InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kinetics ❯ Hotel California ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

a/n: Yo! Sorry it took so long, but I've been kinda busy with schoolwork and stuffs. Still more good new this time too ^.^ As I'm sure none of you knew, on account of me never, actually, quote-unquote "telling" you, I am an amateur bassist, still taking lessons, but more in theory and reading music than actually playing the bass, which I do quite well. Anywho, the place where I take lessons is holding a Spring/Summer recital for their advanced students soon, and I've been invited to play a few songs ^.^ I was at the wintrer one, and I was there when they planned the spring one, and I suggested like 4 of the songs on the list, but, hey, I can still be flattered/excited, ne? ^.^

Glee! So on with the story... Right. I'm sure a few of you were asking why I would have to up the rating after reading the last chapter. Well, the reason is, when I was re-reading some of the fic, I noticed that I had made Miroku and Inuyasha seem like they were the complete good guys, no flaws, no error, nothing. That ain't cool man. It's an unsung cliché, and I don't like it. So, like, I wanted to make sure that I showed their negative side too... and it's pretty bad, but alright through certain logical processes. You'll see what I mean later.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything...

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Track 8: Hotel California

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"Yay me!" Shippou yelled as he broke another record on the ancient Pac Man machine. Inuyasha snorted. Why'd the damned flight have to be delayed? Stupid weather, prolly wasn't even gonna be as bad as they thought.

"Hey man," Miroku said, turning from his fries to face Shippou, "You should be careful. Otherwise, you'll waste all your money on your addiction, and when we're in Cali, sipping tequilas and watching the sunrise (A/N: that was a bad one, XD) , you'll be left in the streets in rags with a styrofoam cup."

Shippou laughed at first. It wasn't until later, on the plane, that he thought about what he had said. 'Sipping tequilas.... that was just a joke... right?'

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Kagome giggled as she opened the door to she and Sango's hotel room. She had gotten so lucky with the room assignments. She didn't doubt that Myouga, the kind soul that he was, had meant for that.

So here she was, for a week, in California, with her best friend. This was the best thing to come out of EA1 all year. And, with Christmas break awaiting their arrival, her schedule seemed to be in an unstoppable charge of holy-goodness.

She smirked at her friend, who was settling in to the room. "So, since Mr. Myouga gave us an 11:00 pm curfew, what do you wanna do?" She asked.


"Go clubbing 'til one!" almost-shouted Miroku. Shippou was lost. Did they really intend on going out past the curfew?

"Excuse me..." he interjected shyly, "but was that supposed to be a joke?" Miroku stared as though Shippou had grown an extra head.

Inuyasha sighed. Rubbing his temples, he walked over and sat next to Shippou on the bed. "Hey, kid," he said, gruffly but with a sort of concern present, "this is a side of us that few people even care to ever learn about. Miroku and I... we aren't exactly the perfect innocence. We have our flaws, and trust me, they're big ones. But what makes us better than others," he said, as though the word better were some sort of curse, "is these three things. Self-control, responsibility, and, can you guess this one?"

"Acceptance," said Shippou. It was an almost-automatic reply.

"Exactly. Now," he glanced at Miroku, then back down to Shippou, "I'm not asking you to join us. In fact, I'd prefer it if you didn't. You don't have to come with us. All I have to ask, is that you can accept us with all of our flaws."

"No problem," said Shippou.

"And, what I said earlier, about us being better..." Inuyasha said, an almost-hesitation in his voice, "It's not really true... we're no better than anyone, we're just... more human, I guess you could say."

"Alrighty," Miroku said, signaling that the worst was over. It was obviously an uncomfortable subject for him... though Shippou couldn't begin to guess why.

"Alright. Now, are you sure you're alright with that? If not, we'll just stay here. As long as you know we're not perfect, and it's alright with you."

"Nah, go ahead man. I'll just stay here and check out what's on TV or something. You guys go have fun," Shippou said. He was a little curious about what some of their other habits could be, but other than that he was alright with it.

"Alright." Inuyasha said, as he started getting ready to leave.

As they were on their way out, Miroku turned> "Hey," he said, a joking tone already apparent in his deep velvety voice, "Be good, and maybe we'll bring home some good old fashioned adult entertainment. ^.^" And with that, he turned to go.

"You know," Inuyasha said as they walked down the street, "It's people like him who assure me that there's hope for the future. So innocent..."

"I know," said Miroku, absently rubbing his right forearm, "I know..."


"So where do you wanna go first?" Kagome asked as she turned to look at Sango.

"Hmm... why not... that place!" she said, pointing to a brightly lit building down the street.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ < p>"Sounds good to me," Inuyasha said impassively as the made their way toward the building.

"Okay, you ready?"

"I dunno, we haven't done this in a while, I think my routine's definitely a little rusty."

"Care to risk it?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Alrighty then," Miroku said affirmatively, and they walked over to the club's bouncer. "Hey," he said to they burly guy.

"Yo, I need to see some Identification, please," said the guy. He seemed to be the kind of person who looked tough, but was a pretty amiable guy at heart.

"No problem sir," Miroku said, handing him a fake ID, and Inuyasha did the same.


From there is was the same old routine. He asked the girls questions about birth dates and stuff, and they answered convincingly. After about 2 and a half minutes, they were in.

Quickly scanning the crowd, Sango noticed a few familiar faces. Like Kouga, who was in the corner, playing cards and drinking with some buddies.

"Huh?" she heard Kagome say behind her. "What are they doing here?"

Following her friend's gaze, she spotted the stooges, sans Shippou. 'Prolly too young looking to get in,' she thought.

"I hope they don't mess with anybody tonight..." Kagome said as she slid into a seat. The club was just a small time joint, with music and drinks, and a hazy atmosphere. She noticed a small karaoke stage set up in one corner of the place.

She heard Sango giggle in delight, and turned her attention to the pamphlet she was reading.

"What is it?" Kagome asked.

"Hn? oh, karaoke starts in half an hour ^.^"

'Yippie...' Kagome thought, 'musical torture...'

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"Damnit! Of all the clubs in town, you pick the one with a... a... a damned musical torture device!"

"Oh, c'mon Inu-baby, it'll be fun," Miroku said, adding a joking lisp to his voice.

"Eeeeewwwwwwww...." Inuyasha said, peeling Miroku's arm off of his.

"I'm just joking, man," he said.

"I know... but you've got mustard all on your sleeve,' he said.

"What! Nooooo! This is an expensive coat!" Miroku nearly flipped checking his sleeve a thousand times. "Where? Where?!"

"Hehe, somewhere above the shoulder and below the elbow."

"Why you stupid little..." Miroku said, letting the idle threats hang a moment.

They would have continued their little conversation, if it hadn't been for the lady who walked onto the karaoke stage and called for everyone's attention. they barely cared, and watched with loose interest as a guy the recognized immediately as Kouga, Inuyasha's long time rival, and the only one so far who was stupid enough to confront him physically more than once. He flipped through the book quickly, and settled on a song with no relation to his life and no relevance to him at all.

As the familiar chords of Hotel California hit his ears, Inuyasha felt a surge of anger. Who was this idiot? Why would he sing Hotel California, a song about the decadence of California in the 70's, a decadence that had since spread through the rest of the world, it seemed. It was obvious that this moron knew nothing of the meaning, just the words. He became more and more angry as the song went on, cursing the idiocy of the situation. He was butchering a masterpiece.

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Despite the song, Kagome felt pretty awkward at the moment. Where she would normally be enjoying the music, now she was confused and... angry? She turned quickly, and for a brief second imagine a dark black aura emanating from someone... Taking a closer look, it turned out that the owner of the aura was none other than Inuyasha... and now she felt a sort of guilt, although why she would never understand. And, deep down, a voice spoke to her unconscious mind, saying, "Time to wake up now..."

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ < p>At last that dolt was finished, and Miroku could take the stage for a real karaoke song. A song with litttle to no meaning to butcher, but still a cool song to sing.

Miroku could feel his friend's tension ease as the familiar chords filled the room. From somewhere in the audience, he heard a familiar voice, probably Kouga, call "loser!"

But that wasn't his purpose now. He was here for one reason, and for the next 4 minutes, that purpose would the only thing on his mind. He started to sing:

It's been a long time since that Rock and Roll,

It's been a long time since I did the Stroll,

Oh, let me get it back, let me get it back,

let me get it back, baby where I come from,

It's been a long time, been a long time,
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time. Yes it has.

Oh, it's been a long time since the book of Love,

I can't stand the tears of a life with no love,

Here, he shot an unintentional glance at Sango. He hadn't even noticed her since they entered, and was surprised to find that she had blushed at his gaze. However, this only lasted a second, as he continued.

Carry me back, carry me back,
Carry me back, baby, where I come from.
It's been a long time, been a long time,
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.

Seems so long since we walked in the moonlight,
Making vows that just can't work right.
Open your arms, opens your arms,
Open your arms, baby, let my love come running in.
It's been a long time, been a long time,
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.


Shock. Surprise. Curiosity. These were the feelings Kagome experienced when she saw the blush creeping onto her friend's face. 'So they wanna play a little game, do they?' she thought wryly.

Stepping up onto the stage, she flipped through the book a few times, until settling on a song that she deemed appropriate. She began (sans choir):

I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she was gonna meet her connection,
At her feet was her foot-loose man.

And you can't always get what you want,
Honey, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime, yeah,
You just might find you get what you need!

We went down to the demonstration to get our fair share of abuse,
Singing, "We gonna vent our frustration"
If we don't we'll blow a fifty amp fuse
So, I went to the Chelsea Drugstore to get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with my friend, Mr. Jimmy
And man, did he look pretty ill
We decided that we would have a soda,
My fav'rite flavor was cherry red
I sing this song to my friend, Jimmy,
And he said one word to me and that was "dead"

And you can't always get what you want, honey
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime, yeah,
You just might find you get what you need!

I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practised at the art of deception,
I could tell by her blood-stained hands

And you can't always get what you want, honey
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want,
But if you try sometime, yeah,
You just might find you get what you need!

And you can' always get what you want, honey,
You can't always get what you want,
You cant always get what you want,
But if you try sometime, yeah,
You just might find you get what you need!

At the end oh her performance, she shot the two boys a meaningful glare, as if to say "They freak me out. Tell them to stop."


Inuyasha grinned madly. So she wanted a show, then, did she? This was going to be a little bit too much fun. *Glee*

When Inuyasha took the stage, he didn't contemplate like the others. Instead, he had a purpose... to find one song... the song that would start a riot...

"A hah!" he said loudly as he found the song he was looking for. Punching the numbers into the machine, he grinned evilly. Oh it would be so much fun ^.^

After the familiar bassline intro, he began:

I been dazed and confu-u-u-used,

so long it's not true,

wanted a woman, never bargained for you,

lots of people talk, pretty few of 'em know,

soul of a woman was created below, ah that's right,

He smiled at teh gasp as he forcefully threw the lyric book away. This would be great.

Oh everybody's been token, lord,

I swear they been token dry,

The way that you push-push-push me darlin',

I can't take too much of that,

So comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon,

baby show me the way,

I wanna make LOVE to you, pretty baby,

a twenty five, twenty-five,



Oh, twenty five hours, a day!

Gasps. He was delighted at the sound. Too bad he had bailed on the guitar thing so long ago... ah well, those days were over, back to the present.

You hurt and abuse tellin' all of your lies,

shoulda quit you long time ago baby,

but you got m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-mez-emerized,

I still wanna make love to you little baby, ah twenty five, twenty five, twenty five!

Twenty five!

Everybody's been token baby, swear they been token dry,

the way that you push me darlin,

you know that I can't take too much of that,

So comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon,

show me the way,

I still wanna make love to you little baby, a twenty five, twenty five,

He took this opportunity to gyrate his hips suggestively and smile at all the women in the audience. What an impression he had left...

Twenty five!

Kagome fumed. Just what the hell was this jackass thinking?!

Oh baby, you know every day!

The song finished, and the crowd applauded wildly, sans the Eisenhower High students present. That had gone rather well, Inuyasha couldn't help but pride himself. And, Karaoke was over, so he wouldn't have to sit through anymore crap. Ah, life was becoming sweet...

And things would only get better!

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ < p class="c3">Next Chapter: (Hate to keep on with the Eagles thing, but it's gotta be) Tequila Sunrise!

Well... that was poor. I don't like it. Meh, oh well. The lyrics for Dazed and Confused were a collaboration of the live version from The Song Remains the Same and my own demented mind. But hardly.

Anywho, the next chapter is gonna be sooooooo fun! Just remember the old saying: One tequila, two tequila, three tequila...


Ja Ne!

Poll: Err... kinda stupid, but how old do you think I am?



