in and he loved when she became authoritative. Huge turn on.

Down boy, he told his manhood.

"To celebrate Yura's pregnancy?" Miroku eeped as he withdrew the arm that was wrapped around her shoulder. Kagome raised both her eyebrows at this point.

"Is Yura pregnant or are you?" Before Miroku had a chance to respond (and yell at the laughing Bankotsu, Inuyasha, and Vincent), Kagome continued. "We have a debut coming up, the launching of a website, prototypes to examine, a party to throw, and the countless other things the company is doing, and you wanna go home?"


"That's what I thought. Now, I hear that we're hiring a bunch of interns?" Miroku nodded. "May I have a list of names and contact information along with references on my desk in an hour?"

"Yes ma'am. Damn, you'd think it's your company, not his."

"Might as well be," Inuyasha murmured and Bankotsu nodded in agreement. Miroku stretched his arms and put it behind his head before winking at Kagome.

"Because you introduced me to Sango, I'm forever in your debt." With that being said, he sauntered off. Silent for just a moment, Kagome burst into laughter and was followed by Vincent and Bankotsu. Inuyasha only smirked indigently and strolled back into his office without further word. Kagome exhaled loudly and wiped a tear from her eye.

"I have half the mind of sending everybody home and forgetting to tell Miroku."

Another pause.

"Do it!" Bankotsu urged and Kagome grinned evilly, making a mad dash to Inuyasha's office. Vincent smirked.

"She's a woman after my own heart."

Bankotsu nodded. "Tell me about it. If we get to go home early, I can go make babies myself."

"You're already a father of three!"

"You can never have too many." Bankotsu patted Vincent's head and headed back to his office.


"Would it be really funny if we all went home but didn't inform Miroku?" Kagome asked, sitting on Inuyasha's couch. He glanced at her from his computer with both eyebrows raised. She grinned cutely.

"Prank Miroku?"

She nodded.

"If there has to be one reason why I'm dating you, this has to be it." Inuyasha laughed, causing Kagome to burst into a fit of giggles. "Other than the fact that I love you."

"Of course, other than," Kagome said. "So, can we leave Miroku? I'm done with most of my work for the day… and you said Rin wanted to talk to me?"

Inuyasha nodded. "She does… but I have a lot of paperwork to finish too. Jinenji is coming into the office on Monday and Kazu from Cepheus is calling a meeting across all of our divisions, to talk about a bug in our prototype."

Kagome bit her lower lip. "Yeah, Kazu called me about that too. Tell you what, you finish Jinenji's paperwork and I'll compile the folders needed for Kazu's meeting."

"We need projections, error reports, and possible debugging strategies," Inuyasha said without hesitation. "But that comes second to your Horihito files."

"That's in the bag." Kagome waved her hand. "Who the hell do you think I am? I can run this place with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back."

Her half-demon boyfriend's smirk grew. "You can make love to me with your eyes closed and your hands tied behind your back."

"You'd like that wouldn't you." She winked. "Alright. Higurashi is gonna disappear behind the walls of her office. Intercom me if you need me." Blowing him a kiss she left his office. Inuyasha sat still for a good five minutes. He felt a tightening in his pants that needed to subside immediately.

Wench. Hands. Tied. Ughhh… He glared at the tent in his pants. Unerect, stupid penis!


Humming softly, Kagome was mass printing documents required for the meeting with Cepheus. Yura had taken an early break (needed to feed the brat), and Inuyasha had to run out of the office really quickly to make a short visit to a branch of Takahashi Group of Companies. Using folders that had the Takahashi logo emblazoned across it, she began putting documents together to create the series that Inuyasha asked for.

To: kagome .higurashi takahashi . jp

From: jessica. orihime takahashi . jp
Subject: puppy trails
Time: 2:19 p.m.



Manufactures just called. We can view prototypes on Sunday instead. We can bring a child too, if we want. Got any babies we can use? :P Kidding!

BTW, I had an awesome idea to use as a complimentary line for Puppy Trails. Tell you about it at the next Puppy Trails meeting.



Kagome quickly hit the reply button and didn't realize that the door to her office opened.

To: jessica. orihime takahashi . jp

From: kagome .higurashi takahashi. jp

Subject: re: puppy trails
Time: 2:21 p.m.


Hey Jess.

Dang, was hoping to get time off of work on Monday :P Oh well. Sunday is better too, I could get the legal papers worked out and sent to the government for approval. They need to know the update on Puppy Trails—it IS a baby line after all, so we gotta be precautious.

And and and, a complimentary line? That's so coooool! Thought of a name for it yet?

Anyway, gotta finish work for Lord Takahashi-dearest-bossman. Later, gator!


Hitting send, Kagome looked away from her monitor to see Inuyasha smirking at her from the doorway holding a bouquet of alstroemeria. She had only seen those types of flowers once and those were in the wedding pictures of her parents. Quickly, she stood up. Inuyasha entered the vicinity of her office and kicked her door shut, smirking with just the left corner of his lip curling upwards.

"Flowers," he whispered, "for the lady." He approached her behind her desk and wrapped his free hand around her waist.

"Alstroemeria?" Kagome whispered and Inuyasha kissed the tip of her nose.

"Only because it represents friendship and devotion. Besides," he pulled away slightly, "roses are overrated."

Kagome couldn't help but laugh. Gladly, she accepted the bouquet and inhaled them deeply. Contently, she placed the flowers gently on her desk and threw her arms around Inuyasha's shoulders. "They didn't squirt water in my face!"

Inuyasha smiled and rubbed his hand up and down her back. He was laughing like a little boy inwardly because he had, without her realizing it, stuck a Kick Me sign on her back. Kagome pulled away from the embrace and smiled up at him. "Inuyasha," she murmured and he leaned forward slightly.

"Yeah, baby?"

Immediately, her expression darkened. "You better get the sign you put on me off right now or I will run you to the ground so fast."

His eyes widened. "Wha-what sign?"

"Don't act stupid!" She shoved him. "Take it off!"

He smirked. "If you insist…" And he began unzipping his pants.

Kagome, snarling, threw an eraser at him. Inuyasha laughed when it bounced off his chest, releasing his hold from his zipper and dropping his hands to his side. Kagome stomped her foot, reaching her hand back and managed to just hold the sign. She yanked it off and read what it said: Kick me.

"Really?" She looked up at him. "And what if somebody really did kick me?"

"I'd beat them to a pulp," he laughed. "Lighten up, sugarplum."

"…Never again." She stuck the sign on the front of his shirt. "Here, it brings out your eyes."

Without word, Inuyasha pulled her by the waist and slammed his lips onto her. Kagome was in shock for a few moments but quickly melted into the kiss, her arms snaking around his torso and gripping him tightly. Her left leg curled around his right and she managed to pull him closer to her body.

"Don't put another sign on me, Takahashi," she mumbled into his lips. His hold on her tightened.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Higurashi." And his tongue proceeded to stroke the inside of her mouth, coaxing her. Loving her. Needing her.

His right hand trailed up to her neck and he stroked the length of her ear and the column of her neck. Kagome tilted her head backwards as his lips trailed down her chin and onto the part of her body that he was stroking. Kagome exhaled sharply as his fangs grazed the flesh of her neck. Her body quivered—she wanted him so badly.

"…'Gome," he croaked into her ear. "I love you…"

If possible, her grip on him tightened even more. His lips found way to hers once more and they were engulfed in another flame of passion, drinking in each other, hands roaming each other's bodies. Breaking away to breathe, Kagome managed to smile in between her pants.

"No more office sex for today."

"We didn't even get to the sex part!" Inuyasha whined. Kagome rolled her eyes.

"And we can't afford to! I need to finish," she waved at her desk, "the work you assigned me. And you have work to do too."

"Keh," he mumbled cutely. "I was tryna get some Kagome action."

"You can get Kagome action during not-office-hours."

"…Keh." Inuyasha kissed her forehead. "Party pooper."

Kagome threw her head back and laughed. "You kill me. Now, go do work! The sooner we finish, the sooner we get to leave, and the sooner Rin can talk to me so I can go home for Souta's checkup."

"Woman, my brother is the one checking him up. Everything will be fine."

"I know but still. Now. Go!"

Grumbling under his breath, Inuyasha left her office in faux anger. Kagome only shook her head in amusement and returned to her work. Life was full of surprises when Inuyasha was involved.


Work finished, the employees of the department left home, and Inuyasha was taking Kagome back to his place. Sesshomaru was headed to the Higurashi Shrine just as it was clock-out time and he ensured Kagome that it was best if she wasn't present. The less people there, the easier and faster the checkup would be.

Though disappointed, Kagome agreed nonetheless.

As soon as the couple entered the mansion, Shippo tackled Kagome.

"GOME!" he squealed and Kagome laughed, hugging him. Cradling him close to her chest, Kagome greeted Rin as she flew down the stairs to say hi to Inuyasha and Kagome.

"Hey! Come on, we need to talk!"

Throwing Inuyasha a look of help-me as Rin dragged her off, the aforementioned half demon could do nothing but laugh and wave at his girlfriend. He loved it when Rin tortured other people; he was usually the subject of her dragging, squealing, and whining.

Good ol' Kagome.


"So," Rin asked as she and Kagome sat on her bed. Shippo was playing in a playpen in Rin and Sesshomaru's bedroom, quietly amusing himself as his mother and Aunt 'Gome had a little talk. "Little brother asked me to subtly ask you something but, we all know I hate subtlety, I'll ask you outright."

Kagome blinked. "Oh-kay?"

"Have you thought of marrying Inuyasha?"

Kagome choked on air. "Wh-AAAAT?"

What the hell is up with this family? First Izayoi and now Rin?

"Inuyasha asked me to check with you!" Rin immediately defended. "He wants to know how to approach this relationship, and let me tell you, he NEVER asks me to help him figure out the intentions of his girlfriends. So, that means, he wants to wife you up."

Kagome could only blink stupidly at her friend. She was trying to comprehend what was being said to her at that moment. … Wife me up?

"Hello? You alive?"

Kagome coughed. "Wife? Like… marry? Mate? Me?"

Rin nodded, smiling widely.

"What the heck is up with you?" Kagome finally voiced. "First Izzy, now you?"

Rin mock gasped. "Izayoi asked you too?"

Kagome nodded frantically. "Yeah, she did. Which was weird might I add; your boyfriend's mother asking if you ever thought of being with her son. Kind of really awkward but… sweet, nonetheless."

Rin listened. "And you said?" Say it. TELL ME WHAT YOU TOLD MY MOTHER-IN-LAW, DAMMIT!

Kagome inhaled deeply. "Don't. Tell. Him." She enunciated. Kagome, however, was unaware that her boyfriend was eavesdropping down the hallway, in his bedroom. He was very grateful of his doggy ears—very, very grateful. Rin nodded in agreement, knowing that Inuyasha was listening-in.

I'll tell her about this plot after they get married and have a few kids…

"I'm not ready to get married," Kagome mumbled. "But, if he asked to put a Mark of Intent on me… I wouldn't say… no?"

"Long term intenting?" Rin squealed and Kagome rolled her eyes at the made up word: intenting.

"Yes, long term intenting."

"SISTER. IN. FREAKIN'. LAW!" Rin tackled Kagome and Shippo jumped, looking at his mom yelling at his auntie.

"Shhh! He can hear us," Kagome murmured as she glanced at the door. "Yeah, that's what I told Izzy too. Trust me; it feels awkward telling his family that I'm okay with being with him. Or at least getting engaged to him long-term to figure out if we'd be compatible for the rest of eternity."

"That's better than nothing. You have a good head screwed onto you, Kagome." Rin patted her shoulder. Kagome snickered.

"I get a good screw too— Hey!" Rin threw a cushion at her friend.

"If Inuyasha's anything like Sesshomaru, you get half the good… fun that I do." Rin glanced at her son. He didn't seem to be paying attention.

Kagome rolled her eyes. "You may have the… uh… jewels of a demon, but I have the heart of a human. Until he climaxes."


Kagome couldn't help it, she burst into laughter.


Inuyasha was sitting in his bedroom, his heart pounding against his chest. He heard it—he heard her say it. And although Rin didn't actually ask her subtly, it still got him to the answer he was hoping to get. Yes. It was a yes…

Kagome wouldn't mind being my intended mate…

If he died right then, he'd be the happiest man, demon—hanyou in the world.


Beta edited: Sakura-chan MOTC