InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kinetics ❯ Going to California ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Yo, it's me again, obviously. Nothing too special in this chapter, except of course...


A friend and I are going to see the Eagles Farewell 1 tour in Boston at the Fleet center in July ^.^ I'm excited, and I can't wait, and it's cool! Well, that's enough gloating for now... ^.^ Sorry people, but you'd be excited too if you were me...

Oh, and I know I promised "What is and What Should Never Be", but, it's not time yet. So, whatever, I'll get to it, eventually. Maybe. Bleh.

Anywho, in this chapter, things are gonna start happening, and the plot will thicken! Onward!

Oh, one more thing. I was re-reading the fic, and I noticed I forgot to specify a location -.- Ah well, I'm forgetful about that. Anywho, the fic takes place in a suburb of Boston, MA. Why the Japanese names and such? I dunno, co'z I felt like it....

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my Eagles tickets! Wee-hehehe!!

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Track 7: Going to California

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No one moved. How could they? That had been the scariest experience of their life. Inuyasha slowly raised his arm to turn off the CD player. "Guys?" he questioned, his voice quivering, "did we really just do that?"

Shippou was the first to regain his composure. "Yes," he said, obviously quite flustered, "yes, I daresay we did. Oh my, oh my."

"I think," said Miroku, "That we should not listen to Bruce Springsteen in the car anymore..." His words came out as if he had just witnessed a medieval stoning.

"No anthems, then," said Inuyasha, the fear slowly subsiding...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^

"Kagome!" Sango called when she saw her friend in the hallway.

"Sango," she replied, "what's happening?" Kagome saw Shippou enter the school with Inuyasha and Miroku, and a pang of guilt surged through her, but she decided to ignore it. Besides, he seemed happier now, right? So it all worked out okay... if only she could convince that little feeling of regret.

"Are you listening, Kagome?" Sango asked, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, what were you saying?"

"Nothing nothing, you'll find out in Entertaining Arts 1 anyway..."

Kagome sighed. If there was any one class she hated, not matter what grades she got, no matter what it was about, it was EA1. It was the only class she had taken that had NO ONE cool in it. She had no one to talk to for an hour and a half everyday... poor lonely thing... (A/N: yeah right, -.-) Although she and Sango had signed up to be in the class together, fate had separated them, and Kagome only saw Sango leaving EA1 while she was entering. Damn.


"Hey, did you hear the rumors..." Inuyasha blocked the sound off there, knowing what to expect. He hated how people gossiped about every little thing in the school, he in particular.

"The first thing you need to know," he said, turning to Shippou, "is how to tell one of us from one of them."

"What exactly do you mean, one of us?"

"He means," said Miroku matter-of-factly, "That you need to be able to tell the Jocks and Cheerleaders from the realistic people."

"Well put," complimented Inuyasha, "You see, in this school, there are basically two types of people. The popular ones, and the ones who are going to college. The popular ones have everything now, and they have all the fun and all the specialty rights to everything, and they're the oppressors. However, the ones who are going to college are secure in the fact that some day, their oppressors will be asking them if they want fries."

"I see," said Shippou, a mock-interest plastered on his voice. He had seen the actual purpose of this conversation as they had passed a group of gossiping guys who turned to hear Inuyasha's speech.

"You catch on quickly, my student," said Inuyasha as he picked up the tone of Shippou's voice.

"Aye, he'll make a fine companion indeed," said Miroku.

"Nevertheless, I think it's time you met one of our friends in high places." Inuyasha continued, walking in the direction of the office of the school's principal.

"Yo!," said Miroku obnoxiously loudly as he stepped in the door. "How're things today, Narky? Ready to talk to us about your childhood?"

"What are you two doing here? School hasn't even started yet!"

"I'm hurt." said Inuyasha mockingly. "We just came by to introduce our new friend Shippou, and you get all accusational. I thought we were friends," Inuyashe let a mock-hurt enter his tone as he sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"God not another one."

"What's the matter, Narky? Haunting visions again?"

"That's none of your business, Miroku!"

"Well, whenever you feel loose enough to talk, we'll always be there to listen."

"Listen my ass..." Naraku mumbled as he went back to his work, which consisted of sitting around looking busy all day and signing flyers that were to be run off for everyone in the school.

"Well, anyway, back to the reason we came here. You see, our good buddy Shippou here is having some trouble with the current locker assignments, i.e., his locker isn't next to ours," Inuyasha said, the most creepily lawyer-like tone you could ever imagine. Kowaii... o.o

"Oh, so you want to move his locker, do you? Meh, whatever."

"Sir, thank you, sir!" said Shippou in a respective, almost militaristic tone.

"Used to authority, is he?" Naraku asked suspiciously.

"Oh, well have that changed by next week," said Miroku boredly.

"Well, yeah, thanks, and we'll see you later," said Inuyasha as he started walking to his next class, Shippou and Miroku following.

"No problem," Naraku called after them. When he was sure they were out of earshot, he mumbled to himself, "God I'm so terribly lonely..."

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^

"Attention class, attention please!" called Mr. Myouga. "I have some very exciting news for you today!"

The class slowly quieted down as he said this. When he was sure he had the attention of the class, he began again, "Class, I have some very good news for you today. The school board has responded to my requests, and has actually put aside part of the budget to allow me to take my Senior classes an a trip to California, to go to the Warner Brothers lots and see some of the various other sites."

By the time he was half finished with the word California, the class was buzzing again, this time with excitement. And in her seat in the front-left corner of the room, Kagome suddenly felt more and more alone... poor thing... (A/N: you know I'm being sarcastic right? Lolz, no, seriously, there are going to be a few very important notes about Kagome at the bottom, because of the common question I keep getting in my reviews: Why is Kagome such a bitch?)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ < p>"Nice!" Inuyasha said, walking out of his EA1 class with Miroku and Shippou in tow. Naraku had been nice enough to see to it that Shippou's schedule could be changed. Isn't that nice?

"'Spent my days with a woman unkind, smoked my stuff and drank, all my wine,'" Miroku said, quoting Zeppelin.

Picking up where Miroku left off, Inuyasha began to sing, in a very melodious voice, "'Made up my mind, gonna make a new start, goin' to California with an aching, In my heart,'"

Shippou, not wanting to be left out, continued, "'Someone told me there's a girl out there, with love in her eyes and flowers, in her hair,'"

"So the young learner is wisened in the ways of music? Nice..." Inuyasha said, before continuing, in unison with Miroku and Shippou, "'Took my chances on a big jet plane, never let 'em tell you that they're aa-a-aalll the same, oh, the sea was red and the sky as grey, wondered how tomorrow, could ever follow today...'"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^

Kagome sighed as three familiar voices hit her ears, singing in almost prefect harmony, "'I'll find the queen, without a king, they say she plays guitar and crys, and sings, la-la-laa-la.'"

"Will you dorks knock that out! It's not like the hallway is a private studio or something!"

They just ignored her, continuing, "Standing on the heel of my mountain of dreams, telling myself it's not as hard, hard, hard as it seems, oh no no..."

'And to think I felt sorry for them once...' Kagome thought bitterly. Deep down though, that annoying little feeling of regret would not go away...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ < p class="c3">Time Warp!: Later!

(Not in the mood to write it backwards today! @.@)


I nuyasha sighed as he climbed onto the bus that would take them to the airport. He couldn't believe some of the kids who were taking EA1. 'Prolly just because it's and easy Art credit... keh!'

He sighed as he noticed his long-time antagonist and rival, Kouga, sitting in the back of the bus and talking to the many girls who were swooning at him. The sight made Inuyasha sick. 'What a stupid man-whore,' he thought as he sat down in the second seat back, Shippou and Miroku taking the two seats next to him. (A/N: by bus I meant like a motor-coach, not a school bus, so there are three comfy seats on either side of the aisle for each row ^.^ I like motor-coaches!)

"Yay," said Miroku sarcastically, "Another hour and a half of bus-songs. Funny, but I'd actually thought they'd be over that by high school..."

"Yeah, well, I'm so sorry for you, but I've got some serious listening to do."

"Hey, you know what Mr. Myouga said! You'll be in deep shit if he finds you with a CD player on the bus!"

"Yeah, well, firstly, it's an MP3 player, so my mad lawyering skillz can be put to good use, and secondly," he said, adjusting his hat meaningfully, "Who's gonna notice?"

"Oh no you don't," said Miroku as he reached over and snatched Inuyasha'a hat. "If we have to sit through this hell you can be damn-well sure that you will too!"

"You know you're just paving the way for me to get back at you with an elaborate and well thought out plan of revenge." said Inuyasha calmly as he reached over Shippou to try and swipe back his hat.

"I know, but for know, I think it's worth it."

"As long as they don't sing Queen, I think I'll be alright..." Inuyasha said, jinxing the whole thing, of course, as the familiar beat filled the bus.

"Ye gods..." Shippou mumbled as the bus rolled out.


A /N: Well, thats all for now really... I kinda wanted to write another part in, but it's been a few days since I've updated (blame it on my out-of-townliness), so I want to get this out. It really doesn't matter too much which chapter I put it in, and it probably actually makes more sense to put it in the next. Ah well.

Expect "Hotel California" in a few days, as well as a rating change (upping it to R... good reasons, good reasons) and the first Interlude/Review Response

No poll today... sigh...

Ja Ne!