InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Mark of Intent, Possibly ( Chapter 39 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Changed and composed, Kagome ran out of Inuyasha's office to find that Inuyasha had guided his mother to Kagome's office and sat her down. She ran in and saw Inuyasha was kneeling in front of his mother and quickly, she sat down beside Izayoi and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Inuyasha and she exchanged nervous glances and both turned their attention back to the quiet and pale woman before them.

"Izzy?" Kagome murmured, giving the woman a tight squeeze around her shoulders. "What's wrong?"

Inuyasha was holding his mother's hands.

"Inu-" Izayoi inhaled deeply. "Inutaisho…"

Inuyasha's eyes snapped open and Kagome's heart was thudding against her chest. Inuyasha's father…?

"He… I saw…" Izayoi tried to compose herself. "I saw Inutaisho looking at me through my bathroom mirror."

Inuyasha's world began spinning, he had to let go of his mother's hands to sit down fully on the floor. His world seemed like it was going a mile a minute and he had no control over it. Izayoi continued speaking.

"Nobody was home. I mean, Sesshomaru or Rin. I couldn't… I couldn't stay at home alone. I had to go somewhere." Kagome silenced Izayoi by hugging her. The older woman was appreciative and returned the embrace, exhaling deeply. She was so frightened, so frazzled that the only thing that went through her mind was that she had to see Inuyasha.

"You can stay here," Kagome offered when she saw that Inuyasha wasn't in the state to say anything. "I'm not really doing anything except going over files. I can do them later; you and I could go grab food and talk?"

Izayoi smiled at her. "That would be great. If," she looked at Inuyasha, "he's okay with it."

"I think he isn't in the state to be okay with anything," Kagome murmured, "how about you go to the bathroom and freshen up and I'll try to see if he's responsive."

Izayoi had to laugh. "Yeah… that might be a smart idea. Wake him up; I know where the bathroom is." Kissing Kagome's forehead, Izayoi stood up and left the office, shutting the door behind her. Kagome bit her lower lip and waved a hand in front of Inuyasha. He was still sitting here, jaw dropped and eyes wide.


"She saw father…?"

Getting up, she decided to sit beside him on the floor. Taking a hand into hers, she rubbed it. "She did." She murmured and, finally, he responded and looked at her. His eyes seemed searching; for an answer perhaps? Kagome's hand tightened around his.


She shrugged. "Who knows," she whispered, "I see my father sometimes." She tugged on his hand lightly and they both stood up. Inuyasha faced her and she to him, still holding his hands. "When you love somebody and you love them a lot, they never die." Her heart quelled. Tears began gathering behind her lids. "I see my dad all the time. In my dreams, from the corner of my eye, when bad things happen. When Souta was in his accident, I dreamt about my father that night."

Inuyasha watched her. "He… he was holding both my brother and I, but we were younger. He kept telling us how much he loved us and how much he cares about us. Maybe your father was giving your mother a sign. Maybe," Kagome breathed deeply and blinked back her tears, "maybe it was his way of telling her that he loves her, even to this day."

"But she's never seen him before!" He argued.

"Then maybe he's warning her about something." Kagome said softly. "Think about it, there's a lot of crap happening in your life right now with your business and Morimoto. Your father and Morimoto had history too… you don't know why paranormal things happen, Inuyasha."

His shoulders sagged and he pulled Kagome into a tight embrace. "God, I love you," he whispered and Kagome hugged him back. From the doorway, Izayoi watched with a soft smile on her face.


"You alright?" Kagome asked Izayoi over a coffee at the bistro across the street. Izayoi looked up from her steaming cup of java to lock eye contact with her son's girlfriend.

"Yeah," she whispered, "a little frazzled."

Kagome nodded. "That's expected—how long did you see him for?"

Izayoi looked back at her cup. "A few moments. I turned around and saw the wall behind me, looked back at the mirror and he was gone. I changed and left the house so fast." She laughed nervously at that point. "Scary… never saw him like that before."

Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Like that?"

Izayoi nodded. "Yeah. I usually see him when I'm sleeping, or day dreaming. But," she looked up, "I've never seen him in a state where I'm wide awake."

Kagome leaned her chin on her hands. "Maybe because it's a sign?"

Izayoi shrugged. "I hope it's a good sign."

"You can never be sure. Only hope."

"You're right," Izayoi rubbed her face, "I'm sorry for barging into the office so suddenly. I was scared, I guess."

"Totally understandable. You saved your son," Kagome grinned, "I was about to rip his hair out for stealing some of my files."

Izayoi snickered. "He's still the same." She took a sip of her coffee. "He really loves you though."

Kagome blushed. "Yeah… I love him too."

Izayoi studied her for a long time before blurting out a question that was chewing at her for quite some time. "Would you want to be with him?"

Kagome paused, her eyes wide. "Wh-what?" She stuttered.

"Be with him, you know…" Izayoi turned her head to the left slightly and Kagome saw two faint bite marks on her neck. The claim of a demon. "Be with him."

Kagome didn't know what to say. What kind of question was that coming from her boyfriend's mother? She had only officially been with him for one day and somebody was already asking her if she wanted to get married to him. She felt like she might pass out. Izayoi seemed to sense what Kagome was feeling.

"Inuyasha doesn't care about people easily," she started, "especially after seeing everything he has growing up in an era where his bloodline was shunned. If it weren't for his brother – mind you, Sesshomaru had a phase where he tried to maim Inuyasha – but if it weren't for Sesshomaru, Inuyasha would've been long gone."

Kagome didn't know what to say.

"Inutaisho travelled a lot, while we grew up. He was home, and then was gone for 'business trips.' We had a variation of Takahashi Company back in the days," Izayoi wanted to pour her heart out to the girl sitting across from her. She didn't know why, but it felt so right. "It began with Inutaisho having a legion of warriors that dynasties hired. Slowly, it changed to mercantilism. Inuyasha always liked what his father did, Sesshomaru didn't. He was more into… figuring out the ways a demon body differed from a human."

Kagome grinned. "Hence the choice to become a neurosurgeon?"

Izayoi laughed. "Exactly. Inutaisho didn't like the idea; he wanted Sesshomaru to follow in his footsteps. It was Inuyasha that convinced his father to let Sesshomaru do what he wanted because he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. After years of convincing, Inutaisho caved and let the boys do what they want."

"That's funny," Kagome snickered, "he did that as a brat move, eh?"

"Trust me, I know." Izayoi took another sip of her coffee. "But he did well. He did this," She looked over at their office building. "He also cared about Kikyo," Izayoi looked back at Kagome. "Well, he didn't care about her, as I'd like to say. But he cared about the idea of who she could potentially be."

"And that'd be Missus Takahashi?"

"Exactly." Izyaoi punched the air. "But we soon found out that she's a lying, cheating, bitch- no reference to a female dog there."

Kagome laughed again. She loved Inuyasha's mom.

"So, when he told me that he had a crush on you two weeks after he hired you, I was amused."

"THAT long ago?" Kagome was in shock now. She thought that he liked her from recent, not from when she was first hired. Maybe Sango and her mother had been right all along, he was just kindergarten flirting with her.

How about that…

"Yes, sweetie, that long. He's a little puppy when it comes to matters of the heart, pun intended there." Izayoi grinned widely when Kagome snorted coffee out of her nose. "Darling, you're a mess."

"No thanks to you," Kagome snarled playfully. Izayoi handed her a napkin and Kagome cleaned herself up. "But really?"

Izayoi giggled. "Yes, really. He doesn't easily care for people, so when he does we tend to take it seriously. And you… I can tell that you care about him with equal force."

Kagome blushed and looked away. "Well… it took me some time to figure it out…"

"So have you considered ever being his?"

Kagome looked back at Izayoi. "I haven't thought about it, in between the debut of Puppy Trails and pranking him—" Izayoi laughed out loud at that one. "I haven't had time to think about the rest of my life. That and I'm only twenty-two years old."

"He's over seven hundred… its due time for him." The sarcastic tone in the woman's voice made Kagome snort out another noseful of coffee. Izayoi laughed in horror. "I'm sorry, dear!"

"Stop with the funny sarcasm, seriously!"

"I can't help it!" Izayoi playfully wailed. Kagome shook her head in sheer amusement and pushed her cup away a little bit.

"We'll finish talking and then I'll finish the coffee. Lord only knows I'll snort it all out."

Izayoi nodded with a super serious expression on her face, but couldn't hold it. She cracked a grin. "It is funny."

"… it is. But you won't hear me admitting to it." Kagome winked at Inuyasha's mother. Izayoi nodded ruefully and sipped her coffee once more.

"Not hearing you admit to anything. So, back to topic…"

Kagome exhaled loudly. "It's too soon for me to think about it… I mean, I can see myself with him. And we get along perfectly."

"Hmm…" Izayoi studied the girl. She was so down to earth, so real, that Izayoi would hate to see her go. Knowing Inuyasha, he'd take forever in wooing her into marriage so Izayoi figured if she planted a seed in Kagome's mind, the rest would figure itself out.

"I don't know about getting married," Kagome shrugged. She knew not to tell Izayoi about the renchaku, it was outlawed after all and the less people that knew about it until it wore off, the better. "But I wouldn't mind if he put a Mark of Intent on me."

"Really?" Izayoi's eyes lit up. "Really, really?"

Kagome laughed. "Maybe. But it'll be a long period of just intending. I feel like I'm not ready for such a serious commitment, but I wouldn't mind being his in that sense, to get to know him better… to see if marriage would be the right step for us."

"But that's better than nothing!"

"You tell him nothing, though!"

Izayoi grinned, zipping her lips. "My lips are sealed."


The ladies returned to the office, chatting about the new in-colours and how Kagome was planning on redecorating her room. Izayoi was giving her pointers regarding painting her bedroom, and what certain things she should be careful of. They walked into the ovular main foyer and were intercepted by Inuyasha.

"Are you feeling better?" He searched his mother's eyes.

"I should be asking you that," Izayoi rolled her eyes. "I was okay, just in shock. You were in a state of paralysis."

"Remind me not to care next time." Kagome hit Inuyasha playfully for that one. Inuyasha rubbed the spot on his arm that her fist came in contact with and he glared at her. "And remind me to keep you in for unpaid overtime."

"You will do no such thing!" Izayoi hit Inuyasha's other arm and he pouted, like a little puppy.

"You side with her?"

"And why not?"

"Because I'm you're son."

"Well frankly, I don't care. You need to stop being such a baby, boy."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Keh, and when do I lis—I mean, I love you?" He shut up when he saw the look his mother gave him. Kagome, along with Yura, Miroku, Bankotsu and Jakotsu were laughing. Inuyasha was a mommy's boy, how cute.

"Now, Rin should be home so I'm leaving. You, don't you dare keep her for unpaid overtime, and you," she turned to Kagome, "think about what I said." Hugging her son and then his girlfriend, Izayoi turned and left. Inuyasha looked at Kagome.

"What did she say to you that you gotta think about it?"

"Why the sky is blue and the grass is green, shouldn't you be headed to a meeting with Cepheus in an hour? I heard they're releasing the list of who they've hired," Kagome grinned, "think they could've hired me?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "Dunno, they did call me for a reference though."

"What did you say?"

"You were a lazy fatass who refused to do any work and picked your nose all day—MOM KAGOME IS TRYNA KILL ME!" Inuyasha made a dash for it when she balled her fist and leapt towards him. Within a heartbeat, the entire department fell into howls of laughter.


"That's creepy." Rin agreed. She and Izayoi were sitting on their patio swing, watching Shippo play in their personal playground made just for him. Being an agile one, he managed to swing past the monkey bars.

"Right?" Izayoi agreed. "Ran over to Inuyasha's place in a heartbeat. Apart from him being a worrywart, I spoke to Kagome one-on-one."

"Yeah?" Rin raised her eyebrow. "What you two talk about?"

"I asked her if she considered marrying him, in essence."

Izayoi's daughter-in-law face palmed. "No kidding? Inuyasha told me to subtly ask Kagome that on Wednesday."

"Go figure he'd put you up to something like that. He bribe you with anything this time around?"

Rin snickered. "No, but he did put the down on my Hummer. Yeah, baby, yeah!"

Izayoi shook her head. Her family was a bunch of maniacs. "Well listen to this. Kagome said that she'd be okay with Inuyasha putting a Mark of Intent on her so long as it was long-term. The girl is smart; she isn't ready to be tied down but she knows when something shows promise."

"And Inuyasha shows promise." Rin finished Izayoi's thought for her. The elder woman nodded in agreement.

"Exacty. So, you can do what Inuyasha asked you to do on Wednesday. Just don't tell him I asked her eh?"

"Mums the word," Rin smirked. "She's gonna figure something is up."

"Either that or she'd assume we're dying for her to get married to Inuyasha."

"Which we are, Mom."

"She doesn't need to know that." Izayoi paused. "Yet."

"Yet." Rin affirmed and Izayoi chuckled.



Inuyasha had the list of new hires for Cepheus. He decided not to reveal the names until Wednesday just before home time and Kagome was on edge. She really wanted to know if she had gotten hired for that position—finally, taking a step towards her future, towards her line of work.

He had dropped by for a goodnight kiss the night before and left promptly. Kagome had hitched a ride with Sango the morning of because Inuyasha wouldn't be in till later. He did offer to send Jaken, but she declined. She wanted to spend some quality time with her best friend and tell her face-to-face what Inuyasha's mother said to her the night before.

Sango informed her that the woman was out to play matchmaker. She also concluded that Kagome's answer was a smart one; a Mark of Intent wasn't a one-way ticket to marriage. It was something that would allow both parties to get to know each other.

"Good for you," Sango commended and Kagome felt great. Sango hardly ever complimented her.

They also talked a little bit about Operation: Get Morimoto that would be in full effect tomorrow. According to Sango, "everything was in place."

Sesshomaru would be dropping by the Shrine with Souta's family doctor that evening too, for a quick check up. In the meantime, Kagome would be at the Takahashi Mansion because Rin, according to Inuyasha, missed Kagome.

My life is so in the never-a-dull-moment phase. She told herself.

Sitting in the boardroom, Kagome was in a little meeting with the team of Puppy Trails and a few members of Cepheus. They were doing the final touch-ups on the website before the launch, and in one month's time, they would debut the product at the annual party.

"We get to go see the prototypes on Monday," Jessica grinned, "Kagome, you coming?"

Enthusiastically, she nodded. "Hell yes I'm coming."

Adjourning the meeting shortly thereafter, Kagome made it back to her office. Leaving the door open, she busied herself in her piles of paperwork: obtain legal paperwork from lawyers, get Inuyasha's signature, review guest list for party, personally call everybody attending the party, book an appointment to do a walk-through of the venue, and call the caterers. Her life was so hectic.

While she was buried deep in her paperwork, the ones in the documents marked protected, Inuyasha walked into her office. His tie, as usual, was undone.

"You need to learn how to tie that," Kagome commented as she rose from her seat and approached him.

"Why? When you can tie it for me."

Kagome giggled but proceeded to perform her magic and tie his tie. He watched her expertly loop the thingy through the majiggy and tie a noose. Her fingers, as he personally came to know, worked magic. "Voila," She smiled taking a step back.

He adjusted it so that it was comfortable and grinned. "Thank you, Mrs. Takahashi."

She raised an eyebrow. "Back at that again, are we?" Especially since your mother hounded me about marrying you. Irony at its best.

"Why yes, yes I am. Listen," he shut her office door, "I have something to tell you."

Kagome watched him sit down on the loveseat. He patted the spot beside him and she took it, still staring at him. "You," he started and looked over at her, "got the job at Cepheus."

Her eyes widened. "No… way…" she breathed and he smiled, nodding.

"Yep, you were top pick. I guess me telling them that you were a lazy fatass didn't do much damage- ow!" He ducked when she hit him over the head. Her grin spread wide and she squealed.


He just sat there, smiling. "Yeah, exciting stuff, huh?"

She got up and did a little dance but stopped half way to look at her boss. "Aren't you excited?"

He stood up and locked his gaze with hers. "Oh yeah, I am. But I'm slightly disappointed that you'd have to transfer to the head office of Cepheus."

Her eyes widened. Leaning forward, he placed a soft kiss on her cheek and left. Her heart was thudding against her chest and she stood there, still as a statue.

Head office? She thought in shock. But… Head office is in Osaka…

500 kilometers away from Inuyasha.

She ran out of her office and managed to tackle Inuyasha just as he was about to enter his. Amused, slightly, he turned around and wrapped his arms around her waist just as she launched at him. "I love you," she murmured pressing her lips tightly against his. Wanting to feel her, he allowed her to dominate him.

After a short but meaningful kiss, they pulled away. He, however, didn't let go of her.

"Osaka?" She murmured. "I forgot that… I mean I wasn't counting on…"

He laughed. "Don't worry. I know. You applied to get away from me when the opening came up." Kagome blushed in embarrassment because it was entirely true. He rubbed a hand up and down her back and watched the many emotions on her face.

"Well, the position is offered to you but you have a month to get back to them. They're giving you till just a week after our annual party so," he gave her a playful squeeze on her butt, "if you somehow get lined up for an amazing promotion here, you could always decline them."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Don't joke around with me right now. So, I have time to think about it?"

He nodded. "Yep."

"Okay good, that alleviates some stress." Kagome exhaled. "Can we go pig out now? I had a heart attacked about three minutes ago that I need to make up for."

Pecking her lightly on the lips, Inuyasha agreed.

"Sure but… if you don't finish your work today…"

Kagome snorted. "I know baby, unpaid overtime."

Inuyasha grinned. "Well, I was thinking more along the lines of Inuyasha's-personal-sex-slave-for-the-night but hey, if you wanna stay—" she smothered him and he couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't think I'm gonna be finished all my work tonight. Or tomorrow night for that matter—hey, I don't think I'll be done my work every night for the rest of the year."

A hungry look crossed his eyes. "Well aren't I a lucky man then?"

Nudging him playfully, she walked ahead of him and swayed her hips to tease him. Looking over her shoulder, she threw him a wink. "You are quite a lucky man, my dear."

He shook his head. "Woman, I love you. I don't know how, or why, but I do."

"Good. Now do you love me enough to come eat with me? I want lasagna and I can hear it calling me!"

Approaching her in three long strides, he caught her hand in his. Leaning over to give her another kiss, they both made their way to the bistro. Although they didn't want to talk about it, the issue of Kagome potentially relocating to Osaka nagged them at the back of their minds.
