InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kinetics ❯ New Kid in Town ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Yo! I'm losing reviewers *sob* but whatever. The ones I have are all really cool and I thank you guys a bunch and I promise I won't get discouraged like with all my other fics >.< I'm gonna keep writing this one if it kills me!

So, like yeah, another note, I hope you all will read or have read Greywolf's "Let The Music Be Your Master". It's like my favorite fic now, honestly.

This chapter will be very much along the lines of the last chapter, but not a songfic. It's still all about bringing Shippou in to the story, and I might try to fit in some more about the antagonist (notice I didn't say villain >.<). Those of you familiar with the Eagles can probably guess what this chapter is all about. ^.^

Disclaimer: Money is a thing that only rich people have.



Track 6: New Kid in Town


S hippou smiled as he made his way over to his table for lunch. It had been a little over a week since he and his family had moved in, and he was fitting in rather well with his classmates, despite being two years younger than most. Still, sometimes he would start to feel paranoid about what Inuyasha had said to him, the words repeating in his head...

'Suit youself kid, but don't say I didn't warn you...'

Blinking, Shippou glanced over at Inuyasha and his friend that he could only guess was Miroku. What would he know about it? I mean, he was practically the farthest thing from these people, what would he know about them?


"Dude, I don't get punk rockers," said Inuyasha as he sat down next to Miroku (A/N: Sorry to punk fans, but this is something between me and a friend I just had to put in. Gomen!). "I mean, the music is all about government conspiracy, but, like, the Music industry is the farthest you can get from government besides cobbling, so what would they know about it? Plus it's all way too happy about it. Too much C major, not enough A minor*."

"I know what you mean. It's like, people will blindly follow trends just as sheep will blindly follow a shepherd. If the shepherd say punk is cool, the sheep just graze and try to "Baa" to the beat, failing miserably most of the time."

"It just makes no sense to me, you know? Music these days is taking a turn for the worse. Give me Zeppelin, give me Rush, hell, give me the Guess Who, but there's no way anyone could make me go to a Blink 182 concert and jump around with all the 12 year olds and their mommies."

"Heard, heard," said Miroku. He seemed a bit distracted.

"Hey, what do you know about the new kid?" he suddenly asked Inuyasha.

Our silver-haired hero sighed, and told him, "He's lonely, wants friends, he's an Idiot, and fairly good at hiding things from people."

"Not from you, though?"

"No. Not from me." 'It's impossible to hide things from me...'


Kagome had decided not to attend lunch that day, as she had some serious thinking to do. 'Oh man, oh man oh man! There's no way I'll pass if this keeps up!'

She sighed as she looked down at the paper in her hands. Another F, her second since 'he' had stopped tutoring her. She sighed again. Somehow it seemed like it was more than that... almost like he was avoiding her altogether.

She shook herself from this line of thought. What did it matter, he was just another nothing in the world... Somehow, though, she felt she would regret saying that... As time went on, it was becoming increasingly harder for her to convince herself of everything she knew about the world. She needed a security blanket like mofo right now, and was relieved when she spotted Sango, her best friend.

"Sango! I need to talk to you!"

"What's the problem, Kagome?"

"I just need you to help me with something. You see, recently... I don't know, I've been feeling kind of... sorry... you know, for Inuyasha..."

"Eep! Be careful where you're saying these things, Kagome, you never know who might hear you!"

"I know, I know, but I just need someone to re-assure me that he's really a bad person, you know. Like a doctor's second opinion..." she spoke, not once realizing the implications of referring to him as a disease.

"Well, he's obviously a freakish mutant. And remember when he beat up that senior last year?"

"Well... no, I don't. You know, I heard all about that... but I never actually saw the alleged victim."

"Be careful with words like alleged! You're making it sound like you don't believe the rumors!"

"But how can I believe them, really? I mean, they're just rumors, aren't they? I thought I heard someone say that the kid only moved away because of a scholarship."

"I can't believe it Kagome! You've joined the dark side!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Miroku as he turned a corner, Inuyasha following.

"It means that if society were the Force, you guys would be all the evil!"

"Hmph, never though of it that way... Society like the force, eh?" mused Inuyasha, "So there's a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together... does that not also mean that your society is like duct-tape? The poor man's adhesive?"

"Ohhh, you guys are terrible!" Sango was fuming. How could these lowly nobody's have twisted her words like that! It was infuriating that these lowly, stupid-


Sango froze. A nervous smile tugged at her lips as she shakily turned to face her friend. "Wha-... what, Kagome?"

"I said I was sorry..." Kagome was having a hard time herself. What had caused that? They didn't deserve her respect... did they? This whole thing was getting pretty complicated...

"No problem..." she heard Inuyasha say, as he turned and walked away. At least he was gone now, and he wouldn't bother her... so why didn't she feel better?

"Sango..." she said, "I think we really need to hang out after school today. Really."

Sango just nodded and gulped. Her friend was in a more serious situation than she had thought...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^

Shippou laughed as he departed from some of his new friends. Hanging around with Kagome had really helped his social status. He walked toward the front of the building to walk home, but stopped when he saw two people- he recognized them as student council members- Put a flyer up on the bulletin board in the Lobby. He smirked when he quietly read thenotice to himself.

"After School dance social, Friday December 13. Students must arrive in pairs, heart mark. Heh, I wonder if Kagome's going with anybody?"

He felt his spirits lift as he continued on his way. Having nothing better to do, he thought about some fun pranks he'd like to play one the unsuspecting lower-classmen. And that's when it hit him.


@.@ Time Warp! Friday:

:yadirF !praW emiT @.@


Th e school was buzzing already as more and more people arrived, filling the auditorium and leaving the teachers thankful for the invention of Advil. All but one anyway.

Sesshoumaru sighed. The Tylenol he had just wasn't cutting it. Then again, he was pretty sure nothing less than Morphine would get rid of his headache by the end of the night. God why did people have to be so noisy?

He sighed again as he saw Miroku and Inuyasha arguing with teacher at the door. "But it's a couples only dance!" the teacher argued.

"Well the flyer says that it's for pairs! And, there being two of us, we just happen to fit in that position!" Miroku argued back. It's a wonder he didn't choose to pursue a career in Law...

"Yeah, what he said!" Inuyasha yelled. Nothing better than outsmarting your teacher...

"Let the in..." said Sesshoumaru as he groaned his way over.

"You don't look too good... headache?" asked Miroku.

"Yeah... how do you guys stand it?" he said, as the violent waves of pain fluxuated.

"The secret," said Inuyasha, leaning in conspiratorially, "is to take 3 Advil half an hour before you go. And wear some nice earplugs."

Sesshoumaru just nodded his thanks and groaned away.

"Whatever," said Miroku, "C'mon, lets got raise some hell." Of course, by that he meant "Lets go sit around drinking soda and discussing the corrupted values of society, like we do everyday at lunch."

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ < p>Kagome smiled, her arm wrapped around Shippou's, who looked like he was about to explode from joy. He just couldn't believe he was here, with the most popular girl at his side, on a date. This kind of thing never would have happened at his old town. A lot of things never would have happened in his old town. He sighed, letting the visions come back to him...

"Hey, where ya goin', freak? Gonna hide with your tail between your legs? Huh?"

He shuddered. So he hadn't told anyone that part yet, but still... his friends wouldn't walk out on him over something like that, would they? After they got to know him? And as hard as he tried to fight it, Inuyasha's warning rang in his ears again...


Kouga was mad. Who was this little dweeb who had brought Kagome? After she refused him, when he had come crawling back to her, completely repent of his old ways. Well, maybe not crawling... and maybe not so repent either... but still, she had chosen this little orange-haired dork over Kouga? What a disgrace!

He glanced over at his own date. Of course Kagura had beauty, but somehow it was eerily similar to the beauty of a nuclear explosion, best seen on videotape a long way off and fifty years later. She also some weird vendetta against Kagome, always plotting the other girl's downfall.

She would be a perfect partner to help Kouga take his revenge...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^

"Hey wanna see something funny?" Inuyasha asked Miroku, after their brief discussion on many small bloodsucking creatures (aka Politics) was finished.

"Sure," he replied passively, paying more attention to the song playing over the speakers.

"Hey man, I like your hair!" Inuyasha called to Shippou.

"Really?" Shippou asked, cautiously sidling over to them, without drawing any attention to himself. Inuyasha had to hand it to him, this kid learned quick.

"Yeah, it's incendiary**" he said, a polite and friendly tone in his voice.

"Ha ha, very funny. " Shippou responded flatly. Did this guy really think he was that dumb?

"I have to say, I'm impressed. For the people you hang out with, you have enough intelligence to bring about the next Atom Bomb. Although no one is really sure if that'd be a good thing..."

He stopped when he noticed a familiar look settle on the kids face... one he knew very well himself. "Hey kid," he said apologetically, "listen, I don't really mean any of that. I'm just joking, you know, haha? I didn't really want to make you feel bad or anything..."

"No no, it's quite alright. After all, they did warn me about you..." Shippou said, his face lifting into a pleasant grin as he walked away.

"Heh, the nerve of some people. You try to apologize, and they have to be all diplomatic about it."

Miroku was still lost in the lyrics when his friend's voice reached his ears. He had a bad feeling that by the time this song was over, something bad was gonna happen...


Kouga wasted no time when he saw Kagome break away from Shippou. He stealthily follower her away to the bathrooms, where he waited, planning like... well, honestly, like a small-minded voracious predator, or even closer, the IRS. Which just goes to show how evil you can be without planning.

As she walked back out on to the dance floor, he pursued like a P.I. in a bad movie. Which means that everyone around him noticed him, except for Kagome.

"Care to dance?" he asked as he walked up to stand next to her.

"No thanks, I brought a date," she answered coldly.

"Oh, I'm sure he won't mind. He's probably off playing marbles with his friends somewhere." Kouga said, forcefully pulling her out onto the floor with him. 'Revenge is so sweet,' he thought...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^Shippou was inwardly fuming as he went to find Kagome. That rat bastard, he was sneaky, making him doubt his friends and then making fun of him when he least expected it. What a jerk!

He was angrier still when he found his date, dancing with one of the people that didn't take kindly to him. Kouga... that bastard, who did he think he was stealing his date... oh well, Kagome didn't seem to be enjoying herself too much, so maybe...

He was shocked. He was kissing her... and she was kissing him. And as the world around him began to fade, he felt a tugging, and then a loud sound, and then laughter. He snapped back to find himself trouser-less. 'Oh no!' he thought, 'not now!'

He turned to find a crowd of hysterics, all of whom he had once thought of as friends, laughing at his abnormal appendage. And his fluffy tail sagged in defeat, as he pulled up his pants and walked away, the familiar insults ringing in his ears. Only this time he wasn't imagining it.


In uyasha got up and dusted himself off, and then looked down on the stupid bitch who had panced Shippou. "Why did you do that?!" he fumed.

"So that Kagome's night would be ruined. Funny though, I didn't expect we'd have two freaks in the school..." Kagura smirked like she had just said something intelligent.

"You ignorant slut!" Miroku called as he walked to his friends side.

"Don't even bother, Miroku. She's not worth the oxygen. C'mon, let's go find the kid."

And Kagome watched this with a confused look and tears in her eyes. That bastard Kouga was a smooth talker, but he wouldn't get to her again. She would see to that. But why did Inuyasha just try to help Shippou? Could he have known? And why would mean, violent Inuyasha-the-freak care? Why was she questioning this again? Hadn't she just straightened herself out? Ye gods, where was Sango when you needed her?


" How long have you known?" Shippou asked as Inuyasha and Miroku stepped out into the night air.

"Since I saw your pants wagging in Social Studies your first day."

"I shouldn't have listened to her, you know. I should have just gone straight to you, since we have common grounds and all."

"It's alright. It's not like yours was as obvious as mine. If you could have kept it up for another month, I daresay they wouldn't have cared."

"But you and i both know it's impossible to keep secrets long here, when you're in the spotlight." Miroku added, noticing a different feel in the air.

"So you're not angry that I ignored your advice?"

"Of course not. We're all allowed to be ignorant media-whores sometimes."

"You know, I probably deserved that. I was planning on pranking you big time in there."

"I know. Why else would anyone hide a box of milkbones in their trunk?"

"How did you?"

"The first thing people notice is his ears," said Miroku, "but very few ever get to learn about his nose."


Time Warp!: Mid-Next Week!

!keeW txeN-diM :!praW emiT


" We need an anthem," Miroku said as he hopped into Inuyasha's Father's car.

"Hmm..." Shippou pondered. "I wonder what would apply to us though? Certainly not Eye of the Tiger."

"Don't worry," Inuyasha said as he started the drive to the school, "I've already thought of that." He turned up the CD player.

Oh baby this town rips the bones from your back,

it's a death trap, a suicide rap,

we gotta get out while we're still young...

The three boys smiled as they pulled into the parking lot, cranking the music and singing "Co'z tramps like us, baby we were born to run!"


A/N: @.@ I know I know, Über Cliché. I had to do it though, I've been listening to that song all week! >.< Ah well, I promise, I'll never do anything that cheesy again, unless it's a romantic scene, where I can't make any promises. Anywho, give me feedback on the rest of the fic, because thats what I really wanted to write. Oh, and I kind of worked the Conflict in too (If you're not familiar with the Five C's of story development, and are interested in how it all works, let me know, and I might write 'Inuyasha's Guide to Better Ficwriting')

*A minor is the key of almost every famous rock song. Stairway to Heaven and Change the World for example ^.^

** Incendiary: adj. Fiery or having likeness to flame. n. Any person who sets fire to a building or other valuable property with malicious intent.

Poll: What are your suggestions to help make this story BETTER?

Ja minna!