InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Soul Mates ( Chapter 44 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


NOTE: Those who were slightly confused about Morimoto thinking that Inuyasha would accept the fact he's the father: they concocted a story, which I had mentioned in CHAPTER 9 that Inuyasha had "slept" with Kikyo. But, Kagome negated that assumption saying that she had a picture of Inuyasha walking in on her on the toilet making her a solid alibi.


The hand that was wrapped around Kagome's waist had tightened considerably but Kagome was not about to back down and apologize. She and Inuyasha had reached a particular stage in their relationship that, even though she felt slightly uncomfortable asking that question, she didn't feel like she was stepping out of line. In any case, Inuyasha would inform her immediately if she did step out of line.

There was an uncomfortable silence. Maybe it was a bad idea to ask him? Kagome bit her bottom lip. After what felt like an eternity, Inuyasha finally spoke.

"I'm not one hundred percent on the story... I only picked up what mother and Sesshomaru told me since I found out father was murdered," he began. His voice seemed distant and Kagome knew better than to question or interrupt him. He had entered a zone and he wasn't about to come out of it any time soon. "They were once really good friends but… that was before Sesshomaru was even born."

Kagome didn't dare budge. His grip on her loosened slightly but it was still strong. "My father belonged to a legion that travelled and punished those who did deeds against demonity and humanity alike; Kaoru was his left hand man," tilting his head to the side, he gave Kagome a ghostly smile. "Can you believe that father had even wanted Kaoru to be mine and Sesshomaru's godfather?"

Kagome gawked and her boyfriend nodded. "Yep. That's how close they were. When Sesshomaru's mother and father had mated, Kaoru had played front and center at the ceremony—it was father's best friend, nobody expected any less." Inuyasha went silent and Kagome gave his torso a gentle squeeze, urging him to continue. Inhaling deeply, he did exactly as she had asked of him…

"Things started getting really bad when Sesshomaru turned fifty," Inuyasha murmured, "according to him there were a lot of fights breaking out between the two demons, mainly on how the legion as being run. Kaoru had been opposed to sparing humans whereas Father was more… lenient."

Kagome was silent. The tone in Inuyasha's voice was something she had heard on rare occasions and, this time, it was all about him. She gave him a gentle squeeze to let him know that she was there for him. Inuyasha smiled at her, softly though, before continuing.

"According to Sesshomaru, Kaoru wanted to kill humans that caused harm to innocent demons but father said to let their village be in charge of their punishment. We never knew why Morimoto wanted to start punishing humans... we just know he did. It was one of the first times they had a severe argument. It was tense after that; Ryuukotsusei, who was in his prime at this point, was also aware that the two friends had turned slightly hostile towards each other." Inuyasha paused for a moment and continued.

"Then father met my mother; according to mother it was because Sesshomaru's mother, Inu no Kimi had fallen ill and knew she wasn't going to live any longer—she told father to find somebody who was capable of raising Sesshomaru to be a kind hearted soul. Eventually, father met mother and together they ran a merchant company." Kagome kind of knew about the legion and the merchant company. Izayoi had said something about them when she had come into Inuyasha's office, distraught.

Inuyasha made a strangled sound and turned to face Kagome. Without word, he pressed his lips against hers and she immediately melted. This was what he needed and she would be there for him, just like how he was there for her on numerous occasions.

To protect her.

To hold her.

To be with her.

He pulled away but remained millimeters from her face. "Kaoru," Inuyasha whispered, "was informed by my father on countless times that he owns half of the company. They got over the fight they had hundreds of years prior; they both still ran the legion and father had the company. But," Inuyasha gulped, "Morimoto's wife had committed high treason in the south and murdered one of the Panther Princes. Because of that, she had to be executed and it was my father that had to go through with it. Morimoto thought that father would've spared her…"

"But he didn't," Kagome whispered. Inuyasha nodded.

"He didn't. Morimoto vowed that he'd kill my father if it was the last thing he did and, for hundreds of years, they had many battles. Finally, Morimoto sunk low and paid off some of father's close accomplices and they poisoned his meal when he was travelling between villages with the legion. The poison didn't kill him," Inuyasha choked, "it weakened him. But it was in that state that Morimoto well…"

Kagome nodded. "Shhh," she whispered, "you don't have to continue."

Inuyasha shook his head. "No, I do." He took a few moments to breathe and finished the rest of his father's story. "The members of the legion that were aware of what Morimoto did had reported him immediately to the Demon High Court. Morimoto was put on Demon Trial, was accused of guilty, and was stripped of his title as Second in Command to the Legion as well as all the land that he owned. The Demon High Court had also said that if he put a finger on any of father's children, and our children, and our children's children, then he would be immediately sent to Death Row."

Kagome's eyes widened slightly and Inuyasha looked at her with a joyless smile on his face. "But on the flipside, Sesshomaru and I were warned that if we tried to get revenge, then we'd face the same punishment. The Demon High Court is trying to maintain peace but…"

"It has to work both ways," Kagome finished. Wordlessly, she climbed on top of Inuyasha and laid her head on his chest. Immediately one of his hands went around her waist and the other was combing through her hair. She heard his heart beat rapidly and had to smile slightly. Her own heart was racing for him, uncontrollably. Looking up, she saw that his eyes were closed and his ears were tweaking ever so slightly. Leaning forward, she pressed a kiss onto his chin.

Inuyasha cracked an eye open.

"I love you," Kagome whispered. "I don't know when it happened, and I sure as hell was scared when I found out… but I love you. So much."

He flipped her over and straddled her, grinning. His fangs were glistening but Kagome had found that it turned her on.

A lot.

"Why don't you show me how much you love me?"

Kagome's smirked was a mirror image of his own. "Only if you show me in return."

"Wench," he growled as he attacked her lips. Kagome gladly let him do as he pleased; her heart beat for the demon before her and there wasn't anything out there that she wouldn't do for him. Pulling back just for a moment, their eyes locked.

"I love you too," he murmured. Gripping his forelocks, Kagome yanked him down for another searing kiss.


Kagome had been given permission to go into work late for Friday morning. A limousine would pick her up at exactly ten am; Inuyasha was giving her time to recuperate from the events that happened the previous day. After their cuddle time at his place, he dropped her off to Sango's so that the two girls could bond and analyze everything that happened.

He knew she got home really late. He had told her to give him a phone call when she got home and she never did—which meant that she got home at a time that she assumed him to be asleep.

"Keh," he scoffed, sitting in his office the very next day. Inuyasha was going through a file of docs that he had to sign before Kagome, Yura, and Jessica went to check out the prototypes for Puppy Trails. Chief of Design, Jessica, had also informed him how she had a complementary idea for his Puppy Trails design: baby food.

Organic, all natural, baby food. She wanted to call it: Cherub. Inuyasha liked the idea. A lot. He told her to write up an official proposal and have it on his desk by Monday clock-out time. Jessica had squealed and, spontaneously, hugged him before running off. That all happened between the hours of nine and ten am.

"Boss man," Miroku strode into Inuyasha's office. "Why the hell is there a bouquet of lilacs on Kagome's desk?"

"I'm a romantic soul?"

Miroku choked, gawking at Inuyasha. "Since when?"

"Shut up. What do you want, Lin?"

Miroku sighed. "The intern called in sick today and the facilitators for the training session we were going to have for all staff at managerial positions called in sick. The sessions are postponed until Monday and the intern is on a leave of absence until further notice."

"What happened to the intern?"

"Strep throat."

Inuyasha cringed. "Ouch."

Miroku nodded. "I know. So now I'm down an intern and no training session. Today is a flop so I figured, if it's alright with you, if I put the guys on this department through a small workshop for positive co-employee relationships?"

Inuyasha snickered. "Is that how bored you are?"

"Yes. So, can I?"

"Fine, but leave Yura, Kagome, Bankotsu, and Vincent. I need them, but take the rest."

"Alright." Miroku turned to leave but Inuyasha called him back.

"For your initiative, lunch is on me today."

Miroku beamed. "Thanks, man!"

"Trust me, I know you're in a good mood because you had awesome sex last night." The blush on his friend's face proved him to be right. Laughing, Inuyasha watched Miroku scurry out of his office and turned back to the documents he was signing. He felt lighter, a lot better after he told Kagome the story of his father. Nobody except their immediate family knew about what happened to Inu no Taisho. It was something he carried on his shoulders for quite some time—there were numerous occasions he wanted to shred Morimoto into little bitty pieces but then he'd be in deep shit with the Demon High Court.

And it didn't do him too well that his own brother had been nominated for a seat.

Maybe the asshole could change our condition and let me cut Morimoto up into itty bitty pieces… his mind was reeling with possibilities.

Before he heard the knock on his door, Inuyasha had already smelt Kagome. Instructing her to come in, he was gleeful to see that she had worn a casual yellow skirt and a red button-up t-shirt for their dress-down Friday. She was holding the bouquet and grinning stupidly.

"You're either an asshole for pranking me, or extremely nice. What gives?"

Inuyasha shrugged and ushered her to him. Patting his lap, he silently instructed Kagome to sit on him and, without argument, she paid heed. His arms wrapped around her waist and he began nibbling on her ear. "I wanted to be nice today. Can you blame a guy?"

"Maybe," Kagome twisted in his arms to embrace him. "You're acting very sweet today: lilacs, late-start."

"Lunch for two at one pm," He winked. Kagome had to laugh at him before giving him an Eskimo kiss.

"Any reason?"

He shrugged. "Not really," he brought her hand up and softly placed a kiss over her Renchaku mark. "One more week before this stupid thing is gone," he murmured, looking into her eyes. "I'm sorry for what I put you through, baby."

Kagome smiled at him. "Don't worry about it. Let bygones be bygones and we'll concentrate on what tomorrow brings."

"You're kind of poetic, wench."

"I know," Kagome winked, "I'm a poet and I didn't even know it."

"That is so lame," Inuyasha laughed, shoving her off of him. Kagome giggled and playfully hit his shoulder.

"I feel like that is an appropriate display of my poetic skill. How about this: roses are red, violets are blue—"

"My shit stinks and you do too," Inuyasha finished for her and ducked when she moved to attack him. He pushed his rolling chair back and made a break for it when Kagome lunged to attack him once more. Picking up a scrap piece of paper, Kagome crumpled it and threw it at Inuyasha who dodged effectively.

"You need to pick up your game, wen -umph!" Tripping over one of his armchairs because he wasn't looking, Inuyasha fell face first into the ground and gulped when Kagome pointed a pen dangerously at him. His eyes flickered to the pen and back.

"Does thou giveth up?"

Inuyasha snorted. "Woman, I grew up with Shakespeare, and you make a very bad impressions. Rin had a little crush on him too, if I remember."

Kagome's eyes widened and Inuyasha took the opportunity to get up.

"No way! Did Sesshomaru know?"

Inuyasha snickered. "Why else do you think Shakespeare had an early retirement?"

The skeptical look Kagome shot him made Inuyasha stop fibbing immediately.

"Fine. But Rin did have a crush on him."

"For some reason, I believe that." Kagome straightened Inuyasha's collar. "Heard from Naraku yet?"

Inuyasha shook his head. Gently, he placed his hands on hers and tugged her into a tight embrace. "No. He said he'd call me before the weekend is over. He needs to call Morimoto and speak to him too, you know."

Kagome nodded against his chest. "I know. I'm just nervous; I want all of this over with before the company party." She pulled back and smiled up at him. "We can still hope, right?"

Inuyasha nodded, trailing the pad of his thumb over her jaw. "Everything'll be okay. I promise."

"Don't make promises you have no control over, Inuyasha."

"I do though," he whispered, tilting her face up, "the only thing I can control is whether or not you're happy, and believe me when I say that I won't let you ever be unhappy." Not with knowing the fact you'd be willing to be my intended mate…

Moving to stand on her tip toes, Kagome closed the gap between them into a soft and melodious kiss. If anything, she and Inuyasha were becoming better.



Like two halves of one whole.

Soul mates.


There was also some continuation errors: Chapters 22 and 32 have been since modified to fit the rest of the story, mostly to fit THIS chapter. I had been jumping through Inuyasha KNOWING his father was murdered and NOT KNOWING. Everything has since been changed to Inuyasha always KNOWING his father was murdered. The changes made were not significant but if anybody wanted to go back and read it, the chapters that have been modified are 22 (More Important than Work) and 32 (Technicalities).


Because I made the changes to CHAPTERS 22 and 32, there will be slight confusion: Inuyasha WILL BE going to court for the allegations of his child AND emotional damage he has had throughout the years for his father's murder. THAT will be further explained in the next chapter but RYUUKOTSUSEI was trying to reopen Morimoto's file with the DEMON HIGH COURT. Rereading Chapters 22 and 32 MAY help (I just added in a few details and took out the continuation errors). Details of what will happen with Morimoto and how they'll be approaching the case will be explained in the FOLLOWING chapter.