InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kinetics ❯ Privilege ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hiyo! I thought of this a few days ago when I pulled out an old CD. As I listened, the idea for this fic kinda just snuck up into my mind, and after a few days of thinking it over, I've decided to write it. So, sit back, relax, and take in the sweet sounds, because it's time for Track One of Make Yourself! ^.^

Disclaimer: Homey so hunngyy.... Homey have no money or rights to Inuyasha....

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Make Yourself

Track One: Privilege

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Isn't it strange that a gift could be an enemy
Isn't it weird that a privilege could feel like a chore
Maybe its me, but this line isn't going anywhere
Maybe if we looked hard enough we could find a back door
Find yourself a back door

Inuyasha wandered the halls of his high school, only half-aware of what was going on around him. He had just loaded his favorite CD into his new MP3 player, and was focusing more on the sounds of Incubus than his surroundings.

He was wearing a pair of regular fit Jeans and a black tee shirt, with an unbuttoned yellow and blue plaid dress shirt worn sloppily over it, as was his usual style. He wore a black cap, which the speakers of his headphones had been sewn into. It was a gift from his mother, so he could listen to his music and conceal his strange, dog-like ears.

Ahhh music. The one thing that gave him insight. The one thing that never looked down on him in any way. Music was probably the biggest thing in his life. He owed everything to it. Before music came along, we would run and cry at all the cat-calls and chantings of "Freak! Freak! Freak!", but that had changed, with music. He thought more on the effect music had on him as he switched over to his first favorite song ever. Make Yourself, by Incubus.

I see you in line dragging your feet
You have my sympathy
The day you were born you were born free
That is your privilege

"Kagoomeeeeee!" squealed Sango, Kagome's best friend and partner through everything.

"What is it, Sango?"

"What is it? We hardly saw each other all vacation!"

*sigh* "Yeah, that's true... I guess just didn't notice because of all the FUN I had the last few weeks at the BEACH!"

"Kagome! You're so mean!"

"Yeah, I know, and I can't wait 'til next summer, co'z you're coming with me!"

At this, both girls hugged each other. Friends forever.

Kagome was wearing a pale yellow sun-dress and unbuttoned blue sweater, with high heeled shoes and ankle socks. That's right folks, I'm sad to say it, but Kagome was popular. *Gasp!* Oh the horror! Not just that, but she just happened to be the most popular girl in the whole school, thank you very much, please proceed to kneel and beg for a date.

Kagome was not surprised to hear laughter, along with the familiar chanting of "Freak! Freak!" She sighed. 'I wonder what happened to that loser this time?'

Isn't it strange that the man standing in front of me
Doesn't have a clue why he's waiting or what he's waiting for
Maybe its me but I'm sick of wasting energy
Maybe if I look in my heart, I can find a back a door
Find yourself a back door

"Give it back..." Inyasha growled threateningly at the moron in front of him.

"And what're ya gonna do if I don't? Huh, Freak?"

"You don't wanna find out..." he answered, in a slightly more menacing tone.

"Hey, check it out everybody, Freak here is gettin' mad!"

Inuyasha was angry. Very angry. Not because of the chanting, or the constant taunting, or his exposed ears. They had taken him out of his song. They should die.

"This is you're last chance to give it back." He stated, clearly, emphasizing the words "Last Chance" with a deadly, menacing glare.

"Ooooohhh, I'm so scared, Freaks threatening is sooooooo sccaaaaarryyyyyy!" the guy said sarcastically. He then grabbed a Zippo from his pocket and lit the hat on fire, throwing it to Inuyasha's feet pompously. "There ya go, I've returned it to you, in a condition more... fitting of someone like you!"

"Bad move" Inuyasha said, calmly, his eyes taking on a slightly purple tint. With no warning, Inuyasha dove at the man, and before the laughing moron could react, it was too late. Inuyasha caught him with an uppercut, and then roundhouse kicked his body into a wall as it flew through the air.

He cracked his knuckles loudly. the hall had grown deadly silent. "Who's next?" He asked, his voice dripping malignance.

I see you in line dragging your feet
You have my sympathy
The day you were born you were born free
That is your
That is your privilege

"KOUUGAAA!!" Kagome screamed desperately, flinging herself at her boyfriends (*gag*) limp form. "Why'd you do this, you bastard?!" she shouted accusingly at Inuyasha, who ingored her completely and walked over to the remains of his hat. He bent down solemnly and gather up the charred remains. This wasn't his only one, but this one had been special. His mother had made it for him, a long, long time ago.

Sighing, he reached into his locker and grabbed another one. 'Sometimes I wonder what inspired her to make that thing...' he thought sadly. His mother had made it for him when he was a young child, before he even liked music... Before the accident....

Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he slammed the new hat onto his head, plugged the cord into his MP3 player, and blasted the familiar sounds once again. He sighed loudly and turned to head towards his first class, but bumped into an angry little short girl in a yellow dress. He mumbled an apology and went to leave, when a sudden shove from behind sent him falling forwards. He felt a weight on his back and could faintly hear sobs over his music, matching the beat of fists on his back. He unceremoniously dumped the girl on the ground as he continued walking, recognizing her as the girlfriend of that bastard. He braced himself this time as he felt her lunge at him again, and grinned as she bounced off of him to hit the hard ground below. People could be such a nuisance.

Find yourself a back door
I see you in line dragging your feet
You have my sympathy
The day you were born you were born free
That is your privilege

'That BASTARD!' Kagome thought as she watched his retreating form. 'He sent Kouga to the hospital with a broken arm, and he doesn't even CARE! What an ASSHOLE!!'

Getting up shakily, she composed herself and ran to where the ambulance was taking her boyfriend away. She watched sadly as the ambulance drove out of sight, and made her way to her first period class. Trig. 1. Great. Just perfect. She got to sit in class and sigh while concepts totally missed her. And then get yelled at when the teacher asked her to solve a problem. What a great day.

She didn't know how great it truly was until she walked in five minutes later. 'Oh no, why did I have to be in class with him. That fucking LOSER!' She tore her eyes from the familiar hat and sat down moodily.

Thankfully, her best friend was also in that class. She sat down next to Sango and practically said "Comfort me! I'm in need!" as she wept on her friends shoulder.

All of this was noticed by a certain silver haired boy, who sat at the back of the class, with the volume of his headphones turned low so that he wouldn't get caught, and could still hear the teacher. He was naturally good in Math, and it seemed that the more advanced the class was supposed to be, the easier it was to him. He remembered how everyone would moan and groan about the difficulty of Geometry, while he just stood there smugly with his 105% average and laughed.

But now, his focus was disturbed by the sobbing of the girl. The sound of the sobs racking through her and the smell of her salty tears screamed at his senses. He hated it when girls cried, and for some reason, this girl appeared to be special somehow. He didn't quite know why, but the girl known as Kagome had always sparked a certain interest in him. He sometimes, before the Change, would think of the possibility of being in love. Now he just dismissed the idea completely. After all, feelings were for the weak.

He scribbled down a short message on a piece of notebook paper and folded it neatly into a triangle, chucking it at the front wall and watching it bounce on to the girls desk, landing perfectly in the center. Oh yeah, Trig. was gonna be an easy class.

I see you in line dragging your feet
You have my sympathy

Kagome opened her diary to enter today's events before going to bed. The entry went something like this:

Dear Diary:

My life is so fucked up right now. Kouga, that unworthy bastard, dumped me when I went to visit him in the hospital. He said that if my old friends were gonna hurt him, he shouldn't be hanging around with him. What a selfish BASTARD! And anyway, me and that FREAK Inuyasha are NOT friends. my Mom just hired him as my Algebra 1 Tutor in 9th grade, I never, ya know, CARED about that loser. Sometimes though, I wonder how he goes on, you know, he hasn't got any friends, not even ONE! Doesn't he ever get lonely? Does he have any emotions at all? Ah well, it's not like I care or anything, I just get curious, y'know? Anywho, who needs an outcast like him when they've got a Sweet, Kind, Caring, and (hopefully) handsome Secret Admirer!? I found this note on my desk this morning in Trig. 1, right after aforementioned Loser beat the shit out of said Bastard, and it read: Tears that stain a face so pure, wherever will you find your cure, when concerned with the heart, none can be sure, but when you find that which you seek, then turning your head towards the meek, you'll find the answer hard to speak, but I'll be waiting, always...

How Romantic is THAT?! Sango was so jealous! And now I have a new mission in school... I swear, I will find out who wrote this poem, and I will let him know... I've fallen in love with a man with no face...

The day you were born you were born free
That is your
That is your privilege

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So what do you think? Yeah, I know, the poem sucked, but I didn't even know there was going to BE a poem until after I started writing, and I think I did pretty good for my first actual poem. Anywho, Reviews are appreciated, criticism taken into consideration and flames used to toast the marshmallows for my s'mores ^.^


Should I give Inuyasha a little outcast friend? If so, who should it be?

Yeah... make him hafta sit through Miroku's perverted thought and lectures on Women!

Hmm.... why not add the Kikyo Factor?

Why not give him a Naraku to play with?

But big-brother Sesshoumaru, I didn't MEAN to insult you, I just was commenting on how fluffy you're tail was!

Leave your answer in a review. Till next Track, Ja Ne!