InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergartners ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Inuyasha characters


AN: This is the first fanfic I ever wrote so it sucks, but I'm a determined soul so I posted it lol. Hope you guys like it!





Kagome's mom, ooka stood in her kitchen doing the mornings chores. She looked at the clock on the kitchen wall and smiled. "Kagome time to go to school." She called up the stairs


" Coming mommy." She replied and raced down the stairs into her mother's arms.


"Well aren't we hyper this morning." She said laughing.


"Yes I'm so excited about my first day of kindergarten." She giggled


"I bet you are, now grab your back pack and I'll walk you to school."


"OK but I left it in the well house, be right back." She ran out the door and into the well house.


"Where is it?" she thought as she searched around. She leaned forward into the well and saw it.


"There it is!" she exclaimed and jumped down into the well to grab it.


She waited for the impact, but it never came. She just kept falling. "What's happening?" she screamed as she slowly floated down. "Ow that hurt!" she cried as she landed hard on her butt.


"Hey I'm still in the well." She said aloud as she stood up. "Maybe it was just a dream." she thought as she climbed out of the well.


"Hey this isn't the well house! Where am I?" she yelled as she began to walk into the forest beside the well. As she walked she began to hear a soft growling sound. "Who's there?" she said in a scared voice. She followed the sound to a large tree. She looked up and gasped.


There was a boy hanging from the tree! His shirt was caught on a branch and he was asleep. "Oh the growling sound was his snoring." She laughed. Suddenly the boy awoke with a start


"Who goes there?" he growled looking around. "Um hi." She called "Do you need any help?"

"No, I don't need any help from a stupid human." He crossed his arms stubbornly. "And just who the heck are you?" he asked in a I-don't-really-care-I'm-just-wondering-voice.


"My name is Kagome Higurashi." She paused "What's yours? He glared at her


"Inuyasha, what's it to ya? She frowned slightly


"Nothing….hmm that's a weird name."


He snarled, "Well nobody asked your opinion so shut it."


Kagome's voice quivered, "Hey that's not nice you big meanie." He stuck out his tongue.

"So?" he huffed


"Well how did you get in that tree smartie?" he mumbled something she couldn't hear "What was that?" she called


"Kikyo!" he roared


"Kikyo huh…hmm another weird name." She whispered,


"What did you say?" Inuyasha yelled,


"Oh, I said who is that?" she yelled.


"Some girl." he huffed


"Well, how did some girl get you in a tree?"


"Don't ask me, she has weird powers."


"Can you get down?"




"Why not?"


"Because I'm stuck."


"Well I'll help you." she looked around "Is this bow and arrow the one Kikyo used to pin you to that tree?" she asked holding up what she had found.


"Yeah, so?"


"So, I'll just shoot the arrow at the tree and you'll fall." She said simply.


"You can't handle that bow and arrow." He said rolling his eyes.


"Watch me." She said smugly. She held up the bow and fitted the arrow in correctly. `Good thing daddy gave me lessons.' She thought as she aimed. "She shot the arrow and it flew straight at Inuyasha's head.


"Hey what the heck?!" he cried and swung out of the way of the arrow. The arrow pierced the branch and Inuyasha fell hard onto the ground. "ARGH! I'm going to kill you wench!" he cried jumping to his feet.


" Hey I saved your life!" she cried angrily


"Well I'm about to end yours!" he shouted and ran after her.


She screamed and started to run. She didn't get far before Inuyasha caught up with her and pinned her to the ground. She screamed and closed her eyes. Waiting to die. Then she felt the weight of Inuyasha being lifted off of her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a young girl holding Inuyasha by the scruff of the neck. She sat up staring at the girl.


"Who are you?" The girl ignored her and glared at Inuyasha.


"Inuyasha, are ye chasing humans again?" the sides of her mouth twitched trying to conceal a grin.


"What's it to ya brat?" Inuyasha said and twisted out of her grasp and fell to the ground.


The girl sighed and turned to Kagome. "Who are ye and why are ye wearing such funny clothes?" she said staring at Kagome's mini skirt and sailor type shirt.


" My name is Kagome Higurashi and I'm not the one wearing funny clothes." She replied eyeing the girls miko outfit.


"Kagome huh. Where do ye live?" she inquired




"Tokyo? Which direction is that?"


"I don't know, I was in my well house and I fell into my well." She paused "Then when I got out the well I was here." She finished


"Strange, so ye came from the future?"


"I don't know, and hey how are you so smart?"


" We priestesses are very intelligent" she boasted "And were going to have to get ye home."


"What's your name?"


"Kaede." She starts to walk away


"Hey what about this crazy boy trying to kill me?"


"Oh him, right." She pulled out a necklace and chanted a spell. The necklace then flew out of her hand and onto Inuyasha's neck.


"Hey what's going on?!" he tried to pull it off, in vain. "It won't come off!"


Kaede turned to Kagome. "Think of a subduing word, any word ye like."


Kagome thought. " Hmmm what about kitty?"


Kaede gave her a look. " What about sit?"


"Oh ok then, SIT!" Inuyasha fell to the ground and started laughing uncontrollably.


"Hey, what's happening? I can't stop laughing!"


Kagome turned to Kaede "What's happening to him?"


"Well it's simple actually."


"It is?"


"Yes, there is a spell on the necklace that whenever ye say sit, it causes him to be victim to fits of uncontrollable laughter."


" Oh see, that's cool!" she turned back to Inuyasha who had finally stopped laughing. "See you had better be nice to me or I'll have to say the word." She giggled as he snarled,


" Do it and I'll kill you!" he shouted and lunged at her.


"Inuyasha, sit boy!" she screamed and he fell to the ground laughing.


He glared up at her and spoke in-between laughs. "Stop doing that wench." He breathed.


She looked down at him with a hurt expression on her face. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Don't call me that you jerk!" she dropped to the ground crying.


Kaede walked up to Kagome and patted her on the back. "Don't ye take it that hard child. Inuyasha is like that to everyone."


Kagome looked up, her eyes red. "Really?" she choked out in a small voice.


"Yes, don't ye worry about it."


Her face instantly brightened. "OK then."


Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Geez, talk about mood swings."


Kagome turned on him, her eyes flaring `Uh oh' Inuyasha thought `Here it comes' he braced himself "SIT!" Inuyasha groaned as he hit the ground. Kagome stormed away followed by Kaede. "Hey, where are you guys going?!?" Inuyasha yelled and crawled after them.



Alright, well that's it. Did you guys like it? I know it probably looked a little weird, but I wasn't sure how to space it right since its basically all talking and no thinking. I figured the way I did it people wouldn't get confused about who was saying what. Lol well any way, review and tell me if you think I should leave it there or write more chappies. Thanks!