InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ The Storm, I ( Chapter 42 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Shock coursed through Inuyasha's body as he stared at Ryuukotsusei in awe. Miroku, too, was blown away. That was something that nobody was expecting. Inuyasha had been under the impression that Kaoru Morimoto was the baby daddy, not his eighteen year old son.

"Isn't that some form of pedophilia?" Miroku voiced Inuyasha's thoughts. Inuyasha took another swig of his beer and watched Ryuukotsusei lean forward slightly. Well I'll be damned.

"Not actually," Ryuukotsusei murmured. All three men looked up to see Naraku enter the patio with a large black folder in his hands. Nodding, he sat down and Ryuukotsusei continued saying what he was. "Chiisu is legally an adult, which means he can have relationships with anybody- sexual or not. Doesn't really seem normal when he's fucking the woman his father is."

"Come again?" Inuyasha roared. "BOTH are sleeping with her? That's so gross!"

Miroku nodded in agreement and Naraku smirked, finding it humorous. He had the same reaction when he found out the little nitty gritty details about the case. Some people were just twisted… very twisted. "Right?" Naraku opened his mouth and agreed. "After paying off a lot of people, we were able figure out, due to the timing of it all, that Chiisu is the father of the child, but Kaoru is under the impression he is the father."

"That's so fucking twisted," Miroku murmured, "who the hell does that?"

"Beats me." Ryuukotsusei hummed. At that moment, Sango and Kagome (with the latter mentioned female snuggling a cooing Kanna to her bosom) entered the patio. Sango smiled at everybody and immediately took her seat beside Miroku. Kagome remained standing as she swayed left to right with the restless two year old in her arms. Inuyasha's heart melted and he shot a nasty look to Miroku who had, inconspicuously, nudged him.

"Kagura is getting us lemonade. You know, for us non-alcoholic drinkers." Kagome nodded to Sango who gave her the thumbs up. "So, what did we miss out on?"

"The announcement of a lifetime," Miroku murmured, "Chiisu and Kaoru are both fucking Kikyo."

Kagome's eyes widened. "No way!"

"AND," Miroku couldn't contain himself, "Chiisu is the daddy."


"WAYY!" Kanna mimicked Kagome. Kagome looked down at the child with a goofy grin on her face. Looking up, she winked at Naraku.

"Ironically, what Kanna just said makes complete and utter sense."

Finding her tone rather humorous, everybody on the patio shared a quiet laugh. Setting Kanna down, Kagome took a seat beside Inuyasha who immediately went and grabbed her hand. Kanna waddled over to her outdoor jungle gym and began to do what toddlers did best: play. That gave the adults the room to entre a zone of seriousness.

"Here's the details," Naraku finally began as he opened the folder on his lap. "Chiisu and Kikyo were seen at the mall that day. Thanks to a few tip offs, we found out that Chiisu is the father of the child. Sakura-" Naraku referenced the girl that Kohaku had a crush on, but was dating Chiisu and being abused, "is under our safety and protection. Chiisu has not been able to contact her at all."

Sango and Kagome nodded. That was good.

"As soon as we get Morimoto to reveal that he is the father, as he is under the impression that he is, and that he had been the one to murder Inutaisho Takahashi, we will have enough evidence that he is out to sabatoge. Eye witnesses in your department can also testify that Kikyo claimed the child to be yours, right?" Naraku turned to Inuyasha and he nodded.

"Yeah, Kagome and Yura were right there when it happened."

Naraku nodded and looked back at his folder. "Perfect. We get this done then we have him. Hook, line, and sinker. After we get all the evidence gathered, we'll confront Morimoto personally. If he denies everything, then we kick his ass in court and make him suffer in self misery in jail."

"Sounds like a good plan," Miroku murmured, "but how is it all happening?"

Naraku and Sango exchanged knowing glances. "It's all happening thanks to Sango…"


"I do not like how this is looking," Miroku said between clenched teeth. Sango was donning a miniskirt, black in colour and leather in material, with a low v-neck pale pink leather tank top. There were diamond studs along the strap and the back dipped down to just underneath her bra strap line. Her hair was twisted into a French braid, and her makeup was heavy, almost unflattering. They were trying to make her as un-innocent as possible.

"Suck it up," Inuyasha murmured as he stood to the side and watched his girlfriend do some last minute touchs ups on Sango. "She agreed to it. Taichi," Inuyasha barked at the officer. "Mic her up."

Nodding, Taichi went to retrieve the wires and the small microphone that would be connected to Sango's earring. Kagome was standing to the side and Inuyasha approached her, wrapping an arm around her waist. "She'll be fine," Inuyasha murmured. "Trust me."

Kagome nodded, slowly. "I just…"

"You can't go in with her." Inuyasha's voice as stern. "You know that."

"Yeah." Kagome mumbled. Finally, after everything was complete, Sango did a twirl for everybody. Satisfied with their job, Naraku handed Sango an envelope and told her that it was the invitation to get into Morimoto's party.

"You're gonna try to be with him, the entire time. Don't provoke him; get him to gloat." Naraku instructed. "Try not to get physical but—"

Miroku choked and Sango nodded.

"But if it gets to that point," she murmured, "don't back down and make it seem obvious."

"Oh, Sango!" Tears welled up behind Kagome's eyes and she tackled her best friend into a hug. "I'm sorry for making you do this!"

"Hey, at least when I have grandchildren, I can tell them that I went CSI with great-aunt Kagome. Once in the mall, and once in a deadly shindig." Sango tried to force humour into the situation, but it didn't help. Pulling back, Kagome placed a gentle kiss on Sango's cheek and walked backwards, into Inuyasha's chest.

"The limousine is outside," Naraku instructed, "we'll be in a white Mercedes and a plumbing truck just outside of the building. When you make it out, find the closest vehicle and get in. Understood?"

"Yes," Sango whispered. With a final hug with Kagome and Inuyasha, Sango kissed Miroku. He held onto her for a minute longer and everybody watched—Inuyasha was about to gag, but Kagome was on the edge of her seat (in a literal sense), awaiting for what Miroku was going to say.

"Stay safe," he whispered and she nodded. Leaning forward, Miroku gently pressed his lips against Sango's once more. "Try not to get…" His hold on her tightened and he forced the words out. "Physical."

Inuyasha's hold on Kagome's waist tightened as he heard his friend say his last minute goodbyes. He knew that he would be extremely uncomfortable if it was Kagome that was doing it instead. He understood where Miroku was coming from.

"Yeah," Sango mumbled. Miroku looked into her eyes and brought his left hand forward to caress her cheek.

"I love you," he murmured and Sangos' eyes snapped wide opened. Kagome gasped and Inuyasha raised both eyebrows in amusement. Kagura, Naraku, and Ryuukotsusei were snickering and the police officers that were in Naraku's house were clueless as to what was happening. Inuyasha took a step forward.

"Well… now Sango has somebody to come back to, hmm?"

Kagome shoved him. "Shut up, Inuyasha. Tell him you love him too, Sango!"

Sango looked at her friends and turned back to Miroku. "I'll tell you when I make it out. Give you something to look forward to." Leaning forward, she gently kissed the tip of his nose and turned around, leaving the house and running towards the limousine. Miroku's jaw tightened.

"Naraku," his voice came out stern, so unlike what everybody was used to.

"Yeah?" Naraku so knew what was coming next.

"I know you had a spare invitation made for Kagome," Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at Kagome who laughed nervously. I love you? She mouthed and he furrowed his eyes.

Watch out, he warned and she smirked, wiggling her brows in turn. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and looked at Naraku. Miroku continued speaking.

"Give it to me. I'm going in."

"WHAT?" Inuyasha and Kagome yelled out simultaneously. Miroku whirled to his boss and his boss's secretary.

"You'd do the same if it were Kagome. Don't deny it, Inuyasha. I'm gonna go in, if anything, to protect Sango."

Studying him for a moment, Inuyasha finally gave in and nodded. "Fine. But on one condition."

"What's that?"

Inuyasha smirked and leaned on Kagome's shoulder. "You dress in a white suit and go in with a pimp swag."

Miroku snickered. "Done deal."


Nervously, Sango looked in both directions and took in her surroundings. The atmosphere was more club jam than a sophisticated shindig. Apparently Naraku knew what he was doing when he made her dress like a wannabe prostitute. Clenching her fists, Sango scanned her surroundings, trying to find Kaoru Morimoto. She felt a hand brush by her butt and whirled around to find nobody there.

Stay calm, she instructed herself, just do what you came here to do.

Her left earring was a microphone and her right earring, which was slickly designed as a large earring, was a headphone. She had constant contact with her team in the outside world. Sarcastically, Sango told herself that if she made it out in once piece, she would quit being a kindergarten teacher and enter the world of espionage.

"Naraku to Sango," her earphone crackled to life, "do you hear me?"

"Yes," she said softly.

"Good. See him?"

"No." She was instructed to limit her conversations to the team. In case anybody spotted her talking to herself.

"Keep an eye out." Naraku refused to tell Sango that Miroku was entering the vicinity. It was a good idea to have protection for Sango inside, but it wouldn't be smart in telling her that he was there. Unknown to anybody but Inuyasha, Kagome, and Ryuukotsusei, Naraku had also some undercover cops in the shindig as well. Sango was very much protected, and he was planning on bringing her out unscathed.

"Do we know what he's wearing?" Sango heard Kagome inquire.

"Umm," shuffling papers, "yeah. Shorts and a shirt. White shirt. His name is imprinted on it in blue."

Sango rolled her eyes as she saw the back of his shirt 'Morimoto' streak past her. "Found him." She muttered and quickly started to make her move. She was unaware of the eyes that followed her, sitting in a corner with a glass of water. Tipping his white hat forward, Miroku ignored a woman making advances.

Sango, he thought as he drank another sip of water. He had a white cane with a cobra curve for the handle – why Naraku had such an item lying around was beyond him, but it made a good prop. And a hitting stick. He clutched his cane tightly when he saw Sango make her move towards Morimoto. Miroku, too, was miced up. They made his microphone look like an earring stud, and his headphone looked like a conspicuous Bluetooth.

Sango pushed past oncoming women and finally made it to Morimoto. She withheld her gag reflex. He's so ugly! Inhaling deeply, she began to do what she was anticipating to do for the last couple of weeks. Kaoru had taken a seat on a barstool and Sango, pretending she didn't notice him, sat down on the stool right beside him. She leaned her chest forward slightly and looked as if she wanted to wave the bartender down.

"Well, hello…" Kaoru purred and Sango glanced over at him, feigning shock.

"Hi?" She squeaked. Kaoru smirked.

"What is a pretty lady like you doing here?"

Sango smiled, seductively. "I could be asking you the same thing."

Kaoru threw his head back and laughed. Miroku's grip on his glass tightened and he saw red- he kind of knew what Inuyasha felt when he was transforming to youkai, at that moment. Inhaling deeply a few times, Miroku forced himself to calm down…

"Did she find him?" Inuyasha's voice buzzed in his ear.

"Yep- fuck," Miroku cursed, "I see Kikyo."

"Stall her. Don't let her see Sango." Inuyasha instructed and Miroku nodded, even though his friends couldn't see him. Standing up, he pointedly ignored the woman who was trying to grab his attention and headed straight to Kikyo. He looked like a lion on a mission; a lion on a hunt. His muscles rippled as he breezed past everybody. Bringing his right hand to the tip of his head, he pulled it down slightly so that his eyes were shaded. The cane remained gripped in his left hand.

Intercepting Kikyo before she turned the corner to the bar, Miroku smirked down at her. Without a word, he brought a hand up to her cheek and stroked it. "Hey there, beautiful…" He purred. His stomach was churning with disgust. Without hesitating, Kikyo smiled up at him.

"Hey yourself…"


Just a few feet off, Sango was leaning towards Morimoto, masking her disgusting with a look of desire. Morimoto reached forward and trailed his fingers up the length of her arm. She tried to make herself seem as though she was enjoying it. Good thing for her, he believed it.

"And might I have your name?" He purred.

"Kitty," Sango blurted out. She heard a snicker in her ear and knew one of the guys was having an amazing time listening to her talk. "The names Kitty."

"Kitty," Morimoto leaned back, "that's an amazing name."

"Yeah?" Sango blinked. "My silly ex-boyfriend didn't think so…"

"What kind of idiot is he?"

Sango shrugged and saw the bar tender arrive. She ordered a tall Long Island Iced Tea and turned her attention back to Morimoto. "God knows. I think you could be familiar with him… Takahashi? Inuyasha Takahashi?"

Morimoto's face twisted into an ugly sneer. "Oh, boy am I familiar with him."

Sango sighed and rested her palm on her chin. "Yeah. He said that I had a stupid name. Reminded him of his sister's cat or something?"

"Takahashi is a fucking idiot," Morimoto consoled, "why would he ever give up somebody as beautiful as you?"

Sango shrugged once more. "I found out he was cheating on me with that ex fiancée of his and his secretary. That man is something else, I tell you."

Morimoto's eyes perked up. "Ex fiancée and his secretary?"

"Yep," Sango thanked the waiter as he passed her her drink. "Kikyo, I think was the name of the fiancée?"

Morimoto watched Sango. "Yeah… I know her, you know."

"Really?" Sango's eyes widened. "Well you better keep her away from me, because I will give her a piece of my mind."


Sitting in a white Benz with tinted windows, Naraku had a laptop propped open with a few speakers wired around him. Kagome was lounging in the backseat and Inuyasha was reclined in the driver's seat. A few feet away was a large parked plumbing truck that had the heavy duty equipment in it along with Ryuukotsusei and the police team.

"She's doing good," Naraku whispered as Sango's voice reverberated through the car.

"Good job on winging it," Kagome commented from the backseat. "How's Miroku doing?"

With a few clicks on his laptop, Sango's voice melted away and Miroku's voice was loud and clear.

"What brings a little lady like you to a party like this?"

Inuyasha choked, trying to sustain his laughter. "Seriously, Miroku?"

"Well at least he's stalling Kikyo! Imagine what'd happen if she barged in on Sango and Mori—" Kagome stopped herself talking and shot up from her lying down position. "Naraku! Get Miroku to bring Kikyo over to where Sango and Morimoto are!"

Naraku looked back at Kagome and knew she had a plan. Changing the settings back to Sango, Naraku quickly instructed her that he will be working on getting Kikyo to where she was (Sango still didn't know Miroku was in the vicinity as well). Sango made a coughing sound to acknowledge that she heard—

"You okay?" They heard Morimoto say.

"Yeah… the thought of seeing that bitch makes my blood boil."

"She isn't all that bad!"

Naraku smirked and Inuyasha cracked his knuckles. "She's luring him in. Switch to Miroku."

Clicking a few buttons on his laptop, Naraku switched to Miroku. "Hey Miroku. Try to get Kikyo over to where Sango is. We have a plan."

"May I buy you a drink?" Miroku immediately responded as the words left Naraku's lips. Leaning back into his seat, Naraku looked over to Kagome.

"You better have something up your sleeve, human."

Kagome had a dangerous look in her eyes. "Yes, I do. And I guarantee that Sango will know exactly how to play along."


And so the mission has begun! For those who follow my tumblr, didn't I promise it'll be up before 5pm EST? *cool face*